  • Report:  #217736

Complaint Review: DarkStar Communications - Dayton Ohio

Reported By:
- clearwater, Florida,

DarkStar Communications
1948 East Whipp Road, Suite A-3 Dayton, 45440 Ohio, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Orderd their service and then canceled just a half hour after I ordered. I found out hidden in their terms of service they have the right to bill and keep billing unless you follow their terms of cancel. They do not honor the visa or mastercard rules. They refused to refund the money and kept trying to bill my account after I have followed their rules to cancel. I did a charge back and did get my money back. But they still keep trying to bill me. I had to change my credit card to stop the fruad. but I still keep getting these emails saying im giong deeper into debt with them.

Notice: Your invoice ###### has been processed by DarkStar Communications


Invoice Number:######

Invoice Amount:$10.00

Date Paid:12/31/1969

Trans ID:123401####

Outstanding Balance: 4 Invoice(s) Now Due: $40.00

Please login to pay your invoice(s) online to prevent disruption in your service:


This is going on after 4 months of cancelation and a finalized charge back.


clearwater, Florida

13 Updates & Rebuttals


North Carolina,
United States of America
Trying to escape Darkstar

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, January 18, 2012

I have followed their guidelines for cancelling my account. They have no record of it they claim and keep on charging me. I am turning it over to my bank of 8 years to handle. The service was great getting away from them is like leaving a bad ex turned stalker.


a bad experience with darkstar too

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, October 30, 2011

       I started looking for others experiences/reports after having a bad experience with this company.

 I have been a customer of darkstarllc for 3 years and the service itself was good, the problem came when i needed to change/downgrade a server around 14 months ago when it was no longer needed. About 14 months ago i first attempted to downgrade my account as it was near the end of the 'billing cycle'. No options were available and could find nothing on site about how or if this was even possible at the time so i attempted to cancel the account, followed the instructions on page but lo and behold several months later i find account is still running and has been charged.  This is around january so i decide must have been something i did wrong and end up loaning server to friends to use for the next year. Around june/july i cancel the account again, following the instructions on site (although find no cancel button so need to do a manual cancelation) and also as per instructions on their site cancel with paypal same day (for which i have invoice). I believed the Account had been sucessfully canceled untill recieving a invoice today to pay for the next 12 months. Upon reading instructions on site i find their is still no way to cancel this unwanted account (cancel button being removed upon me recieving invoice).

Upon requesting they cancel the account, i am told i cannot cancel until invoice is payed and that i must show e-mails/tickets that were never recieved from this company even after attempting to cancel on 2 seperate occasions. I have sent them paypal records of subscription cancelation on the date mentioned above (as instructed by their site).

The service provided is good but the user interface when it comes to cancelation of accounts and instruction in how to do so seems very unclear. I feel i have been cheated into buying extra time with this company over the last year through this unclear cancelation system and am about to get cheated into paying for yet another when on 2 occasions both 14 months and about 4 months ago i believed i had cancelled this service.


United States of America
Beware of Darkstar..they got me too.

#4Consumer Comment

Tue, July 12, 2011

It seems this company is too big for it's own britches.

I have just finished up a 30 day run with these guys, I purchased 5, 32 slot TF2 servers.

Below I have pasted some of the trouble tickets I submitted and the reply I received.

To be clear, I was not charged more than once, however I was PUNISHED for canceling.

I run a large game server community of over 46000 people.

I decided back in June that I wanted to give Darkstar a try.  It seems we were DDOSed and Darkstar came highly recommended as a company that can battle the ddos attackers.

So I gave them a try.

I rented my 1st server on June 4th.

Everything was great.....server worked good and all was good.

I rented my second server on June 11th.

Again, all was good.

I rented 3 more servers on June 16th.

A day or so later, the trouble started.

Server #1 was DDOSED.   Darkstar instead of doing anything about it simply null routed the IP stating that it would be reviewed in 24hours.

I complained and explained that I thought they were the company to battle these attackers.. they said no...all they do is null route.

Ok so now I knew.

I finally got them to release this IP about 3 days later.......in frustration, I put in a  ticket and canceled server #1.

A couple days later, server #2 was DDOSED and we went though this again.

Anyway....    July 4th comes along and they take down ALL my servers stating that I owe them for server one which I had canceled though a ticket...as it states in their TOS, this is a perfectly acceptable way to cancel a server.

After much back and forth, they finally admitted their mistake and let me have my other servers back and gave me an extra day of service.

So....   knowing that they were like this, I decided right there that I would end my business dealings with them.

I canceled my other 4 servers.

Fast forward to July 12th at midnight, they take down all my servers..and this time they don't just take them down, they delete them outright..even though I canceled using their forms and devices on their webpage... I should have only lost one server on July 12th, instead I lost them all.

Not to mention that the one server that was null routed was never released for me again.

I have pasted the trouble ticket from that day below.

You make your own judgment.



Ticket ID:     ENF-71651415
Ticket Status:     Open ( Close )
Created On:     Jul 12, 2011 01:50:41 AM
Department:     Billing Problems
Ticket Priority:     High
Last Update:     Jul 12, 2011 03:36:38 PM
Ticket Posts
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 01:50:41 AM Once again, I canceled a server last week that expired today, I did so last week, I even emailed support to make sure it was indeed canceled... just have a look at my tickets.

And once again you guys seem to think I own money so you shut down my other servers that don't expire for 4 more days.

This is the 2nd time you have done this to me and it's the main reason I canceled my service with you, this is unacceptable.

I have been nothing but disappointed with Darkstar and you came highly recommended.

It's a shame, had you given one iota about our community you would have taken care to make sure stuff like this doesn't happen. Instead you pissed away a $200 a month potential customer.

I would appreciate it if you turned my other 3 servers back on for the time I have remaining.
Allen Jenkins

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 01:53:52 AM I only show one server right now with [email protected]. Is it another account? Can you please clarify?
Allen Jenkins
Darkstar Communications
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 02:05:24 AM I have 5 servers.

One was canceled on July 4th.

However....you guys shut down all 4 saying I owed money on it even though I canceled it a week earlier.

So that was cleared up.

So then last week I cancel one that was due to expire today.

That left me 3 that would not be due to expire until the 16th..... but you shut them all off at midnight.

This is from my billing page...see the dates?

1 Gameserver (CPID: 127194) Aug 4, 2011 -- 1 Month(s) $28.48 USD Cancelled N/A
2 Gameserver (CPID: 127629) Aug 13, 2011 -- 1 Month(s) $28.48 USD Cancelled N/A
3 Gameserver (CPID: 127927) Aug 16, 2011 -- 1 Month(s) $28.48 USD Cancelled N/A
4 Gameserver (CPID: 127928) Aug 16, 2011 -- 1 Month(s) $28.48 USD Cancelled N/A
5 Gameserver (CPID: 127929) Aug 16, 2011 -- 1 Month(s) $21.36 USD Cancelled N/A

I don't even have access to the control panel anymore...you may show 1 server but now I show ZERO.
Allen Jenkins

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:07:34 AM James,
We are reviewing this for you and will let you know when this has been further reviewed.
Allen Jenkins
Darkstar Communications
Bob Jones

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 09:12:24 AM Hello,

The reason why why all expired today, is because you cancelled the servers after an invoice was generated. By default, when you cancel a server it set's the expire date either to the renewal of that package, or the due date of a generated and unpaid invoice.
B Jones
DarkStar Communications
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 12:54:53 PM So the 4 days I am owed on those 3 servers just vanishes? EVEN THOUGH you told me this....

"Your service will remain accessible to you for the remainder of the current billing cycle"

The billing cycle on those 3 servers still has 4 days on it. I want my 4 days back or I want a refund for those days.

Mitch Chapman

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 01:03:03 PM I can recreate servers for you, let me know the game, location, slots. Thanks.
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 01:38:00 PM Re-create?

Do you mean to tell me my servers are gone? All the work put into them gone?

We spent several hours per server setting them up with metamod and soucemod and tweaking and testing and you guys just deleted them?

Mitch you know what kind of servers I have.. they were all 32 slot TF2 servers. you guys are just giving me the run around because you are happy to see me go methinks.

So never mind. You have no idea of the amount of $$ you guys just squandered away.

I have copy and pasted all trouble tickets I have with you guys. I will be forwarding them to the BBB.

Your system is flawed Mitch..or Bob...or Allen or whomever is reading this.

What you guys did to me makes no sense at all.
All you had to do was shut down the server I canceled and then shut down the remaining ones in 4 days.

I have been running game servers for about 10 years now going all the way back to RTCW and ET and I have never come across a company that was as disorganized as yours is.

If you Mitch, put in a cancellation request for me like you did for me back at the end of June for a server I had that expired on the 4th...what sense did it make for ALL my servers to go down on the 4th when someone else in your DEPT thought I was behind on my bill? Answer: It makes NO sense.

Don't know what I am talking about? Just go back and re-read all my tickets on July 4th.

And then when I went though all the proper channels and even put in a ticket for each canceled server after that... you did it to me again except this time you outright just delete my servers?

You people need to communicate with each other a bit more, seems the left hand has no clue what the right hand is doing.

I'm not even bringing up my other problem which is the fact that when you null routed the IP for the server that expired yesterday, you did so over a week ago.... and you told me it would be reviewed to be turned back on on 24 hours. Guess what Mitch..that server was NEVER turned back on. For a week I had a server with you guys I could not even use..that's why I canceled it.

I guess I should just shut up... I get the feeling that none of you really care.

Great customer service. I will make sure to recommend you to my friends.
Mitch Chapman

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 01:50:39 PM I will leave this for my manager to address. Thanks.
Mitch Chapman

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 02:29:47 PM We had no idea what servers you had, they where removed, what location are these servers?
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 02:38:05 PM You are kidding right?

I had servers in Dallas, Chicago and New York. You can't just go look at my account? Or even what I pasted above?

Here are the 3 servers you removed prematurely today.

3 Gameserver (CPID: 127927)
4 Gameserver (CPID: 127928)
5 Gameserver (CPID: 127929)

Mitch Chapman

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:00:16 PM James,

I am having new servers installed for you in each location, you will have the same user name and pw to the servers at tcadmin.darkstarllc.com until 07/17/2011 when they will be shut off. You will get an email when they are done. Thanks.
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:07:12 PM Why bother Mitch?

I'm not going to spend 2 to 4 hours on each setting them up again only for them to go away in 4 days.

This is no solution.... in comparison, it's like you deleted my hard drive but to make it better you will just give me another hard drive to use....with no concern for the data that was lost.

You guys screwed up plain and simple. Want to make it better?

Give me ONE new server for 30 days... 12 days you owe me anyway (3 severs x4 days each) and you can call the other 18 days an 'apology" for deleting my stuff.

If not...don't bother setting up 3 servers for 4 days, I won't even use them.


James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:19:18 PM Since you just closed the ticket, I assume that means NO.
Bob Jones

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:27:28 PM James,

There wasn't much else that needed to be said. This ticket was just going back and fourth. We apologize that your servers were deleted 4 days early. For all intensive purposes, when you signed up it was in our terms of service that all account cancellations were processed 5 days prior to the renewal. This has since been removed but it's still what you agreed to, so technically you were getting those days extra, anyways.
B Jones
DarkStar Communications
James Cantrell

    Posted On: Jul 12, 2011 03:36:38 PM OK Bob.

All I know is I paid for 30 days for each server, I got 26.

You took 12 days from me for no reason.


It was the 2nd time you prematurely shut me down.


One of my servers had it's IP null routed for the last 8 days.

But I know...you did nothing wrong, this is all my fault. Got it.

Be my guest, cancel everything and don't admit or try to fix YOUR mistakes..that's cool.

You can close this ticket, I won't be back.

But for the record Bob... the phase is NOT "For all intensive purposes" it's for all INTENTS and purposes.

Here is a little help on that http://www.urbandictionary.com/define.php?term=For%20all%20intensive%20purposes.

See? you don't know everything like you think you do.

Goodbye Bob... I will make sure to relay all these tickets to someplace very public on the internet.

Would love to say it was nice doing business with you but it was anything but.



Ruins Of Lordaeron,
Incorrectly portrayed issue

#5UPDATE Employee

Wed, July 02, 2008

Client's claims issues with us, while two things actually happened in this issue 1. the client's issue with payment was with their PayPal account and the subscription they created within it. (notice the obfuscated "transaction ID" in their claim and the oddball date) 2. when the client did finally contact us, we requested their supposed cancellation request ID and the "could not" or "would not" produce it. 3. Of course their credit card company (I assume) gave them a refund, however the client NEVER filed a charge-back against us as their method of payment was paypal, not Credit card in our system. Unfortunately, we are faced with false claims such as this when people fail to read, and heed the amount of information provided to them, not only by Us, but by their payment processors such as PayPal. All of the information this client needed to properly avoid any issue was and IS contained in the terms of service agreement they claim to have read and accepted during the signup process, and in the billing notices we sent to them. Thank you Darkstar Staff


Ruins Of Lordaeron,
Support Suite

#6UPDATE Employee

Fri, June 27, 2008

David, I understand your frustration -- but the support center is there for a reason. I am sorry you feel that the requirement to use our support suite instead of e-mail or phone is unacceptable (if that is the case you should not have signed up) -- but we have made our support policies very clear from from the beginning. If we simply relied on e-mail, people would just simply respond to personal employee's e-mail addresses, instead of following our support procedures. Things would get out of hand, unorganized, and then people would not get the support that they are supposed to be getting. We wish that we could give everyone a more personal feel and do things via personal e-mails and telephone calls. However, seeing as we have 50,000+ customers, it simply is not possible with the prices that we charge. Our industry standard pricing does not have the margins to allow for such a thing. Maybe this will change in the future -- but after testing the waters, we felt that we could not provide the reliability in the service if we offered phone support. We would have to cut corners elsewhere. Our support policies are clearly documented in our support page on our web site at http://www.darkstarllc.com/support.php (which you can access from any part of our web site by hovering over Interact -> Official 24/7 Support) -- and you read and agreed to our terms of service when signing up, which also outline that we offer a subscription service. Similar to a magazine service -- if you do not read the magazine, you are still expected to pay, since we allocated the resources on our servers in case you did decide to use it. As you said -- if you follow the rules of the system, you will be fine -- but I'm not saying we do not make mistakes either. Now -- I am not able to actually locate any past history on your account since you did not list anything else about your account. But, if you really did get charged again after you paid an overdue invoice bringing your account to a zero balance, and requested to be canceled -- I am more than happy to refund that charge, just get back into contact with us. But -- for other people that read this -- please, follow our policies and you will be fine (unless we make a mistake, which everyone does from time to time). But, we are an honest company, and have hundreds of thousands of satisfied people going through our system. But for that same reason, it's important that you follow things pretty strictly, since we have policies there to keep things organized and secure. If we make a mistake -- we certainly will rectify the situation.


Darkstar's Billing for inactive service

#7Consumer Comment

Tue, June 10, 2008

I also have recently had a billing issue and would like to comment on a few of the items here. First off I would like to state that my service with Darkstar Communications was good during the time I used them. Second, in reference to Nora's bill that states 1969 on the date paid. I also have had a few of those. So that is a valid bill. I might suggest that the 1969 number is auto filled if the transaction is declined. Third, it seems that Darkstar has an automated system and is hesitant to change things. As long as you follow the rules of the system everything is fine. Now to my billing issue: I requested my service be cancelled on April 5, 2008. My billing cycle ran from March 15 to April 15. (note: I feel that Darkstar should have taken the time to shoot a personal email if there was an issue with a client or billing. Having to go to a support site and check if they did their job is not a proper way to conduct business.) I though my service was cancelled and everything done. About 3 weeks later I was hit for 2 - $39 bank fees. When I checked my account I saw that my "supposed" cancelled Darkstar account had billed me. So I went back on the forums on April 22, 2008 and saw that there was a post. It stated "I am not finding any results for the email address "my email was here". Have you changed your email information? If you could please send me the current email address linked with your account as well as the last 4 digits of the card that you signed up with, I will cancel your account with us right away. Thanks!" This was surprising since I was logged into the system and had posted the cancellation under the login name. They didn't have issues finding me to bill me. All of this should have been automatic. I responded to the post with the necessary information and again considered the matter over. Nothing was sent to me by email stating otherwise. Shortly after I left the country on business matters. When I got back in town I had my bank statements in the mail with an additional 7 charges for $39 each. This now comes to a total of $351 in bounced bank fees on a $16.99 charge that I shouldn't have had to pay since I cancelled the account on April 5th, 2008. (note: This account was opened just for certain online billing with funds only added as needed. So it was not checked until this matter arose). Back in town and seeing these charges on June 3rd, 2008 I immediately went to Darkstar's support site (since I could not find a phone number or email address). The post from the previous month stated, "Since the account cycled 7 days ago, i will need you to pay the currently overdue invoice." This was a fee incurred on April 15, 2008, 10 days after I cancelled the account. I felt I should not have to pay the fee however, in good faith I paid the $16.99 so I could just move on. The payment went through by debit (VISA) on 6/2/2008 - "Card Purchase DARKSTAR COMMUNICATION BLOOMINGTON IL" for $16.99. Even though I had now paid for two months of non-service I believed it was over. Wrong. Darkstar just attempted to debit my account again today on 6/10/2008 which now brings the total to $390 in check fees. They are now trying to bill me for month three of non-service. The reason being is: "I am sorry but there is absolutely nothing I can do for you since you have not caught up your account balance." My opinion is that any other service oriented business would have rectified this situation. They have been paid well over the stated period and due to a Darkstar's issues the client is being held liable. Going back to my afore mentioned third point, "As long as you follow the rules of the system everything is fine." In this case "the system" wants you to pay for non-service even though it was an error on Darkstar's part by not being able to locate the account and by not contacting me (the client) directly via email or phone. This situation called for common sense and a little customer service to be solved. However, it has escalated to this report. David


i believe this claim to be false.. Here's why..

#8Consumer Comment

Sat, February 10, 2007

Hello all, First off, let me state that i have been a satisfied customer of this company since May of 2005, I make use of almost all aspects of the services they offer, and can say that in my experience with them, i have NEVER had an issue that they were not only eager, but happy to resolve for me... (even some issues that are outside of the normal realm of the support guidelines of their services) While reading this "Claim" made by Nora, i see a few thing that are inherently wrong, and i would like to (if i may) address them to the best of MY knowledge of Darkstar Communication's procedures and practices. Before i go any further I must stress that my billing account contains my credit card too, and i have NEVER had one charge made to my card that should not have been made, not even for services that have been canceled. Nora states that she was fraudulently charged by them because she canceled her service a half an hour after placing the order, yet she does not state how she canceled the order, how she tried to, or even whether she was given a response to her cancellation request. The cancellation method that all Darkstar clients need to use are clearly listed in the "Welcome Email" they send out to each client for each service they purchase. I know this because i have welcome emails for more than one service and every one of them tells me specifically what i need to do in order to cancel my service with them. Maybe Nora clicked the "cancel" link in the control panel, but failed to read the message that popped into the main window that tells you how to cancel your service, i don't know,(i wasn't there) but i can speculate. I also emphatically disagree with her statement that anything in their Terms of Service is "hidden", in fact since I have the ability to actually read and understand English, i found their TOS to be quite specific, and easy to understand. I read the response from the owner, and what he wrote was taken directly from the TOS, i even applaud him on his restraint in his response, I doubt very seriously that i would have been as accommodating as he was if i were to have a client make such false claims against my company. (yes i am a business owner too) The problem here, is a common one (as far as i can tell) Nora went to their site, saw the packages and pricing, started clicking links and next and yes i agree, but never took the time to do anything but fill in the forms, i would bet EVERY cent i have in my pocket right now that she simply blasted through the signup process and NEVER once looked at the majority of the information she was presented with, then after all was said and done, started trying to weasel out of the order. the problem is that once the process is started (because of the type business Darkstar is in) there's no slamming on the brakes and going oh, never mind. It just doesn't work like that. While Nora is probably a nice enough person, she has taken to presenting her side of the story in an obviously malformed, and even incorrect way, 1969? what's that all about. let's see i wasn't even 10 years old in 1969, and i happen to know that as stated, Darkstar communications wasn't around then. I'm a bit surprised too by her comments regarding the visa and MC rules. Doesn't she know that while some of those rules are designed to prevent legitimate acts of fraud from being perpetrated against cardholders, that the "customer is always right" policy is because you are PAYING THEM FOR A SERVICE? Of course they are going to take your side, right, wrong, or indifferent. that's what you pay them to do lady. don't you get that? To place an order, authorize a charge, then to claim that you didn't authorize it is a crime, (not to mention it's also a lie) I'm surprised as well that they didn't seek criminal charges against you for defrauding them. I certainly would have. Now what we have here is a self proclaimed liar making false and slanderous statements against a fair and honest business because of what's obviously her own failure to handle or address any issue properly, and these comments are posted on the web in plain view of everyone. I tell you, not only is it unfair to simply post these without ANY substantial proof to back up the claims, but it's also funny that IF in fact the claim was a valid one, this company wouldn't even be in business. Do you really think anyone buys the claim that they do this on a regular basis? I can tell you that my client ID with this company is in the 1700's and i saw a conversation where it was mentioned that they've had over 22,000 clients sign up with them... wouldn't that mean that IF the claims made here are correct there would be more than 3 or 4 results in a google search if these guys were Rip-offs as claimed? Anyway, I'm getting a bit off track. the point i wanted to make before i got steamed at the stupidity of this person's allegations is: 1. I am a long time customer 2. I use the credit card method of payment 3. I have never had any type of billing or support issue with Darkstar 4. they have always helped me with any issues as best as they could 5. their service and support has helped me in my own business 6. They are straightforward and honest with me whether an issue is on their end or mine. (and i know I'm not THAT special) So in short, if you take a few minutes to really look at the information they provide you, you won't have any issues with them, their service, or their billing. end of story. but if you walk around with your head somewhere other than where it should be (in ANY financial agreement) you will always be disappointed.. I currently recommend Darkstar to ALL of my clients who need a type of service that i do not provide, and i have yet to have a single customer inform me of any issues with Darkstar. Don't get me wrong, they do have to occasional Data Center issues, and sometimes an outage here and there, but to the best of my knowledge those are issues that are out of their hands, so while even I wouldn't give them a score of %100, i can gladly say that my overall experience with them is %99.7 I apologize for getting a bit off track, however that is the way it looks, and the way i feel about the issue Thank You, and thanks to Darkstar for the great service since I've been a client of yours. William E. CEO BCS Computers


Have any further question contact PayPal

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 05, 2006

Dear ##########, We have received your affidavit regarding the loss on your debit card ending in ####. PayPal will issue an adjustment to your account in the amount of $10.00 USD. This credit should post within one business day. We have concluded our investigation. Sincerely, Andrea PayPal Chargeback Division PayPal Email ID PP741


Have any further question contact PayPal

#10Consumer Comment

Sun, November 05, 2006

Dear ##########, We have received your affidavit regarding the loss on your debit card ending in ####. PayPal will issue an adjustment to your account in the amount of $10.00 USD. This credit should post within one business day. We have concluded our investigation. Sincerely, Andrea PayPal Chargeback Division PayPal Email ID PP741


Have any further question contact PayPal

#11Consumer Comment

Sun, November 05, 2006

Dear ##########, We have received your affidavit regarding the loss on your debit card ending in ####. PayPal will issue an adjustment to your account in the amount of $10.00 USD. This credit should post within one business day. We have concluded our investigation. Sincerely, Andrea PayPal Chargeback Division PayPal Email ID PP741


Citrus Heights,

#12UPDATE Employee

Sun, November 05, 2006

Unfortunately you have severely misguided people on our company. Not only did we not charge you as you say we did but you never did a charge back. Your report is littered with untrue facts. We were not even in business in 1969! It is a completely doctored and false receipt you have made up. Our terms of cancellation are very clear and had you sent in a request for your 30 day money back guarantee you would have received it. I am sorry that you feel you have to make false allegations towards our company but if they actually look at the false receipt you have made up they can clearly see your "receipt" is a phony. Again we were not even in business in 1969.


ohh? Really?

#13Author of original report

Sun, November 05, 2006

What was ordered was a risk free 30 day trial. Which was canceled a half hour after it was ordered. Keep your records straight I am sure Visa and Mastercard set up cancelation and " refund policies " for a reason. So if your saying I am wrong then your saying millions of other companies are wrong and that the rules dont apply to you. All I can say " folks is hold on to your Credit Card numbers ".



#14REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, November 05, 2006

Nora, Our company works off of subscriptions, we don't hide this and this is CLEARLY stated in our Terms of Service which ALL clients are requires to read before signing up with our company. When you go through the checkout process on our website your are not allowed to complete the checkout process until you have clicked a check box which states you have read and agreed to our Terms of Service located at http://www.darkstarllc.com/legal/tos The Terms of Service state the following. Subscription Service: All services with DarkStar Communications are subscription based services. This means the client is agreeing to a term to term subscription. A client who chooses to pay month to month, quarter to quarter, semi-annual to semi-annual and annual to annual agrees to be held liable for any and all charges until which time the client wishes to terminate service and must provide enough time per the Account Cancellation agreement which is 15 days prior to next billing cycle. Client understands that accepting this Terms of Service the client is agreeing to a Subscription based service and not a one time fee to clients card or paypal account. Client may terminate this subscription at any time and may be entitled to a refund if client cancels service 15 days prior to next billing date and still gets billed after the billing date due to the negligence of DarkStar Communications. If you did submit a cancellation request it may have been helpful to actually contact us on any billing disputes, the service which you ordered is a non refundable service also stated in our TOS before signing up. We cannot be held liable for your inability to follow correct procedures with a company. I find it sad that you have chosen to file false claims with this reporting agency for the simple fact that you personally failed to actually follow through with your cancellation. As an honest company, after reviewing your account as I would have would you have actually CONTACTED US I have removed the invoices and have set your account to canceled. As far as a chargeback goes, it is sad as well as pathetic that you would have to contact your bank and make a false claim that you did not authorize the charge then sit here and tell everything that you did authorize the charge. Have a good day.

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