  • Report:  #1388914

Complaint Review: Costal Financial Services - Internet

Reported By:
Angeleque - Los Angeles, California, U.S.A.

Costal Financial Services
Internet, USA
unknown address
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 my son my daughter and my husband were all contacted by Coastal Financial Services saying that they were doing a skip-trace to locate me personally because they are launching a lawsuit against me because of a prior payday loan that I supposedly taken out with one of their business constituents they gave me the name of a FPC Bank and said that they are lenders who are calling to collect on behalf of a Payday lender that I took a loan and wrote a bad check on. First of all I did not write a check at all so this was incorrect information from the start. Secondly it was an online payday that I took out with speedy cash back in 2011 which was paid and then resubmit it and not paid because my Bank closed my account due to Identity Theft. They said that they were going to launch a lawsuit against me and charge me up to three times the amount of what my loan was and that I could make payment arrangements and proceed with the arrangements to pay the debt now or they would go to court against me so I advise them that I was a previous debt collector I used to work for ARS National which is associated recovery systems and they fail to Miranda rise meand because they fell to Miranda rise me they were in breach of the Fair Debt collections Practices Act they said that they are not a collections agency they said that they are a branch of Law and that they are mediating on behalf of the financial institution that guarantee my loan I said any branch of law collecting the debt because it is a law and covered by the fdcpa must State the Miranda Pryor to any engagement regarding any financial matters personal and private and between two parties and cannot disclose any of my current information to anyone other than myself which they also violated because they discussed my personal financial situation with my son. my ex-husband said that they were going to submit a document to court and it would turn into a warrant for my arrest. you cannot be arrested for writing a bad check unfortunately unless it's a large amount number one number two I never wrote a check. so this led me to believe that they were either lying or that this was a scam. they refuse to give me their fax number additional telephone numbers their address and insisted that I give them a credit card number to pay the debt immediately or that they would take up the resolution in court I told them go right ahead to court and I will counter you in court because I do have a lawyer and mr. Allen Rubenstein would love to collect on my behalf he has been practicing law for 30 years and he is also a good friend of mine I told them the address that they currently had was not correct but that my email address was and for them to email me any documentation that they had pursuant to any claims representation or court cases they said they already sent this information I told them they have not I had never received it I diligently check my email on a daily there's nothing in it from them. I asked them to send some other documentation and they refused and only ask for credit card to make a payment arrangement for the supposed debt. I told them to go ahead and launch the lawsuit I would not be giving them any credit information and that because they had not read me the Miranda of the f d CPA they would not get a thing and that I will counter sue them for up to 52% of all of their earnings as debt collectors if they attempted to take me to court without serving me the proper papers requesting my present address and lying about the fact that I actually wrote a check when I had a check free account. the documents in question for the payday loan we're actually signed by electronic signature so they don't even have a signature proving anything and the loan was repaid in full so I should not be receiving any collections calls and that I would forward this information immediately to my lawyer. As I continue to ask for a phone number and address they continue to put me on hold and passed me around. I called them back over 12 times in the course of one day and recorded all of the phone calls

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