  • Report:  #245741

Complaint Review: Emily Slobodian - Philadelphia Pennsylvania

Reported By:
- Philadelphia, Pennsylvania,

Emily Slobodian
2033 Walnut Street Philadelphia, 19103 Pennsylvania, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Emily Slobodian works for a lawyer at Pozzuolo & Perkiss.

2033 Walnut Street Philadelphia PA 19103-443



(Now this complaint is NOT against Pozzuolo & Perkiss. It is just against the employee Emily Slobodian, who works there.)

Emily uses the company resources to get personal information on people she doesn't like. Emily takes this confidential information and shares it with her friends for laughs. (I've heard it first hand) Emily's using the company resources, i.e. her work computer, to stalk and harass people. All on her boss' time.

Emily posts things on rip-offreport.com and myspace.com, because Emily seems to have a jealousy issue with her ex-boyfriend from over 3 years ago. So, while at work, instead of working Emily does postings like this:

Con Artists Submitted: 5/2/2006 2:44:16 PM

Modified: 4/19/2007 12:43:14 PM

Shaina MacMath ripoff Bensalem Pennsylvania *Consumer Comment ..False report


Shaina MacMath


1540 Neshaminy Valley Dr

Bensalem Pennsylvania 19020


Phone Number:



Shaina Macmath is a mentally ill woman,she suffers from a disease known as manic depression(bipolar)she is trying to open a daycare and get loans from government i do not think a person of this nature should be around small children she is a scam artist trying to get money from people whan she is capable of working but is just to insane to get of the couch cause she is addicted to my space she is lying and cheating her way around please help her so the children dont suffer im very concerned

thank you


PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania


Rebuttal UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Submitted: 3/16/2007 9:45:40 AM Modified: 3/16/2007 11:13:01 AM

Whack Job

I would just like to remind "Dr. Jeffrey" that posing as a Doctor is considered fraud. Also, "Dr. Jeffrey" should be aware that releasing patient history without a HIPPA Authorization is against the LAW. "Dr. Jeffrey" should also know that even with the HIPPA Authorization (which is only used for legal court matters) he still cannot publically release patient information. But most like "Dr. Jeffrey" is not a REAL Doctor and is simply one on the personalities of the said "Bi-Polar" individual.

Please beware.

Sandy - Arkinta, Ohio


Rebuttal UPDATE Employee ..inside information

Submitted: 3/16/2007 12:45:06 PM Modified: 3/16/2007 1:37:54 PM


I would just like to remind "Dr. Jeffrey" that posing as a Doctor is considered fraud. Also, "Dr. Jeffrey" should be aware that releasing patient history without a HIPPA Authorization is against the LAW. "Dr. Jeffrey" should also know that even with the HIPPA Authorization (which is only used for legal court matters) he still cannot publically release patient information. But most like "Dr. Jeffrey" is not a REAL Doctor and is simply one on the personalities of the said "Bi-Polar" individual.

Please beware.

Sandy - Arkinta, Ohio


I wonder if SANDY is really Emily???

On 3-26-2007


Whacko's will be whacko's

(This was the headline on Emily's myspace.com page.)

(Just a mere 10 days after SANDY posted this comment on rip-offreport.com, Emily's myspace.com page had a very similar headline????)

(I think Emily and Sandy are the same person, yes I do.)

(Again, this was posted during Emily's work hours. Where is her boss? Why is Emily's boss not monitoring Emily's illegal behavior? Is Emily getting paid to assist a lawyer or is Emily getting paid to harass people on the internet? Looks like harassing people on the internet.)

(Another remark from FRANCES)

jerry jerry jerry

This is my final thought...Shaina your are truly bipolar this whole thing clearly shows that.This is manic behavior.You really need to consider uping your meds and therapy.Enough is Enough if you were as happy as you claim none of this would be going on you started this in march of 02.You know what they say about people who brag they really dont have!!!Who is Shanna trying to convince you or us.....I wonder???

As for Shanna well getting someone who has 3 dui charges done jail time,has a breathalizer test installed in her car and red license to match isnt the best person to fight your battles.Get some balls and do it yourself.Yoy really are whitetrash the both of you.What would your fiancee think if he knew the truth yes the truth which we all know he doesnt know???Otherwise he would of ran already.

Your a mother act like you should be busy with a wedding and a newborn not on the computer all day trashing other people telling the same 3 stories over and over again move on its so old.MIsery does love company.Your not married yet he still has time to bail better be careful?????AS for Emily she is an issue because you make her mone you cant except he has a past you have one.A VERY LONG COLORFUL ONE.OR DID WE FORGET!!!!

Stop acting like your idol brittany your doing to good of a job its scary.You are obsessed in a very unhealthy way HENCE the constant update on these reports.People dont choose you they tolerate you because they dont want to deal with your bs.One day your daughter will see all this and be disgusted and your fiancee will come out of the comma and head for the hills.All you have done is prove to the world your a bipoloar maniac that needs help.

If you have all this time on your hands get a job and help pay some bills oh thats right you live rent free because you couldnt afford to have a baby.Well then get a job to make your wedding a little less whitetrash.You should not work with children what would you teach them how to stalk on myspace and how to play the victim.

Frances - PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania


(This FRANCES complains of someone having too much time on their hands to respond to these false statements. The person pretending to be FRANCES seems to have just at much internet time. Seems that FRANCES is getting annoyed that the replies are starting to make FRANCES look really bad)

(Yet another reply from FRANCES. Phew! So much time on her hands.)

Shaina Macmath bipolar daycare Philadelphia Pennsylvania *UPDATE ..needs to stop


Shaina Macmath


3033 Miller Street

Philadelphia Pennsylvania 19134


Phone Number:


shaina is a very unhealthy woman who has nothing better to do with her time but to stalk people on myspace she is bi polar and attempting to work with children she got pregnant and trapped a man who steals from his government job and then attacks everyone she doesnt like on this site and myspace she takes meds for a mental disease and is trying to open a daycare shaina macmath is a very sad person who hates herself and children and but is having one to trap her man into marrying her please help the children she attemps to babysit bottem line grow up


PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania


needs to stop

shaina macmath is insane she needs to stop trying to manipulate situations to her advantage shaina macmath is trying to get money for a business when she is not maternal at all and is on meds for bipolar disorder help the children

Frances - PHILADELPHIA, Pennsylvania


(All this above information is false, with the exception of the ACUSSED person's name. Emily did manage to get one thing correct.)

(To prove Emily is Frances, look at Emily's myspace.com page:)

April 20, 2007

Em Slo=Kenzo. I'm a B*tch that one special girl loves to hate. That's okay...she makes me feel proud of my life and my decisions. As my mentor John Brown would say "I love the Hate" People hate other people because they lack that special quality the other person carries. In my case its mostly sophistication, class and style. Therefore, they strive to present themselves as something better, something worth something, and in the end, they look feeble, dismal, wretched, sad, pitibe, weak and uselsss.

Girls, remember this: take pride in yourself; take pride in everything you do; take your time and check your spelling and grammer otherwise, people will laugh at you; always act your age and always act like a lady; don't drop out of school and pretend to have a degree (it'll never work out); always m ake sure you can survive on your own (you shouldn't need to depend on a man for money; never wear flippies without your toes being painted; take the time to blow dry your hair and afterwards use a curling iron for some body; and always, always take your birth control! Sidebar-me and all my friends are hoes! Guys never give us their names cause we are so ugly! And Frances you have like 7 boyfriends, yea Sloot, you are not the only one!

(If Emily wasn't FRANCES, they why does Emily mention FRANCES name? How does Emily know of FRANCES? She knows FRANCES because she IS FRANCES)

(If you in fact have so much sophistication, class and style, then why after 3 years of breaking up with your ex, are you still posting things on your personal web page about your ex-boyfriends fianc? It doesn't seem your over it yet. Someone with class and style would smile and move on, gracefully. You, not so graceful.)

(Emily uses her company's resources to make public threats:)

April 20,2007

Emily's Interests


Laying on the Beach (any beach), going to the gym working on my fitness, traveling anywhere, my friends, shopping mostly for shoes and purses. I love clothes, I'm a big designer person (can't stand trashy girls who can only afford knock-offs). I work hard for my money and don't mind spending $250 on a pair of sunglasses. I am also interested in bumping into a certain someone around the neighborhood, you know like KMart, Shoprite, bound to bump into them somewhere along Aramingo!

(What is Emily going to do to this certain someone when she does bump into them? Emily just posted this on the World Wide Web. If Emily follows through, Emily would be pretty dumb!)

(Another threat, ofcourse mad during work hours)

Apr 25 2007 9:27A

Nah, i'm not getting beat up! I'll def. whoop her a*s that's not the problem, it's getting her to stop hiding behind her computer and/or the po-po!

(Seriously, do you want this person handling your information? If you make her mad, she is going to post it all over her myspace.com page, just as she has done to others.)

(Another passage on Emily's myspace.com page)

April 25 2007

Emilys Instrests


Laying on the Beach (any beach), Whale watching, going to the gym working on my fitness, traveling anywhere, my friends, shopping mostly for shoes and purses. Drinking alcohol, consuming alcohol, getting drunk with my friends, especially Frances and Kathleen. I am also interested in bumping into a certain someone around Aramingo Avenue!

(Again, she references Frances. She must be Frances! Do you really want someone handling your private lawsuit matters who BRAGS, publicly, about drinking, consuming alcohol and getting drunk. We have all drank, but show some class. Do you want this employee having access to your personal information? I wouldnt.)

(More proof Emily is FRANCES:)

(Emily's friend's posted comments on Emily's myspace.com page joking about FRANCES)

Everyone loves ME!!

Apr 24 2007 10:35A

Hello not everyone knows about Frances and even if they met Frances they don't know it until after she is in her box. Frances looks like Mari(sometimes she looks like a hot mess)

(During work hours, Emily is still using company resources to harass people)

(An email from Emily to Emily's ex-boyfriends fianc)

Original Message

From: Emily

Date: Feb 7,2006 1:11pm

So a fellow Shaina hater told me to look at a certain picture of you and Ryan on your page and so I did and was just wondering if you hate me so much and want Ryan to have nothing to do with me, then why do you let him wear the leather jacket I bought him for Christmas? Don't you wonder if every time he puts it on he thinks of me?

(end of message)

(Again, during work hours)

(These next few statements are comments Emily posted on her friends myspace.com web pages. All while Emily is suppose to be getting paid to work. Looks like Emily is still getting paid to harass people.)


1 Updates & Rebuttals


More harassing comments during her work hours

#2Author of original report

Tue, July 17, 2007

Will she ever stop? Emily posted this comment on her friends myspace.com page "Jun 15 2007 2:14P Emily Um no mexican a$$ for me! I hate foreigners! I had super fun though, I believe I stayed at the same hotel you did before!" Its amazing that her employer still allows her to have internet privileges after all she has done. Racism and hate. All on the boss's dime.

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