Ronny g
North hollywood,#2Consumer Comment
Fri, May 14, 2010
Even though the check is a fraud, or says void at a certain angle in the right light..whatever, the bank DOES clear it. And this is how the scam works and why many feel the banks should do a little more to verify suspect checks, or warn the customer to do so.
So, the check clears. The scammer contacts the victim and gives some hokey pokey story how they need you to send funds for "transfer fees" or "legal fees" etc. so they can send you the big prize amount
Then the victim sends the fees because they are using the funds the bank cleared. So the money the victim western unions to the GONE. Untraceable, non refundable, and no recourse.
THEN, part 2, you never hear from the scammer again (disposable cell phone, closes email account), and when the check is discovered by the bank to be a fraud, weeks or even months later, the victim is responsible to cover the fraudulent check, and can be subjected to fraud charges as well. Not to mention all the withdrawals that were can imagine the financial devastation.
mikeyd knight
elgin,#3Consumer Comment
Thu, May 13, 2010
big time waste of time...if you look carefully at the check,..below the "bank" name is letters,..white and blue speckles "VOID"...nothing is free in this world and date in time time...i held this check and wondered all the things i could do with it...pipe dreams... it was nice for a second,..the way this scam works is...the check is void,..when you give this check to your bank, it obviously wont clear,..the fake company gets routing numbers on the 'void' check!!bad idea!! this company also uses pay as you go cell phones,..disposable!! almost no way to catch the thieves!!! hope i helped,..sorry
Ronny g
North hollywood,#4Consumer Comment
Wed, May 12, 2010
Flem is correct.
And hopefully those that get checks like these know better. The problem is, many people are naive when it comes to this stuff. So, they figure they will simply deposit it in the bank..and if it clears..that means it is a good check. Not an unreasonable assumption as all banks are supposed to tell you when the check clears..which is implication the funds are available.
Why I feel the banks should do a little more, is because they are supposed to be the "pros", and they give a false sense of security by clearing a check like this without letting the customers know that even if it clears, it could still be fake and the customer is liable.
Once again, I am not trying to put the blame on the banks for this, nor hold them responsible. It is not the banks fault that a customer is a sucker or naive or victim of fraud. But a red light comes on when we have to not only watch for fraudulent checks, but watch for the banks as well..basically the second line of defense.
The first line of defense is having the common sense to make sure the check is good before spending it..the second line of defense is the bank. They could either inform the customer to not spend the funds..even when cleared until the issuer is verified..or call themselves.
The other option is to ask this customer if it is a sweepstakes or lottery check and if the customer replies "yes" throw it in the garbage, or advise the customer to do so.
Dayton,#5Consumer Suggestion
Tue, May 11, 2010
I received the same letter and check, ane was not able to reach the contact person . I called the Credit Union that was printed on the check (First Federal Credit Union) and was told that the check was fake and the best thing to do when you receive any checks from unknown companies/person, call the bank on which the company is suppose to have an account with.
Ronny g
North hollywood,#6Consumer Comment
Tue, May 11, 2010
Most likely a scam. And it's common. You can deposit it but are wasting your time. Even if it clears which the bank would most likely do in a day or two, five at the most...if you spend any of it, eventually when they find out it is a fake, you will be liable, and can be charged with fraud, as you stated. Even days, weeks or months later. You can try to call the bank it is issued from and use the routing numbers to verify it, but also..a waste of time.
So if anything, you did the right thing by asking here before depositing and cashing it. Eventually the scammer would have asked you to send some money and that is how they get you.
I feel the banks should be more cautious as well. I am not blaming the banks, nor saying they should be held responsible in any way, but why not for the good of their customers..and the fact that they know this happens, put in a safe guard. For example in the UK, they have virtually eliminated check fraud. How??? Simple, you hand the bank a check like this, and they toss it in the garbage.
Without the banks participation, these scams would be almost impossible.
Grayslake,#7Consumer Suggestion
Tue, May 11, 2010
If you want to be ripped off, go ahead and cash the check!!
There are all kinds of these scams going around! Google "fake check scam" or go