  • Report:  #304739

Complaint Review: Expedite Solutions - Indianapolis Indiana

Reported By:
- Detroit, Michigan,

Expedite Solutions
3617 E. Raymond St. Indianapolis, 46203 Indiana, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Even though we were not one of the teams contacted to write something positive about Expedite, we still have a few things to get off our chest.

1) It is true that you do not see a contract until after you have completed training. We do believe that if more people read that the first day, they would not sign it. As it is, you get it after training and if you choose to walk after that, you must still pay for ALL the training, per the contract. This could be changed to cut down on many drivers feeling they were taken advantage of.

2) We have never had a problem getting our equiptment fixed. However, we were told during training and it is written in the contract that all work done must be approved prior to going to a shop. The times we have had trouble iwith our equipment was generally fixed in a timely manner. However, WE do not think that a team should have to pay for fuel to drive all the way to Indianapolis to get tires fixed. When we brought this up we were told that it was "just a business expense we would have to absorb, sorry."

3) The training is one thing, but actual business practices are another. That is the major problem with the company. There has been a lack of consistency from day one. The only reasons we are even aware of is that DRIVERS TALK. For instance, in training we are told that if you get a load that takes you out of the primary area, Expedite will pay up to half of the cost of fuel to get you back in it and that is the advantage of working for such a large fleet. However, when push came to shove that was not always the case. WE DID NOT HAVE THIS PROBLEM when we first started, but began to hear from other teams that it would be better to just stay in the primary and not take the risk. Is this true or not? Call some of the teams, even the more POSITIVE ones and see what they tell you.

4) Then, there is the ever famous, "Why can we never get paid on time?" (or, at all?) Most of us still do not have the answer to this question. Well there is an answer, but we will not say it. You just have to ask yourself. How long does it take for an owner to get paid? All of these RUMORS and QUESTIONS float around TRUCK STOPS daily when people see our truck. Even teams that we have never met before seem to have a bad feeling.

5) Also, there is the case of money. We cannot lie, the more you work, the more you make. We ran into a team that did not understand some of the 55mph and fuel conservation taught at Expedite, but the teacher who did such a great job teaching that is no longer there. I would say that if you have questions about how to be more efficient, talk to other drivers. No offense to them, but most of the people in the office have not been on the road, there are MANY ways to make your dollar stretch. We were able to keep our home just by the grace of God and I tell you it was b/c we budget and make our pennies cry! But yes, there is great money in this business. Note: the money is never good when freight slows down.

What we tell teams, after all of us share our stories and cry about our contract is, bottom line, we have all signed a contract with Expedite Solutions. We also tell the teams no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be, do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse. Neither us, the other teams, nor Expedite Solutions can change what is. All you can hope for at the end of the day is that you did right by the people you run for, and that the company does right by you We believe you reap what you sow.

Futhermore, wecan honestly say that even though we would NEVER under ANY circumstances sign another contract with Expedite Solutions, I reallly do hope that the company can work through whatever it seems to be dealing with now. Not just for the sake of the owner and the families of his employees, but also for the sake of the drivers.


Detroit, Michigan


9 Updates & Rebuttals


Definately dishonest

#2Consumer Comment

Mon, September 22, 2008

I definately agree that Expedite Solutions misrepresents themselves. I was interested in working for ES as an employee driver. I was hoping to make a little more money than what ES offered. My partner and i knew it would be rough, but we could have survived on what Stephanie promised. So we accepted the offer and set up for orientation. Before leaving for orientation, we stumbled upon this site and a couple other sites that had several postings about Expedite Solutions, not many good. We debated and decided to give Stephanie and ES the benefit of the doubt. As Stephanie explained that there were a few independant contractors whom were unable to budget their finances correctly and blamed ES for their short comings. Driving to Indianapolis was a good trip. The directions that ES sent were -simple too read and follow. We thought thast was a good sign considering the company we both worked for prior couldnt guide a trucker out of a wet paper bag!! We arrived at the house, which left alot to be disired. Enough said. We got to ES offices on time Thursday morning met Charles, the instructor, and the other couple who were "hired" to drive for ES. Charles introduced the four of us "employees" to the company and explained what we would be doing for our 2 day orientation. We took a lunch break then met Stephanie. Stephanie told us how we would get paid. She then explained that ES was a business and had expenses and also needed to make a profit. (well Duh) She was sure that we could understand that. Then She passed out a couple examples of a driver settlement. One on the low end and ne on the high end. She couldnt guaruntee what our settlements would look like. She very quickly explained the deductions, then quickly took the reports back saying she was not allowed to let us keep them. (they did not contain anyones personal info) My partner kept his so we could look at it closer later that evening. Stephanie went very quickly when talking about the deductions and didnt offer a chance for us to ask questions. She was sure that we understood that the company needed to make a profit. Which I do understand. What Stephanie did not understand was that drivers need to make money as well. If a driver questions Stephanie, she instantly becomes a b***h, stateing that we should set a budget and stick to it and to not expect her to pay our way. OK basically the dishonesty was basically not disclosing that employees were responsible for tolls not ES, not disclosing that employees would be charged 25.00 per driver per week for administrative fees, not disclosing the mandatory Savings plan 50.00 per driver per week up to 5,000.00 and they keep 37% of your per diem and they don't guaruntee any amount of money. If you have no bills and dont care about making money. If you don't have a home to go to then this is the job for you. Other wise forget it...cause Stephanie owns you. And she does not care about anything more than her paycheck. I am sure that I am leaving something out, any questions post them here I will be checking back often.


Quit! Get Out! Run!

#3UPDATE EX-employee responds

Mon, September 08, 2008

Things DO NOT get 10 times worse when you quit ES. They get 10 times better. You can find an owner that will give you 40%. We Did!! Now we get a pay check!! Our owner pays for fuel and all up keep. All we pay each week is $51.50 for insurance.


A contract that is not legal by law is not enforceable.

#4UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sun, February 03, 2008

I beleive the point my wife is trynig to make is for all of you drivers out there that feel you have to stay with Expedite Solutions because of this contract they are holding over your head, basically forcing drivers to stay with them. It does not appear Expedite Solutions IS really a legal school. You might want to check them out. A contract that is not legal by law is not enforceable. Expedite Solutions files suit in Indianappolis banking that the drivers will not show up for court and they will win a judgement by default.


A Simple Legal Point And Some Sound Advice...

#5Consumer Comment

Sat, February 02, 2008

If you sign a contract, and any of the terms are not illegal in the state in which it is signed, then you are bound to it by law. However, as I am reading the above, people are not coerced into signing it until AFTER training? If this is the case, and if anyone decides to refuse to sign it at that point, no one is bound to pay for a thing. You are only bound after the time it is signed by both parties. Any effort to collect anything on an unsigned contract is not enforceable, and anyone who may have paid a thing under these circumstances can most certainly sue to get it returned to them. There are a few legitimate companies out here that will train drivers, do it honestly and under more comfortable circumstances. This one is not one of those companies. I urge anyone reading this, and considering entering into an arrangement of any kind where a contract for a commitment of service in exchange for training is involved, to request up-front, that a blank copy of all documents of a contractual nature that you will be required to sign if you accept the arrangement, be faxed or emailed to you long before you commit, so that you can read it/them thoroughly. Any company unwilling to do this, is most likely not one worth a second glance. Those that refuse this simple request know that doing so will give people time to understand beforehand just how bad a deal they are offering, will expose the dishonesty that may have been a part of recruiting you to them, and/or they are afraid of the legal ramifications that could come their way if the contract were scrutinized for it's legality. If your request is denied because of "proprietary concerns", you will know immediately that the offer is a complete rip-off. The only "proprietary concern" in play is that they don't want to lose the fish by exposing the hook under the bait before you bite. Never expect any company involved in he trucking industry to be honest, or that you are protected by any laws that cover most any other employee. You aren't, and it is why companies like this are allowed to thrive, until they are unable to draw interest any longer, once the word gets out on them.


"you reap what you sow"

#6UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 02, 2008

"We also tell the teams no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be, do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse." I think this statement right here says it all! "no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be" ! The situations of most, if not all, of Expedite Solutions drivers is bad! As for "do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse."! Not necessarily, check Indiana law on driving shools. http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T01400/A00040.PDF. It appears to me we all may have a class action against Expedite Solutions? It is required by Indiana law that all persons teaching for compensation in a driving school weather it is in the classroom or behind the wheel be licensed by the state of Indiana to teach. (4) "Instructor" means: (A) A person weather acting for himself or herself as operator of a commercial driver training school or for any such school for compensation, who: (i) teaches (ii) conducts classes of (iii) gives demonstrations to; or (iiii) supervises practices of; persons learning to operate or driver motor vehicles or preparing to take an examination for a drivers license; and (B) Any person who supervises the work of any other such instructor. Sc 13 (a) No person shall give commercial driver training instruction for compensation or act as a commercial driver training instructor unless he or she: (1) Holds a valid, current commercial driver training instructor license issued by the commissioner and; (2) is employed by a licensed driver training school. This section does not apply to any full-time teachers in an accredited high shcool, college or university who has among his or her duties the teaching of driver's educations except when employed as an instructor in a commercial driving school as set for in the Act and these rules and regulations. When my husband attended this 'school' the only certified instructor was Shelby, (maybe, I know she is a state examiner, don't know about teacher) however, Adam, Stephnie, Kyle, Jason, and Chad all were 'teaching' there little spills. Chad took Keith, Bonnie and Gary driving! He is not a certified instructor? Adam, not a certified instructor, Stephnie, nope, not a certified instructor, Kyle, don't remember him having any certificate displayed in plain veiw, my guess, nope, not a certified instructor. Jason, ahhh yes, he was teaching the 30 minutes of mechanics of it', oh yes, they were 'training' him to teach! Nope, guess he wasn't a certified instructor. So people look up the laws on that 'driving school' you are being charged thousands of dollarsfor! See if it really qualifies as a 'school' or is it just a few people who decide, geez, we could make a lot of money if we call this a school and charge people for 'training'! wow, we could also scam them out of their earnings, get them to quit, and charge them even more. Wow what a deal! I am just a lay person but by reading the laws even I can see violation after violation if the school is licensed as a 'school'. Of course I do not remember seeing the school's certification that is suppose to be in plain veiw for all students to see. Might of been there, but if it was I certainly missed it. The only thing I remember seeing posted was the letter and post card saying how wonderful Expedite Solutions was sent by 'Charles and his wife'. Keiths date of school was Oct 2006, he was trained in a 2000 babycat Freightliner, with over 700,000 mile on it, let see I believe the law reads: "Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have a current Indiana registration plate and be a recent model with not more than (5) years having lapsed from the date of purchase. As used in this subsection, "date of purchase" means the date of purchase listed upon the certificate of title that was received from the application using the manufacturer's certificate of Origin. Oh yes, what about: Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have the additional equippment as follows: (1) One (1) extra operable foot brake (note) EXTRA not 1 period) (2) One (1) rearveiw mirror placed on the inside of the vehicle (3) Two (2) outside mirrors (1) on each side of truck. (well at least this was right) (4) Cushions for the proper seating of students when necessary. (b) Every training vehicle being operated by a student must be conspicuously marked and visible from all four (4) sides of the training vehicle. (c) Every training vehicle must be clean and in good working condition. (we were told these vehicles were training vehicles because they were not fit to be on the road) (d) The school vehicle identification certificate issued by the commissioner must be carried in the vehicle at all times while instructions are being given. Any of you remember having a 'training' vehicle that meet these requirements? Ours didn't. Indiana law states the 'school' must be no less then 16 day or more than 120 day. Keith started the 2nd of October and ended the 13th of Oct. that is 11 days, 5 days shy of the duration required by Indiana state law. These are only a few of the issues I am seeing that do not support Expedite Solutions charging my husband 7995.00 for a class B CDL. Again, I will state I am not a lawyer, I am a lay person, however things certainly appear shady to me.


"you reap what you sow"

#7UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 02, 2008

"We also tell the teams no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be, do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse." I think this statement right here says it all! "no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be" ! The situations of most, if not all, of Expedite Solutions drivers is bad! As for "do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse."! Not necessarily, check Indiana law on driving shools. http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T01400/A00040.PDF. It appears to me we all may have a class action against Expedite Solutions? It is required by Indiana law that all persons teaching for compensation in a driving school weather it is in the classroom or behind the wheel be licensed by the state of Indiana to teach. (4) "Instructor" means: (A) A person weather acting for himself or herself as operator of a commercial driver training school or for any such school for compensation, who: (i) teaches (ii) conducts classes of (iii) gives demonstrations to; or (iiii) supervises practices of; persons learning to operate or driver motor vehicles or preparing to take an examination for a drivers license; and (B) Any person who supervises the work of any other such instructor. Sc 13 (a) No person shall give commercial driver training instruction for compensation or act as a commercial driver training instructor unless he or she: (1) Holds a valid, current commercial driver training instructor license issued by the commissioner and; (2) is employed by a licensed driver training school. This section does not apply to any full-time teachers in an accredited high shcool, college or university who has among his or her duties the teaching of driver's educations except when employed as an instructor in a commercial driving school as set for in the Act and these rules and regulations. When my husband attended this 'school' the only certified instructor was Shelby, (maybe, I know she is a state examiner, don't know about teacher) however, Adam, Stephnie, Kyle, Jason, and Chad all were 'teaching' there little spills. Chad took Keith, Bonnie and Gary driving! He is not a certified instructor? Adam, not a certified instructor, Stephnie, nope, not a certified instructor, Kyle, don't remember him having any certificate displayed in plain veiw, my guess, nope, not a certified instructor. Jason, ahhh yes, he was teaching the 30 minutes of mechanics of it', oh yes, they were 'training' him to teach! Nope, guess he wasn't a certified instructor. So people look up the laws on that 'driving school' you are being charged thousands of dollarsfor! See if it really qualifies as a 'school' or is it just a few people who decide, geez, we could make a lot of money if we call this a school and charge people for 'training'! wow, we could also scam them out of their earnings, get them to quit, and charge them even more. Wow what a deal! I am just a lay person but by reading the laws even I can see violation after violation if the school is licensed as a 'school'. Of course I do not remember seeing the school's certification that is suppose to be in plain veiw for all students to see. Might of been there, but if it was I certainly missed it. The only thing I remember seeing posted was the letter and post card saying how wonderful Expedite Solutions was sent by 'Charles and his wife'. Keiths date of school was Oct 2006, he was trained in a 2000 babycat Freightliner, with over 700,000 mile on it, let see I believe the law reads: "Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have a current Indiana registration plate and be a recent model with not more than (5) years having lapsed from the date of purchase. As used in this subsection, "date of purchase" means the date of purchase listed upon the certificate of title that was received from the application using the manufacturer's certificate of Origin. Oh yes, what about: Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have the additional equippment as follows: (1) One (1) extra operable foot brake (note) EXTRA not 1 period) (2) One (1) rearveiw mirror placed on the inside of the vehicle (3) Two (2) outside mirrors (1) on each side of truck. (well at least this was right) (4) Cushions for the proper seating of students when necessary. (b) Every training vehicle being operated by a student must be conspicuously marked and visible from all four (4) sides of the training vehicle. (c) Every training vehicle must be clean and in good working condition. (we were told these vehicles were training vehicles because they were not fit to be on the road) (d) The school vehicle identification certificate issued by the commissioner must be carried in the vehicle at all times while instructions are being given. Any of you remember having a 'training' vehicle that meet these requirements? Ours didn't. Indiana law states the 'school' must be no less then 16 day or more than 120 day. Keith started the 2nd of October and ended the 13th of Oct. that is 11 days, 5 days shy of the duration required by Indiana state law. These are only a few of the issues I am seeing that do not support Expedite Solutions charging my husband 7995.00 for a class B CDL. Again, I will state I am not a lawyer, I am a lay person, however things certainly appear shady to me.


"you reap what you sow"

#8UPDATE EX-employee responds

Sat, February 02, 2008

"We also tell the teams no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be, do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse." I think this statement right here says it all! "no matter how bad you current situation with Expedite may be" ! The situations of most, if not all, of Expedite Solutions drivers is bad! As for "do not under any circumstances, quit or the situation will get 10 times worse."! Not necessarily, check Indiana law on driving shools. http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T01400/A00040.PDF. It appears to me we all may have a class action against Expedite Solutions? It is required by Indiana law that all persons teaching for compensation in a driving school weather it is in the classroom or behind the wheel be licensed by the state of Indiana to teach. (4) "Instructor" means: (A) A person weather acting for himself or herself as operator of a commercial driver training school or for any such school for compensation, who: (i) teaches (ii) conducts classes of (iii) gives demonstrations to; or (iiii) supervises practices of; persons learning to operate or driver motor vehicles or preparing to take an examination for a drivers license; and (B) Any person who supervises the work of any other such instructor. Sc 13 (a) No person shall give commercial driver training instruction for compensation or act as a commercial driver training instructor unless he or she: (1) Holds a valid, current commercial driver training instructor license issued by the commissioner and; (2) is employed by a licensed driver training school. This section does not apply to any full-time teachers in an accredited high shcool, college or university who has among his or her duties the teaching of driver's educations except when employed as an instructor in a commercial driving school as set for in the Act and these rules and regulations. When my husband attended this 'school' the only certified instructor was Shelby, (maybe, I know she is a state examiner, don't know about teacher) however, Adam, Stephnie, Kyle, Jason, and Chad all were 'teaching' there little spills. Chad took Keith, Bonnie and Gary driving! He is not a certified instructor? Adam, not a certified instructor, Stephnie, nope, not a certified instructor, Kyle, don't remember him having any certificate displayed in plain veiw, my guess, nope, not a certified instructor. Jason, ahhh yes, he was teaching the 30 minutes of mechanics of it', oh yes, they were 'training' him to teach! Nope, guess he wasn't a certified instructor. So people look up the laws on that 'driving school' you are being charged thousands of dollarsfor! See if it really qualifies as a 'school' or is it just a few people who decide, geez, we could make a lot of money if we call this a school and charge people for 'training'! wow, we could also scam them out of their earnings, get them to quit, and charge them even more. Wow what a deal! I am just a lay person but by reading the laws even I can see violation after violation if the school is licensed as a 'school'. Of course I do not remember seeing the school's certification that is suppose to be in plain veiw for all students to see. Might of been there, but if it was I certainly missed it. The only thing I remember seeing posted was the letter and post card saying how wonderful Expedite Solutions was sent by 'Charles and his wife'. Keiths date of school was Oct 2006, he was trained in a 2000 babycat Freightliner, with over 700,000 mile on it, let see I believe the law reads: "Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have a current Indiana registration plate and be a recent model with not more than (5) years having lapsed from the date of purchase. As used in this subsection, "date of purchase" means the date of purchase listed upon the certificate of title that was received from the application using the manufacturer's certificate of Origin. Oh yes, what about: Every motor vehicle used for commercial driver training must have the additional equippment as follows: (1) One (1) extra operable foot brake (note) EXTRA not 1 period) (2) One (1) rearveiw mirror placed on the inside of the vehicle (3) Two (2) outside mirrors (1) on each side of truck. (well at least this was right) (4) Cushions for the proper seating of students when necessary. (b) Every training vehicle being operated by a student must be conspicuously marked and visible from all four (4) sides of the training vehicle. (c) Every training vehicle must be clean and in good working condition. (we were told these vehicles were training vehicles because they were not fit to be on the road) (d) The school vehicle identification certificate issued by the commissioner must be carried in the vehicle at all times while instructions are being given. Any of you remember having a 'training' vehicle that meet these requirements? Ours didn't. Indiana law states the 'school' must be no less then 16 day or more than 120 day. Keith started the 2nd of October and ended the 13th of Oct. that is 11 days, 5 days shy of the duration required by Indiana state law. These are only a few of the issues I am seeing that do not support Expedite Solutions charging my husband 7995.00 for a class B CDL. Again, I will state I am not a lawyer, I am a lay person, however things certainly appear shady to me.


The more you make

#9UPDATE EX-employee responds

Fri, February 01, 2008

To go with something written by annoymous, the more you make the more they take, REGARDLESS. Als we never had ant fuel paid for by ES wether in a good service area or outside the service area, we were told oh well wait and see what happens.



#10UPDATE EX-employee responds

Thu, January 31, 2008

http://www.in.gov/legislative/iac/T01400/A00040.PDF THOUGH I WOULD LOOK UP THE INDIANA LAW ON DRIVING SCHOOLS. JUST BRIEFING THROUGH INDIANA LAW, APPEARS EXPEDITE SOLUTIONS MISSED THESE LAWS. 140 IAC 4-1-2 (7) (D) (3) (A) 140 IAC 4-1-2 (7) (6) 140 IAC 4-1-5 (4) 140 IAC 4-1-5 (7) 140 IAC 4-1-8 (3) 140 IAC 4-1-9 (1) (C) 140 IAC 4-1-9 (2) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (A) (5) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (A) (1) (1) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (2) (1) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (4) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (4) (B) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (4) (C) 140 IAC 4-1-11 (4) (D) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (1) (A) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (1) (C) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (1) (E) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (1) (G) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (1) (J) 140 IAC 4-1-12 (2) 140 IAC 4-1-13 (A) (1) 140 IAC 4-1-13 (8) (5) (B) 140 IAC 4-1-14 (2) (B) 140 IAC 4-1-14 (2) (G)

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