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Communications Publishing thanks to my own investigating with finding ripoff reports, I just wanted to say thanks, or I would have been ripped off New York New York
I had recieved in the mail a card from Communications Publishing, stating no-risk priority certificate, rush me a copy of America's Secret Cash Giveaways.
It says I am fully protected by your 100% guarantee. If I don't recieve $20,000-$200.00 in the next 12 months, I may return the book for a prompt, couteous refund.
Thanks to finding ripoff I avoided getting riped off. I just wanted to say thank you for saving me.
I have to say though, I found you purely by accident on my computer. I never new this exsisted, except for the bad business bureau.
I think maybe you should advertise on every national Tv station. Or maybe Iv'e just been in the dark.
I have been on disability with my job since June 2003 due to having two surgery's. I was just trying to do something to help make ends meet. I am sure I am not alone.
People should be very careful when your feeling desperate. Their is difinately too many people in the world who try to take advantage of people who are in need.
Thanks again, at least I found you which has been far better than that stupid book could of ever been.