  • Report:  #964919

Complaint Review: flippa.com - Internet

Reported By:
Joe - Surrey, British Columbia, Canada

Internet, United States of America
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Just thought I would like to share my recent experience with flippa and explain in my opinion why it is such a crap website. I developed a website and put it up for sale on flippa.com I was getting lots of bids. Over 60 bids. The auction ended and the winning bidder never paid for the site. So I emailed flippa support team and they allowed me to relist the website. Fair enough.

So I relisted the website for sale and started getting a lot of bids again. For the second time, the listing ended with a winning bid. 

As I was awaiting for the winner of the auction to pay (he never did pay by the way), I noticed some punk from India completely copied my website, cloned it and put it on another domain name and put it up for sale on flippa.

Naturally I was very pissed off so I sent a message to this thief telling him that I would come to his house and beat him up. Obviously I would never do that, it was just a message in the moment, not to mention I have no idea where the person really lives.

So while waiting for a payment from the second auction sale of which the buyer actually never did pay, I got banned! Can you believe that?

What flippa.com should of done was look at the thiefs posting which I reported, and ban him instantly, yet I got banned for my bad message. I do agree I should of not sent that message, but under the circumstances it was justified. I put a lot of work into developing such a website and to only find that it got copied and stolen and flippa doesnt give a d**n it is up for sale on their website.

So some grunt gets to sell my website on flippa, then I get banned. I am out $200 in listing fees and 2 weeks wasted time.

Screw you flippa.com

So here is where it gets even more fun:

I posted this exact complaint on warriorforum.com and guess what? Flippa.com all of a sudden becomes really nice and decides I was right and re-instates my account. Then weirdly the posting on warriorforum.com gets removed from their moderators. Looks like they don't like free speech themselves either.

So now I have been re-instated. I repost my site for sale and notice another seller copied my site. I sent him a polite message telling him to remove the site for sale or I will contact his web host to have the site removed. Those were not my exact words, but something along those lines. So I just got banned again! What a ripoff flippa is. Im still out $200 and have asked for a full refund, and have gotten no response from them. So I am now posting this to see if this will get their attention. I intend to file a lawsuit against them amongst posting this ad in 100's of forums if I do not get the right result that is fair and just. I have a lot of time on my hands to do just this. I am just a small guy against a big lion, but someone has to take a stand.

Below is an excerpt from the initial first ban when I got re-instated. I am putting this here because conveniently warriorforum.com deleted this posting. These are the comments in reply to my original posting. As for my second banning, I have yet to receive a reply:


Here is the message that has just been posted:
That's a bummer dude.

First job would be to send a DCMA takedown notice to the hosting company of the offending site, have at look at the Who is.

When this is done email Flippa and ask them to reconsider (a) reinstating your account and (b) relisting your site for free, if you don't get a result, consult a lawyer to see what further action if any you can take.

good luck
Here is the message that has just been posted:
Something similar hapens with me months ago...forget about it, it? my advice

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hopefully they will..   I had a few times situation when buyer never paid for the site, and they relisted my site for free after I filed a dispute..  They were pretty fast and ok with me..  I'm sure you'll get positive response from them now, just don't threat with beating any more :)

Best of luck

Here is the message that has just been posted:
did you get an email regarding the reason why they did that to you? seeing myself in your shoes, urgh..... i'm gonna track that devil and make him pay for what he did.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
What I did do is open another account so I could post a comment on his listing and he has deleted 49 times or so. I just keep posting it. I can file complaints, but at the end of the day it will probably get me nowwhere. A guy like that needs to be keylogged or something to really take him down and unfortunately I am not expert in this so I hope to here something from flippa. You think I should send flippa the link to this thread so they can sell all the positive publicity they are getting, lol ?

Here is the message that has just been posted:
You're assuming it will get you nowhere. That's really not the point.The point is to put heat on Flippa. It's not about making it right with you and the lost site or getting banned. I find it very unusual that Flippa would ignore this. If nobody ever files official complaints over things like this, then it will never stop. Enough complaints will cause a reaction. File the complaints and then call the offices to follow up. Be a squeaky wheel, they're the ones that get attention.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Also, you can find where that other person's servers are hosted. File a DMCA with the dedicated server hosting. If in the US, write or call the states' attorney general's office for consumer protection. All states have this office.

Avoid going public with this and saying things online and at social media about this. Even if true, don't slander Flippa in public. Be professional about it, and probably stop posting comments on the other person's auction. Take screen shots of the auction, your site, "his" site with the domain name, etc. And find out where he registered the domain and contact them about this. Be methodical and professional - you'll get results.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
It's amazing what some people will do. I am an avid Flippa member and I too would be po'd if Flippa were to ban me instead of the thief. By all means, you need to file the complaints as described in earlier posts. Stand firm and make an example of what happens to those who steal. Just remember......the thief may have won the fight for the moment...but you WILL win the WAR!!! How??? By making a public display of his dishonesty and what a low-life he really is. Best wishes for justice my friend!!!

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hi guys, Tim here from Flippa.com.

I can report that I've been working through both user's issues. However, when a user goes around repeatedly threatening a user and publishing their home address we are required to step in. Even if the other user is dodgy they don't deserve to have their personal information thrown around the place for any Joe or Jane on the web to find.

Joe has had his Flippa account restored and I'm still working with the other user to ensure they don't post anything like that again on Flippa.

If any of you have any questions on this issue, shoot.

Have a good weekend guys,


Here is the message that has just been posted:
Oh Great. Warrior Form is really great. Congratulations. Your post here, and your email about your post here in WF, helped you. Great man. If not Flippa would have just ignored you. You did a great stuff by posting the details here. Flippa knows any negativity in WF is going to effect their business. This is a great example to go by.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
I don't think they're backlogged.

They are aware of this because you were banned. Something caused them to ban you.

Do you think they're unaware of two identical sites listed for auction? There was a brief period when there were two identical sites listed. Now, quite conveniently there's only one.

No, they're not unaware. They know what's going on, and it's highly unusual. I would post my opinion about what may possibly be going on, but I think it's not a good idea. It's not hard to figure out, though...

You've given them long enough to address this, IMO.

Here is the message that has just been posted:
Hey Tim @ Flippa... you should lift this guy's ban.. the person who started this thread.

Do the right thing and let him list his site again. Or lift the ban and refund his money.

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