  • Report:  #410441

Complaint Review: Enchanted Ridge North Lights Min. Pin. Anna Goodnoe - Mekinock North Dakota

Reported By:
- Sayreville, New Jersey,

Enchanted Ridge North Lights Min. Pin. Anna Goodnoe
520 1st. Ave Mekinock, 58258 North Dakota, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I hope a lot of people find and read this before they find Anna Goodnoe. We found the cutest puppy and sent a money order for 300.00 dollars for Anna to hold the puppy for us. I e-mailed her that the rest of the money(600.00) dollars will be sent to her within a few days. In a min. she called me and was very frustrated, saying that she thought we sent her the full 950.00 dollars. I told her that we will sent her the rest the next day, so she became a little nicer.

After we sent all of the money she changed the dog to Sold to Frank in N.J. I was so happy to see that but every time she told us she would call back, she never did. We had to stay on top of her all the time. From 11/29/08 till 12/12/08 it was a constant phone and e-mail fight with Anna.

My boyfriend called her on wed. 12/10/08 that she has to fly the dog on Fri. cause that is the only day that it will be above 10 degrees and after that it will drop to negative numbers and we will not wait for spring to get the puppy we paid for in December. She got very nasty with him. Told him that she can not see the weather cause there i something wrong with the computer and she hung up on him.

Two min. latter she e-mailed me to give her our info so that she can book the flight for Fri. Wow! I thought, now her computer is working. What a liar. She lies about everything. I started having very bad feelings about her and googled her name. What i saw was terrible. All negative reports about her and her business. That is when i started to do my own research and called the air port to find out about the flights for Fri. Dec. 12th of 2008 so she can not lie to me and i can have an answer and a comment to every single lie she tries to feed me.

Thank god i did my research. She e-mailed me back that she will not fly him on Fri. cause it will be below 10 degrees at 8 am. So i told her about the 4 pm flight with the temperature of 25 degrees. She still tried to lie and told me that there is no flight at 4 pm. Once again another lie. I told her that i called the airport myself and looked at the weather and she needs to fly him on that flight. No more excuses and lies.

She asked for another $88.44 since that flight was VIP. After she e-mailed me the flight info. and i called the airport to verify the flight, I pay-pal her the money. Our puppy came with a Kennel cough. Even being on two antibiotics it turned into pneumonia. 3 weeks later he is now on a third antibiotic and i pray to god that it works cause we love Bliss. He is the life of the family and my 6 year old daughter.

It kills me looking at him being sick and cough and not be able to play like a puppy should cause he starts to cough right away. I hope she gets closed down so she stops breaking hearts and steeling money from people like myself. We paid over 400.00 dollars for the flight alone and the receipt from the flight states that she only paid 205.88 dollars. I will never see that money or the money i spent on the vet. to save Bliss.

I e-mailed her the bills and the Certificate of Unfitness stating that the dog should have not been sold in that condition but she did not reply. I e-mailed her on January 10th, 2009 and knowing that she is on line she did not even try to reply. She gave me terrible stress that i should not go threw with my heart condition, stole money from us and now i have to fight for my puppy's life. I hope karma punishes her if no one else can. Now I can just pray and hope that Bliss gets better while Anna Goodnoe stills from people and brakes their hearts. She could be found on this breeder site. Nextdaypets.com. So please be careful and god bless.


Sayreville, New Jersey


2 Updates & Rebuttals


Las Vegas,
hmmmmm ............

#2Consumer Comment

Tue, January 13, 2009

So, I have been reading the posts about this breeder here (and elsewhere since I got so curious), and I noticed something. It appears that alot of these problems begin when the puppy and shipping is paid for, but the puppy can not be shipped for some reason or other. Even people whom seem to be complaining on another issue, and have recieved their puppy, seem to make some comment about the delays. Might these people have simply not backed out? Several posts have email communications. There seems to be a pattern here. Hypothetically- So, I pick my puppy, signed my paperwork,I pay for my puppy and the quoted shipping fees (health cert. and such ect.), but all of a sudden, my puppy can not be shipped for some reason. Now things become very difficult for me, and maybe they want more money? For shipping, or boarding, or whatever. A great deal of the time, it is becaused the flights for animals have an embargo on them due to teperatures in certain places at certain times of the year. Not their fault, and how were they to know, but pay up, or make a decision to lose my money, in full, or by waiting, or by switching to a puppy from a litter that will ship later, but I still lose some money, and the puppy I had already believed to be mine. And I signed the contract. So what am I to do if the breeder says they have no way to get me the puppy I have paid for and set my heart on, but they says it is not their fault because they can't predict the weather, or the growth of the puppy or whatever. But I know it's not my fault either. And now I am out more money. And if I back out, they get to keep all or some of my money, AND resell the puppy.It almost appears as if after they have recieved my money, they find a way to make ME back out of our contract. Except there's this, they already knows that their vet will not sign a health certificate on dogs of certain sizes, and that she does not WANT to ship a puppy under a certain weight (I have seen this in emails from her). I don't actually disagree with this. They should make this very clear and in writing in the contract/deposit form. They are very aware of the embargo's if not exactly to the day when they will be put into effect and lifted. (this is also in emails posted). All of this would be very feasable, if not for the fact that it seems to happen regularly, which makes her very aware of these problems in advance. So, wouldn't setting a time period for shipping being fully aware of the issues that will most likely arise be a bit deceptive? Embargo's happen during particular seasons, and they are very aware of the temparature's in which an animal can and can not ship at (this has also been stated in emails). So, they have admitted to this in writing, and can no longer say they were unaware when they made the agreement to ship during a certain time frame. So, wouldn't agreeing to ship an animal at a certain time, to a certain place KNOWING that it would most likely not be possible be deceptive? False pretenses? When someone picks their puppy, is it not reasonable to expect that puppy within a certain time frame? If the breeder can reasonably deduct that the person will not recieve their puppy in that time frame, is that not now deceptive, and maybe even breaking or voiding their contract? Maybe this is unfair, but I haven't ever known anyone that shipped on any sort of even semi-regular basis with so many problems shipping, since they all have a reasonable time frame for the embargo's. And if it's not that, it seems to be something else.This makes the whole thing a little fishy for me. I hope this doesn't go through twice

Shut Anna Goodnoe Down

Help Get Anna Goonoe's Puppy Mill Shut Down (Enchnated Ridge and Min Pinz)

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Tue, January 13, 2009

To whom it ma concern that reads all of the reports on the net and on here - Anna has been proven to have sick dogs, sick puppies and she is VERY abusive to ALL the breeds she has there in her home and the SINGLE WIDE trailer next to her house. She also keeps them in her SUB ZERO garage if she does not like the animals. All information given here is FACT and has been told to us the new group to STOP Anna from hurting anyone else or any other animal. Google her name and see the MANY complaints for those who are NOT afraid of her and her terrible ways. We are asking ANTONE who has a personal terrible experience with Anna either with the Miniature Pinschers, Chinese Cresteds, Great Danes, and Wiemeraners she has purchased through the years. Now we see she has BIRDS... with her SIX cats. Everything we have read on her site for years about her is TOTALLY the OPPOSITE from what she TRULY is!!! We have set up a email address to you to send your report to so we can send it to the state of NORTH DAKOTA --- and is saying in her advertisements she lives in GRAND FORKS, MINNESOTA - NO SUCH PLACE, she is running hard from the law and everyone she owes money and a legal explanation to. She has now been proved to be HARD CORE abusive to the animals she keeps and does not like. Neither Her NOR her Husband Arron have jobs, they sit in their home and HARASS people daily. We have talked to breeders she has bullied with legal contracts that she has tried to extort money from them by saying she would SMEAR their good reputation all over the site if they did not PAY her to get their dogs back... OR she has told them the dogs would end up in a PUPPY MILL if the money did not come. And she means it. Another breeder has NO idea the condition or whereabouts of her three dogs. Anna is NOT to be trusted. Then lets go to the BUYERS... she TAKES money and does not provide pups, or she asks for MORE money to ship dogs. And HOW IN THE HECK are these dogs passing Health inspection Dr. Pinkerton of Minot North Dakota??? OR is Anna falsifying her Health Certificates? We could go on for days and weeks with at he amount of trash we have found on this SICK person... lets stop her and any other puppy milling idiot out there! This has to stop. IF you have had a health issue with your puppy from Anna or have had a threatening experience with Anna PLEASE send your email to [email protected] Thank you from the staff!

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