  • Report:  #68998

Complaint Review: Dottimart.com - Portland Oregon

Reported By:
- Averill Park, New York,

Portland, Oregon, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ordering a "fake" Louis Vittion handbag and wallet on Dottimart.com is very easy. They look so real and the price is advertised alot cheaper than then real ones. But after waiting about 2 weeks I got a bad feeling when nothing arrived in the mail. I have been emailing them without any response. They keep changing their sales and headliners to get you roped in to buy.

The cost was $ 185.00 for the total shipping, handling and cost of the "fake" ALMA LV handbag and matching wallet. All they have on the website is that they are from Portland, Oregon and an email address from MSN. I want my money back, they seemed to take that very fast or the goods.


Averill Park, New York

1 Updates & Rebuttals


bag was as advertised and I have been very satisfied

#2Consumer Comment

Thu, November 27, 2003

I have purchased two items fromn Dottimart this year (a Murikami Cabas Piano Bag and Tiffany bracelet). My bag was temporarily back-ordered; I was contacted by phone (10 days after my order) and was told when to expect delivery. It was delivered when promised 1 week later. The bag was as advertised and I have been very satisfied with the quality. I ordered the bracelet on 11/18/2003 and received shipping confirmation on 11/25/2003. I have had no problem with Dottimart.

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