  • Report:  #211748

Complaint Review: Cydcor - Jacksonville Florida

Reported By:
- jacksonville, Alabama,

cydcor.com Jacksonville, Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I placed my resume on a website and less than a day later I received a call from a Cydcor affiliate. I was told I was chosen to come in for an interview. I went in and everything seemed a little Iffy. I was told that I would be making 6 figures in a few months and that it hardly required much work on my part. I was told that there would be no out of pocket expenses for me. That this job was an opportunity to learn how to run my own business and that my job title would be Manager in training or something along those lines. I was told if I proved myself in less than 6 months I could be running my own office just like he was. I was told that the VERY MINIMUM that I would make would be $400.00 a week. I asked about the hours and they said they varied and that I basically made my own schedule since it was based on commission. I was told the more I worked the more I made. That was my motivation for my job. Good pay and flexible hours.

I was also told that I may be called in for a second interview since the manager liked what I was offering. He hardly glanced at my resume.

The very NEXT day I was called in and was told that I may be one of the few chosen to take this job that over 30 people applied for (if that was the case then why did they call me?) well needless to say I decided to try it out anyways. I was curious.

I was sent to see a girl that was on the job. They tried to get me to stay three hours with her but I was not going to stay for something I wasn't getting paid for. They relented. I was told my first week that I would be making 500-600 dollars a week, in a month at the most I'll be making 700-900 a week and in no more than 3 months after that I should be clearing well over 1000. Then the girl called the manager of the office and he told me I was hired. He asked when I could start and I told him I needed two weeks to leave my job I had at the moment. He proceeded to get pushy and ask if I would leave the next day, that this was an opportunity of a lifetime, ect ect. I held my own and I waited the two weeks.

So I started in June, First let me say that I was lied to right off the bat. I was not guaranteed at least 400 dollars a week. They made me sign a form that informed me that I knew I was commission based and that I would be making minimum wage. The manager convinced me that the leaders would help me till I could get on my own and that I still would make my $400 mark. So I relented.

And that no out of pocket expense thing. We have to pay for all our gas wherever we go, there were two different stores that were at the least an hour and a half drive from where we were. Their excuse for making us pay for our gas, yet telling us everything would be paid for is You can use it as a write off Anyone that is tax savvy knows that you hardly get anything at all back.

We were forced to go to a morning meeting where all they drilled into your head what not to be negative and how to Con people into getting things they never needed. We sold Bellsouth packages to customers that were in Cingular stores. Not an easy feat. We were also forced to go to an evening meeting as well.

My first few days were really bad. I was with a leader who made me do the pitch and everything but she put HER name on all my applications. The apps = your money. I was mad. I wanted to talk to my manager about it but I was told by another leader that I was just being a Neg-Bomb because under no circumstances are we allowed to EVER be any kind of negative feeling at all. My first week I made less than 250 dollars.

They lied about the hours. I was told that on very few occasions would I have to stay past 7:30Pm. We stayed pass 8 most nights, but we could only get paid up to 7:30. I have no clue why. I was also told that I would be given an hour for lunch and that I could take it. We never were. Their motto was FIRST ONE HOME, FIRST ONE TO EAT!!!! We never got paid for lunch hour that we usually were forced to work through.

The next week they had a convention and I did not have the 300 to fork over to go so I didn't work. That week I made less than 125.00

The next two weeks I was doing a little bit better,( maybe300 if I was lucky) but I was with someone who stole my customers and put her name on my applications, when I confronted them about it I was told I was being a Neg-bomb again. I was to my breaking point.

On top of everything every store that we went into at least one time a day we had an irate customer come in with an extremely high bill. This was entirely the companies fault. They trained us to give pricing for things that were actually priced 10 to 20 more dollars expensively. One thing we were actually taught to do was quietly and discreetly admit the pricing we gave them were pre-tax prices. And if questioned farther to tell them that the taxes that we could guarantee were $7.00 but there would be a few more very small taxes applied by the state. So in reality something that we said would be 60 usually ended up costing the customer 100 or more dollars. I know from experience because I signed up my own aunt for this phony stuff before realizing that they had not told us everything about the pricing.

Also, I had an emergency come up where I had to take a day off to take my father to the hospital, he is a dialysis patient and he was very ill. I was told by my manager that I did not have good work ethics and I did not know what kind of opportunity I was giving up. He also told me that I needed to get my priorities straight or I would not make it far in the business. My family is my priority. I just chalked it up to him having a bad day and let it go. Later when I needed another day off for the same type of emergency I was told the same thing. This is when I found out you really don't get to take time off when/if you need it. It was just another lie they fed me to get me to sign up for the job. They had us working Monday through Saturday 9:30-8 at the earlist.

I was then asked to go a business trip to New Orleans. I was told that my gas would be paid for (yes, they made me drive my own car) and that my check would be put in the bank Monday. I was not told that I would be sharing a two bed hotel room with FOUR GIRLS. They made me sleep in a bed with a complete STRANGER. I also was not told that everyone wanted to party the whole time. I was under 21 and I was left out of everything (of you ever worked with the company you know the motto is TEAMWORK!!!!).

I used my charge card for gas and then it started getting denied. I called my bank and found out that I was over drafted the $180 that I had spent to get there. I called my boss and asked where my check was and he said sorry I haven't had time to cash it, I promise ill cash it tomorrow. (Tuesday). Wednesday rolls around and I STILL hadn't had my check cashed. I finally locate my money on Thursday. My boss put it in my savings account something I can't touch. So I call him and ask him to send me the now 200 dollars ive spent in gas so that I can eat for the next few days and that's when he replies that I was supposed to get that money off of the people that I drove. This is after he specifically told me that he would take care of the gas money.

Needless to say, and not surprisingly we did not get paid for the 10 hour drives we did on the Sundays to get to New Orleans and when I found this out I went in the office and promptly QUIT!!!

When I quit I was in major debt. I had numerous repairs I had to make to my car that I had acquired wile on the job and I was back on my rent. I was lied to the whole time and I feel very cheated. There is no legal way I can get to them so I had to suck it up and try to pay all my bills. If I did ever make it to manager I wouldn't have taken it. I've seen too many friends that I did happen to make in the company go broke and loose apartments, Ive also seen people that moved to Florida from out of state getting houses they couldn't afford because of the lies that the manager told them. It hurt me to be a victim of this vicious company but I did learn my lessons. I just hope whoever reads this who is considering working for this company or its subsidiaries will take this to heart and run away from this money sapping company as fast as they can.


jacksonville, Alabama

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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Here it comes...

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, September 21, 2006

Wait for it...They will come. All the shills will be here in no time belittling you. Saying you "don't have what it takes" ect ect. Saying that you "didn't stick it out" long enough. Blah blah blah. We all know it is just corporate brainwashing. *oh and little known fact: DS MAX (the head guys) PAY people to come to this board and rebut. I have proof* So...my story. I was 17 and just out of highschool. I wanted something new and exciting for the summer before college. A way to earn good money and get great exeperience. I saw an ad for a "marketing assistant" and I applied (I was going to major in marketing). I went in and filled out an app and interviewed the same day. On my app I stated my age (17) and stated I did not have a drivers license. During my interview the "manager" told me how my experience was just what they need (waitress) and how I would be great for this company. He told me how I would be "guaranteed" $600 a week. He told me it was INSIDE sales. He told me it was paid training. He told me I would be called back in a week for a second interview. I was called back 3 hours later. I "aced" my second interview and went on a Day of O(bservation). I was promised pay for this, and was NEVER told it would take me 150 miles from home to a strange place (can we say transporting a minor over state LINES!?!?) I went and watched these people sell dolls and board games and basic crap door to door to businesses and people on the streets. I watched them go into bars and grocery stores and Post offices, wherever they could. At the end of the day, my "leader" had made $130. She paid me $15 (even though I made half her sales). (lets break that down...$15 divided by 12 hours work equals $1.25 an hour...hardly minimum wage!) We went back to the office and I took a "test" and was hired. The next day I started work. I was forced to drive (without a license) even after I told them again I did not have one...they said if I got pulled over they would take care of it. So, being young and naive, I did. No problems there I never got pulled over, thankfully. Again, we had to go the next state over and sell this junk. My commission for that day was supposed to be over $200. I got paid $20 *leader took the rest for himself.* This went on and on for a week and a half. The meetings were horrible. The videos the worst. I remember the first time I saw that "training" video and all the people in the room staring blindly at it...scary. Repeating the same words over and over "loyalty" "teamwork"....creepy. I was told the leaders on up made at least $60,000 a year. Then I was told they all lived in the Merch(andise) house together. If you are making $60,000 a year, can't you afford your own place? Instead of putting 20 some people in a 4 bedroom house? Somthing was fishy. I decided that I was sick of not getting paid (over two weeks weilded me a measly $200...fyi it was over 170 hours). I went to the manager. I was accused of not being loyal and being "negative." I informed him I was 17 (as stated on my app) and that under Washington law he was required to pay me at least minimum wage, OT for anything over 40 hours a week, provide me with 30min lunch break every five hours, AND he was required to give me a 15 minute PAID break every 2 hours. He told me I was not an "employee" due to that contract I signed. I informed him that contract was null and void since a MINOR signed it without parental consent. I also informed him I was filing a complaint with the attorney general, with the department of wages, with my lawyer, and with the department of labor. I filed complaints with all these companies and ended up getting compensated over $2200 (this included some personal expenses that were not legal). I also filed a complaint with the police for their "kidnapping" me on my Day of O (taking me over state lines against my will and without my families permission). Here is what I learned, for everyone considering it: If you are preparing for your day of observation, pay attention. When I was working there I learned a lot from my leader and read the leader's handbook. It talks about using sales techniques on the new recruits. Like telling them they would be great for the job, but if they don't want it 20 other people do. Telling them all the perks and none of the downsides. Lying to them. Telling them that it was "the best thing they can do for their family" This list goes on. Don't buy into it. If you are actually working there, be prepared. I know a guy who used to work at the same office as me. I found out, after we both left, (he got a job offer that paid WAY better and WAY less hours) that he was hired, not to actually sell but to flirt with the girls. His actual job was to be flirty with new girls to try to get them to stick around. They hire girls to do the same thing. At least my office did. This should be shut down, but they are not illegal, just unethical. For all those wondering what happened to me? I am a college student, about to graduate. I will, starting off, be making more than my "manager" as this company made. And that is with only a four year degree. I am not involved in Marketing anymore, I moved to finance. I could not be happier about leaving that place. I will tell everyone I can the truth about that retched company. If they would just be honest, I would not care. Good luck, and A. do not let the shills get you down. They will resort to anything to try to make you look bad. Don't let them get you!



#3Author of original report

Thu, September 21, 2006

Yes it is. Cydcor just mothers these companies and lets the companies use their own name. (also, be aware that these companies change names a lot) That way if the company goes under, or breaks a lot of rules. Cydcor doesn't get hurt. Same with the people working for the sister companies. If we rip people off (like they tell us too) then they can fire us at the drop of a hat without suffering the consequences of the actions we do. I went on all the webpage's that this one has posted their ad's on and picked the ad apart and showed the Dot Coms that they are hosting ads for fraudulent companies. If you read Fortune 5 Marketing's ad's they have some of them in there under "sports" and they say on all their ad's Base pay PLUS commission. Witch is a total lie. They also have an ad in there for every education level as well. So now they are trying to sucker people who have went to school to get a REAL job, wasting these poor people's times and running their financials in the ground. They also say that they are an independent company who caters to a variety of Fortune 500 companies. ( no Cydcor will give them the promotions for ONE company.) Also they state that when you go to work for them it's to consult and there will be no door to door sales or cold calling and that the customers come to us. WRONG! We stand in the Cingular store accosting customers that are there to get their phones fixed and try to sell them on Bellsouth phone lines and products. We have to face these customers cold. We become nothing but Glorified Solicitors. I hope you do the same for that company and I hope anyone else who got ripped off from these people do the same as well. Its time we took a stand


Strange Coincidence??

#4Consumer Suggestion

Wed, September 20, 2006

Promoting BellSouth products at Cingular stores sounds like the same nonsense Encore Marketing did (does) here in MS. I wonder if Encore is somehow related to Cydcor. Anyone have any idea?


Fortune 5 marketing

#5Author of original report

Wed, September 20, 2006

For some reason I managed to put in that the office was in Alabama. This office is located in Jacksonville, Florida. On another note, I just saw one of the girls that was working for this company at my new job. She had left for the same reasons as I. her exact words were " I was tired of being lied to"

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