  • Report:  #257417

Complaint Review: Fifth Third Bank - Elyria Ohio

Reported By:
- New London, Ohio,

Fifth Third Bank
53.com Elyria, 44035 Ohio, U.S.A.
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Okay I am starting to understand this new system, but some advice to fifth third bank make sure your empolyees understand it so they can explain it to the customers correctly. When it first started out I did'nt ever get the same or correct answer so I just started figuring it myself.

But about a week ago I new I was going to get a fee for 99.00 had check come out that should have come out a month ago. (that's another story)

So my husband went to one of those loan places. We had to get a loan to cover the 99.00 which was in my error and I totally understand and will take to fee.

But when my husband went to make the deposit the bank had already close at 5:28 so he went to go through the drive threw well that was closed as well. So he had to drive around the building again and went threw the ATM and he completed his tracastion at 5:31 I keep the receipt.

Now if you deposit cash before the end of the day it will hit your account right away. Trust me I have done it before. And have been told by bank managers if your pending states you are overdrawn before it acctually hits your account and you deposit cas you not get a fee. VERY TRUE.

The reason I bring that up is because I acutally called the bank were my husband tried to make the deposit in sheffield village in ohio. And spoke with the bank manager Nick and he asked me why I was calling I said because of a fee and he said well I can't even reserve to fee that desicion is made by another person which was not there. I said can you just look at my account.

So I went on the tell him because you closed your bank early I got a 231.00 Fee. He said he was there that day and closed the door himself. Then we wouldn't let me talk and talked over me. Telling me that I would have gotten I fee anyway because you swiped your card that weekend. I tried to tell him that no I wouldnt have because if you deposit CASH by monday (which sat and monday are the same bisness day) then it will hit your account right away.

Then he tells me well I can't do anything about it because your opened your account in the Avon branch and they are the only ones you have the "power" to reserve fees on your account. I told him I know that but you are the reason that I got the fee. So you need to call them and tell them what you did and tell them to reseve it. Well no Then he went right back to tell me I would have gotten I fee anyway. Now this is coming from a Bank MANAGER who doesn't even know how the system works. That's sad.

So I called the Avon branch spoke with Sue the bank manager there she was nice about it and SHE told me that I WOULDN'T have gotten a fee if the deposit went in that day. UMM She then told me she couldn't reserve the fee and to mail a letter to her bank and she would give it to her manager which ened up being in elyria where I work. So did one better I faxed it. You all know mailing thing will take forever.

I faxed the letter on Wed and missed a call from Sandy in Elyria on friday tried to call her right back of course got the voicemail. In her message she told me she would call me on monday. Well stupid me I beleveied her and she never called. So I called on Tues left a message she never called me back. Then I look at my account on Wed and was overdrawn again 132.00 because she never called me to help and reserve the fees. So I called her until I got answer.

She went on the tell me that she spoke with the bank manager nick at the sheffied office and he looked at the tape and stated that my husband was there 40 seconds before 5:30 and he already closed the doors. So I cut her off and said so he did close EARLY. She didn't even respond to that and went right into well do to your past overdraft history I said that has nothing to do with the fact that your bank closed early I don't care if it was 10 seconds early. Then she told me that he goes by a wall clock not the computer clock. Now why in the hell would you do that since you can set the wall clock to anytime you want and the computer clock is set by the world clock.

Then she said well I will meet you have way and reserve 115.50 to your account I said okay and did end the conversation. Then I spoke to my husband told him what happened and he was not happy and after I thought about since I was getting a 132.00 fee on top of the 231.00 fee reservsing 115.50 really was not putting me in the plus. So my husband called her and she told him that she would look at the tape and gt back to him. Which will probably take another week. I will keep undating this. But I HATE fifth third bank and everyone that works their.

Don't ever go there for everything. Because like everyone else on here when it is their fault some how they turn it around on you. Well I am not going to stand for it and I am in the process if switching banks. The only thing is that I have a mortage with them and it's my first I don't know how the switch it over. Anyone have any good ideas.


New London, Ohio


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4 Updates & Rebuttals


Whoa, Amanda

#2Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 29, 2007

Before you start getting all out of sorts, I DID used to run up overdrafts CONSTANTLY until I started working at the bank and learned how to balance my checkbook. I have not had an overdraft now in 7 years. You stated that the initial reason the bank did not want to refund your overdraft fees was due to your overdraft history. So according to the bank and you yourself, you have run up overdrafts in the past. That is not balancing a checkbook. We locked our doors 5 min early as a safety precaution to our employees. We did not CLOSE the bank early. You know, one of the companies I used to work for had a timeclock that was off by 3 minutes according to what my cell phone displayed. Our staff was told that they had to go by the timeclock and that was upheld in court. The bank uses computers and not all computers run on this world clock you are talking about. Time can be set in each individual computer. Mine used to drive me nuts because it was 4 minutes slow. I would bet your refund of the fees is a one time "courtesy reversal". I would not look for the bank to refund fees to you again.


New York,
It takes all kinds

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, June 29, 2007

I used to work in the banking industry. I was reading your report and I think that you have some nerve to state that people who work in the banking industry are high and mighty ppl think their like famous ppl because they get to play with your money. You got to be kidding me. What does being famous and working in the bank have to do with each other?? That is like me stating that you work in a doctors office and everyone who works in the doctors office are slow and lazy because when we go to an doctors appointment, the appointment almost never starts on time. I understand that the bank closed early, maybe the clock they had was off, or how about the clock that your husband used was off. You and your husband had all day to come to the bank but you waited until the last minute. Also you stated that "Note to anyone else you really shouln't be putting a comment on here unless you have also had a overdraft fee or else you have no room to talk!!!" I hate to break the news to you, but this is a forum. When you post things in a forum people are going to respond and you may not like what is being said to you, but this is something that you should expect. If you do not like this, then maybe next time you should think twice about putting something out on the internet for the world to see. I also think that Nick is full of bs. If he wanted to, I am sure that he could of reversed the fee for you instead of having you go to another branch. I am sure that he has the ability to use a GL to pull the funds out of. If he did not know the number, he could of called the accounting department to get it. Nick just sounds very lazy to me.


New London,

#4Author of original report

Thu, June 28, 2007

Well daneille first let me tell you that I will take full fault for fees in the past, but I went the extra mile for the fact if you state that your bank is open until 5:30 then you better be there until 5:30. If you did used to close your bank 5 min early then you weren't doing your job. My husband did not want 30 seconds before they closed he was there awhole 2 min before 5:30 and it was just confirmed by a bank manager. She reviewed the tape and found that my husband was there at 5:28 and that the manager closed early. So she will be refunding my fees. I work at a doctors office and we never never never close early we are a service just like the bank. It's all about costumer service and I think that alot of ppl will agree with me that no bank that you will ever go to has great customer service. There all high and mighty ppl think their like famous ppl because they get to play with your money. I do balance my check book very well thank you very much. Note to anyone else you really shouln't be putting a comment on here unless you have also had a overdraft fee or else you have no room to talk!!!


Advice, Amanda...

#5Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 28, 2007

The first thing that will help you stay in the black would be to balance your checkbook better. It sounds like you probably live paycheck to paycheck and according to the bank have run up overdraft fees before. Having had managed a bank in the past, I can tell you that people who consistently overdraft will have a very hard time getting any fees reversed. Second thing-if in fact the cash deposit post is true, you should feel lucky. Most banks today will charge you an overdraft for a pending transaction. So that means if you swipe your card on Saturday and the money is not in your account, you will incur an overdraft charge whether or not you deposit cash first thing on Monday. Banking has changed-banks go by the day that you swipe, not the business day that the transaction occurs. Third-Why did your husband wait until 30 seconds before the bank closed before going to make the deposit? If it was that important that the deposit be made, he should have been there waaaay before bank closing. We used to lock our doors 5 minutes before closing, so that we had time to process the last of our customers. Fourth-If you need money deposited immediately-do not deposit at an ATM. Most banks today will put a 2 day hold on anything deposited in an ATM. You are better off waiting until the next morning to deposit cash. Perhaps you and your husband should see a financial counselor who can help you manage your finances better. You are wasting hundreds of dollars on payday loans/overdraft fees. Good luck to you both in the future.

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