  • Report:  #99642

Complaint Review: Dish Network - Echostar - Littleton Colorado

Reported By:
- Littleto, Colorado,

Dish Network - Echostar
www.dishnetwork.com Littleton, Colorado, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Dishnetwork is becoming better at frauding it's customers. BEWARE!!!

They are now claiming bounced checks so that you have no other choice but to give them a credit card number.

I am friends with a higher up at Dish, not only do they treat their staff like crap, the treat their customers worse. But what do you expect from a staff member making $11/hour with no company support, training or required skills to work there anyways.

Here's the deal, I did a check by phone (I was told by my friend to never give out a credit/debit card because they do and will charge it out of the blue for any amount they can for any reason)I had over 10k in the bank at the time and made a %90 payment. A week later my service was shut off, so I called to inquire. I was then told that the check I did bounced. I bickered with the lady, who was of no help at all.

Finally out of frustration, I called the bank (Wells Fargo) and explained to them what I happend and they said not from Dish was ever processed and that if it was, it would not have bounced. I then called Dish back on 3-way. Explained the situation to the new person. They once again said that it bounced. So the very nice Wells Fargo person interjected and explained to the lady that it was untrue. The payment was never processed and was most def not returned by the bank.

The dish rep appoligized and got a supervisor and the mess was cleared up and my service would be on in 5 minutes..... 1 hour later it still wasn't, so I called to see what the deal was and was informed that the prior rep said that I didn't want the service turned back on!!!! I once again explained the situation to the new person and they said that they would turn it back on but that if I didn't have another payment within 5 days, it would be turned back off. So being uneasy about giving out that info to someone who can do what they want with it, I said ok and hung up. I mailed a check that day to dish.

A week later my service was shut off again and I received my check back from them stating that because I "bounced a check" I could not write another for 6 months and that I could pay by credit card only!!!!! So I obtained a pre paid credit card to make my monthly payments with.


Amy Littleton, Colorado

13 Updates & Rebuttals

Jim B.


#2Consumer Comment

Sat, August 03, 2013

Dish, and all others alike, corporate America and their underpaid India so-called customer service should be boycotted period! They're out for your money. They promise you one thing, one price, and do another, always increasing your costs & your service. They outsource countries like India and get them for slave labor, allocating American's are too lazy to work, etc. It's all B.S! It's all about the money, and they take from your account as they please without any notice... and you know you can't get a straight answer from India & Co. Hell, you can't even understand them to begin with. You know the truth! That's why this site alone is bombarded with similar complaints against any/ all companies alike! Don't even try to ask your local government and/ or Attorney General to do anything. It's hopeless! ANSWER: Boycott corporate America and your so-called government and send these crooks a message! As far as exsisting accounts, cancel your service and cancel your bank card or bank account if needed. It sucks and it's an inconvenience I know, but it's also your money, right? Think about it... what's the differance if someone off the street snuck your wallet from your person and conveniently grabbed your money, and then told you "Thanks for your payment... your a valued customer". If that were the case, you wouldn't be viewing this message or I wouldn't be writing either. Good luck and above all... fight back!


Dish is credit card thief !

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, June 04, 2013

     How they keep getting away with this is unreal ! The last time I checked, I was still living in the United States of America. I closed a bank acct. that they were stealin' money from & later opened a new one with another bank & they somehow got my debit card number & debited $300 ! Absolute fraud,no way was this account authorized by me! How they even new I opened an account at another bank in another town is beyond me. They must hire hackers to get this information.As many complaints as I've seen here & elsewhere,you would think our govnment would step in.


Weeki Wachee,
The dish doesn't bill my CC.

#4UPDATE Employee

Fri, December 08, 2006

What do you mean the dish doesn't bill your credit card? Are you blind? Are you insane. Can you not read? The dish and its crook partners will bill you what ever they want. AND you can't do a thing about it. Don't deal with them and if you do get hooked by them, when you send their recievers back Soak them in water before shipping them back. Or better yet leave them out side for a week or two, then ship them back Quickly. Bugs galore.


Deerfield Beach,
Echostar does not own DTV

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, December 05, 2006

DirecTV is owned by the Fox Entertainment Group, you know those idiots that run the worst news channel on the face of the planet, Fox News. Check your facts on the DirecTV website.


Only a Dish Network employee until a better job comes along...

#6UPDATE Employee

Tue, November 28, 2006

First off, let me just state that I am in no way defending Dish Network. I do not work for them directly, but rather through a call center that retains Dish as a client. Let me say that Dish does not just charge customers out of the blue for equipment fees and such. If you've ever been autobatched, it is in the 4-page contract that you should of recieved when you signed up that any card used on that account could and would be charged equipment charges/pro-rated cancellation fees if no payment was made on the account after a certain period of time. This leads me directly into my next point. Many of the retailers affiliated with Dish are seriously scandalous. If the customer signs up with a retailer, they are bound by a 3rd party contract from what I understand, meaning that they are under contract with the retailer and Dish. And 10 times out of 10, the retailer does NOT 1) inform the customer of other monthly amounts that Dish charges e.g. additional receiver fees, DVR service fees, etc. 2) give the customer a copy of the 4-page Dish contract that would explain to them each and every (and admittedly petty) transaction fee and charge, and 3) tell the customer of what their own charges will be in case of a broken contract in addition to Dish's contractual agreement. From what I hear on a regular basis from customers over the phone, when installers (whether independent contractor or Dish direct) come and set up first time customers, they don't plug in the required phone line into the back of the reciever. Why wouldn't the installer do that? Because Dish can then charge them a $5.00 Transaction Fee, that's why! Oftentimes, customers have more than one reciever in their home, so it's $5.00 each reciever and the customer often doesn't see this charge until a few months later when they finally get their bill. And this leads me into my next point. When a customer first signs up, they are allegedly sent a bill right away for their first two months of service. I get AT LEAST 15-20 calls a day or more depending on the flow of calls where the customer states that they just signed up a few months prior and still haven't seen a bill. New customers are disconnected after 43 days as opposed to regular customers' 57 days. It seems to me that Dish is purposely sending out bills late or not at all to hit the customer with late charges. Well that or all those customers I've talked to over the few months that I've worked there are collected liars. I'm in no way saying that all customers are speaky clean, but Dish is by far the shadiest company I have personally witnessed. It's truly tiresome to have to deal with the same issues day in, day out and not being able to disclose these things to the customer for fear of losing my job. And one last thing before I end this..to all of you Dish customers who threaten to go to DirectTV...guess what? Dish and Direct are both owned by Echostar! So either way, they will get your money. Don't take my word for it, take a few minutes to go to the Better Business Bureau website and you'll see that the CEO's name is the same for both. I would love to hear any and all opinions on my posting. Take care all. Shayne


San Antonio,
I have Dish and have had no problems

#7Consumer Suggestion

Tue, November 21, 2006

First of all I have Dish and have had no problems. The best thing I ever did was cancel my cable company connection. I do not deal with Dish directly, but get Dish through SBC/AT&T, and therefore my bill is now all inclusive. If I have any problems (which I have not yet) I have one number to call. I did call once to upgrade my service from the Top 120 to the Top 180 and it took 5 minutes and it was working. The original install was free, and there is no contract, and since I am billed from AT&T, I pay my bill on line using the AT&T website. No credit cards, no contract, no nothing. Everything is month to month. You may want to check in your area to see if something like this is available. I feel safer knowing that SBC/AT&T will react faster to a complaint since they would seem to have a lot more to lose (dial tone, internet service, and Dish) if they screwed up!! Good luck and I hope you get your issues resolved. By the way I have investigated other reports on this site and that is why I went the direction I went.


South Carolina,
I have never had satellite TV but I do get offers

#8Consumer Comment

Mon, November 20, 2006

Dish Network fills one side of their promotion letter completely with their wonderful offers. But darn, those pesky asterisks start to appear. First one, then two, then three, then...... They multiply like rabbits! Ahhh... those asterisks are all defined on the back of the letter....... Yep! Turn the letter over and the upper 2/3 of its back is blank! Upteen asterisks are defined on the bottom 1/3 in mouse print. Why didn't they use the ENTIRE back of the letter to define those pesky asterisks in a reasonable font?? I think the answer is obvious. Memo #1 to Dish: If you are imposing conditions, make them upfront and easy for me to read in the same font as is now used on the front of your letter, or save your postage. Memo #2 to Dish: Where there is smoke, there is fire. I do not wish to get burned.


Ghosts from the past

#9Consumer Comment

Sun, November 19, 2006

I was a Dish Network customer. I have not been for over two and a half years. I discontinued my service in good standing in March 2004. Recently, I received a $298.00 charge on my credit card from Dish Network! Why? Because Dish Network was ripping off the person who lives where I used to live. So, since Dish Network had my credit card number from a 2001 installation, it decided to just debit my card! Dish Network requires that installation be paid by credit card. This seems innocuous enough. It isn't. Years from now, the ghosts from the past may re-visit you. In my opinion, Dish Network is the most deceitful, fraudulent corporation that ever preyed upon the American citizenry. Mothers, tell your children, beware of Dish Network. I am convinced that theft by fraud is a de-facto corporate policy at Dish Network.


Mary are you sure you worked there?

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, April 21, 2006

Mary, Locally Dish requires a credit card be placed on file for the first year of service even if you choose manual billing. I let Dish use my cc to bill until I noticed billing amounts with no consistency. My bill just kept going up & up with no explanation. I'm mid dispute with Dish now over my request to go to manual billing because they won't be able to rip me off anymore. My account is paid current, they've acknowledged payment yet this week I've received 2 emails from Dish Network demanding I reinstate automafic billing. Theres no reason for this harassment - I'll change satellite providers before I let Dish have access to my credit card again.



#11UPDATE EX-employee responds

Wed, April 12, 2006

about the 2nd rebuttal- how would dish get your credit card number if you havent given it to them??? that makes absolutley no sense at all. Dish network does train their reps for 8 weeks, and 11$ an hour is pretty good money considering the cost of living in colorado. dish will charge your card when your bill is due if youve signed up for cca. and if we have it on file but not for cca they will charge it if its overdue or if youve quit service while under contract or not returned equiptment.


Rebuttal to Employee

#12Consumer Comment

Sun, November 27, 2005

Nice try, Trent! Before you and other Dish Employees begin making statements regarding your company's billing tactics; get your facts straight. Your comments only reinforce the fact that Dish is inconsistent with their billing and frivolous charges. If you state that Dish "only" charges w/out authorzation due to early cancellation or non-payment; why are many other consumers, including myself, seeing hundreds of dollars in debit or credit deductions from our banks? And, this is long (months even) after consumers no longer have service with Dish nor do some of these consumers have a "contract" nor do they owe any money. Maybe because Dish is in the business of making false promises and misrepresenting their goods and services to consumers in order to "trap" them into a "commitment". For the rest of the consumers; read your "agreement" or "receipt" of dish equipment installed (as we were told). Dish initially CREDITED us $49.95 for being new customers and stated no-contract, no strings-attached. Later, we noticed our "agreement" stated that if we accepted the $49.95 credit, then we automatically agree to have service with Dish for a number of months, up to 18 months. Your so-called "agreements are NOT BINDING nor are they legal contracts. I could sign my name in BLOOD, that does not make it BINDING. If a prenuptual agreement can be broken in a court of law, so can these Dish Network "agreements" which contain confusing jargon and information contradicting to what was promised by a sales rep. of Dish. Nice try, Trent. Another meaningless statement made by Dish and their employees. Ironically, each and every different Dish employee will give out different information to their consumers; only to fill their heads with empty promises once again.


That's not true.. I have NEVER paid the bill with that card

#13Consumer Suggestion

Sun, May 01, 2005

I had my credit card charged with out my permission for equipment that I had already returned. I saw a $100 charge on my online Dish bill, plus a $100 credit card payment. When I called and asked them about it, they told me that "Yes, they had received my receiver" and "No, I wasn't really charged for it." The only reason they said my card wasn't charged was because they couldn't see my CC# attached to the payment. Well, a month later, there it is on my CC bill. They told me that their system automatically charges people for things like that. The CSR's don't have access to your CC#. (Which is probably a good thing.) They have since gave me a credit, but that is still BS. They should have just added it only my bill and not charged my card. I could have gotten this taken care of a month ago. I have NEVER paid the bill with that card, but it is the one I had to give them to sign up. They don't know it yet, but I have canceled that card so this will never happen again. I guess I just wish that they would communicate better with their customers. If they would have called me, I could have told them what was going on. They were the ones that didn't send me the box to return their equipment in. I had to make contact with them a 2nd time to get the stupid box. And then sent it off well within the time frame they gave me. Everyone, PLEASE check all your bills every month. It's a lot easier to get things taken care of right way if you see something funky. Just my $.02..


They will only charge credit card w/out approval

#14UPDATE Employee

Sun, September 19, 2004

They will only charge credit card w/out approval from you if you disconnect and are still under contract and the charge will be $240 so if you are going to disconnect and are under contract cancel you credit card

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