  • Report:  #1223299


Reported By:
HAD ENOUGH - ofallon, Missouri, USA

636) 946-6406
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I  lived here from 2009 untill 2013 when i moved inn it was 485.00 a month i could not find anything cheaper and thought i had hit a un keep secret spot   well i learned fast why it was so cheap the hall light where always broke there was always a smell of drugs in the building . there was always a drunk / high person right out side the building  there were always police there weather it was some one's car being stolen or some one who was wanted  .they started taking section 8 and things got really bad there was drug deals going on in the parking lot ..some one had a party in the parking lot when i came out the next moring there were about 5-7 beer cans on my car  there were bad bug problems ..every time i called the main office the lady's up there were not helpfull at all   they would only say "we will look into that "   then they keep rasing my rent i called to the main office when it went up to 565.00 and asked her why it was raised she sd thats the way it is   "they had not put anything new painted had repaired anything in my unit" since i moved inn  in 2009. i infom them 2 months later i was going to have to move cause of the rent going up and being a single income  she sd oh ok  make sure you give us a 30 days notice in writing  i infom her that i would and wrote them a letter and laced it in the main office slot   then movied out 25 days later  at the end of sept   i called thema nd told them we needed to do a walk through she said that she had not recived my 30day notice which is b.s   i waited to hear from them and didn't  so on act 7th  i took them back there keys  ..i recived a letter in the mail at my new address stating i owed for a month of rent  and painting and wholes in the walls


i live alone   no kids  no pets and worked 50 hours a week   not to mention i have a mild case of o.c.d  believe me when i tell you that appartment was beyond clean ..i infom her i had taken video when i left she sd oh umm ok  let me check on that ..she" said " she talk to a man named bob in maintenance and he sd no my unit was ok  so she sd i owed for the month of october  i infom her i moved out in september  she sd that since they didn't recive my letter i have to pay for october  i infom her that is not fair  i have told her in aug verbaly i was moving and dropped off the 30day notice  she sd that she will mail me out a new bill ((which i never recieved ))  

i went on living normal life as i know it 

now in march 2015 i get a letter from a collection agency j & m secrities saying i owe 1800.00  now for the appartment  this collctor shannon  metzger  is a jerk  he refused to help me with anthing i asked to make payment arangments  he refused !

i asked to talk to his manger he refused  so i called the  attorney over the case (as they are tying to sue me ) and he sd yes they will work it out with me  

so i called the collection agant agian and not only did he flat out refuse  he was threating me that he will find me  refused to talk to me was talking over me , theating me that he will service me .he said that he dont care what the attorney said that he works in the same office as the attorney and he knows what was said  he accused me of being a lier and hung up on me 



i encourge you to never to business with crestview and if you already live there have them sign for the 30 day notice 

1 Updates & Rebuttals



#2General Comment

Sat, April 18, 2015

You poor poor creature. YOU attempted to fight thier system AND LOST!!!! Then YOU compound the situation by posting on a media outlet. See IF you had a lawyer THEY would have told YOU NOT TO DO THIS!!! SO YOU dont have a lawyer and YOU REALLY NEED ONE!!! YOU have defamed them and THEY have the right to take from YOU an amount of money equal to the damages THEY FEEL they suffered, PLUS court costs and attorney fees. When YOU are dealing with important paperwork such as a notice of intent to vacate, you NEVER just "put it in the slot". You ALWAYS take it in and physically hand it to them. "JUST" leaving it in the slot is more then likely a lie. THEY only have YOUR WORD that you did indeed give THEM a plans to vacate notice. So instead of STOPPING everything and finishing out the process needed to get YOU out of there, YOU fought the system AND LOST!!! YOU canot turn around and WHINE about it online. YOU were supposed to HAND THEM your notice to vacate letter. YOU DID NOT DO THIS!!!! You can SAY all you like that you did indeed give them notice, but the proof is in the post. YOU are in collections and YOU went online to defame them in a petty form of vengence. Unfortunate for YOU is the FACT that RoR is a media outlet and as such YOU are under the very same defamation laws that EVERY printed publication MUST follow or they get SUED!!!!So were I you, I would be rebutting my own post and explaining that YOU wrote this while angry and it is YOUR OPINION!!!

Either way this is ON YOU for NOT following the exit procedure in place. YOU fought it and lost. Be a good loser and pay what you owe. YOU dont have to like it and no one is going to expect you to. But YOU are an adult and as an adult YOU have responsibilities. THIS is just one of those ADULT things YOU have to deal with.

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