  • Report:  #941533

Complaint Review: Eckankar - Chanhassen Minnesota

Reported By:
FraudFinder - boulder, Colorado, United States of America

PO Box 2000 Chanhassen, Minnesota, United States of America
952 380 2200
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I have had association with Eckankar since the middle 1960s to current times. I have witnessed all of its phases trials and tribulations as a religious spiritual group. There was some integrity in the early years despite claims and proof of use of other religious groups written materials. Now let me focus on the here and the now as this is important. Have no doubt that the current Eckankar Business is just that, a business and nothing more. It is geared to make money and keep people spending their money for eckankar products.

If you look at the box it looks pretty much the same as the 1960s. However if you examine the contents it is not the same as the 1960s. Individual spiritual achievement was propagated then. Now the propagation is in putting all the power in a singular man known as the mahanta. Self empowerment and individuality is frowned upon and discouraged. Complaints are made against members who do not donate enough money for products and they are put on a list so they do not receive further initiations. In the field in all parts of the world members are sited for unacceptable behavior and put on computer so they are singled out to be watched and passed up for advancement in the organization.

Unacceptable behavior is noted as not following the party line and not joining in in personal attacks against those the local eckankar centers deem as being a threat to the current eckankar doctrine. In one written book their current mahanta was really proud about writing how an old woman died for kicking his seat from the back in an aircraft. In another supressed and censored book that was altered before publication there was a chapter on how to kill a person. Paranoia and feelings of being prosecution is widespread in the eckankar group aimed at dissidents who appear to not agree to doctrine and behavior.

Members are routinely called by telephone or met in public to feel them out as being potential threats to their organization. It is not uncommon for RESAs and HIs to drive hundreds of miles to check out threatening members and reduce them to feeble participants in the party line or suffer excommunication. Members who are of various professions are put under the microscope as to whether their respective profession is a threat to the organization. The most singled out are public servants, politicians, lawyers and doctors; those who have access to resources to put Eckankar under the scrutinizing microscope for the general public to view with clarity.

The reason the public has never read in detail any of the major court cases placed in motion in relation to Eckankar is evidence has been cleverly supressed either through legal motion or grey area loop holes to cover critical glaring evidence. Witnesses have been threatened and attacked with voracity to wear them down and make them terrified to provide substantial evidence of illegalities and attack against the reputations and credibility of evidence. Numerous Gag orders have been filed to shut up witnesses.

Eckankar has a very skilled legal counsel yet if they are correctly and legally cornered it will be found by the courts and the legal system that their curruption is apparent and of interest to the authorities. Eckankar is on numerous cult watch lists in various countries worldwide who consider their conniving cleverness to supress evidence and its members to be of concern and worthy of investigation. Eckankar has been banned in countries due to bad reports filed by former members and the public in general. Now you may ask IF all of what has been written in this report is true why has this not been reported in the major news services?

Instead of just asking this question why not try the following as an experiment. If you have some reasonable complaint against Eckankar go and file a motion of complaint for review at your local court. Let their counsel take the bite and see what happens. That will reveal some very interesting details to you. Eckankar is a business that should have been investigated ages ago but was not. The amount of supression of evidence and scaring witnesses has been so pronounced that it would dwarf any of the so called CULTS known traditionally in the American society. NO ONE really ever gets the goods in Eckankar.

It is definite that many did many years ago before the Eckankar Thought Police arrived on the scene and edged into the personal thoughts of its members. Go and dig up the old fossil eckist high initiates of maybe 40 years ago and be surprised that they have a mystic about them that current main players do not have now. Why? Because Eckankar is running a business and not a spiritual path. To all lawyers, solicitors, judges, IRS agents, repected government authorities ask yourselves what is hidden about Eckankar beyond supposed transparency?

What are you not seeing that is distressing so many people who are too affraid to come out and tell you about their personal experiences interacting with this group. I do not think money laundering internationally through the facade of a religious organization is what is classified as a  bona fide spiritual movement. If you were to check out where the thread ends it would make your head spin and on every continent. Do Not Take My Word For It. Authorities do your own secret intel investigations and You Will Hit The Jack Pot.

I gave up a very long time ago trying to make heads or tails of why this group touts itself as a religious order. It is beyond me. Quite frankly the public would get more joy joining a common church. These people are as guilty as sin and it is high time the public tears down the walls of their secrecy which they are not entitled to use. ALL persons who made a public expose of this group have been punished; legally, materially, mentally and emotionally.

The Eckankar organization sees this as the wrath of God striking the wicked yet IF YOU force them to release secret files you will see techniques used to harm and injure in malicious and cunning ways.   Am I just venting frustration? No, beyond the social good I am submitting this factual report so all of those I lead to this teaching are informed. Authorities believe me you will have to spar like hell with these people before they give over their s**t and they will only do it by force. They are capable of hiding evidence all over the world and quickly.

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Shame Game

United States of America

#2General Comment

Fri, November 30, 2012

I have to agree with many who have placed their comments on this site. I was a member of eckankar for over 10 years. I left due to the increasing control and tyranny of the leader Harold Klemp who constantly was in my face and others in growing ways having to do with increasing revenue for eckankar. I like many others just were dogged and repressed at every turn. The supposed love is malarky in the group and more hate when the curtain is drawn and the lower initiates don't see the very negative and cunning natures of the HI's higher initiates. I saw so many of my friends have to consulte psychologists over mental problems caused by that group. I also heard that the leader had been in a mental institution for getting naked in public for which he served jail time. I just tired of the constant negativity and hate with my associates in eckankar. I thought one day it would change but it just got worse and worse. I have listed an important link of relevant trivia which reveals whats behind the smiles and through the back door in eckankar. So that you can see what you will eventually experience paying monthly lesson fees and stay long enough. My advice is stay clear of these people if you value your health. http://www.mirrorh.com/ettreloaded5.html


United States of America
Substantial Proof Of Business Curroption?

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, September 26, 2012

I came upon this thread between former eck people that substantiates what the first report writer wrote about in the very beginning. I had no idea that what these members wrote about was true? It seems that my membership donation was more about eckankar making money and business than me receiving spiritual enlightenment.

Quotes from this old thread: 2009

Refusing to accept ANY Donation amount for EK memberships seems to be in violation of IRS laws that permit their Non- Profit status. It's really too bad that these ECKists don't file complaints with the IRS. Also, I think that this new policy, in regard to donations, would be grounds for a member to ask the state of Minnesota to have ECKankar open their books to the public for scrutiny, and for an audit.

A friend of ours who is a member of Eckankar contacted us to let us know about Eckankar's new heartless policy toward the indigent. She lost her job and asked the Eckankar office if she could just pay what she could afford toward her annual membership fee. Eckankar's response was to put her on inactive status. This meant she would no longer receive any written materials and she would lose all her initiations if she couldn't pay the full membership fee within the next 5 years.

Eckankar also has a new policy toward H.I.'s who become inactive. They only have 6 months to remain inactive before they lose all their higher initiations and drop back down to the lower ones.

Then the thread link: http://groups.yahoo.com/group/EckankarSurvivorsAnonymous/message/4343

Shame Game

United States of America
Vultures and Hawks In Sheeps Clothing

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, September 22, 2012

Shame on you eckankar people. I bought some books and got a yearly subscription then I found shocking information on websites.I think there should be some office that regulates these cults taking advantage of people. I like that analogy someone wrote "The sand cannot hold the waves back" There seems to be so much evidence of deception with this group. I liked the first report and how the second eck person replied. It seems so crooked. For what it is worh look at this website for evidence of blatant deception to the public. This lot smells like rotten eggs.



United States of America

#5Consumer Comment

Fri, September 21, 2012

I got eckankar lessons for awhile until I found out they were plagerized from Julian Johnson. I tried to get my money back but was refused. I heard about the things the first writer wrote about. I thought it funny at first and had a hard time believing all of it. Through the years others have told me similar reports and I read some on the internet. Be wary there is something not right with those people. The 30 year second gentleman whose rebuttal motivated me to write this bebuttal. The 30 year man who wrote the rebuttal Is using all of the terms used for spam and associated terms Rip Off Report uses to identify spam or to discredit the first writer who the rebuttal was written for. 30 year man seems to be using terms eckankar would use for threats, court and frighten the first writer. That fits in with what the first writer wrote about.Another reason I wrote this rebuttal. That appears pretty calculating and clever. I wonder if all of those eckankar people are like that? I and others of my friends who left found that group to be weird and controlling. I read about alot of legal threats on the internet to silence people. I even heard they pulled a police sting on a crazy man that threatend their leader and then silenced his testimony in court. What could a nut say to threaten them? I concur with the first writer and not the man that rebuttaled.


Naivety, Brain Washing and Simplistic

#6Author of original report

Fri, September 21, 2012

Naivety is the main stay of the average eckankar member. I am an expert trained in FACS and I can tell you that its quite possible you have missed most of what your years of experience have taught you. Venting anger is not my agenda and I always stick to facts, so get your facts straight. Most evidence of what I refer to is locked up behind GAG orders and in foreign jurisdictions. Confidential and secretive evidence in jurisdictions only accessible to foreign judges, barristers, lawyers, solicitors and other legal professionals. The evidence is all there. It's in your own eckankar books and those you have not seen and are not published. Layers are present in your organization. The upper layers are not accessible to your scrutiny. It would take 10 years to even skim the paper work of evidence. The internet is mundane and allows only a superficial view of what everyone supposedly knows. You should consider peddling your wares elsewhere. The general public has a right to know what they are buying despite your positive experiences. Let the buyer ask questions to the right people who can peel the layers back so the full glare of discernment may guide the buyers decisions; and not possible cleverly hidden activities which may alter what they do not see outright. Again, I state your organization is a business that uses the facade of a religious teaching to run its day to day business activities. Censorship of the legal process to get to the truth is not ethical or even moral and in many cases is illegal if in fact a religious teaching is used to harm people or control the law outside of legal process; even by accident or by stupidity. Damage can still be done and can still be in in the process. IF you re read the original post report you will see that damage was done to me. IF you understand the concept of karma you will know that. My posting of this and my report is to rectify that. It is better to write with your eyes open and not shut.


United States of America
What is this person talking about?

#7Consumer Comment

Thu, September 20, 2012

This report is so misleading and fraudulent as to border on the absurd.

I have been a member of Eckankar for over 30 years. I am also a business owner and I have been around the barn a few times, so to speak.  My general experience with people is that if they do what they say they are going to do, they are honest. If they say they are going to call me, or send me something and they do, I can trust them. I have learned to spot the liars and cheats. They avert their eyes, they don't shake your hand, they don't look you in the eye, they make excuses - small things, but indicators of a person's character.

Another measure I use - is the person acting out of love or power? The person acting out of power is trying to take advantage of you, they are self centered, they dictate terms, make ultimatums, pressure you to take action. A person acting out of love is inclusive, patient, a good listener, and seeking to reach agreement. They express a loving heart.

If you read the works of Eckankar, you find nothing except a focus on love, how to live a spiritually centered life, discussions on the nature of soul, how to be of service. Every word I have ever heard from the leader of Eckankar, the Mahanta, are words of encouragement, support and love. He is not out there on the lecture circuit, soliciting donations, or trying to get new members. He leads a very quiet and private life.

I have been to many seminars, and the people who attend them are some of the most wonderful people I have ever met - caring, supportive, loving, encouraging.

I have had many leadership positions in Eckankar. Never have I heard of any of the behavior referenced in this letter, or have I seen anyone in authority promote or exercise such behavior.
There is a business side to every religion, but I have never seen the business side denigrate the spiritual side. Fees to seminars and other events are donations, and can be waived merely by asking. Most events are free, and many local centers have lending libraries for most of the books.

There is not one fact in this report despite what is stated. It is nothing but a diatribe, full of innuendo, and is just a bitter rant. For what purpose? He is not saying he was damaged, he is just angry and wants his anger heard. He just wants to spew a lot of negative accusations.

I urge the reader to check out Eckankar yourself. Go to www.eckankar.org and read for yourself. Go to a local talk or Worship Service. Look the people in the eye, shake their hands and judge for yourself. For those seeking spiritual liberation, Eckankar is a wonderful gift.

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