  • Report:  #236232


Reported By:
- bay city, Michigan,

4828 LOOP CENTRAL DR. HOUSTON, 77081-2212 Texas, U.S.A.
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Our nightmare started when my husband had lost his job a few monthes before and could not find work and i had to quit my job a year pryor to care for my disabled children who require constant supervision.We fell behind on our loan payments which was our problem and our then mortgage company AMC sent us notice of intent to foreclose I called AMC and entered into a Forbearance plan agreement on February 16, 2006 they wanted $1,200.00 by February 24,2006 i imformed the Home Retention specialist of our situation and explained we were living off of our childrens disability income and did not get any funds untill the 1st of March i was told not to worry as long as my husband signed the agreement and sent it back and sent the money via Western Union we would be ok not to worry.We payed the amount requested it was excepted late and on the 1st of April we made our next installment and it was excepted. On April 10,2006 we recieved a NOTICE OF ASSIGNMENT, SALE OF TRANSFER OF SERVICING RIGHTS from AMC it stated the date that AMC would stop taking payments from us would be May 1 2006 and that Litton loan would be our new mortgage company and they would stat taking our payments May 2 2006 and that this assignment, sale,or transfer would only affect the servicing of the loan and that all other terms contained in our mortgage doucuments remain in effect does that not mean the Forbearance plan agreement? Well this is where the pot thickens and the injustice comes to light on May 2, 2006 i contacted CSR for Litton Loan and asked where i send our money to and the CSR informed my that My husband did not have a loan number with them yet and that litton loan would send me a welcome letter with payment instructions to "BE PATIENT" i stated my concerns about the situation and questioned her about the payment being over due and the effect it would have on our forbearance agreement she reasured me telling me not to worry that it would be ok So patiently we waited and around May 19th 2006 we recieved a statement from Litton Loan services dated for the 15th of May 2006 welcmeing us and the payment was much lower than the frobearance agreement i immediatly agin contacted a CSR and questioned the amount and stated that the amount we agreed to in the forbearance was diffrent and the terms of our agreement stated that it was to be payed via WESTERN UNION and that we needed the information to send our payment in that form we were put on hold for approxamitly 25 minutes before she returned stating NO such agreement existed in their files and our loan was sent to them in in foreclosure and i contested stating we had the agreement (forbearance) in our hands plus our recipts she put us on hold again and 10 minutes later returned demanding we send them a copy of the agreement and our recipts which we did via regular service BIG MISTAKE ALWAYS send mail certified because the next thing we recieved in the mail was a letter from TROTT & TROTT atturneys for litton loan seeking to accelerate the total indebedness and foreclosure was taking place we recieved this letter on MAY 25th 2006 we were never got to make one payment and here they swoop in like the devil to steal our land, our house our rights we made several calls to litton loan to try to fix the problem and we were sent to voice mail again and again (they must have caller ID) we left at least 15 messages explaining the situation and begging for someone to call us back and help us luckly i dident hold my breath because they never called back they just sent us Foreclosure and coeinsadently our land was zoned C2 which all they care about is $$$$ dollar signes and not the fact they want to put a family out on the streets knowing your credit is now damaged and no one else would give you a loan a sheriffs sale was scheduled for JULY 7th 2006 we showed up to the court on that date we waited a half hour after the time the sale was set and finally we asked the officer at the door to check in to the matter he found the officer in charge of the sale and we went into an office to speak he imfoemed us that the sale was resceduled and he could not tell us when it would take place and we read the bord where they post their victims and nothing was posted so we went home and waited for word from someone informing us of the sale date the next thing we get is a letter from trott& trott infoming us the sale took place and they now represent Deutsche Bank National trust who wanted to offer us up to $4,500.00 to leave our home keep in mind the equity in our home was aproxamitly $40,000.00 how wonderful of them guess what litton loan and deutsche bank have the same address figure that one out even better iwe can not find anyone to take our case we have been mistreated by several people of the legal titles and told we were too poor to get help and if we had money they would help we are in court proceedings now they will have to take our land from us kicking and screaming


bay city, Michigan

1 Updates & Rebuttals


Litton Loan at it again and again and again...............

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, February 19, 2007

When is it going to stop? How could our legal, governmental and the good ole US of A allow this to go on. I am so frustrated that our own people hurt our people in need. Please contact your government officials until they are tired of hearing it. God will see us through and help. I am sadden that a family to whom lost their jobs and kids who are disabled are out on the streets. Like me who was stricken with cancer, Litton Loan did the same to me except I was able to find a friend who could help. Litton and their lawyers are out for one thing and that is the al almighty dollar. They tell those who believe them lies to get their home. In the court system, most foreclosure homes are through them even though their names are not on the court documents. One of these days, hopefully soon, they will have to answer. And I hope everyone they have treated like trash, can sue them to gain a brand new home. I really do not see how their employees can live with themselves. Know that you can rest knowing you have not cheated the ill, the handicapped, the elderly and your fellow American in need. God Bless. I have one suggestion. I am contacting anyone who will listen. I send emails and mail to their offices and computers. I will until something is done. We will prevail.

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