  • Report:  #465929

Complaint Review: Dino D. Brown Donzell Brown C3PI Productions - Walkersville Maryland

Reported By:
- Big One, District of Columbia,

Dino D. Brown Donzell Brown C3PI Productions
252 Winter Brook Dr, Walkersville, 21793 Maryland, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
And the saga continues...Ya know, the more I hear about this guy, and the more I experience second hand...this is one of those things where a rational human being feels compelled to climb the highest mountain and scream a warning to the whole world just because it's SOOOOO wrong. I understand he's now added fraud, bad check writing, causing his wife's home to go into foreclosure/tax sale, ripping off a church and the trusting people in it. That would explain his recent transition (back) to the Mormon church he attended prior to marrying his current victim, away from the smart one that doesn't want him in it anymore. A whole new bunch of trusting souls, a whole new congregation for this shiester to dupe.

Lemme see if I've got this time line correct: 3+ years ago his ex-girlfriend kicks his worthless a*s out after he physically/mentally abuses here, spends up all her money, wrecks her home in retaliation and he loses custody rights of his children (from the first wife who lost it all getting rid of him) for just plain being a dangerous dumb a*s. He hits the cyber dating sites "in search of", hooks up with his current suga-momma (who at the time had just sold a house and made a decent profit, and was also involved in her own serogacy money making, womb for rent scam with $15k-a-pop twins for some unknown strangers), quickly takes up squatting rights in her new home (oh, and continues to update his on-line personal dating profiles), convinces her to quit her job to assist him in his "rise to stardom", impregnates her with his demon seed, lies, cheats, steals, bullshits everyone in his path, finally runs out of stupid people to steal money from, can't pay bills, has autos repossessed, a home foreclosed on, eagerly welcomes his son's illegitimate baby into his "Christian values" household, picks up another alias (Donzell) so he can keep screwing people...and...AND...this errogant, ignorant "business genius" still has the audacity to show his face in public, coming off like he's king s**t and got the world by the tail. This man HAS to be crazy in the head...no, I really mean stark raving mad, certifiably nuts. How else can he look at himself in the mirror and not admit to his reflection that he's a total failure??!! His hurtful actions are totally intentional, his sneaky ways methodically planned and he just doesn't give a s**t about anyone who gets in his way. He must be so proud, so beaming with pride at the way he provides for his family, takes care of their needs, protects them from harm...so proud! When he boasts of his business prowess to "investors" and "artists" does he explain the fact that he doens't have a clue what he's doing, doesn't have a hope in hell of being the "musical jaugernaut" that he claims, that his only musical fame is a home video of his baby-daddy son singing in church?

To all those smart enough to do the research: There is no chapter 3 productions, there is no talented music business leader behind it, he's got zero connections in the "bizz", he's go no money, no "staff",

no "subsidiaries", no future, no business even taking a dime off of you...NO NUTH'IN!! I know it seems unimaginable that someone can tell/live such a lie, and attempt to sell it to unknowing victims, but NONE OF IT IS TRUE...don't listen to the excuses of "the money's coming" (from investors). The only money coming to him is yours if you're stupid enough to give it to him. Run...RUN...RUUUNNNN far and fast. The only thing this man can promise is eventual pain and suffering, career and financial ruin if you trust/believe in him.


Big One, District of Columbia


1 Updates & Rebuttals


Big One,
Washington DC,
And Justice Is Finally Served !!

#2Author of original report

Mon, November 30, 2009

The irony of it all is; the God that Mr. dino (a.k.a. davey, donzell, daveyuno, whatever...) brown claims to be such good friends with has answered many people's prayers and PUT HIS WORTHLESS a*s BEHIND BARS...!!!!  It seems that the Circuit Court of Frederick County MD has succeeded in finally making at least one of the many charges against this loser stick ("Theft Over $500"...also known as bad check writing, case number 10K09045765).  Granted, out of the 7 years he was sentenced, he'll only do 2 mere months and only be on probation for the next 5, but it paints the scarlet letter on his chest.  It finally legitimizes the claims of many that this man is a scheming, plotting, manipulative crook...HE'S A CRIMINAL...!!!!...and now even the law of his mortal world is in agreement.  This delusional "business genius", this "jaugernaut of the music industry" has at last managed to claim the title of "loser at life".  Let's count 'em down, shall we? Business...failed!  Chapter 3 Productions...???...what a joke.  This was nothing but the hallucinogenic fantasy of a loser with a Hitler-ish complex.  Nothing this man ever wrote, published, advertised or campaigned about this "company" had a shred of truth to it.  His early "executive bio" on their website ( www.c3pi.com ) claimed he had several business related degrees, was a certifed tax preparer (honestly, would you let this man handle your money??), he claimed to be a professional photographer, an accomplished writer of music/movies/children's books and claimed to be at the helm of a multi-million dollar business "...the likes of Disney..."  WOW.....!!! Husband...failed!  Let's not even rehash the chaos that was once his first marriage (resulting in charges of domestic violence, restraining orders, loss of custody, etc).  He came into his current wife's life, convinced her to quit her Government job, used up all her money/savings then drove her even further into life's debt by impregnating her with what's sure to be another wothless addition to the population.  Now he's got this woman involved up to her eyeballs in his criminal dealings, her name also fingered in more than one of the MANY cases pending.  Let's not forget how usefull a husband can be to his spouse from inside a jail cell.  Ladies, you better get in line for this one...he's a keeper and sure to be on the market again some day soon! Father...failed!  This is a man who once had his parenting privilages taken away from him by a jury of his peers.  This is also the same "Christian" man who allowed co-habitation between his son and son's girlfriend in his own "Christian" home, and is now a proud baby-daddy grandfather.  And again, let's not forget what a role model he presents with his criminal activity and his kids' need to be patted down before they can give daddy a hug...in the Pokey! Christian...failed!  Goes without saying, after reading all the other above FACTS, that this man's claim to be a Chirstian has got to have the Savior rolling over in his grave?  Mr. brown has gotten himself and his wife black-balled from one Frederick area church, where he's used the likeness, names, good faith, trust and money of the parishioners to his own selfish, greedy gain.  He's since converted to the Mormon faith...a new church, a new batch of victims to prey upon and hide amongst.  To the naive, his false facade can fool one into believing he's a "follower of faith".  Catch him off guard or back him into a less than comfortable situation and Jeckle turns to Hyde in the blink of an eye; spewing obscenities, insults, demands and lies like a coiled SNAKE. And you know the kicker to all this.  As he sits inside his new accomodations at the Frederick County Adult Detention Luxury Suites and Conference Center, he still...STILL refuses to take responsibility for his actions.  Still spewing propoganda to whomever will listen to him, placing blame on any and all parties he can reach...still playing the part of "victim".  What a sad, sad man........   

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