  • Report:  #345678

Complaint Review: Downtown L.A. Motors and Triad Financial - DT Motors Los Angeles/Triad Financial Texas

Reported By:
- Kenosha, Wisconsin,

Downtown L.A. Motors and Triad Financial
Richland Texas DT Motors Los Angeles/Triad Financial, Texas, U.S.A.
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I bought a car in Los Angeles at Downtown L.A. Motors and first was turned down. # days later the salesman called and said if i put down alarge cash downpayment he could get Traid to fiance the rest. So I put down $23000.I only owed then$10000.Triad rep was there and i signed a 5 year 17% interst figuring i will refinace when i have better credit.

A few months after i began making regular payments, I was a few days late. They began harasssing my hone,work, family, nights,holidays. I paid them 3 payments at once to get them off my back. I find out that they never put those on myu account and said i am 2 mo nths behind.

Now the real shocker. Triad says the loan I have with them is for $30000!!! I said impossible that i made a huge cash payment and anyway was declined by them for a samlll amount days earlier. Now they will not post my payments and every one i make they say goes towards the imaginary nomths i was behind.

These crooks cashed my payments yet never posted it to my loan.This woman also keeps harassing me from some collecxtion agency tring to get me to give her a payment then says she cant post it. Mainly, the claim that TRiad loaned me 30K is ludicrous.I asked for proof and none was given. The dealership is at fault cause i know the sales man tried to hide the purchase contract and sent me a phony copy with thw wrong date and no signature of mine.

Now ,worst thing ever, they are trying to reposess my car. After i made $10000 in payments in oner year.I see they applies about 50 bucks to princiapal and all the rest to fees. Triad Fianacial auto loans have no intention of fiancing a car. They rip you off , keep the money and lie then have it repossed.

I even tried to make a payment i knew was n ot due to stop it and get legal help bu the employee claimed the comnputer was down and i should go to a western union in the middle of the night. They even sent a burly guy witha badge like a bounty hunter toi my house.I am seeing a lawyer tomorrow but count me in on a class action suit too.

Triad also raod runner, also snt confirmations of payments saying thye wont accept "partial payments " .Meaning , they harasss and lie to you saying you are behind to get more money and then do it again,by not posting the payment and then emplyees hang up and say they are closing.They have these lowlifes collection people haraass me too and all they want to find out is where the car is so they can take it.

How cana auto fiance be off by an amount of $25000?? It has to be intentional and if you question them theywill try everything to make sure you acnnot make apayment so thye can reposess it.Then harass and say if you dont pay $5500 thye will come tonight. They even get a search warrant! No one shouylf fall for these crooks. They have to have one crooked emplyee at a dealership that is in cahoots and helps with the phony papers and lies to you as well. Must be geting kickbacks from Triad.

Can you beleive my small loan is now being claimed by Triad as them loaning me $30000 for a car. And i bought a 2005 used one at that. I know Downton l.a.a motors was involved cause the same salesman still wont give the original aperworl and claims i asked for thousands of dollars of options. The car had everyhting so i didnt need anything. I signed for 17% APR ,no prepayment penalties.Also they charge $15.00 every day they :say: youre late/


Kenosha, Wisconsin


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