  • Report:  #124104

Complaint Review: Entrepreneur Expansion - Saint Catharines, Ontario

Reported By:
- lewisville, North Carolina,

Entrepreneur Expansion
51 Farmington Dr. Saint Catharines,, L2S 3G2 Ontario, Canada
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Ripoff Report Verified™ REVIEW:

EDitor’s UPDATE: Ripoff Report Verified™ gives a positive rating and recognition to Profit Warriors for its commitment to excellence and total satisfaction in customer service.

During Ripoff Report’s discussions with Profit Warriors' executives have given Ripoff Report a written commitment to total client satisfaction. This means that clients can expect that the company will work towards finding a mutually satisfactory resolution to any complaints or concerns. Profit Warriors goes above and beyond through listening carefully to client concerns, taking the opportunity to learn from past mistakes and become more efficient as a company.

Profit Warriors’ principal, Mr. William (Billy) Lougheed, a.k.a “The Profit Warrior” has informed Ripoff Report that his personal philosophy is that Profit Warrior is not just a business; it is a name, a philosophy, and a way of life. As a successful businessman, Mr. Lougheed feels it is critical to listen to his clients and respond properly. By always putting his customers first, Mr. Lougheed hopes to maintain Profit Warriors as a successful enterprise both now and for many years to come.

Another top executive of the company told us that Mr. Lougheed’s personal business philosophy is based on the premise that "strives to add value in its services as they understand that a successful business model is based on value-added services, and client care”. Profit Warriors’ mission statement and Trade Mark says it all: "Profit is a Team Sport™"

The information provided in this report below is based on comments made by William Longheed during an on-site inspection held by a third party verification company with no biases toward Profit Warriors.
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Ripoff Report Verified™ .. part of Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program.A program that benefits the consumer, assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business..

In an effort to acquire potential clients, Profit Warriors work mainly with face to face sales. Some of their methods include: knocking on doors, telemarketing, emails, trade shows etc. They are committed to any marketing method that will prove beneficial to their sales.

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Profit Warriors recognizes that each product is unique. They promote the website www.gobigidea.com which allows them to reach a vast number of potential clients by describing the types of services they are equipped to help with. Upon closing a sale, Profit Warriors provides the client with a brochure, a contract, a script, and a comprehensive list of what they will do for them.

Profit Warriors target a very specific market consumer. They practice a business to business method and focus their attention toward consumers such as existing retail merchants, people with no business experience but who wish to own their own business, “grizzled vets” who want to buy a franchise etc.

In order to advise and suggest products and solutions for customers, Profit Warriors use a specialty system called “needs analysis.” This system includes a series of questions such as: “Who are you?” “What do you want to do?” “Who do you want to become?” By obtaining the answers to these questions, Profit Warriors are able to provide a wide variety of helpful information to their customers.

When dealing with a complaint, Profit Warriors follows a specific process. First, they call the client and ask them to fill out a communication memo. Next, they report it in their system to determine a resolution. Then, they issue goals, objectives, and an action plan. Lastly, they perform a quality control inspection to make sure the correction was made.

During the course of the onsite interview, the owner Mr. Lougheed, described an instance when a client was not satisfied with the level of service they received: “The most typical complaint we receive is an ATO where the business closes and the bailiff has left a notice stating that the contents will be sold. We help the client identify a new location and, if necessary, we personally retrieve the machine and replace it for the client.”

Profit Warriors enforces a strong return policy in which ATM clients have a 30 day money back guarantee, but after 30 days there is no recourse.

When asked what he feels sets Profit Warriors apart from other competitors, Mr. Lougheed believes that focusing on good ideas and profit, rather than selling a product, allows them to be successful. In addition, they provide a unique service to their customers by increasing sales and profit, while decreasing cost.

The company mentioned changes they have seen within the company to provide the best customer service possible, Mr. Lougheed was firm in his response stating, “Hire the best, fire the rest. Customer service representatives must follow company principles or are removed.”

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Mr. Lougheed was very enthusiastic about being a part of Ripoff Reports Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program. He explained, “I’m a ‘show me’ guy. I am aware of the power of Ripoff Report. I hope this program will be a positive avenue to increase profit, decrease cost, and allow clients to vent in a positive way that will allow us to mediate.”

Profit Warriors are continuously working on all aspects of their internal processes and procedures. Specifically, they are very focused on improving leadership, marketing operations, and finance.

Profit Warriors/ Statements from the owner.

?My name is William (Billy) Lougheed aka “the Profit Warrior”…and I am the owner and CEO of Profit Warriors. I would like to thank you for taking the time to review and listen to the Profit Warrior Story. Profit Warrior is not just a business; it is a name, a philosophy and a way of life for those that are fortunate enough to be alive to hear the message, make the cut, join the team, survive the training, lose some battles but continue to fight in the Financial WAR that haunts many of us. Profit Warriors’ mission is to love and appreciate your creator, love others as yourself, which translates for me as: give thanks and appreciate what I have, do no harm, reduce waist, help those less fortunate, and ultimately Fight for and invest my life, my money, and the lives of my family into things that really matter.

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While the goods and services Profit Warriors offers will change from time to time, our Philosophy is simple, fight for profit. Profit is not a dirty word as many would have you believe. By my definition, profit is a command. It is a command to create abundance . You may have heard the words, 'In the beginning God…' (what?) 'created.' You may also be familiar with, 'We are made in… (Whose Image?) 'our Creator's’. I believe we were born to create, be creative to try, fail, win, and lose, so don’t be afraid of the tag line 'Profit Warrior' and don’t be afraid to work hard, make lots of money, spend less than you make, save a little, and invest the rest into others and systems that matter."

Why create abundance? When you have 'more than enough', it is easy to share, easy to give, easy to pay your taxes, easy to love, and easy to overcome adversity. In my opinion 'thanklessness' and/or 'financial hardship (a.k.a. bad attitudes) are the leading cause of business failures, marriage failures, and dysfunctions of all sorts. The solution? If you can work, get off your a*s and go to work. If there is no work, volunteer your time to a worthy cause. If you are working full time, make your money work in the same manner. Invest your life (including your time, money and other resources) into things that matter. Help, work, create jobs, and re-invest your money wisely in your local neighbor who has some time and needs a hand up from time to time, as we all do.

Anyone can succeed when times are great! Everyone is your friend when your pockets are full of cash and you have 'abundance'. A Profit Warrior shines in adverse conditions. You may know some places where few will go, fewer will follow and almost all your friends would abandon you, though they might have previously promised to be your friend. While we are not perfect, Profit Warriors will most likely also let you down from time to time, but you have my promise, that when we let you down, when we drop the ball, when we screw up, or when we fail or neglect to return that call in a timely fashion, we will fix it or die trying.

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One of my jobs as Chief Executive Officer of this company is to hire the best and fire the rest. While many don’t like that saying, we here at Profit Warriors know how hard it is to put together a championship team. I want to win this game called life and I need help. I want to surround myself with the best players I can find and afford. Some of you have experienced playing for team of slackers. The definition of a slacker is a person that does just enough to get by, they never give their all, never leave it all on the court, they never considering trying their best. You know what I’m talking about! Some of you have played on teams of amazingly talented, professional, high performers (in sports or business) and these people, well, they take pride in their work, they create abundance for all, and they make sacrifices above and beyond whatever is asked of them. When you're on those teams, you count your blessings and hope they don’t kick you off because you are not good enough. ?

Profit Warriors is always on the lookout for talented, gifted and wealthy 'Stakeholders' who understand this. Just so you don’t mis-quote me, wealth is not how much money you have in your pocket or in your bank account. I’ll let you figure out what wealth really is to you, but by my definition, wealth has a lot to do with the ability to create abundance in ones’ life, your team’s life and others around you.

Profit Warriors is committed to this end. We help businesses increase sales, cut costs, and create jobs. Although we do measure and evaluate our successes and failures its’ not always about the bottom line as measured by a Balance Sheet, Profit and Loss Statement, or a Cash Flow Statement.

Should you wish to become a fellow Profit Warrior in your area, or, should you wish to have a Profit Warrior in your local area help you open a business, increase sales, cut costs, create jobs, fend off people that would otherwise hurt you, laugh with enemies, cry with friends or visa versa, please look us up, call us, email us, fax us, tell us your story and I want to know what will it take for us to win your business and your trust ?

One employee states, "Profit Warriors’ installation team has expressed that they feel very confident doing their job."

Profit Warriors/ Statements from the Service Manager

Mr. Lougheed takes a personal interest in making sure systems and businesses get installed, up and working on time, on budget, as promised for the customer. I have worked for Mr. Lougheed for more than 15 years now and can say, without hesitation, he has earned the title 'The Profit Warrior'. You gotta meet him and 'go to war with him' to fully understand what I mean. Generally, he acts more like a tough hockey coach than he does a CEO. He is not always liked and I am sure he has lots of enemies, but he is respected by all the staff and our clients. He tolerates few repeated mistakes but takes time to work with and train rookie business owners and staff. He hates slothfulness, disorganization and quitters. He uses the word 'system' in almost everything he does and every part of his business, which gets annoying at times. He demands the best for his clients while requiring them to pay as little money as possible to, according to him, 'Help them stay in business and make more money for themselves.' This is a fight in and of itself. He hires and fires team members decisively and we have had moments where I felt like quitting and /or I thought he was going to fire me! All that being said, he is loyal, dedicated, and patient. Mr. Lougheed has a purpose, passion, drive, and a vision for the future like I have seen in no other.

In conclusion, you really gotta meet this guy in person to do him justice. Mr. Lougheed is exactly the type of person I would want by my side when tough times hit. During the good times he makes plans, plans, and implements more plans, a.k.a. Ideas, to prepare for the tough times, which I guess, isn’t a bad thing to do.

Note 1: It always gives me great pleasure to speak with and reminisce with some of my many ATM customers (now many years after the initial ATM install) to see and review their audited financials with them which demonstrate their business equity has grown and they are still making substantial profits daily from transaction fees and technologies I personally installed more than 12-15 Years ago!

Note 2: Some of the stuff Mr. Lougheed comes up with is nothing short of brilliant! I have seen many businesses that should have failed be 'picked up by the boot straps' with what seemed like, at first anyway, stupid little ideas, but then those stupid little ideas resulted in huge windfalls. So yes, I have come to trust Mr. Lougheed’s decisions, though not always popular at the time he makes them.

Note 3: I am Proud to call myself a fellow Profit Warrior as a result of the above.

Ripoff Report was pleased to learn that Profit Warriors’ past and current approach to business is focused on its pledge to total commitment towards client and employee satisfaction.


Profit Warriors recently recognized that complaints posted on Ripoff Report (whether true or not) are customers who need to be addressed and satisfied, not ignored. If handled correctly, complaints can be valuable learning opportunities. With the feedback generated by Ripoff Report’s review Profit Warriors has made organizational changes allowing its clients and employees a more streamlined approach to complaint resolution and a commitment to the upmost in customer satisfaction.

In summary, after Ripoff Report's review, which included discussions with Mr. Lougheed, Ripoff Report is convinced that Profit Warriors is committed to quality delivery of services resulting in total client satisfaction.

As a Part of the Corporate Advocacy Program the member business allows Ripoff Report to send an email to all of those who filed a complaint in the past, letting the customer know, the member business wanted to make things right with them, .. whatever it takes to do so. Ripoff Report always monitors these emails to insure the member business does what they agreed to. The people at Profit Warriors - EEC Corporation did just that. Everything within reason.

Read more about why consumers should feel confident when doing business with a member of Rip-off Report's Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program. Yes, it’s a long name for a program that does a lot for both consumers and businesses alike.

Read about Ripoff Report Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation & Customer Satisfaction Program, a program that benefits the consumer and assures them of complete satisfaction and confidence when doing business with a member business. This program works.

As a matter of policy, when a business becomes a member of the Corporate Advocacy Program they agree to allow Ripoff Report to contact every client who filed a complaint so they can make things right with them. In order to confirm that the complaints were resolved, Ripoff Report is copied on all responses so we can insure that the member business did right by their customer.

NOTICE: About the Report below.

Ripoff Report (((REDACTED))) some offending words and false accusations/statements because we found what was posted to be completely false. If the posting was true, there would have been legitimate proof or documentation. The claims were absolutely ridiculous. Ripoff Report was not sent any evidence for the claims the author of the Report below made. Unfortunately in this case it looks like this is a competitor of this business,as many jealous practitioners in this business (and other businesses) wrongly trying to tarnish good reputations so they can falsely help themselves to more sales resulting. As a matter of policy, when a business joins the Corporate Advocacy Business Remediation and Customer Satisfaction Program, .. Ripoff Report emails everyone that filed a complaint so the member business can make things right with them. Our program calls for the member business to err on the side of the customer. Of course, everything within reason. It is our opinion, the Report below is bogus. Ripoff Report hired a 3rd party verifier who inspected the offices of Profit Warrior and found them to be legitimate with the credentials supporting this fact.

----------------------------------------------- NOW TO THE ORIGINAL REPORT THAT WAS FILED

Entrepreneur Expansion ripoff It's not a question of if but when and how much EEC will rip you off Saint Catharines, Ontario

EEC aka Entrepreneur Expansion Corp of Canada is a company selling ATM machine and location packages as well as franchise packages. They ripped me off for $250,000.00 US.

I got involved with them in 2003 at a trade show in Charlotte North Carolina. Over the span of one year I purchased 16 machine and site locations from them. All my checking showed no problems with the company and the references all checked out. I later learned all the references were insiders. I worked several trade shows with one of the principles as well as several representatives of EEC, not franchise holders, thinking I might want to purchase a franchise.

The first problem to surface was their refusal to replace non productive sites or move machines from non productive locations. This was promissed to me at the show in Charlotte. At the shows I worked with the company,potential customers were always told new sites would be found by the principles of the company as well as by the representatives woorking the show.

The second problem was EEC selling sites and machine packages I purchased to third parties without consulting me and without compensating me. I was told for over a year new sites were forthcoming but never were. I am now told EEC no longer finds sites and I will recieve no compensation.

The third ripoff was in their accounting. My cut of transaction fees have been cut as well as eliminated. In one case there was a shortage of $9,000.00 over several months. When I complained I was told I was crazy. After continuosly complaining tney finaly checked and I was right. While they did settle up on that complaint it has repeatedly happened since. I have also been fraudulently billed for a insurance deductable. I was told and have paper work stating the deductable was $500.00 but when there was a claim I was billed for $2000.00 US. I later learned the deductable was actually $1000.00 Canadian or about $750.00 US. When I refused to pay the inflated bill EEC sold the site to a third party without my permission and without compensation.

The fourth problem was with two machines I agreed to take in exchange for two of my sites they sold without my permission. The machines were to be virtually new. When I recieved the machines one of them was so old the software was outdated. EEC refused to even upgrade the software.

I have made many efforts to resolve the problem. I have offered to settle for 30 cents on the dollar. Bill Lougheed refused and offered me 7 cents and that was only if I take a franchise agreement. Mr. Lougheed insisted I agree to commit to purchasing machines exclusivley from him at inflated prices and wanted a guarente of volume. Mr Lougheed doesn't feal obligated to me in any way and claims the problem I have with EEC not providing goods and services paid for is that I don't work hard enough and not him meeting his obligation to fullfil those orders and promises.

I am going to start taking legal action shortly but doubt there is anything of value for me to attach. I doubt EEC will be in existance in another year. There are many other people who have been scamed by EEC. I know of a teacher in Charlote as well as others. If you do business with EEC you will be scamed. It is just a matter of when and how much they will get.

Lewisville, North Carolina

5 Updates & Rebuttals


St. Catharines,
Ms. Nancy, Retired, Bitter, 40+ Year old Lady who refuses to Help herself

#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Fri, November 09, 2007

Ms. Nancy is a rich, retired, bitter, 40+ Year old Lady who refuses to Help herself. 1. Ms. Denutte is correct in that 'There is still no resolution for her" as she is not willing to do ANY work. Neil did work. Ms. Nancy further continues to fail to help herself. Neil helped himself...in MANY ways. Ms. Denutte further fails to understand she needs to; a) Work, b) Help, c) Be Patient, d) Be Flexible, e) Be Positive f) and Be cooperative. 2. We are advised that Mr. Lougheed called Ms. Denutte (last week) and, according to Mr. Lougheed, Ms. Denutte apparently 'hung up' on Mr. Lougheed while Mr. Lougheed was attempting to provide (and repeat privately and sincerely) the information and the facts, as they may pertain to Ms. Denutte (See public Responses via Ripoffreport.com for exact details, time, dates and people involved) as she asked for the information and the evidence to be delivered to her. 3. Mr. Lougheed deals with hundreds of clients and is pleased to help PERSONALLY with ANYONE who, in the spirit of cooperation and fair play wants resolution and REAL solutions to their problems. 4. Mr. Lougheed 'CALLS ALL LEGITIMATE COMPLAINANTS BACK. His philosophy is 'Ignorance is the mother of ALL fear'. Many people are afraid, hurt and scared by the realities their business imposes on them. They are 'FURTHER INJURED' and 'LASH OUT' when people WITH KNOWLEDGE, OR IN A POSITION OF TRUST, fail or refuse to return phone calls, emails, or help in ANY WAY. 5. Though Ms. Nancy 'hung up' on Mr. Lougheed's call of last week, he still forwarded her an email which started.. 'As Promised.....' 6. Should Ms. Nancy grant us permission to release Mr. Lougheed's past, present and future emails delivered to and from Ms. Denutte, et al, to the benefit of the Editor of Ripoffreport.com (and the public at large), we will post the same, for all to see. 7. Ms. Nancy NOW admits facts as follows; a) 'Yes, I had in 2004, serial numbers for UK machines', b) 'and [I was] even told [about the] locations.' c) 'I invested $75,000 and have received $4098.32 total in return.' d) 'The last check was dated 7/30/2004.' e) 'That was for the first half of the year from January through June of 2004.' f) 'I have not received any money since.' g) 'According to others involved it is certainly possible that they did not exist at all and neither did the locations.' h) 'There is only one resolution for me. Return my money/ or give me any proceeds from the sale of these five ATM's.' i) 'There is nothing more that I can say' j) 'I know nothing of this attorney and any bankruptcy filing.' 8. We Repeat, and for GREATER CERTAINTY, PROVIDE DETAILS AS FOLLOWS: Entrepreneur Expansion Corp was petitioned into bankruptcy by Sam Beninato a.k.a. Plumbing Mart (Toronto), a.k.a. Renovation Capital Acceptance Corporation, a.k.a. Renosystems International Inc., email [email protected], a.k.a....too many trading names to mention...Bankruptcy Petition on or about April, 2004....THEN... 'HELL was unleashed upon Ms. Denutte's business interests (and many others) locally and over seas.' 9. We Repeat: Entrepreneur Expansion Corp. is currently being run and managed by the Trustee and the Inspectors to the Bankruptcy. Many ATMs (at least 21) that are unaccounted for are with Key Biz Tactics Corporation (Welland, Ontario), per Tim (Mark) Lickman admissions, under oath: 10. Further, the names and contacts you have been provided (and are public knowledge) are: a) Petitioner: Sam Beninato (Photo Attached) 1534 Midland Avenue Scarborough, ON M1P 3C2 TEL: 416-285-6798 FAX: 416-285-1825 Email: [email protected] Email:[email protected], 'He sells Franchises!', 'Talk to my lawyer!' b) Trustee: Hartley Bricks (Photo Attached) Email: [email protected], 'The Kansas City Star, Mo., Gambling and Tourism column By Rick Alm, The Kansas City Star, Mo. Knight Ridder/Tribune Business News Feb. 8 'Canadian accountants and a gaggle of gambling and lodging industry veterans, including one indicted in the late '70s in an alleged kickback scandal involving a Las Vegas casino and the Teamsters Union. Majority interest in the River Falls effort is held by AL and HARLEY MINTZ, founder and managing partner respectively, of MINTZ AND PARTNERS LIMITED, a Toronto-based accounting and business consulting firm.' 'Where's the E?', 'We have a lawyer now...Stop calling us'. c) Ms. Vivian Dimas: Executive Partner, Tel: 416-444-4060 Fax: 416-285-8969 Email: [email protected] Website: www.hrconnects.com 'I refuse to return phone calls-emails from these idiots.' d) Don Hallam: HE WON'T GIVE OUT ANY DETAILS OF HIS WHEREABOUTS. e) Sam Babe and Steven Graff...Aird and Berlis: Sponsor of 'The Dragons Den', Tel: (416) 865-7726 E-mail: [email protected] 'I am in charge now. You are not entitled to ANY information.' f) Tim and Tracey Lickman, Ellen Vriend and Keybiz Tactics Corporation (holding ATMs and transaction fees 'in trust for the Trustee'?): Welland, ON L3B1A1 Phone: (905) 735-9791 Email: [email protected] 'Trust me.' 'Want details...? Talk to my Lawyer' g) Larry Eggelton: C.F.O. HE WON'T GIVE OUT ANY DETAILS OF HIS WHEREABOUTS. 'Thats' not my signature...oops...how did you catch me?','Talk to my Lawyer' 11. Wouldn't it be GREAT if these individuals told THE TRUTH, in writing, so that the world could share, thus provide some transparency and get Ms. Denutte, Mr. Hermsen (AND OTHERS) some REAL Solutions. 12. What are you afraid of...'Trustee and Inspectors to the bankruptcy of Entrepreneur Expansion Corp.?' You are in charge! You have the power! You have the information! You have a fiduciary responsibility to the public to share that information! 13. Please provide Ms. Denutte some written responses! 14. Ms. Denutte. Until you can come to us and say you have contacted each and every one of these sources (do some work) and you are further in a position of KNOWLEDGE vs. IGNORANCE, where you can get us ALL written answers to our many questions...either seek professional help, or stop wasting Everyone's time, publicly or otherwise. 15. Ms. Nancy. Your solutions are in this response. We are waiting for YOUR Solutions, YOUR Directions and a YOUR REAL Action Plan that is NOT ILLEGAL to perform. 16. Neil. We are still here for you...working hard to create win-win solutions...and making some progress, one step at a time. 'Do what you can, with what you have, where you're at.' Henry Ford. 'If you think Education is expensive, you should try Ignorance.' The Late Learner EEC Creditors Union


Funny Bill Lougheed Told Me The Same Thing !

#3Consumer Comment

Wed, April 20, 2005

I would like to know what this resolution is and how much money Bill says he needs to educate and train you. He invited me to join him to the UK to check out the market conditions and find my machines. He is certainly using someone else's money now to do this. The investors think they have bought ATM's !! The joke is on them !


North Carolina,
An agreement has been reached for settlement

#4Author of original report

Wed, April 06, 2005

Mr. Lougheed of Entrepreneur Expansion Corp. has entered into an agreement to resolve the problems between us. We are curently implementing a process that will eliminate the shortfalls of EEC, most of which were a result of a less than honest former partner whom also cost Mr. Lougheed a great deal of time and money. The process isn't going to be cheap nor easy for Mr. Lougheed, but I am confident they will be resolved and I look forward to working with him. Neil


St. Catharines,
Business Solutions some of the locations where his equipment was placed went out of business.

#5REBUTTAL Individual responds

Wed, April 06, 2005

Neil Hermsen purchased several ATMs from our network of franchisees. Mr. Hermsen is correct in saying that some of the locations where his equipment was placed went out of business. Mr. Hermsen is further correct in saying that the Entrepreneur Expansion franchisee who sold him Mr. Hermsens' business has not replaced ALL of the locations that went out of business. Several "free replacements" and exchanges were provided to Mr. Hermsen and he accepted them, however there is still a shortfall of promises to Mr. Hermsen that has been addressed, but has yet to be implemented. There were several reconciliation errors reported by Mr. Hermsen and I believe they were adjusted to Mr. Hermsen's satisfaction at the time. I have also, personally, apologized to Mr. Hermsen for these errors and I have made arrangements to ensure these types of errors do not happen again. Businesses go bankrupt. This is not in Mr. Hermsens' control; however it is not in my control either. When people place their machines into a business that 1 - 3 years later goes out of business, it is prudent to have a budget and a reasonable expectation that 1st...this will happen and 2nd...this is in the budget to pay a sales person a commission to find another location and a service person to install it. I have provided Mr. Hermsen with what I believe are reasonable business solutions to settle his differences with the Entrepreneur Expansion network of franchisees and to settle our differences while moving forward as business partners, vs. "public enemies". Entrepreneur Expansion and our network of business partners intend to do the following to repair Mr. Hermsens' business: 1. Provide Mr. Hermsen with equipment in the US where he can more closely control the results. 2. Provide Mr. Hermsen with additional training and train his family how to properly run this business in his area. 3. Hire and train a sales rep and a service tech for Mr. Hermsen so he can operate the business in his area with confidence and more control over the events of his business. I beleive these are long term solutions, which will reduce the frustration Mr. Hermsen has experienced with his Enterprise business to date,. This solution will provide him more control, more information and direct contact and communication with the client relationships which make or break his business in his local area. There are a series of other offers that we have extended to Mr. Hermsen over the course of the next year, which we anticipate positive results to start by June, 2005 and to be completed within the year. Building a business takes time and patience and can be a painful thing sometimes, especially when starting out. I have reassured Mr. Hermsen that we will not leave him "high and dry" (nor I personally)and that there is a support team and a mechanism in place to help get his business back on its feet. I am encouraged by Mr. Hermsens' willingness to help fix and grow his business and I have promised to help where I can to implement all promises and monitor positive or negative results in the future. Our business solution, should it be implemented in full, will get Mr. Hermsen 100% of his money back, over time, and more, plus it will give Mr. Hermsen training and the ability to control his business, plus it will provide Mr. Hermsen with a business, that should he wish to sell it, may be worth in excess of one million dollars in less than 2 years.


North Carolina,
EEC also loses sites and won't replace them. More lies!

#6Author of original report

Thu, December 23, 2004

EEC claims their site contracts are for 5 years and will vigorously protect the investor. Another lie. They have lost 11 sites I paid for and have done nothing about it. One site was lost after 2 days. They also refuse to refund any money or find new sites. Another example of their scam.

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