  • Report:  #836309

Complaint Review: Doodle Kisses Groups - Internet

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Somewhere in the USA - , Internet, USA

Doodle Kisses Groups
Internet, United States of America
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Adina P" is the owner/operator of the website/forum called "Doodle Kisses" .   Her website and the forums are located  at  www.doodlekisses.com  .    On Feb. 6, 2012 I was googling my own name to find out if an estranged sister had posted further derogatory content on the internet because I have a restraining order against her.   She has been posting my personal images on this website without my permission,  after copying them from my personal accounts.  This same sister posted over 31 derogatory, fabricated "complaints" without merit about me on this website just for "spite".
This same estranged sister is under the care of a psychiatrist for clinically diagnosed mental health problems which was documented through her attorney just recently.

Because of continued problems with internet stalking, bullying and harassment with this individual,  I had to hire an attorney and seek a  restraining order against her.   I decided to google my own name and  came across a link for "doodle - kisses" .   This is a  Goldendoodle website/forum. 

This site is listed all over google for multiple things:  flickr; facebook; Goldendoodle breeders;
doodlekisses.com  is hosted on IP and IP address.  Doodle-Kisses is also listed as a place where Labradoodle & Goldendoodle Owners Connect.  Adina P claims she is a responsible individual whom doesn't allow its members to harass each other or conduct themselves in a derogatory manner.  That is a blatent lie!

Doodlekisses.com information claims to be a website informer.  The only thing Adina P. does to specific members of that website is infringe upon their copyrights and she allows many of her members to trash other members !

I saw one of my blue eyed Goldendoodle images which I personally took with my camera and the image belonged to me.  A man named Jared McDonald posted my image inside a forum asking, quote,  "Does anyone on DK have a blue eyed doodle " ?   He went on to say he was looking around and found a breeder that had blue eyed Goldendoodles but he posted my image and continued making derogatory statements about me even though he has never met me.  He stated he "knew me" when in fact,  he does not know me.  I have never met this man in my life.
Someone else chimed in with further derogatory statements about me.  In fact, Someone named "Karen & Jack" had the audacity to upload one of my personal images from ROR  and then posted a link back to this website.  These DK (doodlekisses.com) members acted and behaved like cyberbullies and gang stalkers inside of this forum !  They were laughing it up by making derogatory comments about my puppy and my personal image that had myself, my brother (a cancer survivor) and my cousin.    My personal image was a family halloween image that was taken myself at my brother's home on a timer.  My brother is a cancer survivor whom nearly died.  How dare these people steal my personal photo and laugh at my expense like this.  Who the hell are these people to behave like this inside of a forum ?  A dog forum of all things !  Is this what people do inside of a place where they are supposedly talking about Goldendoodle dogs ? 

Adina P 's  Terms of Service TOS policy states "BE NICE"  !! IS she freakin' kidding me ?  This woman's members were acting like gang stalkers and worse than street punks in a hood !  I sent her THREE private messages asking her to delete the entire thread.  Instead,  she selected individual pages of her buddies to delete and she picked and chose what she wanted to delete.  I was printing off each and every page as they the street punks were posting their comments.   I posted To Jared McDonald to remove my image!  He continued to refuse.  The members stated they were "bringing popcorn.  They chuckled it up.  They got a good laugh.

"Karen & Jack"  posted my personal image of me,  my brother (whom nearly died of cancer) and my cancer.   The jerks made fun of my images and called me names.  These people don't know me.  But Thanks to an estranged sister of whom I currently have  a restraining order against and whom has turned ROR into her own personal diary of fabricated events..... Doodekisses members run here to grab images  so they can harass me inside of their forum and violate their own TOS policy; infringe upon my copyrights of my own images and behave worse than three year old children.

If they themselves have school aged children,  what if their forum was for their children and their child went to them and told them THEIR images was posted inside of that forum and they were being bullied like that ?  What the heck would they do ?  I want to know!  Would ADINA P. flame the harassment or would she do the right thing and delete the thread as the parent would ask ?

  It was absurd that she ignored my request not once,  but THREE times.   She completely ignored me.  Then she froze my account so that I could not go into the account to either delete or make any changes.  So there you have it.  ADENA P.  is a trouble maker.  She is a cyberharasser.  She fuels the flames and she did NOTHING to assist me.  My personal images had been on her doodle kisses forum for quite some time before I found the content.

Jared McDonald posted his content on Nov. 30th, 2011.  Adina P.  allowed my images and her other members derogatory statements about me and my dogs to be upon her forum and never said one single thing about the violation of her TOS policy. She knew in fact those members had violated her own terms of service policy.

Adena P. 's  Terms of service policy states  "Keep it clean".   "don't talk about other breeders" and "be nice".   Multiple members inside of her forum trashed me as a breeder and posted my personal images to trash me inside of that forum.  Adena P. knew this.  She is the moderator of that forum and she knew exactly what was going on.  When I asked her three times to delete those postings she did not.  When I asked the members to remove my images,  they refused.  I told them I had an attorney and all they did was laugh it up.  I asked them to provide me with their names,  addresses and phone numbers but they didn't want to do that either.  Her TOS policy states the member will NOT harass other members.  Really ???  She allowed it.  She let it happen.
I sent her a private message that the content was going to given to my attorney and it will be.  Jared McDonald finally removed my Goldendoodle's image but my personal image was still posted inside of their forum as of last night.  So I posted this complaint against doodlekisses.com on ripoffreport.com against their forum/website.

There is no reason that Doodlekisses members OR its members should act like gang members; cyberbullies or harass people inside of their forums.   My Goldendoodle images belong to me.  Jared McDonald and other doodlekisses members made multiple libelous statements about me and my dogs inside of their forum for no reason.  They did not get my permission to copy my images nor post my images inside of their forum.  They acted maliciously.  I can't even believe their behavior.  As I said,  if they have children,  they should take stock of how they acted.  Unbelievable

Doodlekisses.com stats on  alexa ranked  #704108.  It should rank much, much lower for Adina P and the rest of her member's absurd behavior.  She is the Owner of "Rosco and Boca" according to her profile !  She allowed the member,  Jared Mcdonald to upload my personal image of my blue eyed Goldendoodle and he continued to refuse to remove my image.   Only after I kept telling him over and over to remove my image did he finally relent and remove the image.  The other member,  Karen and Jack has STILL not yet removed my personal image that she copied from this website that my estranged sister wrongfully posted here.   The member of doodle-kisses believes she has the right to copy the image simply because the estranged sister posted my image on this website.  I explained to the member of doodle-kisses that the image STILL belongs to ME.  That I OWN the copyrights to the image.  When I tell someone to remove and delete my personal image,  THEY must comply.  I did NOT give this estranged sister permission to post MY image anywhere on the internet nor did I give the estrange sister permission to COPY my image to post on THIS ROR website for anyone to copy.  I own the copyrights to my own images.  Therefore the member,  Karen and Jack MUST comply when I tell her to remove my images from Adina P's doodle kisses website.  All she wanted to do was further harass me on the website and all Adina P wanted to do was ignore my complaints.  To make matters worse,  she froze my account so that I could not contact her about my images being on her website and her members making derogatory comments about me and my dogs inside of her forum.  Therefore,  I took the printed content to the office of my attorney and this matter will be discussed with him.  I also decided to post a complaint HERE about doodle-kisses because of their ignorant behavior and the fact they are scamming and decieving the general internet public about me and my dogs!  Once again,  acting like gang stalkers inside of a Goldendoodle forum.

Doodlekisses.com is using on their Web technologies website.  What a shame !  What a rip off!  Doodle-kisses claims it is a social network ?  That is the biggest scam of all !  Doodlekisses is a social ZERO in my book .   Their members copied my personal images and then made libelous statements inside of their forums after posting my personal images.  That's NOT being social.  That's acting like a bunch of  hoodlums.
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