  • Report:  #1108373

Complaint Review: CommunityAid - Mechanicsburg Pennsylvania

Reported By:
NotYour.B.Anymore - Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania,

4833 Carlisle Pike Mechanicsburg, 17050 Pennsylvania, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 I was employed at CommunityAid in Mechanicsburg PA for about six months. Most of the employees are nice people. The assistant managers are nice people. The Nice stops there.

The HR Manager was completely useless. She doesn't have a clue how to do her job. She would hire new employees to departments and not tell the department supervisor. She scheduled new employees to start at times when other new employees would have to train them. She refused to help anyone with any complaint or problem brought to her attention. Who do you ask for help from when the HR manager is useless?

Certainly not the owner. Glenn Chandler only cares about his store looking pretty and where his minimal staff is. He wants a full time amount of work to get done by a part time amount of staff. And believe me he has his favorites. If you're not one of them, he likely doesn't know your name.

They hire their employees for a set number of hours (part time hours, heaven forbid anyone be full time) but have so few employees that most of them end up working full time hours anyway. And since its on record that everyone is 29 hours or less, nobody can have benefits. They all work like dogs for the tiny pennies Glenn is willing to pay his employees after buying store after store and giving away millions of dollars and making sure he is sitting pretty. What does he do for them? A $50 Christmas bonus and a $25 gift card to some crappy restaurant.

Lets talk about why I got fired. Helping other employees and not twiddling my thumbs when there is work to be done sounds like a good quality in an employee, correct? Apparently not. If its not on the Job Description that they give you when they swear you in to that hell hole, they don't want you doing it. I also asked for a position change, 4 hours later I lost my job. Clearly they want you where they put you, if you don't like it, you can leave.

Shoppers only see the surface of this place. On the surface it looks like a wonderful place to shop and like it runs smoothly. Its not and it isn't. Nothing in this place goes the way it should. The employees are miserable. The owner is two faced and complains about customers and their children as soon as they turn their backs.

They are now severely short on employees. Especially over the holidays, seeing as a lot of them will be on vacation and I'm the only one who ever bothered to cover shifts. So if you're interested in working at a store who claims to be "Christian" yet is hateful towards all of their employees and lies about everything, feel free to apply.

Glenn, when you make your rebuttal, don't call me a disgruntled former employee. Kristin already tried that while I was employed by you. I truly feel sorry for you and what is happening to the reputation of your business.


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Missing the Point about "Community Aid"

#2Author of original report

Fri, December 20, 2013

You have completely missed the point. I adored my job. I busted my a*s for them and was glad to do it. You keep saying "its work,  not fun" like I didn't want to do it. That's not it at all. I want them to acknowledge the employees who are still there for doing the same things before they leave. They obviously don't appreciate hard work. And being that CommunityAid (search it as two words, there are several other repports) is a non profit organization and boasts about all the charity work they do, it shouldn't all be about profit.

As being a disgruntled employee, yeah I guess you could ay I'm a bit upset. I could even go so far as depressed at times. But seeing as when he makes a rebuttal all he can do is say "oh don't believe this person they're just a former disgruntled employee" or "hey go to our website or come to our store, it'll be fine" I figured he should have a little more to say.


Well since..

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, December 20, 2013

 Since I am not this Glenn person I have no idea what this store is..I'll do it.  You can try to deny it all you want but you sound like the standard definition of a "Disgruntled Employee".  After all if this place is so bad why are you so upset about being fired?  One would think you would have left this job a long..long time ago.

Here is some information for you..work sucks..that is why it is called work and not fun.  You are going to be asked to do things you don't want to do.  You are going to have to deal with people that you don't like.   Your going to run into managers who have their "favorites", you are also going to find out a lot of times you will also find out that this idea of "favorites" is all in your mind and doesn't really exist.  The successful people work through this and make the best of it.

Here is some information on business.  Full time employees cost more money because they have benefits.  An employer could have 2 part time employees working a total of more hours than 1 full time employee for a lot less money.  It's just business.  If when you start you own business you want everyone to have benefits..then more power too you and I am sure you will have employees lining up down the street. But it doesn't make this company a RipOff.

Oh and as an FYI a $50 Christmas Bonus AND a $25 certificate is about $75 more than most companies give their employees.




#4General Comment

Thu, December 19, 2013

 But you ARE disgruntled. Sounds to me that you have a few issues with wealth dispersment. So the owner doesnt give the best christmas gifts, big deal. They dont have to give you ANYTHING. So $75.00 during this time of year is a bit more useful then say a stocking full of candy.

You are complaining about "full time" and "part time" like there is any difference with the exception of hours and benifits. You STILL have to do the work reguardless of if you work 4 hours or 8 hours. What youre complaining about is the same EVERYWHERE. You attempt to bash the owner, but the owner is in business, wait for it, TO MAKE MONEY!!!!! Its obvious to me atleast that you have never had the responsability of managment. Two of the biggest costs for ANY business is PAYROLL and INVENTORY. If you can run a shop with a few less people then you do so to make your business MORE profitable. After the costs of employees and inventory weekly, whatever is left is used to pay bills. Whatever is left AFTER bills is the profit. I can tell you this much as a member of managment. The profit is normally as small as it gets. Due mainly in part to the consumer either trying to get something as cheap as they can or just buying the bare minimum. And lets not get into online ordering...thats a brand of hell that the retail business HAS to endure.

Really sounds like there is going to be NO JOB that is going to make you happy. They call it WORK for a reason. Its called work and NOT happy happy funtime. Your complaints are shallow at best. Slander at the worst. Yes YOU may have been useful as an employee, but if they let you go then you MUST have done something to either iritate them or you broke company policys.

You need to grow a slightly thicker skin. Its this way NO MATTER WHERE YOU WORK. The best thing you can do in the future at your new job is to not participate in the office politics. Its unneeded stress. Help where you can but dont go above and beyond. Because they will only appreciate the above and beyond for maybe a min or two. When the s**++ hits the fan they dont care or care to remember the efforts you have put in.

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