  • Report:  #1279149

Complaint Review: Fathomless Inc - New york New York

Reported By:
JobSearcher - New Jersey, USA

Fathomless Inc
40 Exchange Place suite 600 New york, 10005 New York, USA
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

 Fathomless Inc, despite its rediculous name is a rip off. They promise groth and progression which is possible, but in the recruitment prices will lie through their teeth. This is a door to door or street job. They will bait you with an interview and promise a base salary, that is false. There is no base it is 100% commission. Nilda is the new owner she was promoted by some guy from Scotland who is illegally in the country and using tax evasion to gain money through his own company Wallace Morgan.

If your a man, go for it she will probably sleep with you if it will make her a gain, women you'll probably lose your man. If you dont have money to take on a 100% comission job walk away. If you have the money and want to be intertwined in a culture of people who have failed in all other aspects of their life and want to find success then go for it. Either way, the name Fathomless is ridiculous and participating in this company will either bring you to bankruptcy it bankrupt you. My honest opinion is walk away with your head held high, otherwise when you get I you walk away with your testicles removed and nothing to show for it.

2 Updates & Rebuttals


Jersey city ,
New Jersey,
Fair point

#2Consumer Comment

Sun, April 17, 2016

 What you have written has more then a fair point, but consider the desired audience. It is not NYU educated students, it is people who are targeted by these companies and have nothing to call upon while blindly applying for jobs . Those who get sold the dream and are considered sold for their desperation and desire to escape poverty. I write to them, there is no easy way out. This is a multi level marketing scam. Run. Away. Your response in reference to the comments about the owner are fair, anger and bitterness come with a large pill to swollow, perhaps she will repent some day for the sins she has committed against others. Until then it is fair to say someday her family, friends and aquantences will view her for what she is. Until then watch your back, trust is something to be earned. This post isn't written for you NYU. It's written for all the other who relate to the latter and walk away because of.

Reader of Proof

New Yawk,
Why this matters...

#3General Comment

Thu, January 28, 2016

Before I begin, let me first explain. This is in no way, shape or form meant to be insulting or condescending. If there's a point where you're feeling "not so great" please see it all the way through. 


I did receive an email from this company regarding an interview. I'm not at all sure how or why this happened, but I'm a sport. No harm in a little friendly research, right? I can't figure out why the company name is Fathomless, but I'll admit, I liked the name. Somewhat cutting edge ad certainly mysterious. I'm not easily sold so for me to take this beyond "delete" was a good start. So, I *tap tu tap tap tap* the name in, and off we go.....

There were three sites for me to click before I saw the fourth, which was yours. You answered the exact question I had. Is this one of those screwy clipboard chasing the quickest rats in the race? The people who eat up precious minutes that could make me miss a ferry I seem to always be running to get anyway? The clipboard people who believe that I'm going to go ahead and give my card number to because they're holding that d**n clipboard. But started the conversation by saying something complimentary about my hair, which very closely resembles Calvin of Calvin and Hobbex, and yet still, I take the bait?


Here's my reason for writing. Your complaint is valid. It answered the question I really wanted an answer to that I was never gonna get from bouncy, bubbly, far too chipper and happy by ANYONE'S standards, 19 year old art major from NYU who Had never left Kentucky her whole life, but you did and I appreciate it. The problem is that right out of the starting gate, there are pretty simple errors that can and will subtract from your opinion, making it sound like a critique from someone who is simple minded, therefore burned by a company she probably wasn't qualified for because reading and writing is fundamentally not this complainants strong suit. Also, the sex geared comments made about the owner/manager totally diminish your credibility because it's merely an unnecessary dig meant to insult. We all know what it's like to be burned by someone and and let loose with curses that weren't even invented yet, because the hundreds we already have are not enough to cover how utterly vile this person is. If you absorb this next little snippet of information and make it a part of your every day life, I promise, personally and professionally, you will see drastic changes on how much smoother life is. 


If you are enraged, livid, aggravated, agitated, pissed (don't use pissed haha), just flat out angry, program your phones timer to 25 (not 24) hours. If after 25 hours you are still using the same complaints, write it down and let someone you respect read it. Not so much a friend who has your back, and in an instant would be willing to cut this person because they accidentally spilled coffee on you. That's the friend that shows up with the shovel and the tarp and cheers you on while writing personal, sexual digs. I mean someone who is not afraid to give an opinion and wants nothing but the best for you. Even if you use an alias, there are still ways to figure out who wrote it. The likelihood that someone would do that is very slim, yes. But just in case, make sure you ask yourself before you hit "send" that you're ok being attached to these words forever. 

You answered my questions and that's EXACTLY why I'm writing this. In one hand, I was relieved I didn't schedule an interview and the next thing I know I'm offering free tickets to a comedy show or a travel size pouch with Paul Mitchell hair products - willing to whisper to every fifth person who stops, that I think they're special and that's why they're getting both. Give them a good wink, a solid head nod and a slow moving finger raised up to the pucker, duck lips and quietly give a,"sssssshhhhhhh...that's between us." You saved what would have  been wasted time. I was helped by you. This is why I want to help you now. First of all, eliminate the "steal your man" stuff because it makes you look like a bitter person who showed up to an interview with her boyfriend (I'm not saying that's what happened. I'm saying it's what I'm thinking because of those digs.) Use your spell and grammar check tools before you hit send. 

You had a strong and possibly valid opinion of this company, and it's your right to file a formal complaint. Don't muddy the waters with personal attacks. We're all human and make mistakes. I can almost guarantee that you'll find some of my errors as well. I stopped my whole day because I felt very strongly that this was a negative  experience for you. These mistakes will tell some pompous ninny that you were fired because you behaved in life, the way you wrote this complaint. 


I don't know you from a can of paint, but I feel very strongly about this experience being very bad for you. You've earned the right to get it off your chest. Copy and paste it to a document and check the spelling and grammar, get rid of personal attacks on the owner. Sure, it might hurt HER feelings, but the other readers see bitterness. Paste this corrected document...and get rid of the one I just took 4758 hours of my life to respond to. Never answer angry....25 hours until you reach. I promise you'll thank me later for this!

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