  • Report:  #347045


Reported By:
- Tyler, Minnesota,

P.O. BOX 44 IVANHOE, 56142-0044 Minnesota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
To begin with the day my granddaughter was born the child protection worker along with a deputy and the sheriff showed up at the hospital and proceeded to take my granddaughter and tell my son and his wife they were putting her in foster care and would have to get an attorney and go to court . Ittook them 8 months before they got their little girl after going through all kinds of rediculous programs and having to have numerous meetings with the child protection worker. They had to take parenting classes before they could have their baby so then why doesn't everyone who has a baby have to have them before their baby can come home? This worker along with the guardian ad lidem actually did NOT work to keep the baby with her mom and dad. After a few months she was removed again because she was petite the worker claimed she was not "thriving" and again put her in foster care. The parents had been taking her regularly to the doctor for her shots and check ups and the doctor said she was fine. Even when she was in the foster home another social worker came along and said she was NOT "thriving" so she had her removed from that home and put in another home in another town. My little granddaughter got sick from being moved around and she was only 1 1/2. She was nervous and scared and there were too many strange people taking her to doctors and they were trying to find something wrong with her when there was nothing wrong only that she needed to be with her mommy and daddy.

Anyway, to make a long story short, the child protection worker sabatoged all my son and daughter in laws efforts to get their little girl back and my son ended up now doing 8 months in prison and therefore he would lose his rights to her. The state wanted to terminate their parental rights so instead my son and his wife voluntarily terminated their parental rights after being beaten down emotionally by the Child protection worker and others and they felt they had no other choice. So now my granddaughter is going to be adopted and they won't let me have her.

I have had visitation with her but due to someone saying I was going to "steal her and run" which was a lie, my visits were stopped. I need help!! I don't know where she is and my family is all apart now.

My son in prison, daughter in law has taken me to court with the help of the Child Protection Worker Deb Vizecky for me wanting to get my things from their house , she said i was harrassing her and also got a restraining order on me. The judge dismissed the charges on me and told me i could get my things but Deb Vizecky said if i go there she will file another harrassment charge on me! I thought the department of human services was to help families stay together NOT tear them apart which she has done! She needs to be stopped now!! HELP ME PLEASE!

p.s. her husband is the sheriff of the counties and he does not like me and she runs the counties not him but this is why she gets away with all she does !!


Tyler, Minnesota


20 Updates & Rebuttals


no city,
United States of America
Questions to think about

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Wed, September 05, 2012

First, who was the judge handling the child protection case?

Second, who was the judge handling your son's case when he went to jail?

Was the baby born at Avera Medical in Marshall?

Are you of minority status?

Does the social service agency have other complaints against them?

Was a drug test run on your daughter in law and was she informed that a drug test was going to be given?

Joyce, MN State Representative , NCGCR

Thanx You

#3Author of original report

Wed, November 19, 2008

First off I would like to say "thank you" to the ones who gave me some constructive criticizime instead of just judging me. As to the one who made comments about my spelling etc. "hey, are you perfect?" As for the worker I reported.........what the heck do you think this site is for? What right do you have coming on here and saying that I shouldn't tell about what this woman has done to our family? Oh by the way, I have finally got the attention of the media. The newspaper here wants to do my story because they believe she has done our family wrong because they know of other families she has messed up too including one of the editor's grandson's. Also, I got an email from the DR. Phil show, believe it or not, and they want to have my story told to help my family deal with the problems that have been caused by all of this and also help other families deal with "family drama" and I sure would say we have family drama! Yes, I have been very emotional throughout all of this and have acted irrational at times. I do admit to that. This is my family that was torn apart! I was like a big mama bear trying to protect her family. How would you feel if all of your family that you love so much was ripped apart and your granddaughter was being put up for adoption to a foster family to never be able to see her or even get pictures of her?? Now you tell me if you would just be kool about it all and just keep on with your life like nothing has happened. They are trying to stop me from continuing to try and get custody of my granddaughter..............FORGET IT! I WILL NOT GIVE UP NO MATTER WHAT THEY DO TO ME! I have been appointed as the MN State Representative for the National Committee of Grandparents for Children's Rights by the president of the organization, Lola Bailey. I intend on helping other grandparents trying to get visitation or custody of their grandchildren here in Minnesota too. www.grandparentsforchildren.org check it out!


still not getting the whole story...

#4Consumer Comment

Fri, November 07, 2008

1. It does not help me take you seriously when you 'shout' in half of your posts, use incorrect grammar, spelling and punctuation. 2. It might be better for everyone involved, most especially your granddaughter, if you make a conscious choice to stop playing the victim and start advocating for her. If you feel there has been a grave injustice, and I mean truly, then you need to take mature action about it. Let everyone know about it, but you need to do so from a standpoint where you don't act so victimized. Shouting that the CPS, a government funded agency, plotted all of this just to steal your granddaughter is going to get you nowhere. You should realize how paranoid and slightly crazy you sound when you go shouting across the internet that the CPS plotted everything from removing your granddaughter at birth to falsifying a reason to put your son in jail to making up a diagnosis of failure to thrive to remove her again. 3. I don't know what's going on in your family, but it seems you would be best served advocating for your family- your son and granddaughter- rather than focusing all of your efforts to try and slander this one woman, on the internet no less. All I can say is that, whatever is going on, I hope you can get it resolved and that, whatever happens, you can handle it in a mature and sensible fashion.



#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, November 07, 2008

I had not responded at all to the previous reports, but if you have been a foster parent then you know that the top 2 reasons children are removed from homes are: 1. abuse (whether physical, sexual, emotional , neglect or medical neglect) and 2. drug abuse So that could possibly be the reasons drugs were mentioned. You first claimed your granddaughter was removed for no reason, then you recanted your story saying she needed to be removed then came back again and said it basically was all cps fault once again. So, it is no reason people are a tad confused here. I did very much enjoy reading about the Kinship program, so I wanted to thank you for posting that. I do have a question, is there a CASA volunteer assigned to your grandaughter's case? If not, I would see if there could have one assigned. Sounds like a lot of stuff is going on and since I do not know the case I will not jump the gun, however where there is smoke there usually is fire.......

Joyce, MN State Representative , NCGCR


#6Author of original report

Thu, November 06, 2008

I was working at the elementary school and doig a very good job. They loved my work and I enjoyed my job and seemed to get along with everyone. I had no problems and then just last friday on 10-31-2008 after I had announced that on monday the 27th I got my notice that I was appointed as the MN State Reprentative of Grandparents for Children's Rights, I got a phonce call stating that I could no longer work at the school! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Some government official called the school and said that something was not good on my background check and I was not supposed to be working around children!!! I wonder who that could be?? Need I ask? I am still working to get my granddaughter and I have just finished the brief for the Court of Appeals. I will not stop and they will not stop me from filing and continue pursuing on my mission to get my precious granddaughter. "Legally baby stealing" is not right and even though I have no job and "someone" gets me out of a job that is NOT going to stop me! IT IS THAT DISGUSTING CPS WORKER THAT DOES NOT TELL THE TRUTH IN HER REPORTS THAT CALLED AND LIED ABOUT ME...........THAT IS WHO IT IS AND I AM GOING TO FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST HER WHEN I GET MY PROOF! I ALREADY HAVE PROOF ABOUT SOME OF THE LIES IN HER REPORT SHE SUBMITTED IN COURT. HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT YOU SAY? BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THE LAWS OF THEIR STATE AND SO THEREFORE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND TAKE WITH THEM WHEN THEY HAVE TO GO TO COURT UP AGAINST THE " LYING LIONS. "

Joyce, MN State Representative , NCGCR


#7Author of original report

Thu, November 06, 2008

I was working at the elementary school and doig a very good job. They loved my work and I enjoyed my job and seemed to get along with everyone. I had no problems and then just last friday on 10-31-2008 after I had announced that on monday the 27th I got my notice that I was appointed as the MN State Reprentative of Grandparents for Children's Rights, I got a phonce call stating that I could no longer work at the school! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Some government official called the school and said that something was not good on my background check and I was not supposed to be working around children!!! I wonder who that could be?? Need I ask? I am still working to get my granddaughter and I have just finished the brief for the Court of Appeals. I will not stop and they will not stop me from filing and continue pursuing on my mission to get my precious granddaughter. "Legally baby stealing" is not right and even though I have no job and "someone" gets me out of a job that is NOT going to stop me! IT IS THAT DISGUSTING CPS WORKER THAT DOES NOT TELL THE TRUTH IN HER REPORTS THAT CALLED AND LIED ABOUT ME...........THAT IS WHO IT IS AND I AM GOING TO FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST HER WHEN I GET MY PROOF! I ALREADY HAVE PROOF ABOUT SOME OF THE LIES IN HER REPORT SHE SUBMITTED IN COURT. HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT YOU SAY? BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THE LAWS OF THEIR STATE AND SO THEREFORE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND TAKE WITH THEM WHEN THEY HAVE TO GO TO COURT UP AGAINST THE " LYING LIONS. "

Joyce, MN State Representative , NCGCR


#8Author of original report

Thu, November 06, 2008

I was working at the elementary school and doig a very good job. They loved my work and I enjoyed my job and seemed to get along with everyone. I had no problems and then just last friday on 10-31-2008 after I had announced that on monday the 27th I got my notice that I was appointed as the MN State Reprentative of Grandparents for Children's Rights, I got a phonce call stating that I could no longer work at the school! CAN YOU BELIEVE IT? Some government official called the school and said that something was not good on my background check and I was not supposed to be working around children!!! I wonder who that could be?? Need I ask? I am still working to get my granddaughter and I have just finished the brief for the Court of Appeals. I will not stop and they will not stop me from filing and continue pursuing on my mission to get my precious granddaughter. "Legally baby stealing" is not right and even though I have no job and "someone" gets me out of a job that is NOT going to stop me! IT IS THAT DISGUSTING CPS WORKER THAT DOES NOT TELL THE TRUTH IN HER REPORTS THAT CALLED AND LIED ABOUT ME...........THAT IS WHO IT IS AND I AM GOING TO FILE A LAWSUIT AGAINST HER WHEN I GET MY PROOF! I ALREADY HAVE PROOF ABOUT SOME OF THE LIES IN HER REPORT SHE SUBMITTED IN COURT. HOW IN THE WORLD DO THEY GET AWAY WITH IT YOU SAY? BECAUSE PEOPLE DON'T KNOW THE LAWS OF THEIR STATE AND SO THEREFORE THEY DON'T KNOW WHAT TO DO AND TAKE WITH THEM WHEN THEY HAVE TO GO TO COURT UP AGAINST THE " LYING LIONS. "



#9Author of original report

Sat, November 01, 2008



my reply to all of you

#10Author of original report

Sat, November 01, 2008

You all have your own opinions................we have freedom of speech in this country............slander you say? OH and what about all the LIES she tells in the COURTROOM ON ME? WHAT ABOUT ME LOSING MY 2ND JOB NOW BECAUSE OF SOMEONE SAYING MY BACKGROUND CHECK IS NOT GOOD? HUH? WELL , I KNOW FOR A FACT THAT IS A LIE!! FOR EVERYONE'S INFORMATION HERE .....................I AM THE MINNESOTA STATE REPRESENTATIVE FOR THE NATIONAL COMMITTEE OF GRANDPARENT'S FOR CHILDREN'S RIGHTS AND SHE IS JUST TRYING TO DESTROY MY REPUTATION AND LIFE! www.grandparentsforchildren.org I WILL NOT GIVE UP IN MY FIGHT FOR MY GRANDDAUGHTER! NEVER ! No you don't know it all and you are blowing smoke out of the wrong end! When the CPS Worker took my granddaughter when she was 1st born they had no good reason. Then they gave her to her parents. Later they made up "failure to thrive" because she was petite. Just so they could "legally steal" my granddaughter for a foster family who have more money than my son and his wife. (This goes on all over the states.) No, my son did not deserve to go to prison! They just had to get rid of him and make it easy for the foster parents to get my granddaughter. My daughter in law has disabilities and cannot care for the child alone so therefore since he was gone of course she didn't get to keep her. IT WAS ALL IN THE CPS WORKER, COUNTY ATTORNEY ,GUARDIAN AD LITEM AND FOSTER PARENT'S PLAN. UNFORTUNATELY THEY CAN'T SEEM TO GET RID OF ME!! I DID TRY TO TAKE THE FIRST REPORT OFF BUT THE POLICY IS THAT THEY WON'T DO IT! SO THERE IS NOTHING I CAN DO..........BUT SLANDER .........NO! TRUTH ABOUT HER ...........OH YES!!



#11Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

In your later updates, you reneged your original comments. You stated that the child was now rightfully taken from the home. I think this is obvious, since your son ended up in jail. Children are rarely just taken from the parents, especially at birth where there has been limited time to screw up the parenting. Seeing that you go back on what you originally said, I think you should try and delete your report because now what this looks like is slander. What if someone only read the first part? They go away possibly thinking that this woman is evil and just rips children from homes for no good reason which is not true, even by your own admission. I'm not saying the situation doesn't suck. It does. These kinds of situations are just not fun. But they also don't happen without good reason. Believe it or not, CPS agents have rules and standards to go by. They have certain criteria that must be met before removing children from the care of their biological parents. They don't just rip young children from their homes and dispense them out to foster families like teddy bears. There is already and overload of children in 'the system' so they aren't going to add more children into it if they don't have to. There is obviously more to the story because if what you say is true, they should be letting you care for your granddaughter. But since they aren't, there is a reason, you just won't say what that reason is.


first off

#12Consumer Comment

Sat, September 20, 2008

This report was too hard to read - so just spit it out - what was the real reason CPS took the child



#13Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

Chances are you know about the traditional foster care program, but are you familiar with "Kinship Care"? If not, it isn't surprising. After all, that program is only five years old in this state, though it's been around longer in a number of other states. Kentucky is attempting to acquaint the public with the concept during this state Adoption Week, which begins today. Kinship Care involves extended family members -- be they grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles or older siblings -- taking young abused/neglected relatives into their homes with the intention of having permanent custody. Though regular foster care is a haven for so many children, Kinship Care is said to have the added advantage of making youngsters feel immediately secure because they're with people they already know. Because of that factor, and the state's constant need for safe, caring homes in which to place mistreated children, Kentucky offers special incentives to participate in Kinship Care. Joey Minor, supervisor for this state's Kinship Care program, said the program pays $300 per month per child, and that same amount is paid per child up to "child six" in a sibling or other related group. By comparison, the state's traditional foster care program pays $280 a month for the first child in a sibling or other related group, and lesser amounts for each additional child. Minor said Kinship Care also can provide "start up money to help acclimate the child into the relative's home." That might involve clothing purchases for a youngster who has little clothing, or a crib or other bedroom furniture for the child. The program is overseen by the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and is funded by a block grant through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Adults participating in Kinship Care are thoroughly screened for any prior abuse/neglect or criminal activity, Minor said, and a social worker visits the home once a month. Though efforts are made, where appropriate, to reunite children and their parents, Minor indicated most cases involve a permanent custody designation. That designation is not, however, the same as adoption. Those who adopt do not remain in the Kinship Care program. Minor said there is no upper age limit for participation in the program. In some instances, great-grandparents are caring for children though they must have backup family who can step in if the need arises. For more information about Kinship Care, contact the state's Community Based Services office here at 826-6203. MORE JENKINS COLUMNS http://www.courierpress.com/ecp/gleaner_news/article/0,1626,ECP_4476_4747113,00.html Thanks, Arhonda



#14Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

Chances are you know about the traditional foster care program, but are you familiar with "Kinship Care"? If not, it isn't surprising. After all, that program is only five years old in this state, though it's been around longer in a number of other states. Kentucky is attempting to acquaint the public with the concept during this state Adoption Week, which begins today. Kinship Care involves extended family members -- be they grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles or older siblings -- taking young abused/neglected relatives into their homes with the intention of having permanent custody. Though regular foster care is a haven for so many children, Kinship Care is said to have the added advantage of making youngsters feel immediately secure because they're with people they already know. Because of that factor, and the state's constant need for safe, caring homes in which to place mistreated children, Kentucky offers special incentives to participate in Kinship Care. Joey Minor, supervisor for this state's Kinship Care program, said the program pays $300 per month per child, and that same amount is paid per child up to "child six" in a sibling or other related group. By comparison, the state's traditional foster care program pays $280 a month for the first child in a sibling or other related group, and lesser amounts for each additional child. Minor said Kinship Care also can provide "start up money to help acclimate the child into the relative's home." That might involve clothing purchases for a youngster who has little clothing, or a crib or other bedroom furniture for the child. The program is overseen by the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and is funded by a block grant through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Adults participating in Kinship Care are thoroughly screened for any prior abuse/neglect or criminal activity, Minor said, and a social worker visits the home once a month. Though efforts are made, where appropriate, to reunite children and their parents, Minor indicated most cases involve a permanent custody designation. That designation is not, however, the same as adoption. Those who adopt do not remain in the Kinship Care program. Minor said there is no upper age limit for participation in the program. In some instances, great-grandparents are caring for children though they must have backup family who can step in if the need arises. For more information about Kinship Care, contact the state's Community Based Services office here at 826-6203. MORE JENKINS COLUMNS http://www.courierpress.com/ecp/gleaner_news/article/0,1626,ECP_4476_4747113,00.html Thanks, Arhonda



#15Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

Chances are you know about the traditional foster care program, but are you familiar with "Kinship Care"? If not, it isn't surprising. After all, that program is only five years old in this state, though it's been around longer in a number of other states. Kentucky is attempting to acquaint the public with the concept during this state Adoption Week, which begins today. Kinship Care involves extended family members -- be they grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles or older siblings -- taking young abused/neglected relatives into their homes with the intention of having permanent custody. Though regular foster care is a haven for so many children, Kinship Care is said to have the added advantage of making youngsters feel immediately secure because they're with people they already know. Because of that factor, and the state's constant need for safe, caring homes in which to place mistreated children, Kentucky offers special incentives to participate in Kinship Care. Joey Minor, supervisor for this state's Kinship Care program, said the program pays $300 per month per child, and that same amount is paid per child up to "child six" in a sibling or other related group. By comparison, the state's traditional foster care program pays $280 a month for the first child in a sibling or other related group, and lesser amounts for each additional child. Minor said Kinship Care also can provide "start up money to help acclimate the child into the relative's home." That might involve clothing purchases for a youngster who has little clothing, or a crib or other bedroom furniture for the child. The program is overseen by the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and is funded by a block grant through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Adults participating in Kinship Care are thoroughly screened for any prior abuse/neglect or criminal activity, Minor said, and a social worker visits the home once a month. Though efforts are made, where appropriate, to reunite children and their parents, Minor indicated most cases involve a permanent custody designation. That designation is not, however, the same as adoption. Those who adopt do not remain in the Kinship Care program. Minor said there is no upper age limit for participation in the program. In some instances, great-grandparents are caring for children though they must have backup family who can step in if the need arises. For more information about Kinship Care, contact the state's Community Based Services office here at 826-6203. MORE JENKINS COLUMNS http://www.courierpress.com/ecp/gleaner_news/article/0,1626,ECP_4476_4747113,00.html Thanks, Arhonda



#16Author of original report

Fri, September 19, 2008

Chances are you know about the traditional foster care program, but are you familiar with "Kinship Care"? If not, it isn't surprising. After all, that program is only five years old in this state, though it's been around longer in a number of other states. Kentucky is attempting to acquaint the public with the concept during this state Adoption Week, which begins today. Kinship Care involves extended family members -- be they grandparents, cousins, aunts, uncles or older siblings -- taking young abused/neglected relatives into their homes with the intention of having permanent custody. Though regular foster care is a haven for so many children, Kinship Care is said to have the added advantage of making youngsters feel immediately secure because they're with people they already know. Because of that factor, and the state's constant need for safe, caring homes in which to place mistreated children, Kentucky offers special incentives to participate in Kinship Care. Joey Minor, supervisor for this state's Kinship Care program, said the program pays $300 per month per child, and that same amount is paid per child up to "child six" in a sibling or other related group. By comparison, the state's traditional foster care program pays $280 a month for the first child in a sibling or other related group, and lesser amounts for each additional child. Minor said Kinship Care also can provide "start up money to help acclimate the child into the relative's home." That might involve clothing purchases for a youngster who has little clothing, or a crib or other bedroom furniture for the child. The program is overseen by the state Cabinet for Health and Family Services, and is funded by a block grant through the Temporary Assistance to Needy Families program. Adults participating in Kinship Care are thoroughly screened for any prior abuse/neglect or criminal activity, Minor said, and a social worker visits the home once a month. Though efforts are made, where appropriate, to reunite children and their parents, Minor indicated most cases involve a permanent custody designation. That designation is not, however, the same as adoption. Those who adopt do not remain in the Kinship Care program. Minor said there is no upper age limit for participation in the program. In some instances, great-grandparents are caring for children though they must have backup family who can step in if the need arises. For more information about Kinship Care, contact the state's Community Based Services office here at 826-6203. MORE JENKINS COLUMNS http://www.courierpress.com/ecp/gleaner_news/article/0,1626,ECP_4476_4747113,00.html Thanks, Arhonda


Judge not unless you want to be judged

#17Author of original report

Mon, September 08, 2008

I just want all of you who have responded here to know that there are cases where children were unjustly removed from their families try fightcps.com and you will find many stories and you can't tell me that all of those people are lying! Also , I have to admit now that things have settled down a bit, I was wrong about my son and his wife. They didn't deserve to have my little granddaughter. I was the one who was doing all the work trying to keep her in the family. So I have to humble myself and say that the CPS worker was in the right to remove my granddaughter from my son and his wife who just didn't know how to love and nurture a child , meaning his wife not my son because he certainly loved his daughter. As far as me , her grandmother, the things they have said about me are not true and if you only knew me then you would know it too. I have neigbors who have lived here by me for several years now who have wrote letters for me to the judge who to testifly that I am a good, peaceable person even though I have had some rough times lately. Who is perfect? I have had a background check and it came out fine and also a child abuse record check and I am not on the registry. I have never hurt a child or even spanked a child. I use the time out method of discipline. I came to this site because I was hurt and broken hearted over my son and his wife lying to me constantly and my little granddaughter being gone. I am sorry there are so many people in this world that would rather criticize a grandmother for wanting her granddaugter to be with her then to be adopted to another family and never get to see her again! I do not wish this hurt on anyone! Joyce Williamson, Tavi's Nana


From the bits and pieces of the story you've told us

#18Consumer Suggestion

Mon, August 11, 2008

sounds like your grandchild is best as far away from your family as possible.


Baby Stealing

#19Author of original report

Sun, August 10, 2008

I can't find where I can respond to whom ever wrote regarding my report but NO there were NOOOOOOOOOOOO drugs involved and NO I had NO bad history infact I was working for a company where we took care of people with disabilities and my background check came out fine! My daughter in law had adopted two children out when she was single because she felt that was the best thing for them because she couldn't take care of them alone and so then therefore the CPS worker had reservations about her being able to care for my granddaughter but the fact of the matter is , she was NOT given the opportunity to prove that she could do it on her own. I DO NOT NEED TO DEFEND MYSELF OR MY FAMILY! THEY ARE IN THE WRONG WHETHER PEOPLE WANT TO BELIEVE IT OR NOT!! There is a 13 year old girl in this area that we know and she even got to keep her baby. Why doesn't everyone who have children have to take parenting classes before they get to bring their child home? You don't know what you are taking about and there are CPS Workers and guardian ad litems who do work solely for foster parents to get them a child. I have been on the INSIDE of the Social system and OUTSIDE . I have been a foster parent myself and I know how the system works! You all need to do some good research on the internet about CPS Workers and how they get children esp under 2 for foster families. it is all over the world and not just in my family! I have read hundreds of stories since this has all begun and talked to many many mothers, fathers, grandmothers, and even teenagers that are worried about their little brothers and sisters in foster care. NOT ALL CPS WORKERS ARE BAD AND SOME CHILDREN REALLY DO NEED TO BE REMOVED FROM PARENTS AND PLACED IN FOSTER HOMES WITH GOOD FAMILIES>>>>>>>>>>>>BUT THEN THERE ARE THOSE WHO DO NOT>>>>>>>>>>THESE ARE THE ONES I AM TALKING ABOUT AND MY GRANDDAUGHTER IS ONE OF THEM!!! I WANT HER BACK AND MY FAMILY BACK!! I WILL FIGHT AND NOT GIVE UP AND AM GOING TO LET THE WORLD KNOW WHAT HAS HAPPENED IN THIS COUNTY OF MINNESOTA!


Why is your son in jail?

#20Consumer Comment

Fri, July 04, 2008

Was meth or any other drugs involved? If so Child Protection has every right to remove the child. You stated that you wanted your grandchild. Did you have a backroud study done to se if you were clear to be a kinship foster parrent? If so the county must have found something in your past. In the State of Minnesota the social workers are supposed to try to place the children in foster care with a relative, if one is not available or cannot pass a backroud check they must stay in foster care. After 90 days in foster care the state can make a perminant placement if your son and daughter in law did not follow there case plan. So I think you are leaving quite a bit out of the story because things like this just don't happen for no reason.



#21Author of original report

Thu, July 03, 2008

Deb Vizecky , the child protection worker for Lincoln, Lyon, and Murray Counties in Minnesota has overstep her boundaries in advocating for my daughter in law against me in civil court try by having a restraining order put on me and also by getting harrassment charges on me. Court proceeded , but the judge could see what was actually going on and he dismissed the case. The child protection worker was not supposed to even be involved with any of our family affairs since the termination of parental rights had already taken place. She is only allowed to do such things as this because she is the wife of the sheriff of these counties. Also, i have had nothing but bad experiences with the sheriff from the first day i talked to him when my nieces two children were picked up by the child protection worker Deb Vizecky earlier in 2006 when my niece was in the hospital when she was called by the Department of Human Services in Creston, Iowa stating that the fathers of the two children were coming to get them and she did not even do any investigating on them before she just went and got the children from school and handed them over. The little boys father is a pedofile and was caought messing around with a 13 year old girl on the internet, he worked at the jr high school, and was sentenced to serve time in prison a few months after she handed him over and he is now living with his aunt.

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