  • Report:  #606239

Complaint Review: CPS (Child Protective Service) - Spokane Washington

Reported By:
butterfly - Greenacres, Washington, United States of America

CPS (Child Protective Service)
1313 N Atlantic Suite 2000 Spokane, 99201 Washington, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

With all that you are about to read; I am willing to sign a sworn affidavit; take a lie detector test; and am acknowledging that all you are about to read is the truth, the whole truth; so help me.

I am also going to be adding in updates; laws that I feel that need to be made to protect kids even further; as well as the loving exteneded families that these kids have that should not have to go through all this without an attorney.

I know that alot of people say this; I need help from an attorney; I'm innocent of these charges.  In this case; this is very much so the truth.

CPS is accusing me; and I quote:

"The children while in your care were not provided with adequate stimulation, socialization and routine medical and dental care, resulting in obesity and developmental delays.  You either did not recognize or failed to communicate with the paretns or with Child Protective Services your inability to meet these children's needs"

These accusations could not be further from the truth.  And I can prove this. 

I am currently working on obtaining my file from CPS regarding this case so that I can see who accused me; and of exactly what; as this is very slanderous.  When I find out who slandered me; I will be suing for destroying my life and the hardship this person or persons have placed on me, my kids, and my Mom.

As for the accusations; I know that the kids were givin alot of stimulation from me, my kids and my Mom.  As well as the kids being very socialized. 

The kids involved are my almost 5 year old niece and my 3 year old nephew.  I have had my niece off and on since she was 4 months old; and have had her living with me regularly since July 2007 on to April 2010.  I have had my nephew from the time that he was 2 weeks old off and on; until July 2007 on to April 2010.

However; the parents; when their Dad showed up on our doorstep July 2009; stated that the entire time he was going to be here; that he was in charge over his kids.  And that when Christina would move in with us in October of 2009; she would also being in charge of the kids.  Not us. (Meaning me and my Mom.)

During the time that they lived with us; the two of them were beating the kids (once in October and again in November on) on the bottom hard enough to leave bruises; and some kind of red mark; also; the parents were beating them in the head hard enough to send them flying off the crates that the parents had them sitting on all day long; or if the children were standing up; they would pick them right back up and hit over and over and over and over.

We could not call the police during this time let alone CPS; as they had threatend to kill my kids right in front of me; then me, my Mom and lastly; his two kids. 

The kids Dad (William Schwartz; owner and operator of Dream Big Transportation LLC) has an extremely violent temper on him; and has a felony for this as well.  There was a time when William came after with a tire iron and broke the windshield in my car.  Plus times when my parents had to call the police due to him loosing his temper.

The kids Mom (Christina Schwartz; C N A at the Good Samaritan near Mullan Id) has told me in private that she is a bipolar schitzophrenic; untreated, and packing a gun.  And also of all things; she lied to people involved with getting her C N A and her CDL about her mental condition; as she knew she could not hold these licenses with mental illness issues.

These two are so good at lying; especially to themselves; that they have broke several laws and to this date; they have both gotten away with it.

Knowing this; (and the fact that some of the neighbors are so afraid of them; they won't get involved with this due to fear that the parents will find out who all is involved and that these two will go after them as well.) I was too afraid to make the call.

But I finally got brave when the Doctor from the CHAS clinic here in Spokane WA; and when I found out that she was going to be calling CPS; I let her know what was going on.  All CPS did was send them a letter stating that they were considered low level risk of abuse and neglect; stated that they all needed to get into counciling; and that they would not be following up on this. 

So, William started to make it a point to come into the house and camp all day long; mainly seeing if we were going to try and call CPS; or if CPS were going to call us.

But where my accusations against me stand; well; I have been trying very hard to get this report posted; and have lost it so many times; that I will have to do updates in order to get the entire report up here.

One accusation was that the kids were not getting stimulation and socialization.  Well, prior to the parents moving in on us; we would take the kids to the park; over to the Valley Mall to play in the kids area; church; vacation Bible school; and I was also the main place that kids; and/or parents with little ones would come over and play with the kids.  We would even go for family walks.

Before the parents came; the kids could sing their abc's and Hailey could count almost to 75; and Kevin almost to 15.  Kevin could even sing the entire first verse of Amazing Grace with no help; and no-one singing with him.

After their parents beat them so bad; and were telling them that they were going to give them to CPS or kill them; they would no longer do any of this.

Not only that; but the parents would not really allow me to take the kids out anywhere; not even outside.  Mainly because they were bruised up; and they did not want anyone to see the bruises.

As for the routine medical and dental.  No; I did not really take them in.  This is because the kids were seeing Dr's Gillman and Currelli in the beginning.  Christina was working for Valley Hospital and Medical Center at this time and had medical insurance on them.

I took the kids in regularly; and in the beginning; Christina would meet us over at their office.  As time went by; Christina would meet me in the parking lot after the appointment; except toward the end when the Doctor's office would tell me after I got there; that they could not see the kids unless Christina made a payment.

One of the last times I took them in; I do not recall which Dr saw the kids; but he asked me if I was ready to take the kids on all the time.  As I told him; I already had the kids all the time; so there really was no difference.  He let me know that he was getting ready to turn Christina into CPS.

Then; I found out that Gillman and Currelli were no longer going to see the kids; as the parents had not made any payments.

They even had a dentist; due to the fact that Hailey's face would swell up; and Dr Gillman and Currelli told us to take Hailey to a dentist.  I found out later when I was trying to make a second appointment; that they too were not willing to see the kids as Christina never made any payments to them for the first time; and they wanted the bill paid in full; and the current appointment paid up front or they too would not see them.

I let the parents know; and they both told me that they could not afford to pay the bill and come up with an upfront payment.

I started trying to call around to see if I could get them in anywhere; and no-one would let me take them in without the parents being there for at least the first visit to sign off on me being able to take them in and talk about their medical records.

I tried to get Christina to get these kids another Doctor; and she flat would not do this.  At this time; she still worked for Valley Hospital; and had insurance on the kids.

Then; she decided in 2006 that she was going to become a long haul truck driver. 

Both parents insist that they gave me medical cards at one point when she was driving for Swift; but the only medical card that I had; was not a valid one; and I did not find this out until I had to take the kids into the ER.   They let me know there.

After that; I could not get them a Doctor; could not take them in anywhere but the ER.

I tried to call CPS to get them involved in so many ways; but they always stated the same thing; due to the fact that the parents were involved; even though not too often; they could not step in; as we were not abusing or neglecting the kids; and the parents had not; in their criteria; had not abondened the kids.

I even tried like crazy to go through DSHS to get medical; and jumped through hoops to get info to get this medical.  But no matter what I did; they stated to me that I could not get medical unless the parents were willing to give me temporary custody.

So; no matter what I did  to seek medical and dental on these kids; I was turned away by every one.  Including at that point the CHAS clinic.

The only reason I finally got them into CHAS; was because the parents were living with us; and I got Christina to finally try and get the kids a Doctor.

Now when we went in; CHAS clinic set Christina up an appointment to get the kids on state medical.  But she goofed that one up; she stated that the kids were Idaho residents when in fact they are Washington residents; as Washington state is where the kids had been raised.  Except for the first year or so of Hailey's life.  The Mom lived in Idaho; and then stayed with people; house hopping in the state of Washington for 3 years.

Christina did not move to Idaho until December of 09; when she got hired on at Good Samaritan.

William; well he is a long haul truck driver; and the elk address on his drivers license; well I don't think he has ever lived there; and if he did; it was only while Christina was pregnant with Hailey; and then he has not been there since.

He too; when he would come to town would live with people here in Washington.  He actually called the state of Washington home until the kids were taken in April of this year.

Anyway; they would not get the kids medical at all.  They stated that they make too much money; even though William did not actually work from July to December of 09; and Christina quit her job in Oct; went to work for a temp outfit for a short time; and then quit and went to work for Good Samaritan.

Now; Christina stated that she quit her job truck driving so that she could be here more with her kids.

No she did not.  The kids lived in Spokane WA; and she moved to Mullan Id.  They; the parents; had also told us that they did not want the kids at all; that we were going to be raising them. 

They even told us that; at one point; they would have no problem going to prison for killing their kids; as this way they would not have to pay child support; and they both admitted that they did not want either child; but mainly they did not want Hailey.

Poor Hailey got the short end of the stick.  It was so bad; that Christina would lie to William just so that she would have a reason to beat her; and give William a reason to beat her as well.

Kevin; well Christina never did want him.  She made that very clear.  And when he got into trouble; she would wail on him worse than Hailey by far. 

So; no I did not get the kids into routine medical and dental care.  But it was not from lack of trying.  I do not see how I can be blamed for them not getting routine medical and dental attention; when we were told by the parents that they were in charge of it all; and they would do nothing about it.

As far as Christina is concerned; her kids are fine and do not need doctor's and counceling; but I say other wise.

We even tried to get them to let me take the kids to the Shriners Hospital for their legs and feet.  But they would not even allow that.  And again; I could not do this without the parents permission,

As for my ability to take care of the kids.  I have no problem taking care of them.  The only problem that I had; is the parents.

I had to move in with my Mom; and what little money I had left each month; I would try; when I could; and get Hailey and Kevin clothing, shoes, coats; and things that they needed.  Why; even when I lived out on my own; I would use my bill money sometimes just to make sure they had a couple outfits.

That was another thing that would always get me.  Christina would take any and all clothing I bought for the kids home with her; and never bring them back.

I know that I can care for these kids very well.  All I need is a chance; and medical for them.

I have means to get these kids to all apointments; and alot of support from friends and family.

But I found out that I have to get an attorney; as due to the fact that I am a third party in this; meaning not the parent to the kids; I am not entitled by law to an attorney.  But due to these circumstances; the fact that I would like to sue for custody; and am planning on suing for slander; I really need an attorny.

Please; help me.

I am going to go ahead and post this; and update for the years I had the kids; all the documented neglect that these kids went through while their mother lived here in Spokane and had the time and means to take care of her kids; and choose not to.

Instead; these two love to spend their money on themselves.  They have over 1000 movies; over 1000 model cars; a few RC cars; and parts; and Christina spends $4-10 for the most expensive shampoo and body wash on herself.

She even had the money to go and buy 5 bridesmaid dresses and stated that a good friend that passed away bought them for her.  Jill (She passed away just over a year ago) could never had bought them.  She was disabled, had MS, cancer, and what she told me emphazema; she could hardly pay her power, and phone; let alone for her medications; and she was still making payments on her house.

But when Jill passed away; Christina used this opportunity to state that Jill bought the bridesmaid dresses; when it was Christina that did.

Matter of fact; William paid in full for his dog Koda to go in and get seen; but would not for the kids.

AGAIN; I BEG; please help me.

I will be posting soon for each year and all the things that were done that show neglect as I can.

Thank you to anyone that can help me in any way.  When I figure out how to add pictures; there will be ones up of the kids before their Mom and Dad stayed that long stretch; and there will also be the photo's that I have of the bruises and marks left by William and Christina.

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