  • Report:  #748789

Complaint Review: Dr. Robert Midgley - Sacramento California

Reported By:
Silvia - Leominster, Massachusetts, United States of America

Dr. Robert Midgley
6600 Bruceville Road Sacramento, 95823 California, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Doctor Robert Midgley who resides in the Med Legal section of Kaiser Permanente, South Sacramento has been reported to me to be a physician not to be trusted.

As a nurse myself, it appalls me that such people are allowed to impact patient care.

Not only will he change his mind about an important medical situation for political rather than scientific reasons, but he will act upon that change in any punitive way he has the power to effect.

That would include cutting patients off from vital health contacts, that is, contacts with physicians within the Kaiser HMO (in which he works) that a patient is depending upon for health maintenance.

It is the politically motivated inconsistency of this person that makes him so dangerous. He will in an instant support the poor judgment of other physicians in order to preserve his position within his HMO, Kaiser Permanente.

So long as there are no administrators or colleagues depending upon him to support them in an anti-patient action, Dr. Midgley will attempt to assist a patient in pain.

However, Lord help a patient in pain if that patient is requesting medical reasons for physician recommendations, and the attending physician has none, appealing to MedLegal to threaten patient with cutoffs of various kinds if the patient will not "shut up."

Dr. Midgely is also known to be quite a hypocrite when it comes to supporting a "friend" in trouble within the organization. So long as his "friend" does not require his support versus a superior who could harm Dr. Midgley politically, Dr. Midgley is all smiles. However, request his help in any other situation, and smiles turn to cold, blank stares reign, and Dr. Midgley is more plastic than flesh.

This kind of physician is the bane of the medical profession, and is an all too common me-first personality represented within the medical profession.

Give a person a modicum of power, and soon, too soon, that power often turns to arrogance.

Our medical doctors in the United States have been pampered far too long. The Dr. Midgley's of the profession need to be removed.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
Dr. Midgley - Not All Bad

#2Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2011

Dr. Robert Midgley, who is serving in the Legal Department of Kaiser Permanente, South Sacramento is certainly not all bad.

His problem is consistency in terms of honoring the Hippocratic Oath.

Left to himself, he will try to do the principled, the ethical thing.  However, put the least little bit of organizational pressure on him, and he will crumble like a stale cookie.

When men and women get together in professional mobs as happens with the Permanente Medical Group, and silence and secrecy in collusion with attorneys becomes the way things are done, that is when serious problems arise.

I have no trouble understanding why, just three years ago, Dr. Midgley helped an elderly patient in pain, and this time abandoned him to his suffering.

In the first instance, Dr. Midgley was free to help. This time, the code of silence (known as lawyers) intervened, and Dr. Midgley simply caved. His medical knowledge should have prevailed, but it didn't, not in that environment.

From the advocate, we learn that Dr. Midgley was given full warning that Medical Board filings would be forthcoming, if he didn't prevent the elderly man from suffering. He was warned that the  Department of Managed Health Care would be contacted.  Dr. Midgley was told of the patient advocates who would be upset, if he didn't honor the Hippocratic Oath.

However, all of that was insufficient for Dr. Midgley to simply act properly to prevent the most potentially deadly kind of damage to an elderly patient.

When one is surrounded by a billion dollars worth of lawyers, buildings and physicians, it's quite easy to gather the impression that one is invulnerable. In that context, it is completely understandable why this elderly patient was made to suffer with Dr. Midgley's full permission.

But, this is a new age. Sins are shouted from the roof tops via computer. And, the little man now can be heard, thanks to services like the Ripoff Report. No longer can a billion dollars guarantee that the common man will have no voice.

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United States of America
An Interesting Insight

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, July 08, 2011

I found the following material to be very insightful:

"Let me share with you a real experience I had with Kaiser Permanente that may shed some light on Dr. Midgley's behavior.

It is true that he could have been so much more proactive, as I understand was the case at another time.

However, in my case, when I had a problem, as soon as it was escalated any distance at all up the chain of command, I received a contact from an attorney ordering me not to contact anyone at Kaiser to solve my problem.

In other words, the attorney wanted me not to contact the very people who had the power to solve the problem.

Lucky for me, I ignored the attorney. He kept threatening me, if I didn't stop trying to solve the problem, and I kept ignoring him.

Finally, I found a fellow working in the chain of command with a heart, and the problem was solved.

My point here is that I think a lot of the problems created at Kaiser Permanente are due to bad advice from lawyers.

They really don't want to solve the problems, especially if they are paid on a billable hour basis as this attorney was above. I know that because he worked for a private firm under contract with Kaiser.

That is what is called a HUGE conflict of interest.

So, in this case, as soon as Midgley refused to take care of the problem at his level, and as soon as a contract attorney was consulted, this whole situation was lost, IF the chain of command wasn't strong enough to tell the lawyer to go to h**l, which evidently they weren't.

No longer was an amicable solution possible, since the attorney's advice would almost surely be to be silent and let the problem fester.

I can still remember this lawyer threatening me over and over again about not trying to solve the problem out of court. It was such an evil message, and I think we have lots of that in America.

I am a Japanese citizen, and have relatives in Japan. They were thinking about expanding their law schools a while back, and the reason that was defeated was that they didn't want to have lawyers ruining their culture as they do in the United States. How many speeches I heard in Japan saying things like, "Do you want to be like the United States with greedy lawyers by the millions trying to stir up trouble." Of course,  the people of Japan didn't want that. (By comparison, the US has one
lawyer for every 265 citizens. Japan has one lawyer for every 10, 000 citizens. And, every lawyer in American thinks he or she should be rich. What a mess!)

So what I am saying is that Dr. Midgley probably had a chance to solve the problem early on, but after a short while, Kaiser contract lawyers would have simply told everyone who had taken the Hippocratic Oath to shut off communication.

Of course, that's the worst possible advice. It just begs for more conflict when one side is being given terrible advice. But there it is.

You want to take a shot at real evil, I can give you the name and firm representing Kaiser that, had I listened to them, we would probably still be in court. As it was, the problem was solved at the physician level, where it should have been all along."

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