  • Report:  #975945

Complaint Review: Deluxe Marketing Inc Jeremy Larson Brad Canepa - las vegas Nevada

Reported By:
M.O. - Las Vegas, Nationwide, United States of America

Deluxe Marketing Inc Jeremy Larson Brad Canepa
101 convention center dr suite 700, las vegas, 89109 Nevada, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments
I worked for this company just long enough to learn of many more unethical and fraudulent business practices that I have no interest in being a part of.  They talk about having integrity but they don't practice what they preach.  Not everyone I met for the company is bad or anything like that but owner, Jeremy Larson and VP/CFO Brad Canepa, do bad things.

Jeremy Larson who is the owner of the company opened a market in Las Vegas, NV.  Some of the people  failed the background check and still to this day from my understanding still do not have a driver's license because of DUIs.  This is weird because I saw them drive up in cars that had reps in them.  They get other reps who do not work for the company to get a badge from Cox so they could assume their identity.  This is not only immoral and doesn't have integrity but is also illegal.  

Jeremy Larson knows about this and was fine with this type of behavior.  It is my understanding that to even receive an email from Cox that contains customer's private and confidential information you are supposed to be able to pass the background process that is performed by a company called Info Mart.  Padram did far worse than that.  He was actually committing fraud every time he knocked on a door using his brother's badge and identity.  I couldn't believe this was true but the person that informed me about it told me to look at his badge picture and you will see that it is in fact a picture of his brother.  I looked at his badge and it seemed to be a picture of him.  The person that told me about this also looked at his badge and told me it is not the same picture as before and he must have got a new badge with his own picture on it.  I also asked how he gets paid correctly if he is using his brother's identity and they both work for the same company.  I then was told that it is quite easy.

Brad Canepa who is the CFO and VP of Operations just has Bogdan who is in charge of payroll for DMI at their corporate office that is located in Capitola CA add all sales and overrides from Cox Las Vegas to Padram's check instead of Pagman's check.  A copy of this paycheck stub was shown to me and it did say Padram Khodabandah not Pagman Khodabandah and at the bottom of the check stub it says Las Vegas. 

Jeremy Larson advises reps who are not eligible for employment to do this. I have also heard that the practice of people working under other people's identities is common and okay with DMI's standard of integrity.  If I were Cox I would not have Jeremy Larson in any of my markets.  Up to this point Jeremy Larson the sole owner of the company knows about this and endorses this behavior.  He has been in the same room with Padram many times. I mention this because Jeremy needs to be made accountable for these actions. Jeremy allows it and even encourages this type of behavior.  

Jeremy Larson started another team with felons in another market, Oklahoma City.  This is happening in many locations across the nation with many systems. He almost wiped out many markets but because of some more smooth talking from Jeremy Larson the markets are saved.

Jeremy Larson, Brad Canepa and the DMI corporate staff consistently conspire to employ people that should in no way be entering people's homes.  They manipulate the background checks and drug test required by their clients so they can put sales people that drive big sales numbers into the field.  If that rep gets kicked out of the market they just move them to a new one.  Another huge concern is these same DMI illegal staff have access to millions of customers' personal information through Icoms with Cox and CSG with Comcast.


If I were doing business with this company I would do some investigating on the topics you have now been informed of.  I would require they rescreen again 100% of their sales reps to find out just how many should no longer be representing your company and entering the homes of your customers.  With the integrity I found working for Cox and Comcast I expect DMI will no longer be representing Cox Las Vegas or Comcast.

 If you are a client for DMI I want to assure you that this is really not your fault.  When someone as deceitful and conniving not to mention extremely smart as Jeremy Larson and Brad Canepa it is hard to make sure your vendors are doing things the right way.  I do have a suggestion that might help you prevent this from happening again in the future.  Make each rep that your vendors' hire show their picture ID and social security card which is required for them to be hired by your vendors to a trained employee of your company.  I would also set up a database that has each reps' name, address, phone number, social security card, with a copy of their picture ID whether or not they are active and a comments section to explain why they left if they are no longer active and that is accessible to all markets that you currently have vendors.  This will stop the bad apples from circulating around the industry that is a great industry when done with integrity, which DMI has none.

To prove or disprove the things brought up in this email are simple.  For Cox Las Vegas you need to do is access Info Mart and you will see that both Padram Khodabandeh 2010 failed but Pagman Khodabandeh passed.  Then look at the badge pictures you have stored and look at the difference between the picture from 2010 of Pagman Khodabandeh and the 2011 picture of Padram Khodabandeh.

This will prove that Jeremy knows both brothers and cannot deny that he authorized the identity switch.  I would also ask Jeremy for copies of their picture IDs and social security cards that they must legally have on file at their corporate office.  Also ask for cashed checks that match the check stubs with each of the brother's names.  Jeremy should be more than forthcoming with this evidence to prove his innocence but probably not because he has been caught.  The turn-around time for these requests in our digital age should be less than 1 hour as long as you ask 8 to 5 PM Monday thru Friday.  If after your investigation and you have proved this email to be true and still decide to work with DMI then you better take a long look in the mirror and address your own value system.  And if that is what happens I will know that I made the right decision to walk away from both Cox and Comcast and will never return.

There are so many great people working in this industry and I hate seeing it ruined by a greedy jerk like Jeremy Larson that is only looking out for himself.  I only regret one thing from sending this email.  A lot of really good managers and sales reps are going to have to find a new job when the issues written here are finally proven to be true.

This email is going to be distributed to not only to any party that would possibly contract with DMI but also the District Attorney of Clark County and the CA and NV Attorney General where DMI started their Nevada based corporation.  This will also go to as many news anchors and publications around the county that I can find an email address for.  This behavior will not be swept under the rug!

I warn you to be careful when conducting business with Deluxe Marketing, Inc. (DMI), Jeremy Larson and Brad Canepa. 

Concerned Citizen

Contact Info

Jeremy Larson 831-212-5360 
Brad Canepa 831-245-7968  

DMI Markets to Investigate Fraud

San Francisco Bay Area (All)
Fresno CA 
Tucson AZ
Portland OR
Tacoma WA
Kent WA
Seattle WA
Bellingham WA
Spokane WA
Houston TX
Charleston, SC
Santa Barbara
Orange County CA
San Diego CA
Las Vegas NV
Phoenix AZ
Tucson AZ
Twin Cities MN
Omaha NB
Kansas City KS
Topeka KS
Tulsa OK
Oklahoma City OK
Report Attachments

14 Updates & Rebuttals

Ingle Elia PLLC

Notice of Legal Action

#2General Comment

Wed, November 06, 2013

To: "Concerned Citizen"

Ingle Elia PLLC represents Deluxe Marketing, Inc. Please take notice that Deluxe Marketing, Inc. has initiated an action in the United States District Court, District of Arizona, Deluxe Marketing, Inc. v. John Does 1-10, Case No. 2:13-cv-02144-DGC (the “Arizona Action”). In connection with this Arizona Action, Deluxe Marketing, Inc. seeks to subpoena Xcentric Ventures LLC dba http://www.ripoffreport.com for your contact information. You have a right to file and serve a response to the request anonymously. If you intend to file and serve a response, please do so, or notify us of your intent to do so, on or before November 25, 2013. Alternatively, you can contact us and inform us of your identity. You can convey this information by calling Ingle Elia PLLC at (602) 606-7955 and reference Deluxe Marketing, Inc. Alternatively, you can email your information to [email protected] with "Deluxe Marketing, Inc." as your subject.

Steve U

United States of America
Sad Day

#3General Comment

Thu, March 07, 2013

It is a very sad day when anyone loses their job due to the decisions of their leaders. Whether or not DMI violated policy will only be known by its owner and its client i suppose.

anyone who wants to stay in the cable business may contact me at my office in Tempe.

I have the Tucson market as well as the Phoenix market and would be willing to talk with the displaced workers from DMI.

I have over 24 years in this business and maintain a very good reputation.

I just hate to see talented people out of work.

My number is 623-221-4807

Good luck to you and to DMI.


Jobless In AZ

United States of America
Are You Kidding Me

#4UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 07, 2013

The response from Jeremy was, "The result was increased trust and confidence from clients we have had a 10 year relationship with that led to a stronger alliance with increased market share." How do you think Cox is feeling about that decision now that we have been told to stop selling in Arizona? As with the last person to post, I too have been trying to get Jeremy and Chris Scott on the phone with no luck. I guess they don't have any use for us anymore. Don't buy into the hype with this company. 

The Truth

Las Vegas,
United States of America
What does Jeremy Larson have to say?

#5UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 07, 2013

I read through some more of these posts. I am curious what the owner of DMI, Jeremy Larson has to say about all of this? Where were you when all of this was going on? Have you looked at your "leaders" and asked yourself what they have done to your company? If you are so innocent in all of this, why do you continue to allow people like William Biggs, Brent Wiscarson and Chris Scott ruin your reputation? Or are they? Maybe these practices are coming from their leader. I for one would want to try to save my company if I thought others were ruining it. We put our trust into you Jeremy. What do you have to say for yourself?

I don't expect you to respond. You wouldn't even answer my calls yesterday to explain why we are now unable to work in Arizona and Las Vegas. Funny thing is, none of the DMI "leadership" was available yesterday to explain to their teams what was going on. William, your phone sure worked when you were relentlessly pursuing me to come work for DMI. All of a sudden you can't answer your phone? I guess you are too busy tracking down your next sucker.

I hope you sleep well at night Jeremy. You are no better than a cult leader suckering people into your little money scheme... 

The Truth

Las Vegas,
United States of America
Removed By Cox Communications

#6UPDATE Employee

Thu, March 07, 2013

I was also under the impression that this company was a good company. For those who want to continue to support such a company, all I can guess is that you are also a part of the scams that take place. I have seen with my own eyes the deceptive practices of Chris Scott, Brent Wiscarson and William Biggs. They shove "leadership" down your throat and preach how much they care about you when all they really care about is making more and more money at all cost. You are expected to work 7 days a week and be in the field at least 10 hours a day. They don't care about you or your family life. If you can't devote your entire life to them they don't have time for you. These guys will do all it takes to make money off of the backs of others. I worked in both Las Vegas and Arizona. We just found out that Cox kicked them out of these markets. If this company is such a great company and above board, why would Cox kick them out of all of their markets? They were recently kicked out of California also.

There are good companies to work for. This is not one of them. I was sold a dream by William and Brent to leave my other company. I admit I was wrong for doing so. I should have stayed loyal. I now feel as dirty as they should. There are guidelines that Cox has. DMI could care less about guidelines and integrity. They could care less about the situation that they put their contractors in. As a contractor for this company I am willing to tell anybody and everybody what I have witnessed. It is obvious that Cox has figured it out. If you still work for this company isn't it time you figured it out as well. This is more like Inc 500's fastest sinking company.

Mr accountability

cover up

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, March 04, 2013

It is very easy to sit there and speculate on who is writing posts.  The bottom line is that the employees that are coming forward and saying what a great company DMI is are the very people profiting from the deceptive practices. Of course they are going to defend the company that pays their wages and allows them to profit from using other peoples names and social security numbers to obtain badges to be able to work.

None of the issues or accusations that have been brought forward have been addressed in any way. That says a lot for about who they are.

Tim Johnson

United States of America
False Post by a competitor

#8UPDATE Employee

Fri, March 01, 2013

This information is fake and a attempt to damage the reputation of Deluxe Marketing Inc. A former employee of a company that is similar that works in AZ called our office and confessed that the owner is always talking about rip off report and how easy it is to post fake post. None of the slander is true or even makes sense. There is to much name calling and industry reference for this to be written from a citizen or a customer. Deluxe Marketing Inc is a great company that is a industry leader for the past 10 years with a great reputation. I love working with Deluxe Marketing. Thanks.

Chuck Bures

United States of America
False Reports From A Competitor

#9UPDATE Employee

Wed, February 27, 2013

My name is Chuck Bures. I have been in the direct sales industry for 8 years. Jeremy Larson and Deluxe Marketing Inc are by far the most respected and operate with the highest integrity in the industry. DMI is a 10 year old company with a high BBB rating. Since I am in the industry I can confirm the negative posts are false information, I expect its from a competitor that has nothing better to do. If there was a real customer complaint they would call the call center first and contact the company websites. The reference to logos and cities on badges is false, the mention of social numbers is a total hoax. Notice how there has been no negative posts until recent, Im sure its the same guy doing multiple posts under multiple names. DMI is the best company I have worked for and I love the focus on personal development and leadership skills. Great company, great team, and a great industry. God bless!

Mr accountability

United States of America

#10Consumer Comment

Wed, February 27, 2013

Mr Ryan, How dare you try to stand up for this company when you yourself are a wanted felon out of the state of Maryland. How long have you been working for DMI in Comcast and Cox markets? Your warrant goes back to 2002 for Arson and threats. You sir, are not credible. Why don't we ask Mr Silva to come forward and tell the truth? Or is it Mr. Hernandez?

Larsen, you are a bold face liar sir.

william vombaur

United States of America
Jeremy Larson and Deluxe Marketing

#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, February 21, 2013

I worked for Jeremy Larson and DMI in the the Portland and Fresno markets for about 4 years. I read the complaints above, and when I was working for DMI, none of these type of actions were ever supported by Jeremy. We had a short term manager in Portland that was caught badge sharing, and was terminated by Jeremy. When I went to work for DMI in Portland, I could not go out in the field until I passed a background check, and was issued a proper badge. 

Jeremy was highly respected by Comcast management in Portland, and competitors were always badmouthing him and his organization to anyone that would listen. The above comments sound like more of the same.

I worked for a number of companies in this industry, and bar none, DMI was the best. Management made it a priority to get payroll right, and checks delivered to the representatives on time. We were supplied quality leads and excellent training. DMI gave the representatives all the tools they needed for sales success, and when we secured the order, payed you well for the sale.

William Vom Baur

Nancy Price

United States of America
They took my money

#12Consumer Comment

Thu, February 21, 2013

This company took $250 from me to pay a deposit for my Cox Cable services. I never got installed with my services. When I call Cox Cable they said they had no record of my order. I call the number of the man who took the money but he never answered. His message says Christopher Scott with Deluxe Marketing. My husband remembers a logo DMI.

I did research and talked to a William Biggs. He told me to call Cox Cable. When I told him that I did and let him know what they said he told me there was nothing he could do and he knew Christopher Scott and he would not take my money. I can assure you that he did and these people are scam artists.

If anybody tries to sell you Cox Cable at your door in Phoenix, AZ I would not give them any money. If you need Cox services, call Cox Cable directly. 


United States of America
Washington Resident

#13Consumer Comment

Wed, February 13, 2013

i find this company to be a very dangerous company. one of their sales reps  came to my mother in law's home , she wanted to have a phone as she cant afford a cell. the sales rep encouraged my mother in law to use her dead husband social security number.

Desperate for the phone, my mother in law was about to  follow his instruction. i used my cell to call comcast ans ask them, the operator at comcast asked me to have the man at the dood ID which contract company he was with, so ilooked at his badge more closely and saw it had marked DMI he claimed to be a manager with Dmi but his badge also said COX-DMI.

i found him to be christopher  scott. all the DMI sales representitives here in washington need to be removed,

Mike Ryan

United States of America

#14UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 01, 2013

I am a contractor with this company, this report is false.

Mike Ryan


Las Vegas,
United States of America
False Information

#15REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, December 22, 2012

This is Jeremy Larson. This report is a hoax filled with false accusations. This exact same post was sent in a blast email in early 2012 to our clients from a competitor. We cooperated on a audit and showed all requested documentation to prove that it was a hoax. The result was increased trust and confidence from clients we have had a 10 year relationship with that led to a stronger alliance with increased market share. We are a 10 year old company with a Better Business Bureau A rating. I can be reached at [email protected]

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