  • Report:  #1295056

Complaint Review: DriveIt Financial - Orange California

Reported By:
Anonymous - San Diego, California, USA

DriveIt Financial
2475 N. Tustin St. Orange, 92865 California, USA
(714) 453-6000
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

I have been with Driveit Financial for almost 3 years on a 4 year loan. The collection department has been very rude, very unprofessional and acts as if she is GOD. Threatening your customer??? Really? In what business model is threatening a customer ever a good idea?

People run into issues in life financial where they can get behind (please see most of america in 2008) and need to play catch up on bills. Most legitimate financial institutions realize this and work with their clients accodingly which is not only helpful but the right way to conduct business. Is your financial portfolio run that lean that if someone misses a payment you cannot cover payroll? Or your mortgage? No REAL bank has ever treated me this poorly.

Obviously getting a college education is not required for bill collections and I imagine is in americas bottom financial percentile and will continue to stay there with that attitude. Make sure EVERYBODY to clean your credit up, so you do not need to deal with bottom feeders like this.



Another Unsatisfied Customer

4 Updates & Rebuttals


You're Not A Customer

#2Consumer Comment

Wed, April 06, 2016

 The word "customer" has been replaced by "deadbeat". It's not customer service calling you...its bill collectors because your word is obviously worthless. YOU turned on the collections machine for one reason alone....YOU failed to do what you were supposed to do instead of whining and wailing about excuses. Customers who pay on time never have problems with lenders. The only complainers are you sorry serial deadbeats with your typical putrid excuses.


Yes the point was proven...

#3Consumer Comment

Tue, March 22, 2016

Yes, your update basically affirmed the fact that you are a typical "Sub-Prime" borrower with an entitlement attitude that they MUST do what YOU want.

You see their COLLECTIONS department should not have to be "nice" to you before you are gracious enough to pay the amount you made a legal promise to pay.  You should be doing that BEFORE it even got to collections. 

You can come here and try to again convince yourself that you would have been "more ammicable" to take their offer, if they were "nice" about it.  When in fact, that is just a smoke screen and another excuse as to why you don't think you need to pay them.  Because do you know what would REALLY happen.  You may make a small payment, you may even make another 2 or 3 payments.  But then times will get "tough" again and you will figure that they were such a push-over the time before that they surely would help you out again...only this time they will be a lot less jolly and willing to help.  And you are in EXACTLY the same situation you were before..except that you have made a few additional payments that were only to be eaten up in additional interest and fees anyways.

As for this "crisis" I wasn't the one who brought up 2008, but if you think that is when it is started I really don't have the time or patience to give someone a lecture on economics who probably won't grasp the root causes.

Hints why its called service.

- Actually it would be called CUSTOMER service, but when a customer no longer is meeting their legal obligation or promise they move from customer to liability.  Which by the way contrary to what you are infering in this update I am not now or have I ever worked for this or any other finance company.

The fact is that this is not meant to be mean or rude..but to get you to think about what you are actually doing.  As the sooner you start to take responsibiliy for your actions and situations and stop these "smoke screens" of complaining about the rudeness of a company when you are the one in fact who is delinquent.  You will be much better off in the long run.



Point Proven

#4Author of original report

Tue, March 22, 2016

The answer is yes, most clients would be more ammicable with deals if the service were enjoyable dealings. Hints why its called service.

Thank you for proving my point, (read your crisis response). ignorant view on your part because the crisis was not over in 2008 but merely started. 

Subprime mentality??? That is the industry you are lending. Because your clientel is "subprime" that gives you the right to have poor service than say if you were in prime lending??




Let me take a guess here.

#5Consumer Comment

Tue, March 22, 2016

I am going to take a guess here, but I would bet the collection department isn't calling you to see if you had a good day or what your weekend plans are.   They are calling you because you have failed to make one(or more) payments and they are wondering where their money is.

I am sure you have 1001 excuses as to why they should "work" with you and that they need to make an "exception" because you think you are special.  You are saying things like "Only if they would do this.." or "I need them to do...".  Where if they don't do what YOU want, they aren't working with you.  But you don't get it.  Just because they don't do what YOU want doesn't mean that they are not trying to "work" with you.

Are you delinquent?  Do you currently have the car?  If the answer to both of those is YES, then they are in fact trying to work with you.  As they had the legal right to reposess the car as soon as you became delinqent.  So every day you are delinquent is one more day they are trying to help you out by NOT reposessing the car.    

But you decend even farther into the "Sub-Prime" mentality and entitlement attitude.  You complain that they are "rude" and "threatning".  So are you saying that if they were nice that you would bend over backwards to make your payment with them?  Yea..keep telling yourself that, perhaps someday you will fully believe it.  However, realize that they eventually will make good on their "threat" and actually take back the car if you fail to get current.

No REAL bank has ever treated me this poorly.

- Then why don't you go to a "REAL" bank?  Why are you now stuck with a "Sub-Prime" lender?  Why didn't you go back to one of the "REAL" banks when you wanted a car loan?

 Make sure EVERYBODY to clean your credit up, so you do not need to deal with bottom feeders like this.

- Too bad you don't follow your own advice.  As you continue to show your "sub-prime" ways with continued delinquencies, and most likey a reposession coming your way.  Just wait to you go try and find another car.  If you think these people were bad, your next one will be even stricter.  Including things such as a GPS "kill switch" that will disable your car the day you forget to make a payment.  Where they will reposess your car for being only a few days late.  Oh and don't worry about them being rude or threatning, they will just reposess the car.

It is funny how you comment on "most" of America ran into issues, especially pointing out 2008.  Why is it funny.  First, it is 2016 and you got this loan in about 2014....6 years AFTER this "crisis".  So if you have a problem in 2026, are you going to blame it on 2008?  How about 2036?  What year are you no longer going to go back to 2008?  Next, contrary to your thoughts it wasn't "most" of America.  Figuring you are talking about the housing "crisis" realize that at it's height in 2008, 1 in 54 home owners received a forecloure notice.  If you go by the percentages that is about 1.8%.  So that means about 98.2% of the people didn't. 

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