  • Report:  #833096

Complaint Review: Dale Galbraith - Internet

Reported By:
yyc2jack - Calgary, Alberta, Canada

Dale Galbraith
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Dale Galbraith has to be stopped. He has failed at everything he has done and when the going gets tough he cons people out of their hard earned dollars. The problem is, you will like him. Even people he has conned keep going back until they finally realize the danger of associating with Dale Galbraith. 

The list of failures and cons goes on and on forever and he has become very good at it. He knows how get anyone to do anything he wants and can lie like you have no idea. You will not know the difference because I think he believes his own fraud to be true. Weird, and terrifying. 

Lately I saw in the news he received death threats for running for office, and I think it has finally come to the point where people have had enough, just like me. He has stolen from almost anyone he has come in contact with and the list of people to talk to about his fraud is long and terrifying.

But it is telling that he would now turn to politics, it has been his ambition for a long time. He feels that once inside the machine he will be able to get anything he wants. He has told me this specifically, about contracts he can funnel and how to make money from who you know. Mostly he told me this when he served on failed attempts as a campaign manager for others. He said if we assisted the politicians owe you so don't be naive, this is how it is done. You help them, they help you.

Dale Galbraith should not ever hold a position of trust of the public. He advertised a gym to be opened in Hinton, sold memberships and continued to sell memberships long after he knew it would never open. He stole cash from friends companies he worked for as soon as they allowed him access to the accounts.

He has ran a failed business on the side while employed with a company owned by a friend and used employees of his employer to do the work for his start up company. Including using vehicles and accounts. He told the employees he was the owner of the company he was employed by, so they never questioned it.

He conned a friend into starting a stone company with him, had the friend do all the work, and stole the company blind. Leased himself a Cadillac and ripped off all the cash. He then told the friend that he could buy him out if his partner would buy him out of the last company he was in. The friend confronted the owner of the last company to ask for him to pay Dale Galbraith his portion of the company only to find the owner was blown away that Dale would lie about owning anything, he was only an employee and was let go for defrauding the company.

When that partnership failed he brought in more partners and stole them blind until they finally through him out and took over the company or he was going to be charged with fraud for his efforts.

Dale Galbraith then conned another friend into a bath tub replacement business and made promise after promise while working the friend to the bone. The friend put up everything he had to only find Dale had lied and did not have the ability to put up the money he always says he has, this caused Dale's friend to lose everything. Dale bled the company dry and left his friend with nothing.

Do you see a pattern? He takes his friends for a ride, one after another. We are just sheep to him, ready for the slaughter. Because we are sheep Dale Galbraith feels he does not even have to worry about the impact of lying to us. It is natural to him because tomorrow you are gone as soon as he has used you up.

And if you sue him like his employee tried because Dale didn't pay him, Dale counter sues for $750,000 and after going to court and manipulating the judge to show him how to delay and hurt the guy, the guy has to drop it because he can't afford to fight anymore. Look him up, ask people around Calgary in the construction industry, and you will find many many stories that will give you shivers.

5 Updates & Rebuttals


Thanks for the update

#2Author of original report

Thu, March 14, 2013

Hmmm, didn't know the ins and outs. Thanks for the info, we will have to wait and see the updates as they come in. 


Brent Robinson and James Pridell ripoff report #1005056

#3General Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

Brent Robinson and James Priddell of Cathedral Stone and Tile perpetuated and aided in a scheme to defraud, forge and steal legitimate businesses. In this particular case, once the fraud was fully complete they then stole $125,000 (one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars) in product from the businessman they defrauded. Pretty bold group !

To help facilitate this action they enlisted several accomplices, then devised a sophisticated scheme which was implemented over the course of several months. Their accomplices were Don Waldorph of Calgary and Wayne Quinton of Calgary. There will be more on these individuals in a second Ripoff report being filed against Wayne Quinton and his business Home Bath Solutions which was part of this whole scheme. You won't believe what he did!!!. He even has false information on his business web site.

As partners in the business they eventually conspired to destroy and steal, the plot was for Brent Robinson, James Pridell, Don Waldorph and Wayne Quinton (all now co-partners in the  business) to gain inside information relating to the operation of the businesses. This included valuable information about shipping containers that carried thousands of dollars of goods. Once the containers were in route to Calgary Brent Robinson and James Priddell devised a scheme to forge the original
shipping documents thereby tricking the logistics company into sending the containers to Saskatoon where they were then taken to a secrete warehouse location, essentially stealing all product. Then once secured they essentially held the product for RANSOM from the original owner.

In addition, these pack of bandits (one of whom (Wayne Quinton) held the master lease to the business lease location), then entered the business at 2AM on a Sunday morning without consent or permission and proceeded to steal a $15,000 flat bed trailer and an $18,000 fork lift. At the same time he illegally pad locked the doors in an effort to destroy the
business and discredit the owner. The main reason for this criminal action was to take over the lease location so he could release it to Brent Robinson and James Priddell of Cathedral stone, which he did. During this time tens of thousands of $$$$$$ in product and equipment were confiscated and only returned once a court order was filled against
this group.

These clowns are shameless, arrogant egomaniacs with little or not regard for business ethics or morals. Each and every business dealings with these guys turned out to be lies and deceit and initiated with one objective only; to create a
false impression that allows them to steal product or businesses.

Be very, very wary of dealing with any of these guys... they present a welcome facade but no business or owner is safe in their midst. In fact that Robinson character (he is the ring leader) is really something. He greets you with one hand then slides the knife in your back with the other.

There are so many things related to this event which these guys did that aren't even mentioned here. It would take much to
long to go over all the details. I think you would agree however, that based on the above they are not to be trusted at all.

As a befuddled observer I witnessed many of these deceits and cannot to this day believe they got away with what they did. The person they defrauded was way to trusting and at times oblivious to their deceit. Like all of us in the eye of a storm, we have to spend our focus on fighting to get through it. The owner they defrauded could not see past the storm so I have taken it solely upon myself to expose these characters for what they are.


See ripoff report against Brent Robinson #1005056

#4General Comment

Wed, March 13, 2013

Brent Robinson and James Priddell of Cathedral Stone and Tile perpetuated and aided in a scheme to defraud, forge and steal legitimate businesses from Cerastone. In this particular case, once the fraud was fully complete they then stole $125,000 (one hundred and twenty five thousand dollars) in product from the businessman they defrauded. Pretty bold group !

To help facilitate this action they enlisted several accomplices, then devised a sophisticated scheme which was implemented over the course of several months. Their accomplices were Don Waldorph of Calgary and Wayne Quinton of Calgary. There will be more on these individuals in a second Ripoff report being filed against Wayne Quinton and his business Home Bath Solutions which was part of this whole scheme. You won't believe what he did!!!. He even has false information on his business web site.

As partners in the business they eventually conspired to destroy and steal, the plot was for Brent Robinson, James Pridell, Don Waldorph and Wayne Quinton (all now co-partners in the  business) to gain inside information relating to the operation of the businesses. This included valuable information about shipping containers that carried thousands of dollars of goods. Once the containers were in route to Calgary Brent Robinson and James Priddell devised a scheme to forge the original
shipping documents thereby tricking the logistics company into sending the containers to Saskatoon where they were then taken to a secrete warehouse location, essentially stealing all product. Then once secured they essentially held the product for RANSOM from the original owner.

In addition, these pack of bandits (one of whom (Wayne Quinton) held the master lease to the business lease location), then entered the business at 2AM on a Sunday morning without consent or permission and proceeded to steal a $15,000 flat bed trailer and an $18,000 fork lift. At the same time he illegally pad locked the doors in an effort to destroy the
business and discredit the owner. The main reason for this criminal action was to take over the lease location so he could release it to Brent Robinson and James Priddell of Cathedral stone, which he did. During this time tens of thousands of $$$$$$ in product and equipment were confiscated and only returned once a court order was filled against this group.

These individuals are shameless, arrogant egomaniacs with little or no regard for business ethics or morals. Each and every business dealings with these guys turned out to be lies and deceit and initiated with one objective only; to create a
false impression that allows them to steal product or businesses.

Be very, very wary of dealing with any of these guys... they present a welcome facade but no business or owner is safe in their midst. In fact that Robinson character (he is the ring leader) is really something. He greets you with one hand then slides the knife in your back with the other.

There are so many things related to this event which these guys did that aren't even mentioned here. It would take much to
long to go over all the details. I think you would agree however, that based on the above they are not to be trusted at all.

As a befuddled observer I witnessed many of these deceits and cannot to this day believe they got away with what they did. The person they defrauded was way to trusting and at times oblivious to their deceit.
Like all of us in the eye of a storm, we have to spend our focus on fighting to get through it. The owner they defrauded could not see past the storm so I have taken it solely upon myself to expose these characters for what they are. CRIMINALS !!!


SImply ask around

#5Author of original report

Wed, June 27, 2012

Patty, Patty, Patty. I guess you haven't known him long enough huh? Soon my friend, soon.

But just in case you need some follow up, you provide me an email address and I'll send you some names of people to chat with.

Pat Walsh

Ripoff Report "nutter" pens yet another poison letter

#6General Comment

Mon, June 25, 2012

To the "nutter" (above)  writing malicious statements about my good friend, colleague mentioned above, I would like to invite
you or anyone who stumbles across your garbage to contact me personally to discuss your untrue, ridiculous, malicious, fictional, delusional and baseless statements along with my personal views on anonymous internet cowards hiding behind unsubstantiated  "trash talk" and "ambiguous usernames".

Dale is a class act and as for the "expletive" penning these malicious, sarcastic and cheezy "reports" I look forward to finding out exactly who you are as I have every intention of using my legal firm's resources to teach him the meaning of "Defamation".

I would have written  "Defamation of Character" but clearly you do not comprehend the meaning of the word "character" either.

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