  • Report:  #879001

Complaint Review: Department of legal affairs and investigation - Internet

Reported By:
Kimberly - Mesa, Arizona, United States of America

Department of legal affairs and investigation
Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
It was about 8:30 in the morning as I was just settling in at my daughters house to babysit my granchildren. I had just poured a cup of coffee and sat down to feed my four month old granddaughter when the phone rang. I looked at the caller ID and didnt recognize the 213 area code so I answered it. On the other end of the phone line was a man that I could barely understand.

It was clear that he was of some foriegn persuations. I asked him who he was and he replied that he was a paraleagal that was working on the case that I have against me and he wanted to know if I had an attorney that he could talk to. I was instantley alarmed. I asked him,"What do you mean do I have an attorney, an attorney for what?" He replied that I have a case against me and he needed to no who my attorney was so he could speak to them about my case.

I asked him "my case? what case?" He said,"what you dont know about the case that your being investigated for? I said "no! I dont know anything about a case." He replied that  need to call this number immediatly and speak to the lead investigator and they would explain everything. At that moment the baby I was feeding started to cry because she was needing to burp. So I asked the man if he could call me back and leave the info on my voice mail and I hung up.

A moment later the phone rang again and he left the info just like I asked. I finished feeding the baby and layed her back down for a nap. I then checked my voice mail to retrieve the info the man left. The voice mail said for me to call this 213 number imidiatly and to not disregard this message for it was a time sensative matter. So I called the number and all I couild reach was a voice mail message that said that it was the office of Legal Affairs and Investigations and it said the mailbox was full and could recieve any more messages.

I called back four or five times more untill I finally reached a woman that answered saying that she was with the Dept of Legal affairs and investigations. I told her about the man that had called me earlier that morning and I asked the woman What was the case that was against me. She sounded really upset and she also was f some foriegn persuation so I could hardly understand her either. She said that I have a case against me for a payday loan I had a long time ago. I asked her,"What payday loan?

I dont have any payday loan! why would I take out a payday loan that I couldnt pay for? Then the woman yelled at me. She said,"You know what payday loan! sdtop wasting my time! The sherrif will be there tomorrow morning to take you to jail!" Then she hung up the phone on me. I was so scared and shaken up. I didnt no what to do. I stressed out the whole rest of the day. I got on the internet and ran my credit report.

I knew I never had any payday loan but I thought maybe  was a victim of identity fraud. I looked over my report from all three agencies and found nothing. I called my familly and told them what happen. I was so affraid that I would go to jail over something I knew nothing about and there was nothing  could do about it. The next morning  woke up and put some coffee on. I sat down and thought, "well, If im going to jail today im at least going to take a bath and put on some comfy clothes before I go.

I poured a cup of coffee and ran my bath. We were supposed to be celebrating that day because my son had just came home after spending two years away from me in Colorado. I took my bath and put on some black jogging pants and a comfortable baseball jersey preparing for my trip to jail. Then one hour whent by,then two,three,four, nobody came.  was stressed out the whole day while we bbq'd celebrating my sons return. I whent to bed and woke up the next morning. Then it finally hit me.

Why dont I get on the internet and look the Department of affairs and investigations up to see what it was that they do. I typed the title into my browser and an artical camed up on how this same thing had happened to a woman in January. She dscribed the situation just like it happened to me. I was so relieved but know im PISSED OFF! Who and why would someone do that to someone? I was worried sick.

And I mean sick! I have fibromyalgia and im disabled so this bull**** had made my fibro flare up and I was in a lot of pain over something that wasnt even true. How and why would someone go out of there way, and it wasnt just one person but two people. What did they get out of upsetting me? It was so OUTRAGES! They should be the ones to go to jail!

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