  • Report:  #820971

Complaint Review: Credit One Bank - Las vegas Nevada

Reported By:
Rphil72 - Mckinney, Texas, United States of America

Credit One Bank
585 Pilot Road Las vegas, 89119 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
On January 8, 2012, I was notified by freecreditreport.com that there was a sudden change to my credit report. I logged in to my account to review my credit report to be informed that credit one bank had just reported a 30 day late pay on my credit. When I called credit one, and keep in mind that you can never talk to a representative that speaks clear English, the representative informed me that a payment that I had made on line in November was returned because my bank account information was not able to be located.

I asked the representative why I was not given a courtesy call, email or any notification in writing and was told that they had mailed me a letter back in November, which to this day, January 10, 2010 I have yet to receive. Furthermore, I was told in December that they attempted to run my payment thru again using the same account number that was unable to be located, therefore causing a second 'returned payment". At this point, my account was delinquent over 30 days, which I was not aware because not only did I never receive anything in writing, but never ever received one single phone call to inform me that my account was delinquent.

Although I clearly admitted that I must have inadvertently entered the incorrect bank account information when setting up automatic payments, I was basically told that they would do nothing to help resolve the late payment that was reported on my credit report. After having my credit account established with credit one bank for over 7 years and with no single late payment, they refused to work with me. To make the situation worse, they closed my account because of the two "returned" payments that were merely an honest mistake that could have easily been resolved with a simple courtesy phone call or notice in writing that the account information was entered incorrectly.

I have never in my life worked with a company that is so unprofessional and unwilling to help. If I had a history of late pays, I would understand a little more but even when it's a complete honest mistake, consumers suffer. Credit one bank is a rip off. I have full intention to pursue legal action towards them. Consumers are in no way, shape, form or fashion protected from vulchers such as credit one bank. They suck!!!

6 Updates & Rebuttals


Worked Up?

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

You think I am worked up?   I was just stating the facts of your situation, it seems that if anyone is worked up it is you.  So much so that you don't even realize what nonsense you are writing.

I have an attorney friend that fights these all the time and 90% are settled outside of court and settled in favor of the consumer.
- Well good for you.  And when your attorney friend files suit please post the court and docket information so everyone can follow it.

Credit card companies are not regulated.

- Do you really believe this?

A consumer can have a credit card account with zero interest. If that payment is not made by the 2o'clock cutoff on the day the payment is due, the creditor jacks the interest rate up to 30%. And the consumer can do absolutely nothing about it.
- I get it now.  It is not regulated the way YOU think it should be. 

I've received no emails, I received no notice.  Truth of the matter is that some under paid hourly employee entered into the system that notice was sent yet never sent it. It's their word against mine.
- The truth as you like to call it is that it was not an hourly employee who sent the notice, it was automatically generated and sent out.  While it is your word against theirs unless you have proof that they are not sending the letters out it is their word that is going to win.  This still does not negate that fact that you could have known about it.  I pointed out two ways that if you actually took responsibility over your accounts it would not have gotten to 30 days late.

Not everyone can be as organized as you or perhaps you are on such a fixed income that you have to balance to the penny. Who knows. Not everyone can be like you
- If you can't be organized enough to monitor your accounts then perhaps you shouldn't have credit cards in the first place.  Because there is an entire other aspect you are overlooking. 

You see by regulation you have 60 days to dispute a charge on your account.  If you don't monitor your account how would you ever know if you have an invalid charge, and be able to dispute it in time?  Oh wait according to you credit card companies aren't regulated so I guess this means nothing to you..so just pretend I never even mentioned it.

As for your inferring that you only have to monitor and balance your accounts if you are on a fixed-income is just laughable.   My source of income is really unimportant, but if you truly think that only people on fixed incomes have to balance their accounts then again...it is probably advisable to not only cut up your credit cards but close every other account you have.


United States,
Why should they take responsibility for their actions these banks or bad businesses don't take responsibility and you condone bad and shady businesses practices who take advantage of people

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

These people who post comments condone bad & shady businesses practices.


United States of America
No one is willing to take responsibility for thier actions!

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, January 27, 2012

Wow... I'm just amazed, you really think that just because you think you will win is a good reason to take someone to court??  It is just ridiculous the number of people in this country who aren't willing to say, "yes, that was my fault.". The truth is, you're the one who messed up. Do you understand you aren't their only customer and for them to try to staff enough people to try to write letters or emails to people who can't enter their bank account information correctly, would be a huge burden.  I think this issue stems from the thought that we as a country are somehow entitled to something, and "the customer is always right" theory is so bogus.  You need to step back and look at this from a business perspective.  You messed up, don't try to pass that off on anyone else.  YOU paid 30 days late because of your own actions.  Get real!!!


United States of America
Robert in irvine....

#5Author of original report

Thu, January 12, 2012

Wow, you seem to get worked up over anything. My point being is that the credit card could have notified me with a simple courtesy phone call. Clearly, not everyone is as organized as you are. I'm not one of those that sit down and balance my register to the penny like you obviously do. Furthermore, have you heard of online auto pay option. Well, if you haven't, let me explain how it works and how it's done. Me personally, I use it because I know the payment is made every month, on time. I'm not one like you that sits down to balance to the penny. I don't have the time to, nor do I need to. I rely on auto debit/recurring payments because that's what's it's used for.

Legal action? You're f'n right I will pursue legal action! Why? Because I'm so sick and tired of credit card companies f**king consumers over with stupid a*s fees. Consumers are in no way shape or form protected from creditors. And being that I had banked with them for years, never a late payment yet they couldn't give me the courtesy of calling me or notifying me that they were unable to locate my account number? That's a shitty way to do business. And you know what else? I will win because trust me, they don't want to spend the money to pay for legal fees to fight against me. Its so much cheaper for them to remove the late pay rather to fight me. It will cost them a whole lot more to fight it. How do I know this? I have an attorney friend that fights these all the time and 90% are settled outside of court and settled in favor of the consumer.

Credit card companies are not regulated. A consumer can have a credit card account with zero interest. If that payment is not made by the 2o'clock cutoff on the day the payment is due, the creditor jacks the interest rate up to 30%. And the consumer can do absolutely nothing about it. You think the economy is screwed up because of the mortgage fraud? Well credit card companies are just at much fault for our economy crashing as mortgage biz. The mortgage industry is now so heavily regulated that it's almost impossible for anyone to qualify for a loan, yet the credit card companies continue to screw the consumers. So watch me Robert in irvine. This won't be on my credit report long. I could care less about the account being closed. Failure to communicate is an issue. I've received no emails, I received no notice. Truth of the matter is that some under paid hourly employee entered into the system that notice was sent yet never sent it. It's their word against mine. Had my payment been returned because of non-sufficient funds, there would be no argument. But because I simply and inadvertently entered or missed a number when entering into their website? Come on dude....put yourself in these shoes for a second. You'd feel the same way. I'm sick and tired of the credit card companies gouging consumers. Not everyone can be as organized as you or perhaps you are on such a fixed income that you have to balance to the penny. Who knows. Not everyone can be like you


North Carolina,
United States of America
Snatching ridiculous from the mouth of credibility

#6Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

You know, your complaint would have credibility based on the mitigating circumstances, were it not for the late 4th quarter 2 minute warning fumble you made, with the idiotic legal action threat.

Legal action? YOU made the mistake entering your info. No courtesy call or willingness to work with you afterward? Okay, I can see your point. It would have been nice. BUT, they weren't required to do any of that.

So sorry, but no ripoff and no grounds for legal action.

But I do thank you for letting us know that freecreditreport.com actually works.

If you haven't paid off those charges yet, by the way, I suggest you do so quickly, before it goes to collections. Then write all 3 credit agencies explaining your side. Just the facts. You typoed your account number, got no notice letting you know it didn't go through, took care of the outstanding charges, including late fees, despite Cap 1's lack of cooperation, and request they note this in your report.


Legal Action?

#7Consumer Comment

Wed, January 11, 2012

That is hilarious that you want to pursue "legal action" against them for YOUR "honest" mistake.  First off "honest" mistakes don't go on for 2 months.  There were at least two things that you should have noticed after the first payment was rejected.

First with YOUR bank account.  Since the payment was rejected you should have realized your balance was higher than it should have been, then when you reconciled your account to find out why you would have realized that it was because your payment was not deducted. 

Second with YOUR credit card statement.  With the rejected payment when you got your next month's statement.  On that statement it would not have only shown NO payments, but additional fees because the payment was rejected.

I guess you are the type of person who doesn't believe in keeping a written register or that figures a credit card statement doesn't really mean anything.  It is not their fault if you somehow missed both of those "red flags", and I would also bet that if you missed those two obvious warnings you could have easily missed a letter or e-mails that were sent to you.

If I had a history of late pays
- Well you may not have a history of "late" pays, your recent history is 2 MISSING payments in a row.  So instead of them getting their money late they didn't get their money at all.  Well that is until it affected your credit report, or have they still not gotten their money?

By the way it is interesting how you only think they are vultures AFTER they closed your account.  Which by the way they have a right to do at any time and for any reason.

Oh and no I don't work for them, and the same thing would have happened with just about any other credit card.

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