  • Report:  #1068150

Complaint Review: Erick Kalmas - Culver City California

Reported By:
Gus - Tampa, Florida,

Erick Kalmas
8880 Carson St Culver City, 90232 California, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Report Attachments

I was contacted by Erick Kalmus about five years ago in reference to his abducted child Amy Kalmus. Erick had been married to a Japanese women and traveled to japan with her where his daughter was born. Shortly afterwards they seperated and devorced. Read his story line on CRN Japan web site.

During the last four years Erick Kalmus became interested in being an expert on japan child custody cases. My company, Zamora and Associates, assisted Erick Kalmus and several parents on their cases in Japan, as he referred them to us. As a result of out successful track record of child recoveries from Japan Erick listed us on the CRN Japan web site. Erick Kalums is the "web master", [email protected], orginizer and developer of the web site.

 Erick Kalmus began to insist  that we at Zamora and Associates list him as an expert on Japan child recovery casesand "bill him in on cases as a consultant". We felt that this would not be in the best interest of our japan clients as most families and left behind parents have little financial ability to recovery their children after excesseve legal cost in their child custody battles. The fact that CRN Japan was a non profit orgnization concerned uis as to the legal ramifications of hireing Erick Kalmus!

Over the last two years Erick began a relationship with another company, ABP World Group LTD, located in the country of Norway. We at Zamora and Associates knew of this company, established a relationship with the owner "Martin" and consulted with them on various cases. Erick Kalmus also established a relationship with the compny and owner.

last year we at Zamora and Associates hired Erick kalmus to design and host a new web site for our company. we were charged and paid Erick Kalmus $2500 to complete this task. That same week that we paid Erick Kalmus for the site he took his family on a vacation to Cabo San Lucas, Mexico. The site went up within week's however the content of the site concerened us. The site consisted of a "cut and paste" job from our previous site. Only the layout and design were different, the information was the same.  We insisted on Erick kalmus completeing the site, which he never did. After several months of dealing and argueing with Erick Kalmus we realized something was not right. We were given many excuses of sick family menbers, children in the hospital and personal health issues over the course of those several months.

During this time period we had several clients who had contacted us through news reports, TV programs and word of mouth. The web site that Erick Kalmus had was hosteing had not provided many, if any all, hits? We had several of our contact clients misteriously appear as new clients for ABP World Group LTD. We investigated our site and found that Erick Kalmus had "linked his own site to ours" and was speaking directly to our clients behind our back. Erick Kalmus accomplishe this by placeing an alternate e mail address onto our site, as the web site master. As a result all inquiries would go directly to Erick Kalmus! He was also diverting those clients to ABP World Group LTD and recieveing a finders fee from them.. ABP World Group LTD aslo appeared on the CRN Japan web site as "investigators. 

Upon further investigation by Zamora and Associates we discovered that Erick Kalmus had created and hosted atleast two pay pornographic web site's that also would take the visitor to other site's hosteing child pornography! Alarmed and disgusted by these dveelopments and revelations we ordered Erick Kalmus to stop hosting our web site and remove his link that he had placed on it. The link that Erick Kalmus placed on out site links was www.ParentalAbduction.net, at 805-244-5311. We called this number and Erick Kalmus answered the phone!

Erick kalmus charged us for a web site that he never completed. He clandestinely added an alternate e mail contact address to our site that would go directly to him and  by passing Zamora and Associates. Erick Kalmus then illigally conspired with ABP World Group LTD to divert our clients to their organization via a non profit organnization for personal monatary gain. Erick Kalmus is now listed on the internet directly to ABP World Group LTD and he has removed us, Zamora and Associates from the CRN Japan.net site. Erick kalmus reviews all potential left behind parents to ABP World Group LTD as a paid consultant and has traveled to various asian countries as a "paid contract employee of ABP World Group LTD. Our attempts to contacts ABP World Group LTD and speak to them about this situation only resulted in them remving us from their contact kist and no further communications. The Modus Operandi of ABP World Group LTD is to charge all clients/parents 30,000 euros, up from retainer fees, for a case evaluation. Once the funds are paid the client/Parent is given a price of anywhere from $150,000 t0 $250,000 dollars of which no client/parent can pay! Erick Kalmus is a paid associate of this organization!




Report Attachments

6 Updates & Rebuttals

Gustavo Zamora

Trying to repair my fathers Slander against your company

#2Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 17, 2017

From: Gustavo Zamora <[email protected]>

Sent: Wednesday, October 28, 2015 01:18

Subject: Zamora & Associates

To: Martin Waage <[email protected]>

Good Evening Mr. Waage,


My name is Gustavo Zamora III, and for the last eight years I have worked in the field of International Non-Custodial Parental Child Abduction Recovery along side my father, with whom you are familiar.


Let me begin by saying Mr. Waage, that both my father and myself regret our roles in the past several years online feud with you, which began over a Rip-off Report posted by my father in 2013.

Over the past year we have come to realize that these needless interactions have done little but fuel discontent among our companies, and only acted as a disservice to the greater good, which is our industry. It is in these regards that I would like to offer to you my most sincere apology, as well as that of my fathers. My father has also asked me to contact you in hopes of moving past the bad blood, and would also like to apologize to you man to man once he returns from work in Argentina. I am not going to pretend that you and he will become best friends out of this, or that trust will be formed over night; it is only my desire to move forward past the senseless and childish squabbles of the past few years, so that we may strive for something better, together.


As you may or may not know, several months ago I contacted our mutual friend Eric Kalmus to discuss a potential business venture between ABP World Group and Zamora & Associates. However after several days of attempts to address Mr. Kalmuses concerns regarding posts made online by my father regarding both Eric and yourself, Mr. Kamus informed me that we would be unable to move forwards with any kind of business together.  While Mr. Kalmus informed me that he is now your 50% partner and the head of ABP America, I have come to the conclusion that I may have done you a disservice by failing to bring this proposal to your direct attention.


I would like to offer you the opportunity to hire out both myself and my father for international field operations pertaining to Child Recovery. It is my intention that the foundation of this business venture be established on several key elements, described below:

  •         I would also like to bring into a contractual agreement that any successful work assigned to us by ABP World Group will be to your credit, and that the name  “Zamora & Associates” be withheld from any official credit taken for these successes. As contractors of your company, we will agree only to serve as field operators and not as entities of our own business. This will only add to your company’s international capabilities, and contribute to ABP World Groups success rate.

  •     For our services in child recovery, we will require a flat fee of $75k USD per operation, as well as expenses paid, for cases assigned to us by ABP.  We aim only to work as field operators; organizing routes, conducting surveillance, exits and physical movements of clients and children outside of countries of retention. We prefer not to deal with billing, collection, or client interaction beyond the conducting of field operations. With this in mind, ABP World Group will retain the ability to negotiate fees, as well as structure agreements, with clients without myself or my father having to be involved in these regards. This allows ABP to outsource their success and serve as an intermediary with limited physical threat or risk to your own company and personnel. Any other work, to include HRSO, document serving, personal protection, etc. can be negotiated with us upon request, or added to a structured contract we can produce upon acceptance of this agreement.
  • Finally, we would like to work with ABP and Eric Kalmus to remove all online narratives, which serve only to discredit and harm the other party. Because this endeavor will undoubtedly take time and money, we would be willing to negotiate these fees into our payments so that over time we can leave our Internet footprints clean of slander my father may have posted online.


Mr. Waage, I am fully aware of your reservations, as you and my father’s relationship has not necessarily been one of peace. As stated earlier, I am not interested in the two of you becoming friends. Instead, I seek only to combine the skills, resources, and successes of our companies into a single entity capable of extreme good for the sake of international abducted children everywhere.


I would also like to state that this proposal comes not out of need on the part of Zamora & Associates, but from awareness on my part that our companies have the potential to accomplish great things together. In today’s day and age, business mergers are incredibly commonplace, and it is my belief that should you agree to consider these possibilities, we can best serve the field and each other.  Moving forward, I would like to work with you to construct an agreement we both can be happy with.


Thank you for your time and consideration in these regards,




Gustavo Zamora III

CEO Zamora & Associates

International Security Consultants


Justice&nbsp; | EDITOR’S NOTE:&nbsp; Ripoff Report has no program in existence that contemplates removal of a Report for money

#3Author of original report

Sun, January 04, 2015

EDITOR’S NOTE:  Contrary to what the Rebuttal author speculates, Ripoff Report has no program in existence that contemplates removal of a Report for money.  The person’s speculations are inaccurate and shows a complete lack of misinformation/misunderstanding of how Ripoff Report operates.

 Consumers – if a business reaches out to you to try and resolve a problem, whether it be through postings on our website or other avenues, we encourage you to work with the business and work through the situation with fairness in mind.  Sometimes a resolution just cannot be reached and each party is entitled to his/her opinion about the situation.  We don’t condone businesses trying to take advantage of consumers – that’s why our website was started in the first place.  At the same time, we don’t condone consumers, other business competitors, or disgruntled ex-employees or partners trying to take advantage of businesses either. 


To All Parties:  Keep it calm.  Keep it honest.  Keep it fair. Do your research.


Ripoff Report Staff


lol, again we have a non exhistant person writing another fake report. this fake post was written by Andrew MacBain, Canadian, company name Pigeon Patrol. Outrageous claims made by the same person, who our company refused to help once we discovered that he has physically and phychologically abused his wife. we don't understand how Ripp Off report can continue to post these fake complaints or can it be that they charge you to have them removed later?


Zamora should do more jail for defrauding parents

#4Consumer Comment

Sat, January 03, 2015

I lost $240k due to Zamora fraud, I wish this person and his wife will be taken many years to jail soon. It's serious and it is a lack the US has not done anything yet, just check all the parents he disrespected, abused and defrauded, when you think this guy use interpol on a daily basis to report poor innocent people he defrauds. 



ABP World group - Martin Waage - Erick Kalmus

#5Author of original report

Mon, September 23, 2013

     Interesting that Martin Waage would say he does not know us. I have known Martin for three years and had spoken to him for  hours over the phone and SKYPE in reference to several cases. We can provide all comunicaciones  records to prove this! Erick Kalmus introduced us to Waage and it was through CRN that we all met. The majority of the cases that ABP reciever are thought CRN and Erick Kalmus, who reciever a commission and also travels on some of the cases for Waage.

      Waage states that we have been sued by several clients? Interesting since we have never set foot in any court, in any state or country for any law sute by any client? 

     We have the names and contact information for a left behind parent from Washington who traveled to Norway, where ABP and Waage (not an office but a computer in a private home in a small town) conduct their business out of. ABP recently changed their web site to list the UK as their location but it s actually Norway! She paid ABP / Waage 30,000 euros to travel to Dubai in order to help recover her abducted children. One week later she was quoted 250,000 USD for the recovery and had to leave Norway and return to the US without anyone ever traveling to Dubai. Martin Waage does not travel or conduct recovery cases but subcontracts cases out to others once e deposits is made into his account. We have several victoms of ABP who contacted them, paid out the 30-35,000 euros they demand to start their case only to be quoted amounts in the hundreds of thousands dollars, which no parent can afford! Erick Kalmus and The children's Rights Network are the middle man in the US for ABP. Martin Waage told me personally that he gets his fees up front and then if the parent cannot pay for their case to move forward then that is their problem not his! Ths is the way ABP conducts business and 

    As for a dodgy case in Mexco , Waage refers to, Zamora & Associates recovered that child with a Mexican Federal court order, several federal police officers, three lawyers and a private Mexican security company! Dodgy, not hardly. 

   Anyone who contacts ABP will be required to pay an upfront fee of 30-35,000 euros for what they call a innitally case review and advance. Waage will claim to have planes, boats, new passports, special forces operators and world wide contacts. He will let a week pass and then give his quote in the hundred thousand plus range, without ever leaveing Norway.

    In Mexico we contacted the security company that ABP claimed to be associated with and were told that they did not have any relationship with ABP or Waage and did not know them or had ever conducted business with them? 

    Anyone who s interested can contact us and we will give them the names and contact information of several parents who were scared by ABP and Waage in the last three years.




ABP World Group - Martin Waage - Con man

#6Author of original report

Sun, August 25, 2013

 Very interesting that Martin Waage has crawled out from under the rock where he hids in Norway. First of all I have known Martin Waage for over three years. I was contacted by ABP world group in desperation to one of their cases, in Austria, where Martin Waage was asking Zamora and Associates for a helacoptor pilot contact, in 2011. I was contacted by Martin Waage several times over the next two years to consult on various cases where they had little to no idea as to how to conduct a recovery.

  Martin claims that we have been sued by several clients? If this were true we would not have recently returned from Asia and our 65th successful international child recovery. Anyone can post anything on the internet, proving what they claim is simply a matter of demanding that proof and verifying it! We have and can provide phone logs and SKYPE logs to prove that Martin Waage had constant communications with Zamora and Associates untill we discovered their fraud.

  Once Zamora and Associates confronted Erick Kalmus of the Japan Childrens Rights network, about his illigally adding a link to our web site and passing clients on to ABP world group , ABP world group blocked Zamora and Associates from their SKYPE account, refused to answer any calls fom us and changed their web site information to claim that they were located in the UK, when in reality they are located in Norway? Martin Waage is a liar and a rat who used a corruptable stooge, Eric Kalmus, to infiltrate our site and divert our clients and pass parents on to ABP world group from the Japan Children Rights network web site, that Eric Kalmus host and manages!

   Zamora and Associates also has the names and contact informatioin of cases where ABP world group charged the clients/parent an average of 35K euros to take their case and perform a case evaluation, only to come back and quote them prices in the 150,000 to 250,000 dollar range, making it impossible for the clients to finance and as a result ABP keeping the innitial payment. This is the modus operandi of ABP world group! We can provide anyone interested, in the truth, the name and contact information for a women from Washington DC who flew to Norway, met with Martin Waage,was placed in a hotel, told that Special forces operators were traveling to Dubi in order to find her daughter and organize a recovery. Within a week Martin Waage, who does not travel or go on any cases but rather subcontracts them out to othes, quoted her $250,000 for a recovery of her child, knowing that she could never pay this amount. She returned to the USA pennyless and was never provided with any proof that any person or persons ever traveled to Dubi on her case!

   Zamora and Associates can also provide anyone interested with the name and contact information of a German Father, who contacted The Japan Childrens Rights Network, spoke and discussed his case with Eric Kalmus, for several weeks, only to be passed on to ABP World Group and Martin Waage. Martin Waage quoted the father $250,000 for a recovery! This father could in no way pay this amount and his clile remained in Japan.

  ABP World group and Martin Waage did provide Zamora and Associates with contact information of a security company in Mexico City, who they claimed could assist us with an aircraft. Zamora and Associates had an on going case in Mexico City. We contacted that company and were told that they did not know Martin Waage or ABP World group? Two weeks later with a Mexican Federal cour order, 12 Mexican Federal police officers and two lawyers, Zamora and Associates conducted the recovery of a child, with our client and escorted them out of Mexico and back to the USA. Yes, a very dodgy case indeed as Martin Waage stated?

   In short it is true, that it is left to everyone to make their own decisions and conclusions as Martin Waage stated. The fact is that ABP world Group has a very dismal tract record of recovery and an extensive record of chargeing clients an average of 35K euros or about $49,000 and then quoting them amounts that no normal parent can pay!

   Eric Kalmus is an agent for ABP. He was sent on a case in Taiwan and another in Japan in 2013 by ABP World Group and was paid for his services! Those two case came directly from the Japan Childrens Rights Network. Eric Kalmus continues to refers cases from The Japan Childrens Rights Network/Non profit organization to ABP for profit. Anyone interested in this information can contact me at [email protected] and they can speak directly to the victim parents themselves.

   ABP worl Group also tells all the parents that contact them that they can provide aircraft, boats, special forces operators, false passports and travel documents for any recovery anywhere in the world? They specifically ask for their "case evaulation and advance work" funds up front. Later they quote the parent out of the ballpark and move on to the next parent! Beware of these people. If it sounds too good to be true it is not. 

ABP World Group Ltd.

Guz Zamora - a funny guy

#7REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sat, August 24, 2013

Gus Zamora is well known for his slander towards established and reputable companies, so this "report" does not come as a surprise.

I recommend that Gustavo (Gus) first learns to write or at least stay sober when he writes such serious accusations and slanderous comments, as Eric Kalmus name appears in 3 different and wrong versions in this "rip-off report".

Guz has earlier been sued by many of his earlier clients- I wonder why? Eric Kalmus does not work for ABP World Group and we have not received one single client from Mr. Kalmus.

As a result, we have no reason to mistrust Eric or his intentions; we know for sure that he has helped several parents in the past. All of the accusations in the report fall to provide solid evidence of anything that Gus has mentioned in the report. Guz have our contact info, but he`s never been in contact with us, after we refused to help him with a plane for a dodgy recovery in Mexico.

We choose not to comment this to any further extent. Anyone who wants to know who we are, and if we can be trusted- can at any time contact us to get references. It is a well known fact that we are highly recommended by several organisations for left behind parents. You can also visit our website to read the testimonials. We find it odd that a company as specialized as our, has no other negative comments during our 12 years of providing successful recovery operations and other services. We therefore leave it to each and everyone to make their own conclusions.


Martin Waage


ABP World Group Ltd.

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