  • Report:  #275458

Complaint Review: Consumerinfo.com - Irvine California

Reported By:
- plainty, Iowa,

PO Box 19729 Irvine, 92623-9729 California, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
here follows my chat with the Stephen and his supervisor Dorothy at consumerinfo.com...

thank you for calling my name is stephen may i help you ga

hi you have a long wait time there ga

sorry about that what is it i can do to help you ga

yes my friend referred me to your website consumerinfo.com, can you tell me more about your service ga

im looking up benefits to our membership it monitors your experian credit report and alerts you via email when anything changes and you can view your experian credit report as often as youd like ga

as often as i like? wouldnt that count as a hit on my report? ga

not through this particular website no ga

and how about transunion and equifax can i get them from you? ga

you can order a 3 credit reprot from that website but its not vovered by the membership (coughing) i believe the charge for the 3 bureau credit report is $34.95 ga

you believe or you know? ga

uhhh th einfo im looking at right now shows $34.95 there has been price chagneXX changes with he company in the last week or so imnot sure if that information is entirely accurate ga

im sorry? i can buy the 3 reports on your site but you're not sure how much you're selling it? ga

hold on just a moment ill make sure (holding) (holding) ok i pulled up the site itself and yes it is still $34.95 ga

so you're just basing it as what you see on the site? what if i told you that im looking at a diffent price here on my end? ga

well id tell yuo that was more than likely the correct price ga

why would you need to verify if you should've known about it before you started your shift? ga

im not sure what you mean the price ont he website is the correct price and i told you there have been price changes and everything on my site has not been updated what you see on your end is correct ga

you said everything on your site... do you mean there's a different site aside from what im looking at? ga

yes we do supposrt several sites such as 3 credit report.com and credit expert.com they all offer differnt packasges at different prices ga

did i say i was on any of those sites, i did mentioned consumerinfo.com at the beginning of our discussion right? ga

right the information ive been giving you is for consumerinfo.com ga

right so why would you say the consumerinfo.com site that you're looking at could be different from the consumerinfo.com that im looking at? ga

because we did have price changes on nsome websites recently and i was not sure if my information had beenupdated ga

ok im not talking about some websites. im only referring to consumerinfo.com. one website. and you're saying you came in to your shift and did not assure yourself if the updates are ready or not? is that what you mean? ga

okay whatever information displayed ont he website is the correct information i believe the information i have is correct nothing i can do about that i have what they give me if you have any other questions ill be happy to help you ga

that's a better idea so going back to the 3 report. you said i can purchase it on consumerinfo.com right? ga

right (relief) (ca 7598 M) ga

ok and thats 34.95 you initially told me that if i pulled my report on this website that it wouldnt be a hit on my report is that correct? ga

correct it will not be a hit on your credit report uh 34.95 is for the 3 bureau credit report ga

i understand that. so meaning if i order the experian report, it will not be a hit, if i added the transunion it also wouldnt be a hit and same goes with equifax, all from this website i can get them all without a hit from any of them is that right? for 34.95 for all of them combined right? ga

yes that is correct yes right ga

do you believe this or you know this? ga

i know this ga

and where on your website is that written to confirm that to me? ga

yes i m here i m trying to find where that s located alright if i can put you on hold for a minute or 2 i will find out where that s located on the site (holding to music) ok most likely under frequently asked questions supervisor inoformed assured me that it would not go onto his credit report as an inquiry ga

where in the FAQs is that? ga

frequently asked questions should be towards the hold on (pausing) alright if you ll scroll down the bottom of the log in screen on the log in page q there should be several links one of which is FAQ ga

i know where the faq section is. what im asking is that where in the faq list is the written confirmation that if i order a 3 report that it wouldn't show as a hit on any of them ga

ok under general questions q it shoudl be the 3rd question ga

are you reading the third question. do you see how the word credit bureau is used as singular noun? ga

(coughing) humm ok i do see that but uh in my training ai was taught this and my supervisor has confirmed it the uh (coughing) pulling your credit report as this website will not count as an inquiry that will lower your score ga

so youre saying i should take your word and your supervisors word for believing on this while my whole business is on the line and at stake is that what you're saying? ga

if you re not comfortable with the idea q feel free not to order from the website ga

are you hearing yourself? isn't that instead of giving me that feel free not to order statement that you should try to at least give me a more better assurance that your website can help me? is this the customer service that your company provides? ga

i ve guided you where it will tell you that it will not cout xx count as an inquiry and i ve even spoke to a supervisor to be sure that this will not count as a negative inquiry on your credit report i m not sure what else i can do to assure you of that ga

i know that you're trying to assure me with your words, but i hope you understand that this is business matters that we are talking about. business matters should be done in black and white. in written format. i cannot accept your assurance because of your training or your supervisors word. i need a written evidence that i can hold on to so that if it shows that it counts as a hit, that i can come back here and show the evidence that i was told that it wouldn't be a hit. do you understand my point? ga

i understand your point and it is in writing on the FAQ telling you the difference between this site s method of pulling a credit report and your the way a bank or credit card would i m just not sure what else i can do to assure you about this fact ga

ok not to disrespect you or anything but can i speak to that supervisor that you consulted to just to assure his or her word ga

sure let me put you on hold for a minute or two while i find that supervisor (holding to music) (holding to music) hello q ok my supervisor instructed me to confirm you that she s currently unavailable and if you can leave a name and number she will get back to you ga

what's her name then ga

her name is dusty company policy prevents me from giving out last names uh ga

and you said she's unavailable at this point because? ga

she is on her way to a meeting ga

so who'll be supervising the floor then if she's going? ga

if anything comes up we have a phone number we can call but no actual supervisor on the floor at the moment ga

no im sorry that excuse has been given to me way too many times, i need to speak to her ga

ok uh let me put ya on hold for a nother moment or two and see if i can get her on the phone (holding to music) (holding to music) (holding to music) (holding to music) hello q ok i wasn t able to reach her at all uh if you won t leave your name and phone number for her to call you back q then you re more than welcome to call back later ga

no i need to speak to her now i cant call back later. we're talking about business here son. not ordering a pancake. i need to talk to her now. ga

(female) thank you for holding my name is dorothy how can i help you q ga

are you the supervisor? ga

yes ga

and you were the one that stephen consulted earlier is that right? ga

yes ga

then you shouldn't be asking me anymore how you can help me, you should've known how already ga

i apologize for that that s just how i answer the phone calls ga

really now. then how do you answer this situation then? ga

to my understanding q you want to know if the site is a secure site and it is and it will not count as an inquiry if you check your own credit ga

i was pointed out earlier by stephen to the FAQ section as to what he had consulted you and you told him and assured him that the answer could be found uner the general questions area is that right? ga

yes it is ga

which particular question on it do you refer to? ga

the question asks will this affect my credit rating in a negative way q ga

where on the General questions area is that? ga

i m not sure which question it is unfortunately i do not have time to go through every questino ga

i thought thats what he consulted you for? ga

he consulted me about if it would affect your credit if you checked your credit report the answer to that is no if there s nothing else we can help you with q i thank you and have a good day ga

you actually havent answered my question. i was trying to buy a 3 report my question was if i ordered all three of these reports thru consumerinfo.com will it show to transunion and equifax that it will be an inquiry and if will not, where on your website is it written to have it confirmed to me in black and white ga

sir as i have already discussed with you the answer to your question is in the FAQs link on the website it will not affect your credit rating with any of the 3 major credit v bureaus ga

that was where i want you to lead me. which of the questions on the faq list tells me that. which one. be specific on which question. stephen told me its under the general questions. question number three. but its not there. ga

sir q i have answered this question twice for you already the information you re looking for is under the FAQs under the consumer information dot com website and i will be disconnecting this call now thank you and have a great day ga

im sorry

now disconnecting the call (hung up)


plainty, Iowa


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1 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2007

Here's the answer to your question from their website: "Will receiving my credit report through Consumerinfo.com appear as an inquiry on my credit report? Anytime your credit report is pulled - including when you order a copy of your credit report directly from the credit bureau - an inquiry is added to your report. Only some of those inquiries appear to creditors and therefore impact your credit rating. Inquiries that were made for credit cards or loans for which you applied will be shown to creditors. Inquiries added when you request a copy of your credit report or when an employer checks your credit report do not appear to creditors. Consumerinfo.com is pulling your credit report on your behalf, so the inquiry on your credit report will not be shown to creditors and will not affect the calculation of your PLUS Score. " All 3 bureaus have similar rules. If you're checking YOUR credit report, that inquiry is not reported to creditors. What I don't understand is why you insisted on giving them the "go 'round." You can use the website that was setup for complying with the FCRA's requirement of one free credit report per year by going to www.annualcreditreport.com This website was set up by the 3 bureaus to make it easier for them to comply with the requirement. I'll give you a good suggestion. You can get 3 free credit reports per year, 1 from each credit bureau. What I do is I spread them out at 4 month intervals. Get one from trans-union, wait 4 months and get one from experian, wait for months get 1 from equifax. This isn't quite as thorough as using credit monitoring services or purchasing a 3 in 1 report every now and then, but the price is right - FREE. And it saves you the hassle of getting set up to record annoying phone calls that takes up time from them that they could have been using to help some else.

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