On Thursday September 1, 2011, a group of nine passengers arrived late to the Sanford Orlando Airport to board a flight to Worcester, MA. Due to an accident, the group arrived late and missed their flight back to Worcester, MA. At the time, there was no other flight until at least September 3, 2011 unless we wanted to purchase a ticket with another airline, which would end up costing the group over $3,000.
The Direct Air guest services person at the Sanford Orlando Airport assured us after speaking with Direct Air Customer services that we would only have to pay $115 per person on Saturday to fly back to Worcester. The group agreed to stay other 2-days in Florida, catch the Saturday flight back to Worcester, and pay the $115 per person. On Saturday, the group arrived 1-hour early that the Airport. When we checked in, we were told the we would have to pay $210 per person due to the re-scheduling fee and the price adjustment, which we were never told about.
The Direct Air guest services person passes the phone to me after she had been discussing the issue and the direction we were given two days prior. The customer service person from Direct Air, which I spoke to over the phone, was completely rude, dismissive and did not understand the distress we had experience.
The airline did not want to work with us and she ended up telling me to pay more or dont fly at all and hung up the phone on me. If we knew that the group needed to pay an extra $100 per person, we would have taken a shuttle to Orlando International and would have taken a flight with a different carrier. We ended up having to pay the extra $100 per person on top of the with already agreed to pay for a total of $210 per person.
Once we agreed to pay since we did not have any other choice, the ticket counter was having difficulties running a credit card to purchase the tickets. In between some of us in the group, we ended up deducting a total of $2000 from a nearby ATM so that we can purchase the tickets. Once we had the money in cash, they refuse to take it at first but then called a manager, which allowed the transaction to be done in cash. After that, all but one of the passengers tickets was transfer.
Therefore, we ended up having to wait another 30-minutes to process that last passengers ticket before we were allowed to board the plane. Hands off this were the worst experience with an airliner in my life, which I hope I never experience again. Direct Air & Tours is a complete rip off, they are unprofessional, rude, dismissive will not do anything to take care of their customers. Nor I, my family or anyone I know will ever board a plane own or operated by Direct Air & Tours.
I spent over $2500 in airfare fees, hotel, food, etc due to these incompetent personnel at Direct Air & Tours, which are not capable of honesty and resort to ripping off their customers. Let me also remind you that the Flight Attendants are also rude and while on board you have to pay for everything including a simple cup of water (No ice) which will run you $3.00.