  • Report:  #696573

Complaint Review: CourtCash - Tampa Florida

Reported By:
Julie - Cedar City, Utah, United States of America

7853 Gunn Highway Suite 389 Tampa, 33626 Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Al Schweitzer does many webinars on how to make a great income doing judgment recovery.  He is also promoted by others and he sends invitations for other peoples trainings. He is very convincing.

I ordered his home study course which has some good information but not enough to really do the business. He called and offered personal coaching as well as 3 judgments done for me.  I paid $13,000 for the coaching which would have been a good investment if he had finished my training and done the judgments for me.  He started well but then dropped me on my head and left me with nothing but a big debt.

Judgment Recovery is a legitimate business and I put much time and money into setting up my own business, website, advertising just like he told me to.  I got some people asking me to help with their judgments.  In the middle of helping me with the first one, in Dec 2009 he just quit.   I've called, left messages, emailed.  He replied to an email a few times that he was moving office, fired office person, would call.  But he won't call and finish the training or give any refund. 

One actual email was a rather nasty reply that he ignores people who call or email too much and how could I be annoyed with him when he was just trying to help me find a form I could have found myself.  I HAVE done all the things he instructed to get set up and get business. In the meantime I have some people  that are frustrated and ticked because I can't provide them the service I offered.  At least none of them have given me any money and I only have an actual contract with one lady who desperately needs the money I could have helped her get if I knew the next steps to take.

Perhaps Al is indeed having tough circumstances, but an ethical honest character would keep me updated, offer to get thru the judgements I do have, and give a refund for the service he cannot/refuses to provide.

The preceding paragraphs were written in early 2010 when I was considering a ripoff report.  I saved it in my file but decided to try again to get him to help me since 2 other people had asked for my help in judgment recovery and I really want to make a business of it.  He did do another 2-3 calls with me and left me hanging again and for months will never return emails or faxes.  I still get invitations from real estate "gurus" promoting Al's amazing court cash system.  I have tried to let them know he is scamming the public but they either don't get my replies to their invitations or he has them convinced he is a swell guy.  Or perhaps they are also full of themselves and just glad to be making affiliate money from him even if many people are hurt.

Even if Al did come on hard times and can't fulfill many of his coaching and judgment promises, he absolutely should NOT keep promoting himself.  At one point it may have been mistakes and bad business from Al.  Now it is to the point of serious evil!

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