  • Report:  #1046827

Complaint Review: Dave Board Constituent Affairs - Columbus Ohio

Reported By:
MD - Cleveland, Ohio,

Dave Board Constituent Affairs
Riffe Center, 30th floor 77 South High Street Columbus, 43215-6117 Ohio, United States of America
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Governor Kasich, the State Medical Board of Ohio, and staff, are misusing psychiatric evaluations to find 'cases' against women MDs after 20 years of licensure suspension for provisional cases that didn't work out.  The Governor has an authoritarian Medical Board with no checks in power.  You only have to have a theoretical, or provisional, case to take medical licnese in Ohio and ruin careers.  And there's no statute of limitations, so year after year the Board tries to find cases in the bad cases - to get out of liability payments.  But this is the wrongest way to break a woman MD for political purposes, to wreck a personality as well as a life, to torture.   

At the Ohio State Medical Board - and Constituent Affairs run by Dave Board - there is no policy to dismiss a false case against a physician, and get the physicians back to work with re-credentialing courses and licensure fees.  What every other state does, doesn't work in Ohio.  How many women are in this psychiatric 'go' limbo is unknown. 

The OHIO State Medical Board is broke with the line item of investigative services - investigating innocent physicians, or finding a case, when the non-case from the 'confidential' physician complaint didn't pan out.  But to have the boys getting into the psychiatric evaluation game - without protection from HIPAA or opening the complaint - is just government gone wrong.  Constituent Services gone to the amoral poli-sci nerds.

The psychiatric evaluations are a thinly veiled attempt to defend mistakes of licensure suspension - to get out of statute of limitations liability when the Board 'buys' a bad case from 'confidential' sources.  Evaluations are used to find cases for personality issues - that your personality isn't 'right' for Ohio.  This is so below the belt, but the getting into it of the Governor's Staff is alarming.  If someone refused a date from Dave Board - send her to psychiatric evlauation will be the mantra - what he learned on the job.

Care standard debates in medical fields have to be 'fair,' and not be involving licensure suspensions & disciplines for physicians who trained out of a certain state and have different ideas.  Bringing up new care suggestions is a good thing, and mentioning an error can save a patient's life.  If we all did what the co-pilot, who didn't mention the fuel being low to the pilot, did - we'd all crash and burn. 

Anything involving humans has error - Medical Board decisions, medical care decisions - but 6 ordered psychiatric evaluations - so that the Governor & Dave can spend spare time reading about the sex lives of women MDs in Ohio - that's insane.  A woman MDs dating history is not why the orthopedics goofed with her fracture care, with the cast applications, with the forgetting to order physical therapy.  Blaming the women - is not the answer to bad medical care practices in Ohio.

Governor Kasich and Dave need to step up to the plate and order reviews of cases that the Medical Board has admitted cheating on, cases that had no merit cases where the MD had no patient complaints.  But it's easier to order a 6th psychiatric 'go?'  Where is the logic, the thought process in that?  Allowing a Medical Board to go 'rogue' to get cases is not a good business policy - someone will eventually sue if not the AAPS (American Association of Physicians & Surgeons).

But having Dave Board hang up saying - you have to 'get another evaluation' when the women got through Medical School & training, passed her Boards, and practiced without patient complaints - well that just jealousy, stupidity, and government by the people who couldn't get into Medical School - government by the truly stupid.  

Governor Kasich, his aides, and the Medical Board should at least sit down and discuss with the physicians, open the 'confidential' complaints in cases where the Medical Board gave 'friend' physicians their complaint, and look at the non-suit agreements offered.  It shouldn't be a 6th psychiatric evaluation vs a non-suit agreement - that's bad legal advice.  Get out of the bad case is what every legal mind would tell the Medical Board - but they aren't even that smart. 

In the meantime, Dave Board should work on his phone skills, dates should beware of his propensity for ordering women to 'psychiatric goes,' and he should work on getting more informed about the problems in medical care and for women patients in Ohio.  Women do need blood work, and ob-gyn care, and you can't railroad their careers for political purposes when they need this medical care, need to be having families, and need to have the support of the Medical Board in changing bad care practices - not be tortured into continuing the bad practices.

Looking forward to next week and Dave Board hanging up, finding irrelevant things to say, and justifying 'goes' at women MDs.  This administration has lost 'focus' on the real issues, the real problems, and that 'goes' at women MDs only ruin the best in Ohio - the women who can achieve and should be role models - not trashed.          

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