  • Report:  #1041582

Complaint Review: DR Kimberly Sackheim DO MD Physiatrist (physical rehabilitation) Pain Management Specialist - new york New York

Reported By:
THETRUTH - NY, New York,

DR Kimberly Sackheim DO MD Physiatrist (physical rehabilitation) Pain Management Specialist
151 East 62nd St new york, 10065 New York, United States of America
(212) 288-8832
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Report Attachments
DR Kimberly Sackheim, DO MD That used to be at the Seaport Medical Clinic opened her own brand new office in march 2013 located at 151 East 62nd St  New York, NY 10065 Phone (212) 288-8832. I had an appointment to see her for pain management pain medicine. She was personally emailed my family DR and his phone number as a reference, My MRI, Medical reports and medication list before the appointment and agreed to treat me threw Zocdoc, I have had a DR not agree to treat me and they simply just cancelled the appointment and called the next day to inform me they only do pain injections not medicine. A very respectable thing to do in this day and age of personally emailing Doctors off  Zocdoc a great invention.

. I have United Healthcare Insurance but they would only see me as a 'CASH PATIENT'. I agreed and figured as long as she already knows my history and is willing to treat me i don't have any issue paying $350 then $150 monthly. As soon as i got to my appointment a month after waiting i walked in the door and was told to start filling out paperwork and pay the copay. (The $350.00!) So i payed and sat down to complete the papers.

 Literally As soon as the receptionist seen me sign the first paper they immediately said OK your good to see the dr and took me into the back. ( I thought to myself what about all the other papers) I waited in her office and she came in, She did not introduced herself until i introduced myself and i started talking. All she did was quickly glance at my MRI and medical records including pharmacy print outs of the current medications and my past doctor's over the years. I have been on PM's 8 years since a motorcycle accident left me with herniated discs, bulging discs and disc degeneration at only 29 years old.

She then went onn to inform me i was on very high doses of medications (which was not new news to her or for me) and she went on to tell me she doesn't prescribe anyone that much medications and told me i should go on methadone for the pain. When i said i didn't want to go on it she said let me call your last DR but i don't think i could help you. She called him and came back in the room and said to stick with your last DR. I explained he was not doing pain medicine for anyone anymore and cut me down %40 percent on my meds last time and another %40 next time i see him which is way too sharp of a drop and that was why i came here.

I even asked her if she can at-least prescribe me 2 weeks of meds because i was out and it takes time to find a new DR. She refused and got angry and said if you don't leave i will call the cops. I was frustrated but calm and non threatening in any way just talking to her, I was shocked i have never been treated so poorly before so I walked out to the waiting room to let her cool off and a half hour later asked the guys who work there if they can please get her so i can ask her one last thing. There was no other patients in there the whole 2 hours i spent there. She is literally a brand new DR in a new office. She wont last long if she keeps treating pain suffering patients like she did to me, she will be out of business within a year.

Finally she came out and i said DR please if  you can't treat me why didn't you cancel my appt on zocdoc instead of making me wait a month, call my family DR who had nothing but nice things to say about me and make me pay $350, My old dr called me a month before to inform me she called him right after making the appointment and asked if i was a good patient, she asked him if i was into illegal activity's, and he said no and he told her the truth, I have always been a good patient but he is only a family Dr who treated me for pain years ago for 3 years but i needed a pain specialist.

So, I asked her for my money back, because the way i see it is she knew my history and medications and called me in to give her $350 for nothing. She claimed she didn't ever read any zocdoc email or she would not have had me come.. Here's the thing, It was not an innocent mistake she made cause If she didn't read my email she would have never had my family DR's phone number to call him a month back when i made the appointment. She refused a refund or a half refund. 

This is while i was standing in the waiting room with her face poked out the door and then says ' read the paper (hey sneakily had me sign) that stated she doesn't have to prescribe any medications the first visit,and the cops were already called and on there way. She knew how bad she scammed me and 'the cops are on there way' was all she could possibly come up with to get me out of there. I sat outside 40 mins in NYC and no cops were called.

This DR is a lousy Lier that contradicted herself the whole time. She is greedy, uncaring and out for the buck. I should have known better she is only a 3 year old MD with no clue how to talk to anyone or treat there pain or even treat a paying patient


Report Attachments

3 Updates & Rebuttals


New York,
Too low dosing practices.

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, July 14, 2014

I am with some of the above commenters. I agree that Dr Sackheim is genuinely nice and genuinely cares about her patients(I didn't get the vibe that all she was interested in was shaking every dime loose from you). But like some of the others said, she wasn't the doctor for me. I have had injections before and after my latest injection hospitalized me for a week I decided I've had it with the injections. Sorry but I had a bad reaction and wasn't willing to risk it again especially since the injection did NOT provide me with pain relief. Dr Sackheim was adament on giving me injections when I was adament that no doctor would ever stick a needle in my back/neck again.

Then when we decided that medications were something I needed, she too prescribed me a low dose of morphine just to be taken twice a day. It just wasn't a good fit for me. Two low dose morphine tabs a day does not a pain management plan make(for me). The morphine did nothing(maybe at a higher dose with a higher dosing frequency..I mean 1 tab every 12 hours? Are you kidding me? it wore off in 4 hours)! She was not willing to be flexible in her prescribing practices so I had to say goodbye. If you only need a low dose for your pain management then I recommend her as she is a sweetheart and really does seem to care.


New York,
Something doesn't seem right with my comments lol

#3Author of original report

Fri, June 07, 2013

First off no cops every came, Second Im unsure how you point out my story doesnt add up? I was given 10 stacks of paper to fill out ( Like a normal DR's office) But the second i signed the first piece i was rushed in. The first one says how they do not prescribe opiates on the first visit.  I admit i didn't read it because i was a little late for my appointment and they were rushing me to finish and i felt bad for being late, I didn't even have time to get up to an allergy/family history section within the stack of papers. All they cared about was me paying $350  cash and my signature on that forum so she could sit down with me and tell me she cant treat me. Why not tell me this before charging a patient?  AFTER SHE ALREADY KNEW MY FULL HISTORY AND SPOKE TO MY DOCTOR. I'M NOT MAD I WAS NOT TREATED, I'AM MAD I PAID A LOT OF MONEY AND DROVE 1.5 HOURS EACH WAY TO BE RIPPED OFF WITHOUT ANY SORT OF COMPASSION. I WAS TREATED LIKE A CRIMINAL AND EVERYONE WILL KNOW YOUR WAYS. IM SICK OF DR'S LIKE YOU TAKING ADVANTAGE AND NOW I'M GOING TO LOOK FOR MORE PLACES TO POST MY STORY AS SOON AS IM DONE WITH THIS ONE.

If a client of her's wrote this why in gods green earth would they ask what medicine i was on when i wrote this long report?  When i already said OPIATE PAIN MEDICINE. Sorry but honestly that one gave it away that this is no patient but infact the good doctor Kimberly Sackheim herself !!! LOL good one DOC. I also like the rehab bla bla bla crackhead bla bla bla stuff. Another thing i like is how you made my vitals reviews vanish into thin air and replaced them with good reviews, all fake except maybie the one or two true comments left, let me copy and paste those for the record  ( NOTICE SHE RESPONDS ON EACH NEGATIVE ONE WITH THAT NEED TO EXPLAIN HERSELF, IT'S FUNNY HOW THERE ARE NO COMMENTS LEFT TO ALL THE PATIENTS WHO SAID THEY LOVE YOU, WHAT DR DOES THAT ? I HAVE NEVER SEEN THAT IN MY ENTIRE LIFE. I'm willing to bet my last few dollars to doughnuts this aint no patient leaving a rebuttal. The day i left your office and you refused to come out for the second time to talk to me like a child i told your staff i would share my story online so no one else gets ripped off, and the more you try to cover it up the more i will AIR THE TRUTH. You stole from the wrong person. Send me my money back and i will delete !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!



She is a VERY nice doctor with a very good bedside manner. She just wasn't able to meet my needs. She was so adamant on giving me injections for a back and shoulder injury when I told her I had several to no avail. Apparently she thought HER needles filled with the same medication I had time and time again would work. I told her I was interested in medication management and maybe a spinal cord stimulator. She dismissed the stimulator and decided to "medically manage" me. I put that in quotes because I got a script for morphine where I could only take two at max a day as well as a script for mobic and a muscle relaxant that my insurance didn't cover and didn't even work! Her efforts were noble and she is one of the nicest doctors around..she seems like she genuinely cares about you. Like I said she doesn't meet my needs, I need more aggressive treatment.


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Doctor's Response

Thank you for realizing how much Dr. Sackheim cares about your health. If a patient has tried injections with one pain physician and had no relief, it does not mean an injection from a different physician will not help. Dr. Sackheim has had many patients coming from other pain doctors and these patients did extremely well with her injections. We wish you would have given her the opportunity to help you fully. Sometimes, it takes time to find the right medication doses and the right injection for each patient.



by Laura on May 9th, 2013


Yes I was a patient at the seaport medical clinic and seen her a only a handful of times. If you like me have been on any opiate base medicine for a while after an injury takes your life away you will have built up a tolerance. This is not the Dr to see to handle those cases. She will agree via phone or email so ask!. She is a DR who fells her injections and two somewhat tablets of a low mg morphine base pain pill will make you pain free. It just does not work that way for everyone, God knows i wish it did. This is not a review to steer people away, Its a truthful review from a patient of hers. If you can take a few tabs a day and be pain free god bless you, you just found your doctor! If not keep looking NYC has many caring pain doctors who understand what a tolerance means and the difference from someone who doesn't need medication to someone who needs higher levels and there pain pill of choice that's worked over personal trial and error in there shoes cause after all you are the one taking this medicine and only you know the drugs that work. God Bless


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Doctor's Response

Dr. Sackheim treats each patient individually. If she feels she can help your pain without high doses of opiates, she will try her hardest to do so. She has had amazing results with injections in most patients. She has varying patients, some on no medications and some on high doses of medications. She only prescribes high doses of pain medications when absolutely necessary and when she is comfortable doing so. We wish you would have given her more time to work with you to establish the proper dose.

Doctor Reviews and Ratings



LOOKS HERE TO BE MORE FAKE COMMENT'S, ALONG WITH THE 7 OTHERS THAT JUST APEARED IN 2 MONTHS. I know good solid doctors and they have 2 comments and have over 1000 patients and been open 20 years.... but she must be very popular at $350 a visit that barely takes any insurance. I guess everyone is flocking there to her brand new office open all of 4 months for trigger point injections, because her shots are so much better then other doctors same exact shots lol... This women even drives 5 hours to her hehe


by Linda on May 3rd, 2013


Dr. Sackheim is the best! I travel round trip 5 hrs. for a pain management visit because I feel Dr. Sackheim gives the best quality care, giving you the best options for your situation. She has done far more for me than other doctors I have seen.




New York,
For The Record! Kimberly is Great!!!

#4REBUTTAL Individual responds

Thu, June 06, 2013

After reading this ripoff report I can honestly say it was the most upsetting thing to read about one of the best doctors I've ever seen and currently seeing. First off if you go to any pain management doctor, they all have there own policies especailly when they are perscribing narcotics. Its unfortinute you had to write this long Myth because your story doesn't add up, you state that you were given forms and then rushed in to be seen before the paper work was done, so im guessing she was going to be a mind reader and figure out what you are allergic too??? as well as what your coming in for. You also state you had pain for 8 years!!!! Really dude no surgerys?? I find that really strange, Your nothing more then a crackhead who had 350 dollars to get some really good stuff, she caught on to you dude and that fact that a wonderful doctor like herself had to have the police be involved is horrible. Yes she probably is 3 years in, I've been seeing her since seaport and she has helped me to the point were I don't need surgery and I owe it all to herr, she has been great, she will also be seeing my wife soon for her Endometeriosis which is one of the most painful things to live with, (women please read about it). I dont support you or this phony ripoff report its because of you there are many strict pain managment doctors. You should thank her for not giving you the meds and you should also look into rehab. I hope you understand that what your doing is wrong and the fact that you are trying to destroy her reputation is really low. My question is what drug were you on when you wrote this long report ??? Buddy get your facts straight. I give you a year and no one will remember this post, as you stated its only a matter of time! Lol 

 "There was no other patients in there the whole 2 hours i spent there" -LIES- Because it took you a month to get an appointment, maybe she was book all the way up until the two hours you spent there. Shes always booked even where she does procedures at her other location, I would state were its at but your probably would stalk her. 


Good Luck



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