  • Report:  #419431

Complaint Review: Cydor Dynamic Marketing Concepts - Atlanta Georgia

Reported By:
- Atlanta, Georgia,

Cydor Dynamic Marketing Concepts
1200 Ashwood Parkway, Suite 170 Atlanta, Georgia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I was in need of a good paying job after college, so I decided to do the Career Builder thing and put my resume up there just to see what kind of jobs they had. Within days, I had a phone call from Dynamic Marketing Concepts, letting me know that they wanted to interview me. I asked them how many people were applying for the job and the receptionist told me that they were hiring someone for an Account Manager position and that they saw a couple of people already, but that they would love for me to come in and interview. I should have known by the way she dodge my question that something was up. I showed up at the office and there were about 7 other people there. I was kind of confused, but whatever. I finally get back into the interview room with Adam, the owner, and he seems really nice. They give me all this bull about making all this money and blah, blah, blah. Well I started working for them and on my first day, the guy that had taken me out on my interview was not there. I got assigned to another "team leader" and when I asked why he wasn't here anymore, I was told that he just didn't work out. I saw NONE of that money that they promised me when I signed on. They wanted me to lie to clients. When I went on the road trips to sell their products, I ended up being in one hotel room with 5 other girls....6 girls in one room? Me and another girl ended up having to sleep on the floor the whole trip. It sucked! By the end of everything, I had worked for them for about 4 months and I ended up losing all of my savings while I was working there because I never got paid enough to make my rent or buy groceries. They kept trying to encourage me, telling me that I will eventually start making the money they promised me....it never happened and I saw COUNTLESS of people come and go, none of them making the money that they were promised either. I ended up having to move in with my boyfriend and had to give up my apartment. I am now in debt from putting things like groceries and gas on my credit card. Oh and they do not pay for your gas when you have to be out ALL day driving around in YOUR vehicle in these WAY out there places. Get this....they have territory up in Northeast Georgia, like Blue Ridge. It takes you about an hour and a half to get up to Blue Ridge (one way) from Atlanta. They expect you to drive into work in the morning, go out to your territory (like blue ridge), spend the whole day out there trying to sell products to businesses that DO not want these products, and then drive back into Atlanta just so you can ring a d**n bell based on how much products you sold. That could possibly be a 3 hour drive EVERY DAY and guess what? You have to pay for everything. You will not be reimbursed for any of your gas, any expenses you have because of the business, nothing.

I thought that right out of college I would land a great marketing job and I thought it might be with this company. Boy was I wrong!!!! Stay away!!!! That whole little scheme that they spout you saying that you will get your own company is wrong.

stay away!!!!

Atlanta, Georgia


4 Updates & Rebuttals

Big Daddy Been There

United States of America
Come on Mr. Realistic

#2General Comment

Sun, March 07, 2010

I found the rebuttal posted by the Realistic Entrepreneur particularly entertaining. It didn't take me long to draw the conclusion that Mr. Realistic was actually Mr. Dorfman spewing his venom at those that have called him out. This is really transparent and probably shows the true colors of the owner of this company.

There is nothing innately unethical about this business practice, but it is highly manipulative. I worked for a business equipment company in the mid-eighties that used similar business practices. We looked for kids right out of college hungry for that first job. We particularly liked to hire former athletes because of their competitive edge. More importantly, it gave us credibility with prospective candidates. Our interview process was similar in that we sent people on day long field interviews where they made calls with our representatives.

This opportunity is for someone that really can't find anything else. Success is more predicated on timing and good fortune than it is hard work and business acumen. There is exponentially more failure than success. It is a young person's game because anyone with any significant experience can see through the facade.

In my career, I was fortunate to have some highlights, but I was a drain on my family. I made some money, but for the most part I could not survive month to month on my income. The best thing that came out of it was that I met my wife. Other than that, I would say that my time as a direct marketing representative was a mistake that I would not want to relive.

Realistic Entrepreneur

RE: Shame on you Adam

#3General Comment

Wed, September 30, 2009

Without having very much knowledge of the company, I can't possibly know what each of you went through, but I would like to submit a suggestion to the original writer of this, and to the guy who said "Shame on you Adam."

For a second, let's assume that all of this is true. Let's assume this Adam guy is a real a*****e, a liar, cheat, scam artist and whatever. Lets assume that he sent you on a business trip, made you sleep in the same room as other people, or even in the same bed, and then suggested you go door to door selling your product or service. 

Writing from the previous point of view, assuming that this is true, I would call you... the writer, both in the original and in the third post, a spineless "Class-A" vagina who lacks balls and integrity. You deserve everything you have. No one held a gun to your head and made you do any of this. Further more, if you used jaded sales practices in your talks with prospects, that is your fault for choosing to operate with no integrity. Oh... and you had to sleep in the same bad??? Poor baby..!!! The people that founded this country came over here on over crowed boats, short on food and what you would call necessities, to create a system where free enterprise rules, and people have the opportunity to create something of themselves, so honestly, no one gives a s**t about you having to sleep in air conditioned quarters in a comfortable bed. Man up you p***y. 

I have news for you, and all of the people in this world who want to do a lazy job, and collect an easy paycheck. WAKE UP! Everyone is looking to make a profit. If you fall suspect to a "Scheme" it's YOUR FAULT!!!! It's up to you if you want a good job. If you don't like what's out there, make your own way.

I would suggest that people on this site quit looking for a free ride. 

I say props to "Adam" for giving people the opportunity to build some sales skill and get some real life experience. Good for you Adam! I am certain that whoever wrote this post is one of the same dumb, blinded d****e-bags that think the government should pay our health insurance. Well, i say to all of you. MAN UP, GROW SOME BALLS, and quit complaining. 

(Or go get a desk job)


Mount Dora,
Shame on you Adam


Sun, September 06, 2009

Dynamic Mrketing Concepts



Shame on you.  I for some reason today searched on the internet and found several complaints on your company.  You for some reason felt compelled to respond to the young lady that told as far as I am concerned probably most of the truth.

For you to suggest that you do not send people at least 1.5 hours from the office and make them pay for their own gas is less than the truth.  You would send me to Gainsville Georgia from Atlanta on a daily basis. So let me respond to your statements as best as I can remember.

1.  On my interview I told you I use to make a six figure salary.  YOU told me I could do that in less than two years.

2.  You never told anyone that being promoted meant you had to stay at the office and enter your daily orders in the data base computer.  Wow- I get to stay for 14 hours on commission and do your work.

3.  To suggest that you don't put six people in a room is not the truth.  How DARE you respond with that ! I never in my proffessional life had been forced to sleep in the same BED with someone I did not know.  I rented at my expense a rollaway cot !

Adam Dorfman

Our Company Policies and Records

#5REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, May 06, 2009

As President of Dynamic Marketing Concepts, Inc. I take these reports extremely seriously and have taken the time to thoroughly research the posted accusations. I am posting my reply with my name and phone number attached not anonymously. These comments have damaged my company's reputation. I encourage anyone considering working with or doing business with our company to meet us in person and make decisions about us for yourself. Each person's experience is their own, and, for every one person who has had a negative experience with any company, there are many whose positive experiences will never be heard. Please see the information below in regards to stay away's posting about our company. Facts: 1. We keep meticulous territory records and have never assigned the territory of Blue Ridge, Georgia to a female member of our staff. The only representative that has ever worked Blue Ridge as a daily territory was a male assistant manager who specifically requested it as his territory. 2. While we do put multiple people in company-provided hotel rooms during business trips, we have never and will never sleep five or six individuals in one hotel room. As a company, we pay for the hotel rooms for all business-related travel. 3. In regards to our interviewing practices, we receive several hundred resumes per week. As with any position, many people who apply tend to embellish on their resumes. We conduct short introductory interviews with a high number of people to validate the information that applicants provide on their resumes. Additionally, as a company that specializes in face to face customer interaction, it is critical that we meet each potential candidate face to face to determine their fitness for the position. 4. At no point in time do we ever tell any of our applicants or representatives that a high level of income is guaranteed. We provide our people with the opportunity to earn and advance based on personal performance and merit. At no point in time will we ever try to force someone to stay with our company. Not everyone picks up on the sales side of our business immediately, and if, after receiving extra training, someone is unable to meet their personal financial goals, we encourage them to move on to another position with our full support and a high level of recommendation. 5. We do provide people with the opportunity to advance from an entry-level position into a position of management and full partnership. That being said, we never promise everyone who works with us that they will definitely become a manager or partner. As with any company, not everyone who works with us will become C.E.O. of the company. We stress to all of our employees that our business requires a tremendous amount of hard work, a high level of confidence, and a degree of emotional and mental toughness that many people do not possess. While it is true that not every person who joins our company chooses to complete the management training program, the experience they gain while working with us is invaluable to their long term success and career advancement. Additionally, since opening in 2003, we have promoted several successful managers and provided many people the opportunity to become financially successful and independent. Thank you for taking the time to read this, and please feel free to contact me directly with any further questions about any information you may find online about our company. Some of the information may be true, but, as you know, the internet is an open forum, and you cannot believe everything you read online. Respectfully, Adam Dorfman President Dynamic Marketing Concepts, Inc. 770-817-4646

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