  • Report:  #329294

Complaint Review: Easco Wireless - Jerry Edmonds - Gainesville Virginia

Reported By:
- Leesburg, Virginia,

Easco Wireless - Jerry Edmonds
7613 Linton Hall Rd Gainesville, 20155 Virginia, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
After reading a previous report on this company, I felt compelled to write about my experience with Jerry Edmonds, and Easco Wireless. I also took a job with Easco Wireless, because of the benefits Jerry Edmonds promised me, including overtime pay, sales commission, and a nice salary. I was then promoted after 30 days to store manager. I was in charge of the Gainesville Virginia store. I worked approximately 55 hours every week. After my first paycheck, I noticed that Jerry had paid me the same amount for all 55 hours, instead of the Federal Labor Law, which says all hourly employees working over 40 hours a week, must be paid 1.5 of their hourly rate. I approached him, and he said that he doesn't pay overtime, period. All of the companies I had previously worked for, always paid overtime for all hours over 40 for the week, and I found this very odd.

Well after 2 paychecks, I was promoted to Store Manager, and took a salary plus commission. I no longer was paid hourly, so he legally didn't have to pay ME overtime, however I was in charge of 3 hourly part time employees at the time. Jerry Edmonds at this time assured me that I would be receiving a monthly commission check of nearly $2,000 as long as I could sell and increase sales. Well a month into my new store manager position, our store was #1 in the entire district for sales of new phone contracts. I was selling phones like crazy! I blew away all the previous months figures, and set an all time high of phone sales in the history of Easco Wireless. I was pumped, I would stay late everyday, just so I could keep selling, and keep making Jerry money, because I was expecting to be paid well for my efforts.

Well when the time came for my commission check came, Jerry only paid me $400 bonus. WTF? I worked my a*s off that month for $400, when he assured me that if i could beat the figures from the month before, $2,000!. Each accessory I sold, cost Jerry about $1.75 (car charger)to $5.00 (leather cases), we charged customers $29.99-$39.99, and I sold literally hundreds of accessories that month. From the sales software we were working in, I sold 400 accessories that month, or close to $15,000, just in accessories, not even counting phone sales. He totally rips people off on accessories, which are not even made by Verizon, but in China somewhere, and they usually break very quickly, and if a customer comes and tries to return it, Jerry's policy is "All Sales Final", and won't give them $1. All of those sales, all of my extra hours, all that for $400?! I went to Jerry and asked him why it was so low, and he told me "I paid you what you deserved". From this point on, I knew that my time at Easco Wireless would be short, unless he paid me what I really deserved.

I continued to work there for even after this. In the meantime, the part time employees that I was managing started to complain that they were working 50-60 hours a week, and they were not being paid overtime. I really felt bad for these high school kids, who were working during their summer, trying to make money. I knew this was against the law, and I did contact the Department of Labor, to inform them that Jerry Edmonds, and Easco Wireless were not paying their employees overtime. They assured me that they would look into this, and have someone contact Jerry. I even approached Jerry before I contacted them, and told him how unhappy is employees were with him, and that he really needed to pay them the overtime that they deserved, because that was the law. He told me "they are just high school kids, and they don't deserve, or need overtime pay". After this ignorant response, I contact the Department of Labor.

Now looking back on it, I should have quit right then and there. I had even moved my family to Gainesville, to be closer to work then, and I thought that things might get better, so I stayed on. Well apparently Jerry got word that I had contacted the DOL (Deparment of Labor), and immediately he began acting different.

Within a week of contacting the DOL, Jerry came to me one day, and said that there was a deposit missing from the store, and asked me if I knew anything about it. I told him I knew nothing about it. He came to me, and told me that I because I was the manager at the time, I was responsible for the deposit. Keep in mind that Jerry had never given me any type of instructions, or procedures on how to correctly make deposits at the end of the day. Easco Wireless is the most unprofessional company I have ever worked for, period. He basically said, ok you are now the manager of this store, without any training, without any procedures, and again, he wouldn't pick up the phone if I had any questions.

Until that point, I truly was not concerned about leaving the deposits in the cash register because that was the way everybody did it, and I fully trusted all of my employees. Looking back on in it now, I really, really wish I would have quit right then and there, as I should have realized that I was being setting up.

After the deposit went missing, I asked him to show the EXACT procedures I needed to follow to avoid this from happening again. I now began to put every single deposit into the safe, even if it was my day off, I would go in at night, do the deposit, and personally put it in the safe myself, just so I knew exactly that the deposit was safe. Even after the initial deposit went missing, Jerry Edmonds continued to leave the key for the safe inside the store, where everybody had access to it. When he went over the procedures, I asked him, shouldn't you keep the key to the safe, instead of leaving it in the store, so everyone has access to it? He told me not to worry about it, but it just didn't make sense to me, so I decided to hide it, so only me and him knew where the key was hidden.

He didn't realize however, that he was the only person I had told where it was. All of the stores have bank accounts with BB&T Bank, which was in the same parking lot of the store in Gainesville, and I had even told him while he went over the procedures that I would feel the most comfortable taking the deposit directly to the bank every single night. He told me no, not to do that, just put the deposits in the safe, and he would come and make the deposits. This made no sense to me, after a "missing" deposit, isn't taking the deposit to the bank the safest way to prevent this from happening again I thought. But since this was the new "procedure" I did his way. After a "missing" deposit, you would think that he would be concerned, and come and do the deposit, pretty frequently, right? Well he didn't. He allowed the deposits to build up for a week!

After a full week had passed, and I was continuing to follow the EXACT procedures he had given me, and I personally put EVERY deposit in the safe, and

I knew that none of the other employees knew where the key to the safe was, so everything should have been right, but then it happened.

One morning, I came in, and Jerry was already at the store. He then told me that all 7 deposits were missing. I can not describe in words the feeling I felt when he told me this. I was shocked, furious, and just couldn't believe this was happening. He told me again that because I was the manager, I was responsible for them. I blew up at this point. It all hit me like a ton of bricks. I finally realized why he had not wanted me to take the deposits to the bank every night, whey he had not taken the safe key, and kept it on himself, and why he hadn't come to the Easco Wireless store in Gainesville for a week to make deposits, he had just successfully set me up, because I had contacted the Department of Labor on him, for not paying overtime. I immediately called the police, and asked them to meet me at the store.

When the police officer showed up, I pleaded my case with him, and told him everything, including the motive for why Jerry would do this to me, (contacting the DOL about him not paying overtime) and that I was 100% innocent. The detective didn't believe me, and went ahead with pressing charges. I was so depressed, and upset that I was being accused of something I DID NOT DO!. Well after hiring two attorneys, and $10,000 later, I was able to convince the prosecutor that I was innocent, and they agreed to drop all of the charges, and clear my name completely. There was never any evidence that I took the money, but I also couldn't prove that he set me up, accept for the circumstantial evidence I mentioned above. I was completely and totally cleared off all charges, but spent a lot of money to prove my innocence.

I would urge anybody that reads this RipOff Report, to avoid Easco Wireless, and Jerry Edmonds at all costs. He rips off his customers, screws his employees out of overtime, and doesn't care about anybody but himself. I have no doubt that he set me up, and if anybody reads this, and they have hard evidence, or know something about him setting me up, I would ask that they please email with any details; (((ROR REDACTED))). I have heard he now tries to get all of his part-time high-school kids to sign a waiver, saying that he doesn't have to pay overtime. CHARGING SOMEONE $39.99 FOR AN ITEM THAT COST YOU $1.75 SHOULD BE ILLEGAL.


Leesburg, Virginia


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8 Updates & Rebuttals


You Have Recourse to Sue them

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

You are reported from retaliation and you are supposed to be protected under the Whistleblower act. Please consult with an employment or labor law attorney to find out what your options are. I would sure the people who were responsible for turning in your hours to the company, the company and everyone on the board of directors, the chairman of the board,etc.



#3UPDATE Employee

Tue, January 13, 2009

I am a current manager at easco wireless. I take care of the Ashburn, Fairfax, & Gainesville locations. First off, it is untrue that Mr. Edmonds doesn't pay overtime and makes employees sign a waiver. He frowns upon overtime, but the hour or 2 that accumulates sometimes, he does pay it. We do not let our employees reach overtime in the first place. The problem with his company WAS that no one took charge to make employees accountable for their actions and their daily duties. Thats where my colleague Rany and I come in and we revamped the entire operational structure for this company. We are happy, customers are happy, and of course employees are happy. I get paid salary as well, but in a 2 week period, I work 90 hours max. This job doesn;t require overtime, its quite easy. Anyone looking to apply, feel free. We push hard on sales and train our staff continuously to keep them prepared. Its not a place for the lazy and weary. But like a said, its simple. All it requires is some people skills and knowledge of the product, thats all. Hope this answers and resolves any issues or insecurities.

Chris J

The Saga Continutes.....

#4Author of original report

Mon, November 17, 2008

Well, i have just recently received information from another ex-employee that told me not only did he set up me, Jerry bragged about it to this ex-employee. From this person's account, he explained it to thi\em in detail, how he was set on firing me after I contacted to the Departmenet of Labor informing them that he didn't pay hourly employees overtime wages when they worked 40+ hours every week. I am now considering with this information to take this matter and handle this in civil court. I have also learned that He is now requiring every one of his employees that is paid hourly to sign a contract, acknowledging that they will not be paid overtime wages, no matter if they have to work 60 hours a week. This guy needs to be stopped, and I would really encourge that any former employee, or current employee tjat work there who iare not being overtime by this guy, to contact a local attorney, to help you recover the wages you deserve according to federal labor laws. This guy is a cheat, and should not be allowed to break the law, Please reply to this report, and let's get organized.

Chris J

RE: Question

#5Author of original report

Fri, May 16, 2008

Jessica, If you would have read the rest of the report, you would have read that I was fired. I was the manager of this store, I was being payed salary at the time of the report. I reported him, as my part-time, high school aged employees were the ones who were not being payed overtime. After being fired, I continued to speak with some of the employees, and they told me that Jerry had since made them all sign waivers agreeing that they understood they were not going to be paid any overtime. He's very crooked, and takes advantage of his employees. You should read the other report against this company, as he was a part time employee. I had started as hourly employee, then promoted to management, and paid salary, so I had no footing for a DOL claim, just thought it wasn't right he was treating this high school kids like that.



#6Consumer Comment

Mon, May 12, 2008

I understand your report completely. I'm not sure why John doesn't. Either way, just curious, what happened with your complaint to the DOL? Did you follow through with that?


New Jersey,
Why are you

#7Consumer Comment

Sun, May 11, 2008

posting as someone other than the author but are actually the author? Your cred is shot - not that it wasn't in question to begin with. "I also took a job with Easco Wireless, because of the benefits Jerry Edmonds promised me, including overtime pay, sales commission, and a nice salary" In that sentence alone is the proof. I don't need to read the whole thing. You are complaining about what happened to YOU (and I see alot of "I" throughout the report) not some other mythical people. What you say about others is hearsay and no proof of anything whatsoever. So, don't like it, go find another job.

Chris J

Actually it does work out....

#8Author of original report

Sun, May 11, 2008

Actually if you read the RipOff Report thoroughly, you will see that the author does not claim he gets hourly paid, he claims that his hourly employees he manages are the ones who are being cheated, not him. You should read the entire context of the report.


New Jersey,
Doesn't work out

#9Consumer Comment

Mon, April 28, 2008

You're either hourly or on a salary. Hourly must be paid over time, salary - as you indicated you were offered and apparently took - does not.

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