  • Report:  #711607

Complaint Review: Dee Gerrish Lake Ridge Kennels - Cleveland North Carolina

Reported By:
flabbergasted - anytown, New Jersey, United States of America

Dee Gerrish Lake Ridge Kennels
165 Four Lakes Dr. Cleveland, 27013 North Carolina, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
Where to begin? I was interested in purchasing a golden doodle and did some searching on the internet. I started to check out www.goldnedoodleworld.com and was instantly intrigued by the website. I thought I had been taken back in time to the late 1990s! It was like watching a train wreck. You shouldn't be looking but you just cant help but to watch. The page goes on and on with more text than one person would ever want to read and more links than you could shake a cyber-stick at! I had some time on my hands so I decided to find out who the owner was and what this was all about. There's not much I can say that hasn't already been written about Dee (Diane) Gerrish, so Ill just stick to my own complaints.

I made some calls to Lake Ridge Kennels aka Golden Doodle World or whatever she calls it and found out I wasn't allowed on her property. I couldn't come there to pick up a dog even if I bought one off of her website. I mean, have you even seen her agreement to buy a dog?   http://www.buyadoodle.net/canineapplication.html  that thing is ridiculous! You cant even request a photo of a dog you might be interested in AND there are no refunds. Anyone in their right mind wouldn't deal with a pseudo business like this one.

Anyway, after I read some complaints about "Dee", I saw that she was trying to deny where she lived and that the property you can see from satellite images, isnt hers. Well Mr. and Mrs. Gerrish, im here to tell you that not only does your property look like a tornado went through a junkyard, but it IS your property.

satellite image

rowan county tax collector record 1

rowan county tax collector record 2

Where you live is an indisputable fact, Dee Gerrish. Your property looks like a living hell for dogs. Are you also making moon shine back there? How Rowan County hasn't found you in violation of code is beyond me.

Id like to comment on her website again, www.goldendoodleworld.com. Look at all of those fake awards she has on there. Hardly any of them link to anything. She simply copied those "awards" off the internet. All I can say is, anyone who buys into anything Dee is selling, deserves to be ripped off, because you are in fact, a moron for doing business with her. Let me say it again... IF YOU DO BUSINESS WITH DEE GERRISH, YOU DESERVE WHATEVER YOU GET BECAUSE YOU LACK COMMON SENSE.

Also Mrs. Gerrish, since I know you will be reading this, I read some of the insane ramblings on http://dianegerrish2.blogspot.com/ . You are a sick, pathetic, individual. It appears to me that you are in some kind of magical fantasy land where reality doesn't belong. The crazy things you post about your family members and your mother makes me sick to my stomach. Get off your lazy a** and clean up your junkyard, trailer trash and go help your mother if she is in great danger and being exploited. I haven't read anything yet about you being in Florida doing anything for her. Do I make myself clear? Shut your mouth and do something for her if you really care that much. You are a waste of space and a troublemaker at best. Your business will fail if it isn't already dying. This is 2011, learn to make a real website. My 4 year old daughter has made better websites out of boredom than you could ever put together. 

4 Updates & Rebuttals


Why prospective customers should give these "complaints" zero credence...

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2011

If you're a consumer doing research on the trustworthiness of this business, you've probably seen several separate "reviews". If you've READ those reviews with even half an ounce of discretion and common sense, you should be able to read between the lines and see that this complainer has her own gigantic personal ax to grind.
Very little in any of her complaints (under a myriad of IDs) is even vaguely based on fact. The aerial photos (including the ones provided through the online tax records of Rowan county, NC) are so out of date, you'd never recognize it if you actually flew over it today (even Google will tell you that satellite images of specific property addresses aren't "real time" and are, in some cases, several years old).
No one in their right mind would use a satellite image as a current reference for anything beyond basic location. Rowan county only uses them for reference images to show property lines, property values and lot sizes. They could care less about how current the images of buildings are and don't use them for any form of code enforcement -- that's what living, breathing code enforcement officers are for -- they go to a property and document first-hand and real-time.
The complainer also claims she was interested in buying a puppy, but was so turned off by the website, she decided to run to Rip-off Report. This seems a little extreme for what is nothing more than a complaint about aesthetics, and does little to convince a more rational reader that the business doesn't deserve their consideration.
The complainer gets personal when she attempts to call out the business owner on her supposed "neglect" of her own mother; this should tell the reader that this author is much, much more than a mere disgruntled consumer. She is (in every review she's written under a whole myriad of identities) the owner's older sister, who's been on a crusade of psychotically asinine proportions. It boggles the mind that Rip-Off Reports not only publishes but seems to ENCOURAGE personal attacks disguised as consumer complaints.
The claims that Dee Gerrish won't come to Florida to help her own mother are so ridiculous, they require rebuttal on their own: The fact is the WRITER won't ALLOW Dee (or anyone else she doesn't approve of) to even CALL her mother, let alone physically come to visit or help her in any way. This is the only real control the writer can exert, beyond writing and publishing baseless complaints. The fact the writer has never been anywhere near Mike and Dee Gerrish's property.
Sandra Johnson lives (for now) in Orlando, Florida. She is in the midst of a divorce, and is on the verge of losing her house to foreclosure because of that divorce. She will probably end up moving into her mother's house in Kissimmee, barring a financial miracle that saves her own house. She does not work, but lives on disability payments (and a cut of her mother's pension, which she believes she deserves to take since she has her mother's "sole" caretaker.) She has no 4 year old daughter. She does have a grandson about that age-- and two grown children -- one of which still lives with her.
I'll be pleasantly if this rebuttal gets published since the owner of Rip-Off Report seems to like the negative reviews, but not the rebuttals.

Report Attachments


Why prospective customers should give these "complaints" zero credence...

#3Consumer Comment

Sun, April 03, 2011

If you're a consumer doing research on the trustworthiness of this business, you've probably seen several separate "reviews". If you've READ those reviews with even half an ounce of discretion and common sense, you should be able to read between the lines and see that this complainer has her own gigantic personal ax to grind.
Very little in any of her complaints (under a myriad of IDs) is even vaguely based on fact. The aerial photos (including the ones provided through the online tax records of Rowan county, NC) are so out of date, you'd never recognize it if you actually flew over it today (even Google will tell you that satellite images of specific property addresses aren't "real time" and are, in some cases, several years old).
No one in their right mind would use a satellite image as a current reference for anything beyond basic location. Rowan county only uses them for reference images to show property lines, property values and lot sizes. They could care less about how current the images of buildings are and don't use them for any form of code enforcement -- that's what living, breathing code enforcement officers are for -- they go to a property and document first-hand and real-time.
The complainer also claims she was interested in buying a puppy, but was so turned off by the website, she decided to run to Rip-off Report. This seems a little extreme for what is nothing more than a complaint about aesthetics, and does little to convince a more rational reader that the business doesn't deserve their consideration.
The complainer gets personal when she attempts to call out the business owner on her supposed "neglect" of her own mother; this should tell the reader that this author is much, much more than a mere disgruntled consumer. She is (in every review she's written under a whole myriad of identities) the owner's older sister, who's been on a crusade of psychotically asinine proportions. It boggles the mind that Rip-Off Reports not only publishes but seems to ENCOURAGE personal attacks disguised as consumer complaints.
The claims that Dee Gerrish won't come to Florida to help her own mother are so ridiculous, they require rebuttal on their own: The fact is the WRITER won't ALLOW Dee (or anyone else she doesn't approve of) to even CALL her mother, let alone physically come to visit or help her in any way. This is the only real control the writer can exert, beyond writing and publishing baseless complaints. The fact the writer has never been anywhere near Mike and Dee Gerrish's property.
Sandra Johnson lives (for now) in Orlando, Florida. She is in the midst of a divorce, and is on the verge of losing her house to foreclosure because of that divorce. She will probably end up moving into her mother's house in Kissimmee, barring a financial miracle that saves her own house. She does not work, but lives on disability payments (and a cut of her mother's pension, which she believes she deserves to take since she has her mother's "sole" caretaker.) She has no 4 year old daughter. She does have a grandson about that age-- and two grown children -- one of which still lives with her.

Report Attachments


United States of America
Diane aka Dee Gerrish Still Claims Her Public Address Isnt Accurate

#4Author of original report

Sat, April 02, 2011

It appears Dee Gerrish has updated her statement from her blog today by adding that my screen captures of the public records were photoshopped.

Dianes blog modification stating the images are altered

The best part about this is, the readers of this report can search these records for themselves!

Direct link to public records search (do address search for 165 and then Four Lakes in the next box)

Mrs. Gerrish, these images I posted are not spliced together. You are simply in denial that you live in a junkyard and youre a hoarder. I dont know for a fact that youre a hoarder but based on the way your property looks from satellite and youre crazy ramblings on the internet, id say youre a sick sociopath who needs help. I highly doubt your dogs are living in good or even fair conditions on your property. I get tetanus just looking at your trailer and yard on google! Mrs. Gerrish, you CANNOT deny that the maps of your house are wrong. Google isnt wrong, Bing isnt wrong and Rowan County public records arent wrong.

Tell me Diane, is Rowan County out to get you? Rowan County parcel map of 165 Four Lakes Dr.

If you follow that link, youll see Diane and Michaels property outlined in light blue. Yes Diane, that is your junkyard! Any rational, sensible human being WOULD NOT BUY DOGS FROM YOU. Look at the state of your property!

The reasons for my reports are to tell the world that you are an unstable dog breeder who has dogs living in poor conditions. I have given plenty of undeniable proof with pubic records and maps that Diane and Michael Gerrish's property isnt fit for even the most wild of animals. It appears to be unsafe and unhealthy AT BEST. DO NOT BUY DOGS FROM THIS WOMAN!!!


United States of America
Diane aka Dee Gerrish Claims Her Public Record Address Isnt Hers

#5Author of original report

Fri, April 01, 2011

I really had no intention of reporting here again. That is until I saw a recent blog from Dee Gerrish denying the address that I put in my report isnt hers. Perhaps she thinks I am this Sandra Johnson, but I am not. From what I gather, Diane Gerrish and Sandra Johnson are related and have a passion for flaming each other on the internet. I could care less. However, I do care that Diane is denying that she lives at the address that is posted on her OWN website and is filed with Rowan County tax collectors office in North Carolina. Lets investigate shall we?

Dianes most recent blog where she denies her address

Capture of her own words in case she deletes blog (note she says her address is on her own site, lets take a look!)

Capture of HER address from her OWN website!

Direct link to her contact page showing her address

Ok so we've established for a fact that her address IS 165 Four Lakes Dr. Cleavland NC 27013. It says so on her own website.  Now, up above in my last report are my screen captures from Rowan County. These are public records and ARE official. If ANYONE claims I have photoshopped these county record images, do yourself a favor and search for yourself!

Direct link to public record search (simply type in 165 and then four lakes and hit search)

and the result? 263C056



So maybe Diane thinks that Google satellites have the wrong house? That in fact, her house DOESNT look like a junkyard? Look around the neighborhood, her trailer trash, scrapyard stands out like a sore thumb. There is NOTHING around her that looks like her own house. All the surrounding property is very clean and orderly. If I didnt know any better, id say Diane is a hoarder. Her property DOES NOT look fit for dogs based on the images im seeing from Bing Maps and Google Maps. I own 5 dogs myself and I live on a big piece of land in a rural area of NJ. My house doesnt look this way nor do my neighbors houses. My wife suggested that I call Rowan County animal control and im considering it. Who knows what they may find at 165 Four Lakes Dr..

Direct link to Google Maps of Dianes home

Direct link to Bing Maps of Dianes home

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