  • Report:  #150160

Complaint Review: Dana Lawrence - FBI Investigation needs your help! Dana Lawrence AKA Genna Kaplan ARRESTED call FBI - Nationwide

Reported By:
- Newport, Rhode Island,

Dana Lawrence - FBI Investigation needs your help! Dana Lawrence AKA Genna Kaplan ARRESTED call FBI
Nationwide, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

May 12, 2017  Dana was arrested on 05/10/2017 in Nashua, NH by the FBI and the Nashua Police on the outstanding warrant from Rhode Island.  At the time she was using the name Genna Kaplan and accompanied by a four year old female child.  She claims to have recently spent time in Baltimore, Maryland and Vermont.  Can you please call Special Agent Mark Hastbacka at (603)471-9440 or email at [email protected] if you have information that may help.  At this time investigation also includes Identity Theft


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Dana Lawrence is a conwomen who likes to tell people that she is an heiress to millions of dollars. She uses her children to gain the confidence and sympathy of decent people, so she can steal and injure her numerous victims. She claims her family has disowned her because they want the money entrusted to her. She comes up with excuses to claim she cant access the money and to explain why she has no valid identification (so she can hide later). She portrays a decent, kind and giving persona to gain respect and get people to fall for her constant lies. She takes jobs at companies and works until she gains trust and access to funds. Then she dissapears once she has gained bank account information and the personal identities of workers and owners. Dana Lawrence is about 5' 8" tall, shoulder length red hair, pale white skin, thin/bony, Hippy-Chick /appearance, nose once broken. Has 3 children: Avery Lawrence, Harper Lawrence, Kennedy Lawrence. Dana Lawrence will steal anything she can get away with while spreading lies to cover her tracks and place blame on her victims. She usually uses cash and cellphones and only rents (without paying) and then leaves town in a hurry to avoid capture. Dana Lawrence has victimized men and women. She has put her kids falsely up for adoption only to steal money and hope from couples who are enticed by false adoption hopes. She borrows money and items and never return anything. She has ruined many lives and paid peoples kindness back with evil, multiple crimes and pain. Dana Lawrence now has a few criminal warrants for her arrest, but also has many victims who are not sure how to report her for her crimes. Many decent people are also embarrassed to report what crimes have occurred. Dont continue to be her victim silently. Speak up to make her accountable and prevent others from being injured by this vile thing. Any information about this criminal can be reported to me by using the rebuttal box below. I will try to help victims and/or report her crimes. Any information provided would be useful to bring this evil person to the justice she deserves. Provide any information or pictures of this person and i will update this site. Thank you for you help. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report. No newport, Rhode Island


19 Updates & Rebuttals

Justice Served

New York,
What about the kids and other victims?

#2General Comment

Fri, June 02, 2017

Dana Lawrence Felon finds her way back to jail, its about time Dana Lawrence Nashua New Hampshire Great news, Dana Lawrence is in jail again! nh1.com/news/woman-wanted-in-rhode-island-arrested-for-identity-fraud-in-new-hampshire/ wmur.com/article/police-woman-trying-to-work-for-city-of-nashua-used-false-name/9661344 https://patch.com/new-hampshire/nashua/nashua-municipal-grant-writer-arrested-police ,unionleader.com/article/20170516/NEWS03/170519468/-1/mobile&template=mobileart Great news spreads fast.

Billie would you care to comment, you evil enabler. Many people were victimized by Dana Lawrence she hurt people without any need to do so, just her desire to harm people who felt she needed help. With all the lies, not sure what she did and to how many people. What happened to the kids? Were they actually hers? Avery, Harper, Jackson, Kennedy. Are there more There is an Orlando Weekly article titled Swallowed by the cracks . By Billy Manes Tells part of this warped story.


New York,
Any Additional Information

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, March 05, 2006

I have been following this case since it was posted and appreciate the information provided. I have also followed the advice posted and have reviewed the charges on the rhode island judicial website. It appears as though D.Lawrence was charged with three counts of Obtaining Money Under False Pretenses over $500 from a claim filed in March 2005. Does anyone know the history behind the filing of such a claim? Additionally, is anyone aware of the nature of the charges she faces in NY? Any information would be greatly appreciated.

Report Criminals

Rhode Island,
1 Year Jail, 9 Years Probationa good start.

#4Consumer Suggestion

Tue, February 28, 2006

It sounds like a good start for someone who has gone and caused so much pain needlessly. I wonder how many other people were hurt by her. I would encourage everyone to come forward and tell what happened to them and tell police. I know she must have done much more than has been reported here. This seems to be a good place to at least document what kind of person she is.


Dana is currently in jail. She was sentenced to 10 yeard but is serving 1 with 9 years

#5Consumer Comment

Mon, February 27, 2006

I will give you the details as I know them. Dana is currently in jail. She was sentenced to 10 yeard but is serving 1 with 9 years of probation. You can check the specific charges on the RI State Court System Website http://www.courts.state.ri.us/ look under criminal information and put her name Dana LAwrence. The little girl Avery has been reunited with her father's family. DNA tests proved that he was hers. The family is now making up for the 5 years Dana took from them. I think one of the chilfren (the baby JAckson) was adopted. The other little boy is with his father. I am not sure about the older sister. After she serves her sentence in RI, she will be extradited to NY to face more severe charges. This is all I know. HOwever, IT make now be 100% accurate.


Results please

#6Consumer Comment

Tue, February 21, 2006

I have been following this case since it was posted. Please provide information on what Dana Gassaway/Lawrence was charged with, what her sentance was and where she is jailed. Was she really brought to justice? Thank you.

Report Criminals

Rhode Island,
Dana "compulsive liar" Lawrence

#7Consumer Suggestion

Sat, January 28, 2006

Everyone must realize that we are not dealing with a normal person here. Dana lies when ever she moves her lips. This is something most people will never understand. Dana would rather lie and cause pain to others than to own up to her own life. It doesnt matter to her that people suffer because of all the garbage she says. Dont try to rationalize with, explain what an evil person she is to her sister. Billie only seems to make more excuses for her. Did you catch the way Billie threatened not to let Jeananne see the kids when Jeananne simply stated the truth! Dont try to explain, or convince these people that Dana is a criminal. Dana is a criminal who enjoys needlessly spreading misery and harming all those around her. Billie just seems to cover for her. What benefit does Billie get for all this? Anyone who trys to cover for her "sister" so much, cant be too innocent either. Seems like the who family is bad. Well, where is any TRUTH from Billie?! Whats the true story? Is Dana a drug addict? Why is she so demented?! Why has she been able to continue doing these evil things? Is 1 year in jail and 9 years probation enough? How many men has she tried to con by telling them she is having their child? How many has she told she was pregnant and had them pay for abortions?! Did we ever find out what Dana's full, true name and date of birth is? What is her real history? why does she hate people so much and cause such pain to people who have pity on her and try to help her? Does anyone know? please inlighten us.


look at your reality

#8UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 24, 2006

Billie- I have sat by for the last 5 yrs and had to watch my family suffer for the thoughts of what your sister was doing to Avery. During the month I knew your sister I watched increasingly erratic and disturbing behavior occur. She came off in a very simpathetic light at first and I can see how she was able to manipulate people with a large heart and urge to help. Upon closer inspection however she had a very hard time keeping track of various details of her story or she flatout refused to talk about basic issues. when I questioned her about the baby's illness she had nothing to validate any of her claims. I even checked with my friends at the hospital where avery was supposedly born, and at the time avery was born they didn't have a maternity unit!they were able to take cases like hers but only in an emergency, and they would be transferred as soon as the mother and child were stabilized. When my brother was confronted about his possibilty of being the father, he did what anyone would do, he asked for a paternity test. Dana flipped out and refused. My brother agreed to start sending her money anyway if Avery was his. She wanted to be paid in cash. When the money didnt arrive in three days she called my parents home enfuriated and proceeded to yell at me for a good 45 minutes before I hung up on her. I never raised my voice or disrespected her in any manner. two days later and she was gone, but a letter from a fictional law office arrived asking us for a few meager belongings back. My family never saw Dana agian until her trial in NH. My brother saw her once at his work when she showed up asking for permission to leave the country with Avery, but he asked her to contact his attorny before he would sign anything. he then asked her to leave, and when she refused he had the local police escort her out. During the last 5 yrs we ve wondered about Avery every day. And every time we found something new about her it was always disturbing. No one needs multiple SSN numbers or to move that many times. I'm sorry to tell you this billie, but your sister is not a nice person. She s done some horrible things to a lot of people, my family included. Even if she was an outstanding mother, if even half of the witness s stories are correct, all the children have suffered and may need counseling. Finacially we were very lucky, but emotionally, we ve suffered. If Avery is my niece, I would like the chance to get to know her and she has family who ve never met. If there is one positive in all this, maybe the children will finally have the stability thats been lacking in their lives these last five yrs. Logan's Dad


Since we are all being honest here...

#9Consumer Comment

Sat, January 21, 2006

I am glad someone decided to ask what the real story is. Let me clarify a few details on my end. I am no longer in a relationship with Avery's "uncle" Therefore, I would never be around her, her family would. Hopefully DNA tests will prove that Avery is or isn't related to my son. I have very little to do with Avery and Logan's family, opther than that they are that, Logan's family. This quest to find out what happened to Avery started 5 years ago this FEb. 5years!! That is a long time not to know the truth. And to clarify, I am not bashing Dana (futhermore, I only found out yesterday she recieved jail time) I am just sharing my personal experiences with those who were also hurt. I remember the family trying to contact you 5 years ago to try and figure out what was going on, yet you did nothing. You didn't tell them she was a story teller. You helped her continue to live her life of "tales" I have little to do with this. Avery's fathers family is the one who has been there all along. I am just venting the last of my frustrations.

Report Criminals

Rhode Island,
What is the truth about Dana Lawrence?

#10Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 20, 2006

Billie, A storyteller is someone who tells children a fable or reads from a book. When someone lies, cheats and steals, then they are a criminal. Dana Lawrence has hurt many people and caused great pain to many families. What is the true story? What is her date of birth? What are her true origins? Perhaps it would help if you would start from the beginning and explain all that she has done. Its not as simple as she told a few fibs. She has taken money (stolen), property (stolen), destroyed property, made false police reports, made totally false allegations to cover her tracks that caused good people to suffer, and many other crimes. How many people has she hurt? How many people has she stolen from? She has tried to sell her children, told people she was ill and needed money for health care and medicine, she has borrowed (stolen) money from people by making them feel sorry for her and telling them the children had no food. She has paid back peoples kindness to her and the children by making them suffer and causing them mental anguish. What is the real story? Please start from the beginning. What caused her to be this way. Please let us know what is going on. You say that she wont see the children, but left out why - she is in jail for her crimes. What else has she done or not done? Help bring closure to this and help all the victims, Dana is responsible for what she did and honestly dealing with this is the only way to help her victims try to recover. So lets start today. Lets make this less painful than it is and has been.


To Jeaneane

#11Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

You know that Dana is in Jail and yet you keep bashing her and addressing her when she can't defend herself or even respond....she also happens to be Avery's mother. I wouldn't say hate is a family value and it is certainly NOT something that I want Avery around!! Careful.


To Jeaneane

#12Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

You know that Dana is in Jail and yet you keep bashing her and addressing her when she can't defend herself or even respond....she also happens to be Avery's mother. I wouldn't say hate is a family value and it is certainly NOT something that I want Avery around!! Careful.


To Jeaneane

#13Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

You know that Dana is in Jail and yet you keep bashing her and addressing her when she can't defend herself or even respond....she also happens to be Avery's mother. I wouldn't say hate is a family value and it is certainly NOT something that I want Avery around!! Careful.


To Jeaneane

#14Consumer Comment

Fri, January 20, 2006

You know that Dana is in Jail and yet you keep bashing her and addressing her when she can't defend herself or even respond....she also happens to be Avery's mother. I wouldn't say hate is a family value and it is certainly NOT something that I want Avery around!! Careful.


Storyteller is a nice way to say Liar!

#15Consumer Suggestion

Fri, January 20, 2006

Billie, I understand that you are her sister, but don't you realize how many people Dana has hurt? And it's not sick justice...Dana gopt what she deserved. If she loved her children so much she would not have moved them around so much, and used them as pawns. She victimized her own children for god's sake! And how can you say shame on those who believed her stories? These people trusted her, and in several instances, she dangled a child in front of them. Come on using children to gain sympathy?! Are you kidding me? Shame on you for supporting her all these years. You should have shown some responsibility and gotten her help before it went this far. And doesn't she still have to face charges in NY? Obviously, there aren't just a few suckers who believed her lies.


to whom it may concern

#16Consumer Comment

Thu, January 19, 2006

Dana is not a conwoman, swindler, conartist, expert liar or ripoff. She is one thing... a good story teller. Leave her alone, she has three children, whom she loves very much and will not see for a long time. I will be taking care of them...shame on you. leave us alone. I'm sorry if you belived her stories you should have known better. You got what ever sick justice you wanted..she's in jail now leave her alone!! sister in orlando


No One is Hiding

#17UPDATE Employee

Thu, January 19, 2006

I do not have anything to hide. I just found out about this website, and that the contents a website I had created trying to find Avery was posted on here. It's me Dana, Jeaneane, Logan's mother...do you remember Avery's Cousin. I have nothing to hide. I am just looking for the truth as is the rest of the family. No one seems to have anything to hide but you. I would love to see how this turns out and how the courts prove what a pathological lier you are. How many people are you going to hurt you nut? Do you realize how many people contacted me?


Rhode Island,

#18Consumer Comment

Thu, December 01, 2005

Anyone who is interested can check the Newport County court. How many felonies did Dana cop to 6 or 10?


Rhode Island,
Why Not Identify Yourself?

#19REBUTTAL Individual responds

Tue, November 29, 2005

If what you say is true about Dana Lawrence - why not identify yourself? If you are telling the truth - you should have nothing to hide. Most of what you say about her is totally false. Posting random statements on a website does not make them true. Looks to me as though you want to hide your identity to avoid being prosecuted yourself for slander and perhaps even making false statements to police officials. Dana Lawrence has never been convicted of a crime. And the last I checked, she was winning by a landslide! Good luck trying to beat her.

Report Criminals

Rhode Island,
Dana Lawrence, Dana Martin, Dana Gassaway, Dana Little a criminal that keeps repeating her crimes, a conartist and thief and swindler

#20Author of original report

Mon, August 08, 2005

Information that shows one of the times this maniac has done this exact thing before and continues her attempts. the following was a webpage found, it shows patterns of Dana Lawrence and her criminal behavior. The nice way of putting her deceit and criminal nature are masked by terms like "story teller". Perhaps this information might help unmask more treachery by this multi-named, mutiple ssn user and multiple date of birth user.\---------------- Please Help Me Find My Cousin Hello everyone. Thank you for taking the time to view this special page. We are looking looking for Logan's Cousin Avery. Please look at the following pictures and see if you recognize anyone. She was last seen April of 2001 in Chestnut Hill, Pennsylvania (a suburb of Philadelphia). She is with her Mother and half-sister. We are very worried about her. I will now share her story with all of you in hopes that we will soon find her. ***Update 11/14/02*** I would like to thank all of the people who have joined in our quest to find Avery. We still have no idea where she is. If anyone does know where Dana Lawrence is please assure her that I am not trying to cause any trouble. I just want to make sure everyone is OK. We need to find out if Avery really is part of our family. Family is very important to all of us. Once again, thank you to all the kind people like Marc, Missy, and Julie...complete strangers helping to spread the word! What a wonderful world we live in that complete strangers help one another. My deepest heartfelt gratitude and thanks are extended to all of you! ***Update 4/1/02***I haven't updated this in a while because, sadly, there has been no progress. We Still haven't heard from them. God only knows where the are. I have been periodically checking the National Center for Missing and Exploited Children webpage. I think I might have found a little girl that looks like Kennedy. Check it out #863772- Brittany Keirsten Meehan. But I don't know if it is even her. I am thinking about calling though. For those of you who have never been here before, welcome. The following is our story: Avery's mother Dana and my brother-in-law had a one night stand in Orlando approx. Late May of 2000. He was a bartender at a bar on Church Street, and she was a drunk heavy tipper. Before she left Orlando she started acting very strange and he did not really want to speak with her. He never really saw her again. Months later he recieved harassing calls from her. He took these calls as attemps to see him again and dismissed them. She would not stop calling. Finally Dana somehow found out where his parents lived in PA and got their number. She bagan Harassing them.I personally spoke to hear and thought she was a lunatic. Never once did she tell the parents or I that she was pregnant. The number she was calling from was located in Maine. Eventually she told my brother in law that she was pregnant. He did not know if she was telling the truth and asked for proof. After that she never spoke to him until the baby was born. The only reason she called my mother in law was because the baby was sick and she needed to know the family's medical history. Now this is where the story gets weird. Avery had been 3 weeks old when we first saw her. Dana had not spoken to my brother in law, but did give Avery his last name. When she was 8 mo pregnant she moved to Chestnut Hill, PA , where she knew NO ONE. She presumably moved here from Maine. Ironically, Chestnut Hill is only about 30 miles from where we live, outside of Philadelphia. She also brought her 4 yr. old daughter Kennedy. Things just didn't make sense. She wouldn't let us know anything about her. When my bro. in law asked for a paternaty test she skipped town. No one has heard from her since approx April of 2001.When we started to dig deeper we found out she had a questionable past. Including several SS#'s and many places of residence in the past 8 years (12 to be exact) We are worried. We can not find her anywhere.Dana has had no contact with any of us. They might be on the run. Avery is almost 10 months old. Any info please contact us at [email protected] or sign the guestbook below.Even if you have not seen them please pas this along to others. We just want to know if the baby is alright. We want try to take her away we just want to make sure they are ALL okay.If any new info., or details arise I will post them. Please check back her frequently if you can. thank you! Page Created~ Dec. 3rd, 2001 Home/Back Avery Sinclair Lawrence AKA~ Avery S. Lawrence-Little DOB~ Feb. 2001 Birthplace~ Chestnut Hill, PA Disinguishing Characteristics~When Avery was an infant she could only have "ready to pour" Similac with iron formula.Avery also has extremely long fingers. Features~ It is hard to tell what she was going to look like because we saw her so young, and haven't seen her in a while.But when we last saw her he had dark hair and eyes. Unfortunatly, we can not find any fictures of her. But I think I might have found one from when she was 3 weeks old. I am getting the film developed now. Dana M. Lawrence **Mother** AKA~ Dana Gassaway,Dana Lawrence-Martin, and possibly Billie Jo Lawrence (her alledged sister) Age~ Approx. 25-30 **Says she is 28 Birthplace~ unknown. Possibly previously lived in Califonia, Maine, Utah, Florida, & New Jersey. Could have lived in Canada. Hair~ Strawbery Blonde Weight~ 125-140lbs Height~ 5'7"-5'10" Last seen~ Church Street Orlando,FL Early Oct. 2001 **Children were not seen with her. She was escorted out of a place of business by Orlando Police for harassing employees. Dana is an eliquent speaker, and an excellent story-teller. Tends to work in business that deal with law. She also has a friend names Jef Mallory form somwhere in Canada. I spoke to him on the phone pretending I was someone else, so I know he does exist. She claims he is some sort of famous person in Canada. Kennedy **Half-sister** Not much is known about Kennedy including her last name. Her father's name is allegedly Anthony Martin. She is approx. 4 years old. She is very active and demands constant attention. She has strawberry hair and blue eyes. She might be starting school soon. We recall Dana having an interest in having Kenedy attending an all girl's school. Apparently the reason she moved to PA by her self was because her daughter was accepted at Springside school. A prestigous school for girl's in this area.

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