  • Report:  #1307187

Complaint Review: Erie Police County Department - Erie Pennsylvania

Reported By:
Mike19867 - Erie, Pennsylvania, USA

Erie Police County Department
626 State St Erie, 16501 Pennsylvania, USA
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Report Attachments

I was traveling from my brothers house cause I recently dropped off house hold items he needed. I was traveling to another location of a friend to do the same. I was traveling east on 12th street. I reached parade on 12th, i was going north. In the time i was at the light and pressed my foot on my accelerator, it had became stuck. There was an officer parked at the vacant gas station, I did notice the officer as soon as I reached the light. My tires did squeek a little, I didnt go above 30 mph, I maintained my uncontrolable car, as I was trying to unstick the peddle. In that time i get on parade heading north he pulls behind me and hits the lights. I put signal on turn right and instantly pull over. I tur off my car and put the keys in my cup holder. I exit the vechile with hands rasied asking the officer, why was he pullin me over...The officer refused to tell me why he had done so. We went back and forth , at one point I said that he was the devil and our lord jesus christ isour savior. I have the riht to practice my freesom of speech and religion. My rights protect me, so I did exercise them. I did at the time have my lisence to carry. So yes I did have my pistol holstered and never drew it.After I had hands rasied he notices my gun in my holster and my knife on my hip. He screams gun, draws his weapon on me, and tells me to surrender basically. He also called for immediate back up. Back up arrived about 5 of them ,they all drew their guns on me when I never opposed any threat nor made any psychical threat or verbal threat. I felt very threatened and fear for my life for I didnt know why these officers drew their weapons ....after i have finally submitted i got on my knees...put my hands on my head and was instantly tackled to the ground. Now mind you thisthe eniire neighborhood was watching and recording via cell phones...no one stood up and did anything. So after I was tackled o the ground...cuffed I managed to get up from them ssualting me on the ground. After I rose to my feet cuffed behind my back...no more than 3feet from me.. I had an officer look me square inthe eyes and say and I quote Im going to f****** kill you, then throws a sucker punch riht in my mouth. It split the inside of my mouth open...Im crying to the people around me recording watching....doing nothing....i they were walking me back to te SUV iwas blediig from my mout spitting it everywhere to show them the people and officers what he had just done. So I finally reched the SUV they throw me into the body of the car...I litghtly bounce my head off the window cause I was upset what they did they assualted me right in public right in front of the entire neighood ....i then get in the car and they proceed to mock me and my belifiefs in my religion....i then start spitting the blood from my mouth in the cruiser to show them they spilt innocent blood. After that thye take me down to the statin and proceed to humulate me and take about my beliefs..if I could speak other languages or if I spoke in tongues....after that they searched me....the officer padding me down had karate chopped me in my grion 3x....after they had searched me and booked me they put me in a holding cell....in that time I had became more aware of my surroundings than ever....i instantly became hot and took off my clothes....i had searched the cell, for somethin didnt feel right...I found a bag that contained cocaine in it...i lightly picked up the bag exaimined it held it up to the camera and said yep this is coke and flushed it asap. In this time I had to use the bathroom so I did and used my socks to wipe cause they wouldnt give me any toliet paper. Officers brought people in the holding cells ...i asked what was going on in my case..they said and I quote were trying to build a case against you and your going to the big house....I replied why I had did nothing wrong to anyone...I was the victim not you. After that I began to cry cause I knew I was being set up for unknown reasons...so I started to pray out loud to GOD to hear my cries tht maybe he could save me...in that time a LT. came down and talked to me...said he wasnt going to release me back in the public..because he felt that I was unsafe...this his an opinion not facts...so he had called crisis services and had an elavuation done...for what...? I didnt need help I wasnt meantally sick, I was seeing a private doctor treated and cured. So why did I need an elvalation..? The organization whom did the evale was Crisis Service Center located on West 12th Erie PA authorized by Lorrie L and driven by lies litreally lies from Ryan Mullers mouth. I spoke with Ryan Muller and told him who I felt about the world and that I know what the world actallys lloks like becasue GOD helped me see. I am firm believer of christ and no one t=can take that away. So he then Mr. Muller proceed to make false claims and fabricate a story in which I still have. He lied to me saying that i was being 302 for unknow reasons he wouldntexplaine...he said the 302 was court order and it was a warrantad the juf=dge had signed it and sealed it.. I demanded that I see this doc and the seal..he refused to provid that information. So I was removed from he holding cell hours later and taken by EPD down to St. Vincents triage unit. They asked me serval question and I provided the truth..they refuse to let me repoty my injuires which police had done to me..they said and I quote nothing is wrong with you...then why is my mouth cut why where my testicals and p***s bruised...? while in the care of St Vincents i was litrally behinding held against my own will I complied and did everything they said.. i had no issues they only kept me for 72 hours....in that time of my visit i had went to group and signed in...i saw blood on the door floor pen and sign in sheet. I had to sign in and touch the door...I became in contact with blood bourne pathogenos and recieved a serious staph infection in my mouth b=do to the laseraion the cop did ...as soon as I got out of the hospital..i was trying to locate my car...i couldnt find it police had illegally searched and seized my property..my mother even couldnt find my car...she eventually got it located and parked it...so when i got to my car.. i ad noticed everything was gone thought panels were rippd off things werent in proper place...everything in my car was locked in my tunk...why is this...after i had gotmy car..the officer said once i get out of te hospital i could getmy items back they took...i didnt even know they took other itmes from my car until i got my car back...so i went down the the police station and asked for my property back...they said ok...came out with the things they took. and i still have the list...they said i didnt come in with a pistol...I said what,,? what do you mean..how can you have my hostiler a box of ammo and knife yot ook from my center console ad not have the weapon that was in my hostler which was on my hip...? i told the officer that i will get him the paper work of my pistol and provide him with pictres...he then filed a form which i still have and immeadly foud it hmmm...?he then said that i couldnt have my itmes back until my charges were done and over with....i then proceeded to file citizen comlaints...tying to hold these cops accountable for their crimes andmanipulation they have done to me....i filed 13 complaints and made docements of videos of my progress on to gt mislead by the officers i nthe staion.I then had set up a meeting with an INspector named Fisher and Donald Dacus...they proceeded to laughed me and mocked me saying that viewed the videos and no officer assuated me and or none of what i was saying even ever happened...i had demanded to see the videos and then repiles what videos...he basiclly said to me Mr Merriam if there is anything i can do i will do it...his exact words... I told him well I want all those officers to be held accountable he said thats not going happen...i said then well make this go away....i then procced to just ask for peace and for them to remove these charges becasue they are bougus and they need to remove the unlawful and unconstitutional 302 crisis service had done...he said this isnt in my power...so i ended the meeting and then proceeded to file more complaints and video my progress .....lawyers wouldnt take my case in pursue of a civil rights law suite or just to represent me for their criminal charges...i can give many reason why..for onesaid it invovles police so NO. The other gave me the honest to god truth..he said he didnt want to be blacked balled and or killed threthened followed home etc...si u havebeen struggling since day one with this issue and i havent given up hope and now just reached the director of crisis service to get these 302s turned back around. Kindly get back to me with your input and I will be fie other reports including one for Crisis Service Center. St. Vicnets Millcreek Hospital Erie County Sheriffs Office Erie County Couthouse i will beng filing all these reports soon.


Thank You and God Bless

Michael Merriam

Report Attachments

3 Updates & Rebuttals


Yet again...

#2General Comment

Tue, May 24, 2016

 Yet again, YOU are assuming that YOUR RIGHTS are above EVERYONE ELSE!!!! TYPICAL SLACKER THINKING!!!Everyone has the SAME RIGHTS!!!! Meaning that YOU are discounting the rights of the police officer to NOT have thier life put in danger by a simple traffic stop. STOP trying to place YOUR RIGHTS above EVERYTHING!!! Rights CAN be enforced, IF YOU HAVE PROOF OF WRONG DOING!!!! You provide NONE!!! Only a tale of woe and some sloppy pictures. If YOU PERSONALLY do NOT have actual proof of them violating YOUR RIGHTS then IT DIDNT HAPPEN!!! Its just an accusation. YOU say it DID happen, THEY say it DID NOT!!!! You get the justice YOU EARN!!! If it did happen then PROVIDE SOME PROOF!!!! For all the web knows YOU ran into a door and thought "Wow how can I make some money on this?" and then SAY the police caused YOU damage and violated your rights. Without PROOF its a baseless accusation. If as many ppl were there using THEIR devices to tape YOUR traffic stop then GET PROOF FROM THEM!!!! Then atleast YOU will get the justice YOU desire. With that evidence you will be able to hold them accountable for thier actions. Its as simple as posting some fliers at the location of your traffic stop asking for video proof of thier wrong doing. IF you had a case a lawyer would JUMP on a high media case like police abuse. I HIGHLY doubt ANY lawyer told YOU that they were afraid of being blackballed or killed. Lawyers and Police work in two ENTIRELY different areas of the justice system. A Lawyer has GREATER contact with Judges and District Attorneys. Meaning that IF a police officer tried to do anything to them, well Im sure YOU can figure out that they are protected. Get proof or all YOU are doing is potentially causing YOURSELF legal problems. THEY can sue YOU for just what YOU have WILLINGLY posted without proof. Its called defamation and it has a HEFTY price tag if they win. At that point YOU are using YOUR RIGHT to cause damages to ANOTHER CITIZENS RIGHTS!!! Having RIGHTS and using them responsibly is something we ALL must do.

need to edit

#3Author of original report

Mon, May 23, 2016

 Their is truth here and yes I was a victim...you always can't assume. If you have nothing nice to say, just go back to sleep. And rights yeah we have them....


No where....

#4General Comment

Mon, May 23, 2016

 Well I will say this much, YOU play the victim VERY WELL!!! Sorry but I dont buy the load of crap you are selling. YOU make it sound like EVERYTHING that has happend to YOU has been EVERYONE ELSES FAULT!!!! REALITY doesnt work that way. If YOU act crazy when the cops pull you over then they are going to RIGHTLY ASSUME youre nuts. No where in your post do you take ANY responsibility for YOUR ACTIONS!!!! No, instead of admitting that YOU are NOT the best upstanding citizen out there, YOU go on a online RANT that was very hard to read. EVERYTHING in your post points to YOU!!! Spin it however you like, it doesnt change REALITY!!!! Get over it, you get the justice YOU EARN!!! Maybe they were excessive in thier responses to YOU, but that only means that people who have to deal with the messed up, cracked out, psychotic citizens found YOUR behaviour to be extreme. STOP trying to play the victim, it doesnt look pretty on you. YOU look like some failed gang banger by the pictures YOU POSTED!!!! So HOW were YOU expecting to be treated when you look as you do?? YOU have open tats, YOU kinda look like a meth head or a crack head and YOU were carrying a weapon. Then YOU step out of the vehicle, in DIRECT violation of what the police need YOU to do. Then YOU go spouting your religous beliefs. Guess what!!! YOU DID THIS TO YOURSELF!!!!! You cant act "crazy" and act aggressive and expect to walk away with a warning. With as long as the television show "COPS" has been on the air, one would expect that YOU would understand that YOU do not exit your vehicle WITHOUT BEING INSTRUCTED TO DO SO!!!!! When YOU get pulled over it is NOT like hanging with your freinds. YOU MUST act right when dealing with the police. It IS NOT about your rights. By THAT time, your rights have been suspended!!Police have a VERY difficult job and they REALLY dont need someone like YOU to make accusations with NO PROOF other then what YOU SAY happend. If you have indeed been abused and your rights trampled on IN PUBLIC then im sure you can get one of those MANY ppl who took video of the incident to give YOU a copy of it. THERE is your proof, NOT some half readable RANT about the pity poor YOU that YOU expect everyone to believe.

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