  • Report:  #62629


Reported By:
- Columbia City, Indiana,

332 Minnesota Street CONSECO FINANCE, 55101 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
What we see here as reported previously by others who have been harmed by the dishonest actions of those working at CONSECO FINANCE is an understatement and just the tip of the iceberg once a proper investigation is innitiated by the FBI on charges of RACKETEERING INFLUENCED CORRUPT ORGANIZATION using mail and wire FRAUD to achieve its intented schemes.

I have recently been married to my beloved bride and due to my experience in court with legal matters and litigation and filing of complaints and obtaining discovery and admissions to prove the facts in evidence I have no doubt that a class action and numerous individual actions for damages can be sustained against CONSECO FINANCE and those this corrupt corporation allows to run rampart like pack of mad wolves upon helpless prey.

Recently CONSECO FINANCE collections agents have coerced a renter to remit two payments by means of intimidation, even though this man had no contractural relationship and hence no obligation to remit by Western Union these tenders, while living in the mobile home that GREENTREE has recorded a slander of title against, that my wife owns. This renter has been badgered and harrassed for months by the collection agents working at CONSECO FINANCE, as an innocent victim at all hours of the day and several times at work. The obnoxious and apparently criminal behavior of these collection agents has caused the renter to breach his lease and suffer various injuries that qualify for recovery and relief in court, seperate from the claims that apparently thousands of others have against CONSECO FINANCE and the agents thereof.

I have located an attorney in North Carolina that specializes in class actions and is very successful. CONSECO FINANCE and other CORPORATIONS that operate by means of F.R.A.U.D. and dollars of credit that is not a "specific performance" to lend "money" nor a "valuable consideration" in "ready money" or "vault cash" to CONtrol and victimize others must be stopped without further delay!

I have been investigating the pleadings within the filings of Foreclosure Actions wherein CONSECO FINANCE is the Plaintiff here in Indiana and of public record in the office of clerk of the circuit courts in surrounding counties and have been gathering information to proceed to court once CONSECO FINANCE commences suit so that we can file a counter complaint to quit title and remove the slander of title and move this state action into the United States District Court in Fort Wayne and thereafter and thereby have these criminal offenses under proper investigation under provision of the Bankruptcy rule that anyone else can also duplicate and do. This response to the court is done once the filing fee is paid to save an unneccesary expense when confronting this frivilous and sham and scandalous CORPORATION and adversary's claims that afterwards will be shown to be insufficient to obtain judgment upon the testimony of the "incompetent witness", i.e., attorney, that appears to represent this sorted clientel.

CONSECO FINANCE has met its match in me and will not rip off my wife as this CORPORATION in BANKRUPTCY so often has done most of the time, when the defendants in ignorance and fear and intimidation fail to appear and then CONSECO FINANCE obtains judgment by Default and the Court the provides an Order to sell property that has been obtained by "dirty handed" "bad faith" practices that need to otherwise be punished by punitive damages to make an example of such outlawry as they who work at the EVIL EMPIRE of CONSECO FINANCE.

I have also sent an email to:

as requested on the home page at this URL as requested.

Be in touch so we can all be in touch.


Columbia City, Indiana

7 Updates & Rebuttals



#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 26, 2005

I also have had problems with GreenTree/Conseco. For the past four years I have spent time trying to find someone to do something about that company. After writing the media and elected officials I have found two people that helped. I hope you will contact them as well to let them and Greentree know that they can not get away with what they are doing. Lisa Madigan Attorney General State Of Illinois 100 West Randolf Street Chicago, IL 60601 Larry Long Office of Attorney General State of South Dakota Division of Consumer Protection 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501-5070 I want GreenTree investigated for it's illegal practices. There are too many good people getting taken advatage of by them. They have done many things to get me to go this far but the most recent one was charging me for "Other Insurance" without authorization. We have had problems with them from the start. I beleive that if enough people respond to Larry Long and Lisa Madigan things will become better. They have already assisted me a great amount.



#3Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 26, 2005

I also have had problems with GreenTree/Conseco. For the past four years I have spent time trying to find someone to do something about that company. After writing the media and elected officials I have found two people that helped. I hope you will contact them as well to let them and Greentree know that they can not get away with what they are doing. Lisa Madigan Attorney General State Of Illinois 100 West Randolf Street Chicago, IL 60601 Larry Long Office of Attorney General State of South Dakota Division of Consumer Protection 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501-5070 I want GreenTree investigated for it's illegal practices. There are too many good people getting taken advatage of by them. They have done many things to get me to go this far but the most recent one was charging me for "Other Insurance" without authorization. We have had problems with them from the start. I beleive that if enough people respond to Larry Long and Lisa Madigan things will become better. They have already assisted me a great amount.



#4Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 26, 2005

I also have had problems with GreenTree/Conseco. For the past four years I have spent time trying to find someone to do something about that company. After writing the media and elected officials I have found two people that helped. I hope you will contact them as well to let them and Greentree know that they can not get away with what they are doing. Lisa Madigan Attorney General State Of Illinois 100 West Randolf Street Chicago, IL 60601 Larry Long Office of Attorney General State of South Dakota Division of Consumer Protection 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501-5070 I want GreenTree investigated for it's illegal practices. There are too many good people getting taken advatage of by them. They have done many things to get me to go this far but the most recent one was charging me for "Other Insurance" without authorization. We have had problems with them from the start. I beleive that if enough people respond to Larry Long and Lisa Madigan things will become better. They have already assisted me a great amount.



#5Consumer Suggestion

Sat, February 26, 2005

I also have had problems with GreenTree/Conseco. For the past four years I have spent time trying to find someone to do something about that company. After writing the media and elected officials I have found two people that helped. I hope you will contact them as well to let them and Greentree know that they can not get away with what they are doing. Lisa Madigan Attorney General State Of Illinois 100 West Randolf Street Chicago, IL 60601 Larry Long Office of Attorney General State of South Dakota Division of Consumer Protection 500 East Capitol Avenue Pierre, South Dakota 57501-5070 I want GreenTree investigated for it's illegal practices. There are too many good people getting taken advatage of by them. They have done many things to get me to go this far but the most recent one was charging me for "Other Insurance" without authorization. We have had problems with them from the start. I beleive that if enough people respond to Larry Long and Lisa Madigan things will become better. They have already assisted me a great amount.


Conseco caused us to file Chapter 7 BK

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, February 16, 2005

After 5 years of problems with this lender we had to file chapter 7 in the courts. Now that this has been filed and finished, Conseco refuses to release us from title. They tell us that they must foreclose on the property! Does this mean that the Federal Bankruptcy filing has no meaning? I have even volunteered to surrender title which they refuse. IF you want to begin a class action suit against these people, let me know as I am currently looking for an attorney to begin this process.


South Carolina,
vitimized by a serial preator Green Tree

#7REBUTTAL Individual responds

Sun, January 09, 2005

I entered in a retail mortgage agreement with Green Tree Corp in 1995. Since that that I have suffered abuse from the collection dept. consisting of constant phone calls at work and at home all times of the day and night. In 2003 Green treen filed a lawsuit against us for appox. $ 179 and this was cured, but you never know exactly what you owe them b/c they refuse to put anything in writing. They then attached legal fees to our mortgage without making a full disclosure about how much incrementally we were supposed to pay, therby, causing us many problems and much confusion. In 2004 the collection dept was constntly calling saying we owed them money.I sent them a letter 7/29/04 demanding to know what all this money was for, also quoted some areas of Fair debt collection practices act, that they constantly continue to violate , told them they must prove what they said I owe, and that I dispute the said amount. Their answer was to file suit 8/9/04 for repossession of our mobile home, mind you we are still paying our mortgage.I answered their complaint via cert letter continuing to dispute said amount. They then sent me production(discovery) requests which I satisfied and requsted my own production.we never stopped paying our mortgage. Oct. 14, 2004, during this process they served us with an eviction notice giving us until nov.1 to move. I went to see an attorney, and he noticed that the eviction notice had a different case no. than the current action pending which I was disputing. What they did was in the 2003 case, during the curing process( this was why it was never ans.) thay obtained an order from a judge of default and they kept that order to use at a later date to evict us without due process. I also have settled the present case, not b/c I owe, but because we have lived in our home for 10 years. But, they refuse to close the case unless we sign a Consent Oredr strippping us of all our legal rights.I am fed up and in the process of taking them to court. I would like to join any civil action against them. they must be stoppped.


North Carolina,
I myself have filed a report regarding Conseco Finance and their unlawful billing practices.

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, July 03, 2003

I have emailed all the news stations, Bill O'Reilly, 60 minutes you name it also I have reported them to the Better Business Bureau and Attorney General here in North Carolina and in Minnesota. I have contacted Hud and Fair Business practices ALL to to avail. No one seems to care what this company is doing to everyone. I recently sent them two certified letter stating hardship in paying and wanting to talk to anyone who took over their company on payments and interest rates. Well I never received anything but monthly statements under Conseco calls to my place of employment which was not looked on my work place as lawful practices they also said they were from Greentree. I recently received a letter in the mail from Conseco, not Greentree telling me I must pay $731.68 plus past due payment of $29.25 or they will take my home. I guess they can do whatever they want even if they do not have the original mortgage only a home equity loan against it. We ALL need to band together and take this company on. How can we do this? And also if their is a lawyer in North Carolina that will take them on who is it, I have called everyone and found noone willing to take them on. Lets email each other and get the ball rolling.

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