  • Report:  #116986

Complaint Review: DR. Michael Barnard's Office - Fort Lauderdale Florida

Reported By:
- Hollywood, Florida,

DR. Michael Barnard's Office
1209 W Broward Blvd Fort Lauderdale, 33023 Florida, U.S.A.
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I came into the office for my appointment, Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi (Dr. Michael Barnards Associate) Placed the wax mold in my mouth.

I did not get to see it, nor was a mirror offered to me, she marked the DentureI told her please no real small teeth, because I didn't have Small teeth. She said, I have a small mouth that the teeth that would Be put on would be the size for my mouth. I told her again, please no

Real small teeth. She ignored me took the wax mold and they checked me out till the following week.

I told Linda as well about the size of teeth, even showing her my Youngest daughters teeth, (all my 6 children have my teeth). Linda said The lab person would decide what size teeth I got not me.

I was excited about having the wax with teeth on it, and went to my Appointment with great expectations, and even telling a lot of people About the fact I was getting to see the wax with the teeth on it. See I am a survivor of Domestic Violence and most of my teeth were damaged by my abuser or I wasn't able to have dental care because of being now a single disabled (disabled because of the physical violence) mom, So when I finally had the opportunity to get my Smile back I was very, very excited and happy.

I went to my appointment at 8:30 am. Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi put The wax denture in my mouth, and handed me a mirrorI WAS HORRIFIED

The thing looked hideous. The teeth were REALLY SMALL, the Denture was lop-sided, and the teeth tilted up at a 90% angle from Right to Left..I exclaimed It's Crooked. The mid-line had a tooth Right under it instead of a tooth on each side of the mid-line and all The teeth were crooked on the wax beside the 90 % angle. There was an inch of gum line showing when I smiled. I told Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi this is wrong, I didn't have small teeth, and Never ever in my life did my gums ever show

Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi claimed that was my fault because I have The upper left ridge in my mouth smaller than the right. But she Assured me that when all the swelling disappears that all of a sudden The denture would sit straightYou have a small mouth, she says, so That is why it looks that waythere is nothing wrong with the wax Teeth.

I kept questioning her, this was my first denture, I had to trust the Dentist to be telling the truth didn't I. She said we will make it for You will see it will be fine when it was done. I kept questioning, then Finally gave up and left to make an appointment for a week later (this Was at 10 am.) Because they, the dentist and the assistant told me that it would take a week to make the denture.

I left Dr. Michael Barnard's office very upset, in-fact, I cried all the Way home. When I got home I tried to convince myself it would be All right, but I didn't feel right. I called my mom who has had dentures Her total adult life and others who have dentures, and they all told me What I was feeling was legitimate.

I tried calling Linda the assistant at 11:30 am but was told she was With a patient, so I finally was able to reach her at 1 pm. I told her My concerns and that I did NOT WANT the denture to be made, that I needed to have a new wax mold done.

Linda said she would talk to the doctor and get back to me, that the Doctor was at lunch. At 2:30 I called back to talk to Linda to see if She had talked to Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi.

Linda refused to come to the phone, a Woman who said her name was Ruth came to the phone and told me It was TOO LATE, that the mold had been sent to the Lab, and it was Going to be made and they could not stop it.

I said, That is bologna, you are telling me I was in the office at 8:30 This morning, now 6 hours later you cannot stop a denture from Being made.

Ruth said that is right it is too late, I would now have to wait until my next appointment and if you are not happy with the denture, then I could talk to The office manager.

I asked then what would the office manager do, I started crying told Her how this denture looked, she claimed, Oh, no, I saw the denture It looks great. I told it again what it looked like in my mouth. She Said sorry I can't help you.

I got off the phone and it dawned on me, unless I contact the office Manager now and state my complaint, I just knew that it would be Said I never made a complaint about this denture.

So I called back and got the fax number and name of the office Manager and sent a fax to her.

4:55 pm I receive a call from Judy (Julie) the office manager, she is so sorry to Here that I am not happy, but also says it is too late to stop the Denture from being made.

(I got the impression that this Lab was clear across town and the denture which took a week to be made and sent back to Dr. Michael Barnard's office could not be stopped even with a phone call)

But she did say, they were going to go ahead and make the denture, And since I was not happy with it, I could go ahead and keep it and That they would make me a new one.


A week later I came into the office, the denture had been made, Linda put the thing in my mouth and handed me the mirror, the teeth were lop-sided in my mouth shooting up on the left side at a 90 degree anglethe teeth were small, the gum line too big, looking as bad as the wax job had.

Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi came in, I told her they were horrible, they are crooked, she tried to blame me for that againI brought in picture of me with teeth, I brought in my old partial that showed the size teeth I had on itI was told by Linda when she saw the pictures, that they could not re-create what God had MadeI told them both yes you could, I spent my life in dentist chairs, as I had 3 sets of teeth, plus braces, bands, etc. I know a good dentist can re-create what God has made.

NO NEW IMPRESSION WERE MADE FROM MY MOUTH, Dr. Adewunmi took the 1st denture that was horrible, and said that the lab would make me a wax mold from it. (This denture was also loose in my mouth, and too big in my mouth.)

The fact is that that denture was so bad that they did not want any evidence to be around about itremember the office manager said I could have that one, because they would be making me another.

I came back the following week, The Wax Mold was made from that denture, and again the wax was at a 90 degree angle, Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi, said see it's you, nothing can be done, the denture will always be crooked, and look that way. I had to live with the fact that the teeth would always be at a 90% angle.

I asked Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi why, can't you add wax to the mold to bring that side down so that the teeth are even? She did so, after complaining that all the burners were out of fuel in the office.

I left with the wax at least down to the level it should be, I told her no gum line showing, and no little teeth, we discussed the size, I left my pictures and my partial there to help with the look of the denture for my mouth..

To my amazement the following day Linda the assistant calls me up on the phone and says Sharlene you need to come to the office so we can send you to the lab to pick out what size teeth you want.

I told her, I already did that with the dentistshe said,no I had to pick out the teeth myself, to come to the office. (as if I knew how to pick out the teeth) I asked her, well where will I be going once I got there, because remember I had the impression the lab was located other than at 1209 W. Broward Blvd.

She said don't worry about it when you get here I will tell you were to go.

I called back and asked the person who answered to phone, where was the lab, TO MY SURPRIZE I was toldIt's right here in our building AGAIN IF SO CLOSE WHY DID THOSE 1ST DENTURES EVER GET MADE?

I went to the office, was taken to the Lab. The girl in the lab was helping me, and found some teeth that were comparable to the size tooth on my partialthen the man came in, then Linda came inLinda had an attitude so did the man, when I asked to have the teeth up against the impression he said NO, YOU PICKED THE TEETH, THIS IS WHAT YOU GET. I tried to talk to him, I tried to talk to Linda, they both brushed me off, I said thank you and left.

October 14, 2004 My parents came to visit and went with me fitting of the Wax with Teeth, since they spent thousands of dollars on my teeth as a child and adult, I felt who else would be better to give advice or tell if the teeth on the wax mold was correct. Not once until I was ready to leave did Dr. Adewunmi come in, NEVER DID SHE feel or check the wax mold in my mouth.

My mother who has had dentures all her adult life, told me what I had to do, well the wax with my body heat actually on a few occasions got stuck to the top of my mouth. (the end product does not) The teeth on the wax were positioned differently on the wax so they fit and felt and looked different than the end product, my parents and my friend who was there claim that the teeth that are on the end product are not the same as what was on the wax.

I said fine to the wax, as it seemed to be okay. End product is not wax, I even asked Linda and my mother is my witnessLinda the denture itself is lighter than the wax right.she said yes, whyI said if it is light that means it will fit better and stay on the roof of my mouth easierLinda said yes.

However, the end product (denture) does not look like the wax, and the teeth are not the same on them. Linda and Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi demanded me to sign a document saying that the wax mold with the teeth on it was fine, otherwise they would not make the dentureand would not let me leave the office until I signed this paper, which I have a witness because my mother was there when they did thiswhich I signed that the WAX seemed to be fine, but the end product the denture IS NOT.

October 20, 2004 I received the denture, I went into the office the assistant Linda put The denture in my mouth, gave me a mirror and disappeared, for the Next hour I sat there trying to get the denture to stick to my upper Mouth, trying to talk, swallow, and smile with this denture. It kept falling down, okay I was willing to say it was new, I had to learn.

An hour after the denture was put in my mouth, the Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi finally came into the room. She asked how was it, I told her it was loose, and that I was trying to Talk with it, she said that was good, she never checked it, she never Made sure that it fitall she said was I will have Linda put some Glue on it for you I will see you in a week.

Linda put polygrip on it, and even with the glue it was still sitting too Big in my mouth. That is when I found out that I had to be back in 24 hours for a check up.

October 21, 2004 I came into the office, for my 24 hour visit, as with this visit I was asked by Linda the Dental Assistant how I was doing, I replied I wasn't really happy, as the denture keeps slipping, the teeth are sitting on my lower lip, and I had a big over bite where none of my teeth touched, making it impossible for me to eat at all with the denture and that the denture was causing me to bite my right cheek. She didn't say much. I signed in and sat down to wait to be called into the office.

Finally, Linda took me into the office, and left, I waited and eventually Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi came in, and asked me how I was doing, I said fine, then realized she was talking about the denture, I said I wasn't really happy with the way it was fitting. That is ALL I got out, and she lashed out at me and said, You wouldn't be happy with anything I did.

I said in shock, that is bologna I said.

She said, don't say that, you aren't happy with anything I do. And never will be, you need to go somewhere else.

I said I am not going anywhere else I want this fixed. She said she wasn't fixing it. That I had to accept it the way it was. I told her I did not have to accept it the way it is, it doesn't fit right, I spent my money and I want it right.

I told Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi in front of the office manager, what was she expecting me to do, come in 24 hours later and say, Oh it is so great, nothing is wrong, to lie and make it look like things are the way they should be.

I gave aletter I prepared for the office manager about what was wrong with the denture, to the office manager

Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi then tried to blame me again saying that they made the Denture twice for me, and I was not happy with either, and that in Her opinion I wasted her time enough and she was not fixing the Denture, and that I was not entitled to having a denture that fit, that she did all she can for me. That it was okay that this denture did not fit, just put glue on it and Live with it.

And I needed to go to a different dentistI asked her and the office manager if they were going to pay for this dentist, which is affiliated with them, AGAIN another up-sale.and let him make me a denture that fit.

You could tell that the office manager was afraid of losing her job, and I was so upset I was crying, I requested to see Dr. Barnard, I was denied.

I then demanded to talk to him to show him the denture, they refused to get him. I told them I would sue, they said, you want to sue. They were now going to call security to make me leave. I said why.

Well everyone left the room, a minute later the Dental Assistant came in and requested to see my dentureI thought she was taking it to fix it. She left the room with my denture, that I removed from my mouth.

5 minutes later the office manager came in and said you can leave now, I said no, where is my denture.

The office manager said, you said it didn't fit, and you didn't like it, so we are going to destroy it.

I said you are not going to destroy itthe only reason you are doing that is because you want to once more destroy the evidence like the 1st denture that was made that I was suppose to receive but was used to make the 2nd wax mold. You are trying to make sure I have no proof to the dentures or the work that was performed. She said she wouldn't do that, I told her then give me the denture back.

I demanded my denture back. 45 minutes later she finally brought it back. The Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi came in and told me that she would not be fixing the denture, that I needed to go to a specialist and they would give me a referral . I said no, I did not need a referral I just needed her to fix this denture.

They then came in with the paper I signed, saying the wax mold was alright from the week before, and the office manager said, you signed this, this is a Waiver, so we do not have to do anymore for you.

I told her that was not a Waiver, and had nothing to do with the end product.

I was wasting my breathe and my tears, I finally decided just to leave and seek legal help

I asked for some polygrip so that I could put the denture back in my mouth, because I came in with teeth, and even if they were not right I was not walking out without teeth.

The office manager asked Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi if she should give me some glue, Dr. Mopelola Adewunmi, said NO LET HER WALK OUT WITH THEM IN A PAPER TOWEL.

I Told the office manager, I came in with them glued in my mouth, and I was leaving with them glued in my mouthonce the dentist left the area, the office manager took the teeth and put glue on them so I could put them in my mouth.

The office manager told me to try keeping the dentures in my mouth from Thursday till next Tuesday all weekend and give her a call on Tuesday to let her know how it wasthat she was sure it was just that I was not used to the denture

On Tuesday I had to fax this letter to the office Manager because I was in such pain, and could not talk:

Dear Office Manager Judy:

I am faxing this to you on Tuesday October 26, at 9:30 am because I am unable to talk.

I did as you told me to I kept the denture glued to my mouth all weekend from Thursday when I left Dr. Barnard's office to Monday October 25, other than at nighttime where I removed it to sleep.

My mouth and gums are rubbed raw, for as I said even with the glue these dentures are too big..and do not fit properlyI cannot eat anything, with them in, now I cannot eat anything with them out, and I have health conditions that requires me to eat on a regular basis otherwise I could go into a coma.

My jaw is stiff from the denture, my tongue muscle is stained trying to keep it in place. The area that I believe is either a bone spur or the part of the tooth left in my gum by Dr. Adewunmi, is so sore from the denture sitting and rubbing it for the past 4 days.

I cannot get the denture in my mouth because of the fit and the pain

I am sorry but this denture is not right, it is not functional and is now causing GREAT PAIN, discomfort and health issues. It was not made properly to fit my mouth.

So I did do as you suggested and asked me to do, and I am giving you the written report and outcome.

Please, this denture needs to be remade to fit my mouthalso the first denture I repeatedly requested and asked of Linda the Assistant, Ruth, and you, that one not to be made because it was not right, the teeth were lopsided and tilted up at a 90 degree angle, the gum line was wrong and the teeth were way to small, even requested it not to be made with a fax to you on September 24, it was Linda, Dr. Adewunmi, Ruth and you the office manager who decided to go ahead and make it not me

Thank you

(I also sent a certified letter to Dr. Michael Barnard, which was signed for on Tuesday October 26, 2004, by someone in his office, asking for his help, and to please fix the denture. I have not heard from Dr. Barnard at all!

I only ask to have things made rightI need a denture that fits, looks good and is functionaland I also still have lower teeth and gum problems that are needing to be addressed.

This Dentist Took my money and gave me a faulty product, one that does not look or funtion properly. One that if worn will cause major mouth problems.

The refuse to fix, the denture, they refuse to help me as a patient to get a denture that will give me my Smile back. And get this not only did they take my money, but they also billed Medicaid and got paid for the same extractions and X-rays by both me and Medicaid. (And I have not receive that money back)

Come to find out I am not the only person they have done this too, nor the only patient that has been given a denture not made properly. And to top it off I talked to an attorney and was told Dr. Barnard's office has been getting away with this type of service and product Rip-off for years.

So beware.


Hollywood, Florida

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