  • Report:  #388889

Complaint Review: CR England - West Valley City Utah

Reported By:
- Paradise, California,

CR England
crengland.com West Valley City, Utah, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
ENGLAND stands for Every New Guy Leaves After Nintey Days. Most dont make it to 90 days. I will explain this later. I went to their school in Mira Loma, CA in Feb of 2008. You have to be pretty stupid if you dont get your CDL from these guys, as they gave a license to almost everyone.

I had 14 years driving experience OTR, but I had been off the road for 18 years, so I had some idea of what was going on. My plan as to get my CDL back, and run team with my son. My plan became a reality, and we started out our new career with a lot of promises, hopes, and dreams. In less than 2 months, our dreams came to a halt with this company.

I signed a lease on a 2006 Freightliner Classic on March 19th, and turned the truck back in on May 14th. This is a WARNING: you have to watch every paycheck like a hawk!! We NEVER had a check right. These people will take every dime from you if you let them. They even took out double the amount one week. They said it was a computer glich, and they would geve us back out money the next week. What kind of crap is that???

They took out for reefer fuel, shop work that was under WARRANTY, and they sometimes would not pay you for all of the trips you turned in for the week. Out of a months pay period, you can expect 1 check half way decent, and the other 3 are crap. The company drivers are the same way. I know, because I keep in touch with other fellow drivers that I went to school with. Out of about 60 people in our class, I know of only 1 person that still drives for these crooks, and he is afraid of finding another job.

When you lease a truck from these idiots, they also take out 14 cents per mile called a variable mile charge. This is called the cost of doing business fee. What a rip off. They pay the truck 90 cents per mile, take out 14 cents a mile variable, so thats 76 cents per mile they pay the truck. Out of that, they take 7 cents per mile for maintenance costs, and you have to buy fuel, insurance, workmans comp. and everything else they can squeeze out of you.

They claim to have a fuel cap of 1.25 per gallon. This is all you are supposed to pay for fuel...ONLY if you get a certain MPG, and only on loaded miles. And, they will try to beat you out of this every chance they get. Then you have to pay FULL pump price for the fuel.

When you quit working here, whether your a company driver or a lease operator, they will hold your last checks for 45 days. And, they will take most of it. We got back 154.00. Wow. I guess we are lucky compared to a lot of others. When we quit, they owed us close to 5 grand in trips, and the money we had in the Maintenance Fund. We had the truck less than 2 months, but they claimed the truck needed new tires, and this and that, etc. etc. What a crock!!!!!!! I DO NOT know of anyone who has left this company with the money that this company owes them. These people should be put in jail for THEFT. Its no coinsidence that they have METAL detectors in every office building in West Valley City. Now, they want the money I owe them for the driving school, and they have threatened to ruin my credit if I dont pay them $195.00 per month.

TO SUM IT UP: If you want to drive a truck and not get paid, then work for CR England. You can USE england to get your CDL, then get 3 months OTR experience, then GET OUT!!! I dont care what they promise you, how good they make it sound, its all LIES. Just ask anyone who has ever worked there. Thanks for listening. I hope I have encouraged you to work somewhere else, somewhere you can get paid, and somewhere that doesnt have a 90 % turn over like these crooks!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Paradise, California


3 Updates & Rebuttals


Niterider, You CAN Get Out Of This Without Risking Them Ruining Your Record...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, December 04, 2008

...by giving them no room whatsoever to be able to trash your record. You start by seeking to find the job you want. When you think you have done that, you want to let them know that it will take a little time to end your current job, as you want to do it by the book. Don't be afraid to inform your future employer of CR England's reputation for intentionally damaging the records of employees who terminate. Chances are, they may already know this. Then when you are sure you have found what you want, then you begin the process of leaving CR England. Inform your direct supervisor that you are giving notice to terminate your association with CR England. Give them at least two weeks notice. Now, this is important - Do it by some form of electronic communication, where you can keep a copy of when it was sent. E-mailing him or her would be the absolute best way to do this. An e-mail is considered legal proof in court these days. Include in that notice that you want to do end your association on good terms. At the earliest opportunity just before the end of the two week deadline, find a way to e-mail them again and if done so on the road, send a copy of the email to your personal account, AND stress in that one the same sentiment - that you desire to end everything on a good note, as you may want to come back at some point in the future. If on the day that you have set as your termination date, they are not routing to what you feel is the proper place to quit, which should be at the location you were hired, or the terminal you have been assigned to since you came on board, ride it out. Give them an extra week, but send another e-mail to remind them that you have given proper notice, and that now you are insisting that they route you your home terminal to terminate asap. Contact your prospective employer and inform them of the situation, if for no other reason, to plant in their mind the difficulty you are having with CR England in quitting them. When you finally get to where you are terminating, be ready with all that follows, to protect yourself from false charges of damage to equipment, and/or deductions for the same, as well as other charges that they might attempt to slip in your DAC report. Before you arrive on CR England property; 1.) Clean up the truck completely, inside and out. Take photographs of every square inch of it. Take photos of the tire depths, the paint, everything. Take pics of the interior in detail as well. If you want to protect any escrow money you have in an account that they control, take the truck to a shop and have them do a complete mechanical inspection on it. Try to steer away from one where CR England does steady business with. Use one that they are least likely to use. It might cost a hundred bucks or so, but think of it as insurance. Be sure to get and keep a copy of the inspection. Copy it if you desire, and submit a copy of the inspection to CR England when you turn the truck in to them. It will be a subtle way of letting them know that you are on top of their game strategies, and that you are not to be considered just another stupid driver. 2.) Have prepared a sign-off sheet, noting everything you are turning in to the company on your final day. This should include any assigned equipment, such as load locks, padlocks, straps, etc. Then note all of the paperwork that you are turning in, such as all final bills-of-lading, logs, toll tickets, etc. Whatever you turn in, and to whom you turn it into, request kindly that they sign your sheet for the items in recognition of the fact that nothing else is due to them once you leave that day. 3.) Go to the shop foreman, or a member of the terminal management if no shop is on location and request that he or she perform a truck check-in, a reverse of the one you did when you took possession of the truck. Get that signed off as being turned in clean and ready for reassignment to another driver. If they want to do this on their own form, and agree to provide you a copy of it, that's fine. Be sure to get that copy. 4.) Visit the safety department and request that a review be performed of your record while with CR England. Ask them to list on your sheet, any safety related issues that they intend to report to USIS/DAC Services, Inc. Ask if there are any incidents on record. If they tell you that your record is clean, request a written statement attesting to that fact be given to you while you are there. If they will do it on their own letterhead, so much the better. Just be sure to get a copy of it. 5.) Ask for an exit interview. I know this sounds dumb, but you'd be surprised at how many companies like the opportunity to have the chance to find out why people are quitting. Honestly, I think that anyone associated with CR England will look at you like you are crazy, but make the request anyway. It only gives them less of a reason to trash you behind your back. If by some small and amazing chance they grant you an interview, it's highly possible that a form will be filled out in writing, and if you request it nicely, they might even give you a copy of it. Blow smoke up their hind in, during the interview. Make up a reason you are leaving if you want to. It's merely a formality, and it is only being done on your part to protect yourself, not to assist them in improving the company. If this is done at a location that is not in Utah, so much the better. All of the above will protect you from what the Corporate Office may attempt to do later. If you get all of the above, and it paints a rosy picture of your last day with CR England, and it is all good, fax all the information to your prospective employer, so they have this on file, if your DAC is pulled later and someone has trashed your references. Keep the originals for at least ten years. Now let's say that CR England is less than cooperative, and no one wants to sign your sheet, witness the condition of the truck, or discuss your safety record. You can't force them to cooperate on everything, but the best thing you can do at that point is to contact the local police on the non-emergency line, and request an officer to come to you. When they get there, request him or her to witness as much as can be documented about the condition of the truck, the fact that you have attempted to quit on amicable terms, and that you have turned in equipment that they refuse to sign for. There's a 50/50 chance that when an officer shows up, they will suddenly find that they are not going to be so uncooperative after all. And if not, you have a witness that can attest that they were totally uncooperative. It can be used to document any challenge if you have issues placed on your DAC record, and to counter any bad references given to prospective employers. Get creative if you have to. I know people who have hidden a camera with sound capabilities on themselves and recorded some rather snotty attitudes and outright refusals to acknowledge receipt of items, which cost these snotty people their jobs later, when the driver sued the company for blackballing them. As little as I think of CR England, it may well be that if you handle yourself as a gentleman from start to finish, you may well skate through the process of leaving them unscathed. I certainly hope so. The one thing I can tell you, is that even if you lose some cash that they are holding on your behalf, it may well be worth it to get away from them...before it gets any worse. Losing your wife is not worth it, and I assure you...you have no obligation to them whatsoever. They know exactly what they are doing, and just how to attempt to blackmail you into servitude. They mind screw with people all day long. It's pathetic that this is the only way that they can keep people for any length of time. Whatever you decide to decide to do, I wish you the best of luck, and I will be praying for you.

Mr Niterider


#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, December 02, 2008

I am a "LEASE" driver for CR England, and I am stuck with a piece of junk truck that is nickel and diming me to death. When I signed the lease, I was told that I was getting a truck in good working order, as it states in the contract. No, I didn't get a brand new truck, but I thought I was getting a truck that was in good shape. When I inspected the truck, I had two other experienced drivers help me, and we all agreed that it looked to be in very good working order. CR England mechanics do a great job at camouflaging, I have to admit. What I didn't find out until about a month later, after doing some digging, was that it had been wrecked really bad and rebuilt. Nobody at England bothered to mention that. Now, I have been leased to them for almost half a year, and this truck has not only left me with either 0 paychecks, or close to it, but the dispatch won't run me enough to keep ahead. Oh yeah, I do make a decent paycheck about once every month and a half or so, but not enough so that I can support my home and family. I have also had the issues with money being taken away, because they paid me twice on one trip here and there, or some other excuse. Also, I am stuck in this lease, as I have put so much money into this now, that I am going to lose even more if I were to decide to just walk away. They hold so much of my hard earned money in accounts that they say "are my accounts" that I just don't know what to do. I have allready spent over $20,000 on this truck just in repairs and have the documentation to prove it. My wife is ready to divorce me, and I am about to lose my home because of these people. I have had a 30+ year superb record as far as deliveries, accidents and such, but know that if I were to quit or walk out, I would be destroyed by these people. I should have listened to my wife when she said not to drive for these people, but as usual, I was stubborn. They even convinced me to become a "Trainer" for them. Told me I would make good money. What they neglected to tell me was that I was becoming a team driver with people that had no experience at all. By this, I mean they dispatched us on loads that were designed for teams, not an experienced driver and someone with virtually no experience, to train to be a good driver. Now we have another problem. I am not only having to drive my shift, but am also having to stay up with the "apprentice" as they call it, and make sure he or she doesn't kill both of us. I repeatedly told my "DM" to slow us down, but that didn't happen. Even talked to people in safety about it, but nothing. Fence posts listen better. Then, after the apprentice graduates from a trainer's truck, get this, the apprentice gets on another truck for more training with, yes you are reading right, a so-called phase 2 trainer, who has maybe a year or so of experience at driving, to learn the final touches of driving. When I asked to become a Phase 2 Trainer, I was told I had too much experience. Now, what is wrong with that picture? Babies teaching babies. Oh, and they really push the "lease". I didn't fall off of the tree yesterday, although right now, I think a nut must have hit me real good for coming to work here, but I do believe that something needs to be done. And trying to get in contact with anyone is like pulling teeth. You can sit there on the phone forever, and never get in touch with anyone. Once in a blue moon, you "might" get lucky, but that is rare. If a class action law suit does happen, I want to know.


I was just about to sign up with C.R. England

#4Consumer Comment

Mon, November 10, 2008

I was sitting here on the web this morning looking for a train then drive co. and came across the England trucking school and got very excited. I went to thier web site and watched their video and thought to myself this sounds great ! I wanted to get the map and address for the school in Mira Loma Ca so I googled it and found it but somthing cought my eye a few posts under it that read scam , England and fraud in the same sentence, so I clicked on it and it took me to this web site. After reading over 50+ posts I wish to thank you for this web site. I was a click away from going to this school. I got laid off from the construction field and I'm looking for another occupation that is less saturated in California. I don't want to take chances and thanks to this web site I won't. I strongly feel that this site just saved me from making a huge mistake thank you. Lancemus

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