  • Report:  #1177327

Complaint Review: Enterprise Rental Car - Troy New York

Reported By:
Lady - Upstate, New York,

Enterprise Rental Car
Hoosick St. Troy, 12180 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 So, I have to put my car in the shop...  I figure I'll call the company I have rented from for the last 20 years and figure something out so I won't be stranded.  Guess what?  The underwriters here in the great state of New York have seen fit to regulate Social Security Disability as an unacceptable form of income.  So, if you are anything like me and legally disabled ( I suffer from an auto-immune disorder known as Lupus) and unable to work, and you live in a housing situation where your utilities are included (it's more affordable) and you don't have a credit card because a fixed income is too dangerous to add credit cards in the mix... YOU ARE SCREWED! 

Now this company was the only one that rented to me before I got sick and was under 25 and had to travel for work, no problem.  When my car got hit a few years back, the insurance set me up with a rental, again no problem, now that I have older children and NEED to get to Dr's appointments and treatments... PROBLEM!!!

I called the corporate office only to be informed that it was the policy to accept Social Security as a form of income however any branch here in NY, can not accept it.  After spending basically as whole day faxing, scanning and emailing every document I could think of to prove my identity and my address they finally said they could do it.  By then i had missed 2 Dr. appointments and would miss treatment.   Not only that but, the lowest rate they could afford for all my troubles was over $50.00 a day, for a COMPACT car none the less. 

So, I spent this morning searching all over the internet for a new company... But, of course the cheapest and closest was still, you guessed it ENTERPRISE at $19.95 per day!

All I can say at this point is that after facing discrimination at what I personally believe to be ALL levels from this company they won't EVER have to worry about getting my family, friends, insurance referrals or anything else for that matter again.  It just gows to show what a giant company such as Enterprise Rental Cars really thinks about a 20 year plus client.  I am nothing to them and never have been although I felt differently at one time.

To be assured I will find out who these mystery underwriters are and will invest a great deal of time in contacting my local Senators, Congressmen, and even Assemblymen about this abhorid practice of discrimination at the NY State level in regards to the Americans with Disabilities Act.  I should hope that although I may only be one of few due to my circumstances I can not be the only one and if I can turn this policy around for the next family suffering from a disabling illness to assure that they can at least rent a car to make Dr's appointments, attend funerals, or even just to have a car when needed then I WILL make it happen.  After all, when I'm sitting in the hospital with IV's coming out of my arms, I have one hand available, free wi-fi, and NOTHING BUT TIME to see this thing through!

I wish you all the best of luck and am sorry for all who may have to suffer and feel discriminated against by this company until this matter is respolved. 

Although Enterprise was the cheapest, and I did make a reservation due to my desperate situation, I have sent emails detailing my situation to EVERY rental car in my area in the hopes of someone, anyone willing to help out so that I can begin my next 20 years as a customer elsewhere! Hopefully, I can update before Friday that someone has come through.  I have another treatment scheduled and would very much like to still attend the baby shower of my one and only niece this weekend.  But, if it doesnt happen at least I know my family will understand and treat me with the dignity and respect that I don't believe I should lose due to my diagnosis by any corporation, especially one that has made thousands and thousands of dollars off of me in the 20 years I utilized their services.

In all fairness, I do believe the corporate cusomer service lady, Andrea was most effective and understanding and I honestly believe the Manager of the local branch Aaron did try.  Although, as I stated by the time he finally figured it out it was way too late and way to intentionally expensive.  I believe that was done as a deterant to get rid of me as I was able to find a rate at the same company of over $30.00 a day less then was offered!

I don't complain all the time, when I receive exemplory service I call or inform a manager of a good job well done.  But, I am greatful for this website and an opportunity to tell my story and vent.  Thanks Rip-Off-Report, you've helped me on many occasions and I'm glad you're available and still going strong!

1 Updates & Rebuttals

Enterprise Rent-A-Car

St. Louis,
Enterprise Cares

#2UPDATE Employee

Wed, September 17, 2014

Lady, Customer service and satisfaction are very important to us at Enterprise. I would like to follow up with you. Please email me at [email protected] with the complete details, exact renting location, and any rental agreement numbers. Please reference #140917-002223.  I look forward to hearing from you soon, thank you. Chris, Social Media Monitor, Enterprise Rent-A-Car

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