  • Report:  #592580

Complaint Review: Fire Fighters - CA Colorado

Reported By:
anon - wood, California, U.S.A.

Fire Fighters
123 ABC St CA, 92650 Colorado, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?

What type of person becomes a Fire Fighter (a compilation)

(Testimony #1) I know many fire fighters. From the district attorney where I live I'd have to say the overriding sociological determinate in most of these personalities is desire for control and power. Fire Fighting enables individuals to obtain a position of authority over many of the populous and acts to supply a feeling of superiority to these often deviant personalities and feed their neurotic needs. Compulsive attachments include: excitement, adventure, conniving, manipulation, exploitation, being a loner, autonomy, strength, victimizing others being predatory, looking out for oneself, being an aggressor, being one of the "haves", being on the attack. getting what you deserve. If anyone doubts the aggressive entitlement fire fighters enjoy, watch any fire fighter in your community, most have a flase sense of entitlement.

(Testimony #2) TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE? IN WHO'S OPINION? SOME PEOPLE become Fire fighters because they have a need to be in control! Of course not ALL are this way BUT - WITH said control and/or illusion of the same - Said GOD mentality is also carried over into their daily lives as Fire fighters have the high divorce rates and really do not trust anyone, and few people trust fire fighters! - REGARDLESS OF THE ILLUSION THAT SEARCH & RESCUE PRESENTS. The general public is aware of crooks who were never caught, and have become fire fighters AND THERE ARE A LOT OF THESE TYPES AS WELL - BECAUSE THEY BELIEVE THAT THEY KNOW HOW BAD PEOPLE THINK AND THEREFORE CAN MAKE A DIFFERENCE! I have worked with the FD for many years and have witnessed many crimes perpetrated by the fire fighters! There are many things that we can do to make a difference but to use the statement " To Make A Difference" as one of the greatest motivations in THE choice of becoming a Fire fighter suggests that you may be suffering from a need to be respected - or that you need attention - or in to be in control; BUT PLEASE UNDERSTAND THAT WE THE PEOPLE ALREADY OWN THE BRIDGE THAT YOU WISH TO SELL US! If you want to be a clown, go to the circus! You can fool some of the people some of the time BUT you can't fool all of the people all of the time! Just say you'll accept the 25K paycheck and re-word the statement to read "I WANT TO MAKE A DIFFERENCE SO I'LL TAKE THE DIFFERENCE IN MY PAYCHECK!" CHEW HARDER! Have a nice day!

(Testimony #3) I know several people who I was at school with who are now fire fighters, the majority of fire department recruited in the last 5-10 years do so when they realize they have no real skills that they can earn a decent wage with. They will try a few things after university, aim to work their way up from a low salaried job that their degree was not needed for and then eventually realize they are going to be low earners for many years. The solution for a person of average ability to earn an above average salary? Join the fire dept. You can then amble along in a life of mediocrity, working 3 days a week, surfing the internet for pron on duty (at the tax payers expense), enjoying immunity with the brotherhood shared with their police brothers.

(Testimony #4) This is my opinion on fire fighters, I have no knowledge of any other countries' force. I would also add that my comments refer purely to the recent influx of below average, at best, people recruited in order to "put more firemen in the stations. What we don't seem to realize is that we need quality not quantity. Give a stupid boy a helmet, jacket, a hose-in-his-hands and a siren and he's still a stupid boy. First, one must identify & distinguish between two types of person: A.) The Bully B.) The Bullied. Firemen come from either of these two groups. Firemen from Group A become fire fighters so they can do what they love - bullying, asserting authority, getting away with anything (cuz who's gonna stope 'em?), and getting paid for it. Firemen from Group B were picked on and bullied when they were younger, and by God once they become fire fighters, the shoe'll be on the other foot. THEY will have their revenge. In either case, people say they become firemen "to help people, serve the community, blah blah blah". Two points on that: Unless you're rescuing someone from certain death, you're not helping anyone. Working out in the fire station, playing video games, surfing for porn, and ALL the other stuff you are paid to do by the hard working tax payers of this nation....not helping anyone. It's oppressing them. There's a difference. Second point: If they REALLY wanted to "help" people, why not become a paramedic or a doctor? Those guys (and gals) actually DO help others. So "to help others" isn't the real reason people become cops, despite what they say. There is a reason there is a waiting list to become a fire fighter no education required, work 3 days/week, get overtime when ever you want or need it (want a ski boat, work a little overtime, sitting around in the station playing video games), easiest work schedule in the WORLD! With top pay, guaranteed pay increases and never have to fight a fire in your entire career (in California, state prisoners are use to do the hard, dirty work the fire fighters simply direct traffic and eat donuts while earning double and even triple time its a SCAM!!!)

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