  • Report:  #405741

Complaint Review: ESBI Enhanced Billing - Internet

Reported By:
- Palmdale, California,

ESBI Enhanced Billing
www.usprise.com Internet, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
My name is Amanda and I am 18, I use the computer for multiple things. But when I woke up to find my mom yelling at me about a new unrecognized bill on our at&t account for $12.95 I was furious. I immediatly picked up the phone to contact these people, I questioned them about this bill and where they found me.

They proceeded to tell me that I went to the internet site and signed up for the service. They asked me for my name and all of my information and within minutes I had the representative apologizing and reading me a cancelation confromation number, reasuring me the money will be refunded on the next at&t phone bill. But I wanted something so much more, I want justice.

I did my homework went to google and typed in ESBI, not even a minute later more than 35,000 search results came up. I clicked on the first site saying specifically this.... "Bogus ESBI charges on Verizon phone bill **SCAM** - Topix." After reading on an on about the numerous amount of indivduals being "scammed" I knew this was no mistake.

I continued to call ESBI back and say i do not wish to speak to anyone except a supervisor. After being on hold for 5 minutes or more a woman came on the phone saying who she was and asked what my problem was. I told her very clearly I was irate that some company can find me on the internet and not only have my informtion without me knowing, but speak for me and sign me up for this service, even to my own phone company who are suppossed to be trustworthy.

I then called at&t and spoke to a representative to tell her my situation. She proceeded to say that she was sorry and that it wont happen again, I told her I understand your sorry but what kind of company allows this kind of stuff to go on and not to even try to contact me for a confromation before billing me? To put it in easy terms, she basically said well this company is not stupid they tell the phone company they have talked to you personally and said it was okay.

That was the last straw, this is only my first step to try to bring these people down. I have contacted a lawyer I have done my research on this company and found out I am only one out of a million victims. I wasn't going to file this report because I now do not trust putting any personal information over the internet, but i know my story can help victims in the future. If you are a victim from this company, do not sit back and let them keep scamming innocent people. It is fraud. They need to go to jail. They need to get shut down. This needs to stop. It might be only $20 but its not worth loosing your identity or risking that they might foward your information to other scam artists!!!! Lets take them down!!!!!


Palmdale, California


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