  • Report:  #506129

Complaint Review: CREDIT REPAIR MALL - Fort Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
CC & G Financial Group - Deerfield Beach, Florida, U.S.A.

www.creditrepairmall.com Fort Lauderdale, Florida, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
BUYER BEWARE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Check out the other companies owned by him 1st Guaranty Mortgage, Crossland Credit, Cannon Credit Closedfirst Software for other rip off reports!!!!

9 Updates & Rebuttals

white collar divison

United States of America
FTC Suit against Steve Lalonde, Amy Lalonde and Mike Petroski

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, November 25, 2009

"Steve Lalonde" and his wife "Amy Lalonde" are the biggest thieves and liars ever. His alias rebuttals above "Schmit's girlfriend" and "Schmit Destroyer" are feeble pathologic attempts by two lowlifes against the man that exposed all their scams. He does not care what they have to say as long as they face jail and are stopped:

The FTC Federal Trade Commission) now has spoken as well on November 24th, 2009:


Reader, victims get involved and fight crime!!!!!



Ron Schmid Ron Schmit

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, November 24, 2009

whats wrong schmit stain you are the poster who has many many alias's. So f you you ahole. YOU STOLE MONEY YOU SCUM ASK A L AND T C AND OTHERS YOU SH**T STAIN.



You are the scumbag thief Im sure steve is not waiting for his 20 million he gave you the 25k for to prepare the legal documents you a$$ go to he%%

Oh Ya your INS date is coming up well make sure of that and send your a$$ back to switzerland or whatever mountain top you came from so then you can go back to rear ending goats you pos

mary griges

mt prospect,
United States of America

#4General Comment

Mon, November 23, 2009

     Why does it seem that scam victims are "disgruntled". Maybe, huh, because they were scammed! Yeah, thats it!

white collar divison

United States of America
Lalonde and creditrepairmall.com Scams

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, November 23, 2009

Unfortunately, for Steve Lalonde and Amy Lalonde, their continued use of cocaine, Oxycontin and Xanax must have fried their small and criminally pathologic, brains.   Please, anyone? Does anyone want to hear Lalondes incomprehensive toilet talk about Schmitt, d**k and Harry? To pretend to be someones fu....ng girlfriend and babble this childish s**t onto this site, when having stolen 10 million, facing Federal Charges and continuing defrauding the public with fake credit repair under anonymous sites as www.creditrepairmall.com . Your day is coming Lalonde, you scumbags and the outcome   will be published here again and you will meet us soon. Delusional as you are clueless of how many people are onto you, including law-enforcement.   Lalonde, an adult man with 10 kids publishing this crapwhile no word to his defense about pleading guilty to Federal Charges   stealing a million from lenders. Obviously, everyone else affected by Lalonde, the thief, knows that Schmitt has pinned the party tail on the forehead of this criminal, lowlife, Lalonde and his wife.   You dumb as*es you will meet the author of this article from Miami Beach at your Sentencing and at the Federal Prosecutors office and there will be not Schmitt, d**k or Harry there, but someone to making sure for starters that the special care will be given   for the Lalondes, such as electronic ankle bracelets will be affixed to you scumbags, so we know where you are at all times.   This Maggot infested Canadian Bacon, Lalonde is the real stenchy one and we will make sure via deportation, that he will end up back in the Canadian Toilet that he had popped out from, before coming to the US to prey on its Citizens.   Lalonde you are the slimy sh...ts stuck on the side of a Greyhound Bus headed to Canada (bon voyage!! and not a dam thing you can do about it either). From there, in a 4x4 cabin you can sit with your wife and see if you can hassle a few more bucks out of unsuspecting American Citizens via the internet. You and your wife are the scum of this world.   Bouncing uncountable checks on every employee you ever had, screwing up their lives. You are cancer giving a*s-warts, that must be removed for good!!!



#6Consumer Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

Ron stop jerking off in front of the computer I need a smell of your smellly breath the air at the port where i work as an engineer didn't smell enough today so I need a good wiff of your stinky scummy breath.

No ron even if you promise to pay me the hundreds of thousands you stole from people promising them money I wont touch you I want to smell sewage again. Not feel it

Ron stop making up alias on my computer in my apartment and no you can not use the car tomorrow to clean sams toilets with your tongue cause you didnt put gas in again and the quarters you rolled didnt fill it up either

You promised you were going to clean my toilet for half the rent and you didnt so if you dont scam someone again soon Im going to have to take my car back and kick you out

No you cant screw steve over any more youve already screwed him out of hundreds of thousands already find someone else youre on the internet make something up you seem to be good at fantasies

No ron you cant lend me money cause you know you have none and i already gave you my apartment my food and my car

Call Richard Prudian I am sure you two can come up with another scheme

Hopefully the port of miami where i work smells stinky tomorrow cause you smell too much


white collar divison

United States of America
Lalonde every day: Lie , cheat and steal

#7Consumer Comment

Fri, November 20, 2009

Dear victims of "Steve and Amy Lalonde" and all its LLC decoys, law enforcement and public here another message:

The last rebuttal filed by a concerned employee with the fake name "Clay" attempts to set his own rules onto Rip Off Report. However, it results in another "credo of ignorance" demonstrated by the same unremorseful scam artists, couple, Steve and Amy Lalonde of Fort Lauderdale, Florida, now in hiding.

As Federal Sentences are set for December 1st, 2009 for various counts of defrauding lenders out of one million dollars it does not stop there, as there are many more potential State Cases, Federal Bankruptcy Orders and Civil Law Suits are pending. After, defrauding hundreds of victims adding up for more than 10 million dollars not even a shade of this amount has been reflected in judgments and proper sentencing  yet.

Lalonde and wife, after defrauding investors and lenders over 9 millions dollars in various scams not to forget the IRS, after being evicted several times in their business locations and there places of residence (See Boston Investor Group, Miami, Florida) the two gangsters are still not remorseful but continue to scam the public, but this time as anonymously as possible and under ####www.creditrepairmall.com####  as an example.  DJ (David Jones) had designed  websites and through major lead generation the great credit scam mall offers the following: be a little stupid and waste 50 bucks for nothing--pay $199 to be really stupid or go for bankruptcy now rather than later.

If you want to buy condiments for Lalonde's jail terms to be served please send it directly to the jail--do not give your name--credit score--any address --any phone numbers, etc as it will probably finance more of his lavish life style even soon behind bars and your "Identity" will end up in Nigeria, Africa and the Russian Underworld.

Both of these clowns now mainly operating from their downsized residence, after another eviction from business and residential locations, now restoring your credit from the backseat of car? Please "Clay" alias Amy @ Steve (FF@%%*T% off--OK??)


United States of America
Tip of the Iceberg Rebuttal

#8UPDATE Employee

Wed, November 18, 2009

A question of credibility.


Mr. / Mrs. Levin, you obviously have a serious grudge with Steve LaLonde.


The problem is, you dont exist.


There is no record of any employee by the name of A. Levin in any of stated companies.

There is no record of any customer by the name of A. Levin in the companys databases.

There is no investor on record by the name of A. Levin.

There is no A. Levin listed in Oakland Park Florida.


So who are you and from what experience do you speak?


You dont reference any specifics. You just make broad allegations; some of which are on record and are being satisfactorily resolved through the legal system. You fail to mention the extenuating circumstances that the courts have favorably taken into consideration. You make references concerning support personnel whose sole jobs were to build out a one of a kind system which was accomplished and as a result, most of the said personnel moved on some time ago.


So other than being some disgruntled person with dated staffing information, no ties to Steve LaLonde or his companies, who are you?


The web is an excellent place to share information and can be practiced anonymously. But, if you resort to defamation, it is only reasonable to identify yourself and speak from personal experiences so that the issues can be addressed. Casting defamation using an alias has to make one wonder as to the legitimacy and the motivation of the claims and by extension, the creditability of the author.


Concerned employee

ron schmit exposer

oakland park,
The truth about Steve

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, October 28, 2009

The truth about Steve

It all starts with a fraudster by the name of Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt he has many alias because as you see he owns nothing, and lives off his girlfriend who works for miami dade county which all info on her shall be forthcoming.

He is  like a cockroach  he comes out in the night and steals from innocent people who believe his lies about being wealthy and able to provide millions of dollars.

Heres how it all started in 06 Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt promised and put in writing that he was lending 20 million dollars to closed first software.

Over a period of many many months Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt kept saying the money is coming etc etc all the lies etc that Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt is capable of which are plenty

Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt conned Steve, closed first and others out of 25000 dollars per con saying it was for legal work to prepare loan documents for all the money he said he had. He stole a bunch of money under this scheme from many individuals look up on sunbiz.org how many failed business he had. These companies were formed by  Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt to steal money from stupid people like steve and others.

After it was all said and done Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt never had ANY MONEY he didn't have a dollar he drives his girlfriends car and takes her salary from Miami dade which  pays for his gas. The only money that Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt has is from his conning of innocent people who run businesses and scams them with bogus loan promises taking them public etc.

This is where all the trouble started with steve he believed that fraudster Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt.  Myself and others told Steve he was a scam but he refused to listen. I was in meetings with that scum Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt and saw how much of a con man he was but yet Steve would not listen.

So now we are here a couple of years later and Ron is posting stuff all over the internet which is a bunch of bs that is made up. This is his way of being a pathetic scumbag who now is being exposed for how much of a fraudster he is. See he is the one being investigated and once that comes out I will be sure to keep you informed.

Steve worked 80 hours on average per week for years for closed first and their investors he risked it all for that company and those investors who Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt says got conned the only con man is Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt

See Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt never works he just cons with bs fraud lies and promises and steals his girlfriends check.

He spreads lies about Amy because he is a pathetic piece of crap.  See he has time to do this because he doesn't work he scams money from people who he says he's going to lend them money and he uses his girlfriends car and lives at her apartment.

He uses alias to post bs pretending its from others.  He is scamming all investors in closed first in believing his lies and has ruined investors lives because of his bogus judgment which he has yet to produce any document which shows he lent the money he is claiming. He is a huge conman believe what you want here but the truth is something completely different look him up you will see all his bogus companies he creates to steal money from people of his bogus wealth etc etc what a scumbag.

If you ever see him you will definitely remember him the second time because he has the same stench of scum along with the same clothes that he wears every day

This is the facts I was there stupid Steve for not listening but the truth is he's a decent guy who works hard and

Ronald Schmid, Ron Schmidt, Ronald Schmid or Ron Schmidt is the true con man crook

A. Levin

Oakland Park,
STEVE LALONDE--the tip of the iceberg

#10General Comment

Tue, October 20, 2009

STEVE LALONDE OR STEPHEN LALONDE and his accountant and co-conspirator wife AMY LALONDE and all his shadow companies and trade names:

CLOSERPLUS (closerplus.com), LOAN NOW , CREDIT REPAIR MALL, CANON CREDIT, DELTA ASSET MANAGEMENT LLC, OK CLOSE INC, all scams. LALONDE is nothing short in the making of another MARTIN FRANKEL. All a Ponzi Scheme, Emezzlement, Credit Repair Fraud, Mortgage Fraud, Securities Fraud, Elderly Abuse, Loan Modification Fraud, Tax Evasion, Money Laundering, Mail Fraud, Wire Fraud, Extortion and Major Racketeering. His is a rude, people hating, pathologic liar, thief and major Debt-Beat . Sickened with greed and never remorseful. Public be aware of this low-life!!!




All set up to screw unsuspecting victims such as investors, the distressed mortgage holders and the credit impaired, public. He has pleaded guilty this year to his Federal Indictment of having stolen one (1) million dollars from lenders. He is facing sentencing in December of this year of 2009. Besides facing Federal Jail Time, he is a prime candidate for Deportation from the US, as he is a Canadian Citizen. Although indicted and pleaded guilty, he has not been sentenced yet and he is using this little time to continue his scams and steal from the public via credit repair, loan modification and moving around assets away from his creditors, the Government and IRS and most of all, messing and abusing the US BANCRUPTCY COURT SOUTHERN DISTRICT OF FLORIDA.


If it would not be for the Special Florida Task Force  that set up traps throughout Florida for the species of racketeers and thieves alike, robbing lenders, the public and the mortgage industry, he would have surely grown into a new Martin Frankel, another financial disaster. Nonetheless, he had been caught red handed and federally and formally indicted by July 13th of 2009, awaiting sentencing in December. What the Federal Prosecutors, the US Bankruptcy Court of Southern District do not know yet, is that the one million he stole, that he is indicted for, is only pocket change and the tip of the iceberg. He must have ripped the credit seeking public, investors, partners and the like for over 10 million dollars and created misery for the already misfortunate nationwide. When he has companies called Crossland Credit..... or something run, run fast as long as you can. Never shake his hand or you will have to count your fingers.


The failures of the US Government to properly regulate and properly enforce the financial industry such as banks and Wallstreet but as much the mortgage industry, credit card companies and credit repair industry, is now costing taxpayers trillions, loss of jobs, loss of moral, increased crime rates across the nation. Large and small, all the same crooks, have been allowed for decades to rob the public and the nation of stability and a decent future for all next generations. It is those people from Countrywide and small town THIEFS such as LALONDE that put the Nation backwards by thirty years as they sucked the soul and life out of the Industry.


Lalonde is a brutal finance predator is a poster boy for praying on the week and the distressed, the people looking for work, the credit impaired public. He will steal deposits, be on both sides of the fence such as do title, mortgage, credit repair, etc all commingled and not at arms length. The fact that he still sits in an nice new office funded with his ripped off loot still engaging in the credit restoration business, a future felon that has already plead guilty, tells the old story--that the Federal Government and the State of Florida still has a lot of work to do. There is a disconnect, the Government fails to protect the law-abiding citizensthese financial career criminals  are encouraged by the relaxed attitude of the Regulatory Body of the Federal Government Agencies and the State, through their lack of enforcement and injunctive relief  to block them to continue their scams. They are all allowed to transform a little and further rip off the public and the taxpayer.                      


Amazingly, Steve Lalonde has managed to keep a core of henchmen such as such as: Michael Ammundson (CTO), Richard Thompson (CTELO), David Jones (IT), Ed Toro (Programmer), Michael Kimble and the beloved chef or cook his wife, from the accounting department Amy Lalonde her best recipes are to evade taxes, hide assets and cook books and destroy incriminating records. They all need to be indicted and  sued for co-conspiracy to this racketeering scheme as they all by now know very well what they are part of. They all including, Lalonde need to be bared from working within the financial industry.


Public, Law Enforcement be aware!!!!

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