  • Report:  #181066

Complaint Review: Florida Metropolitan University - Tampa Bay Florida

Reported By:
- Tampa, Florida,

Florida Metropolitan University
3319 West Hillsborough Avenue Tampa Bay, 33614-5801 Florida, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
I'm pretty sure you are well aware of the current law suit against FMU by former and current students regarding their falsification of accreditation status, and corruption regarding grading.

This complaint is directly related to both. I began attending FMU in the fall of 1998, at their Tampa Campus off of Hillsborough Avenue. I attended this campus for Commercial Art until around 2000 or so before switching to the much closer Brandon campus. I attended the Brandon Campus from the spring of 2000 to the spring of 2003.

From 1998 to around the spring of 2003 I was laboring under the lie that my FMU credits could transfer to any state or private college / university in the United States.

I was told this directly by multiple admission reps, academic advisors, and FMU deans, professors, and staff.

Infact when I would sign up for new classes at the end of each quarter, I would make a point to ask which classes to take that would better aid me in getting into the University of Miami. The FMU employee would always show me which courses would save me time when I transferred to Miami U, turns out these were always the most expensive courses. Also this was all a lie, Miami U. does not nor has ever accepted any type of FMU credit. This is b/c FMU is not accredited, they basically made up their own accreditation board to aid in their dishonest practices.

In the spring of 2003 I attempted to transfer my credits to the University of Miami, which was a life time goal of mine to attend.

The University of Miami reps basically laughed at me when I told them I wanted to transfer my credits, and informed me that FMU was screwing me over and that "They are not a real college".

I then frantically called FMU spoke with an Advisor, and told them of this, they at first did not understand what I was saying and said "Yes Miami accepts our credits", and went into their sales routine. They were obviously confused and thought that I was inquiring about what courses transfer, I.E. unaware that I had found them out.

I then interrupted the advisor and said I'm currently going to FMU and explained that I just tried to transfer credits to Miami. I was immediately put on hold for about 30 minutes. Finally a gentleman got on the phone, he did not say his name and refused to identify himself, he stated that he was sorry to hear of my problem, and tried as hard as he could to back peddle. Well things got heated and I demanded to speak to the head of advising and or the dean. He refused repeatedly and shortly there after hung up.

I tried calling back and getting straight answers for the rest of the day but was either kept on terminal hold or hung up on "Accidentally" by FMU advisors, staff, and faculty.

I continued attempting to contact FMU, including physically stopping by on eight separate occasions over the next 2 months. When I stopped by the advisor I sat down with refused to discuss the problem and asked me to leave the occurred 4 times, the other 4 times I attempted to meet the Dean or the Head Advisor and was not allowed to talk to them even though I could visibly see that they were not busy nor meeting with students.

In addition to fraud FMU is guilty of rigging grades, and not following through with thier promises as a insitution for working adults. Upon entering FMU I notified them that I can not attend day time classes and have to attend night courses. I also let them know that I do not get off of work until 6:00 PM, when classes were set to begin. FMU said that this was okay and that I would recieve special status because of this. I.E. my grades would not be impacted by showing up late. I was told this by at least a dozen advisors.

Well turns out that the faculty did not get the memo, I failed dozens of courses thanks to the fact that I was not allowed to take some tests b/c I had arrived late. Heck some courses even failed me b/c I had showed up 30 minutes late b/c of work.

My mutiple complaints about both of these fraudulent actions by FMU fell upon deaf ears.

Around the spring of 2003 I began to seek out legal representation, and came across the on going FMU Class Action suit being handled by Clark & Martino, P.A. out of Tampa.

I contacted them immediately explained what had happened and shortly there after joined the mile long list of former & current FMU students.

At the moment we are still in the process of taking this matter before a court of law, as can be expected FMU is throwing every legal trick they can at us, including the kitchen sink. This is delaying any settlement I may get, and has caused me to run through my allotted different time with Sallie Mae Servicing. The company handling my loans.

I refuse to pay for these loans in anyway, shape or form. This stance of mine has begun to severely impact my credit score and quality of life.

I will also be submitting a similar complaint against FMU - Tampa Campus, and a separate complaint against Sallie Mae Servicing. The BBB can expect these complaints filed by today.

Thank you,


Tampa, Florida

22 Updates & Rebuttals


Cape Canaveral,
FMU is Not Regionally Accredited

#2Consumer Suggestion

Thu, January 18, 2007

Kevin is 100% correct on his assessment of FMU. For example, The State University of New York (SUNY) is regionally accredited by the Middle States Association of Colleges and Schools. The University of Miami is regionally accredited by the Southern Association of Colleges and Schools. There are only six regional accrediting organizations in the U.S. recognized by the U.S. Department of Education. I can assure everyone that FMU is not accredited by any one of them and not regionally accredited. What happens is that credits from FMU are not transferable to any of these institutions. I have a friend that went to FMU, receiving an AS degree. She attempted to transfer to SUNY and they would not accept ANY credits. She started at FMU thinking she would get a BS and then go to law school. There is not a law school in this country, accepted by the American Bar Association (ABA), that will ever accept a degree from FMU. My friend was lied to and outright deceived by counselors at FMU in Orlando. She is a part of the class action suit that Kevin speakes of. The bottom line - and I'm sorry Kevin - is that your time spent was completely wasted as well as money received from student loans to pay for the FMU education. As you stated yourself, the credits will not transfer anywhere that matters. Kevin is also correct on the grade rigging - my friend's grades were simply changed when she asked for help in an algebra course. She just wanted real help, not her grade changed. Sheriff Kevin Beary was a professor at FMU and my frind was in one of his courses - he never even showed up and sent deputies to teach it. I cannot imagine that the man has a valid Masters degree and is in any way qualified to teach - FMU used his name to sign up unsuspecting students. My friend went through the same frantic issues that Kevin did, only to be lied to some more. She was on tv (WFTV) in Orlando along with about 10 other FMU students. Like Kevin, she has huge student loans to deal with now. I have seen the occasional paperwork that she receives from the Tampa attorney handling the case. The worst part? FMU costs much more than UM or SUNY! Today, FMU makes its applicants sign some paper concerning accreditation - too late for many people. My advice? Never apply to an educational institution that is not regionally accredited.


its not just FMU..other acics schools are fraudulent

#3Consumer Comment

Fri, December 01, 2006

I went to International academy of design and technology in tampa. they practiced the same underhanded decieving marketing techniques to get me to sign up. they lied to my face and told me my credits would transfer and that they were on the same level as other schools and universities. plus i discovered that they do not hire certified teachers...a fact that they hide from all prospective students. ITT tech has also been under a lot of heat too for misreprestning their accreditation status. If you notice on their commercials now you'll notice they have to say "credits earned are not likely to transfer". This being the result of many lawsuits and investigations. ACICS seems to be an accreditation created by for-profit schools for for-profit schools. I dont mean to sound like a conspiracy theorist, but the heads of ACICS no doubt are the owners and stockholders of all the FMUs, IADTs, ITTs, University of Pheonixs and so on. I too am willing to jump on board any lawsuits against this fraudulent agency.


Dade City,
Kevin is right!! DO NOT ATTEND FMU/CC

#4Consumer Suggestion

Fri, December 01, 2006

You can see that Kevin is understandably upset, however it doesn't change the fact that he is right. Russ, etc. can place their thoughts on here that FMU is a real school and they can say that Kevin needs to realized that DOE accepts FMU, but that is pointless. FMU is (in some perverse way) a real school however, their accreditation is worthless. I attended FMU and graduated with a 4.0 and a AS degree, so ask me if I was able to transfer this degree. NO, and ask me if I was able to transfer some of the credits I obtain at FMU, and that would be another BIG NO. I search out many schools and none would. Listing schools that I have no interest in attending or are in BFE that will accept FMU's credits is just like FMU itself WORTHLESS. Why would I want to take another risk by going to a school that would accept them with the experience I had attending them. My experience was less than desirable. The instructors knowledge and education was weak. When I the student is teaching the teacher on almost every aspect of the course, then something is wrong. They never allowed you to know what books you needed till the last moment so you would have to purchase them at their book store for big $$$$. They had a Network Administration program that almost got shut down by Microsoft because they didn't have any instructors that were Microsoft CERTIFIED. Nothing has change at the Hillsborough campus they say anything to get you to attend and make wild promises and claims. I would hope that this practice would be isolated to this campus, however like all the instructors, admissions, financial, and deans have said we take our orders from our mother company Corinthian Colleges in California. So this and all the other reports show it isn't. One of the big things that FMU did well was renovate their building and charge huge amounts of money. During my time there they most have renovated 5 times and every time it was a waste of money. Even one of the Dean's said it was for budgeting reasons, they had to use the funds in order to receive them again. You can argue that Corinthian's involvement and you have to face the evidence that they are involved in many different aspects. It's WIN/WIN for loan companies and agencies as well as places like FMU. They all flourish by taking advantage of students. Those involved should remember "what goes around, comes around" and everyone will get theirs in the end. Lesson to be learned. Do You Research!! If you want to get you moneys worth then go to a widely Recognized and Accepted college or university. A community college can save you lots of money and can provide a quality education to start with. This doesn't mean to accept everything they say either! There is only one person who can protect your money and that is YOU, and colleges and universities (legit or not) are ultimately after one thing YOUR MONEY! Hopefully nothing like this happens to you, however if it does, then you have a decision to 1)learn you lesson, take the hit, and get on with your life.(this only propels these types of schools to continue pillaging and raping students) or 2)Be like Kevin and FIGHT THE GOOD FIGHT. (This will at least put the spotlight on these thieves. Kevin good luck and a suggest to you would be to contact your Governor and your Senator requesting an investigation as well as change in allowing schools like this to continue to operate. Also, to let you know I would like to join a class action case against them too.


Well that proves it to me.

#5Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 23, 2006

Kev, "the burden of proof I'm afraid is not on my shoulders" That statement is absolutely, positively wrong. The burden of proof is always on the person making the complaint. You have to prove they did the things you claim, that's how our legal system works. You spew information relevant to your lawsuit in at least 5 posts, information your legal team should've told you to keep to yourself, yet when asked to quote the source of the information you can't possibly know(like who's bribing who) you claim you're not a fool and refuse to reveal your sources, even when challenged repeatedly you refuse to back up your statements. I'm not a lawyer, I just do my research and can write effectively. A lawyer wouldn't be here, their lawyers don't care about this site, get over yourself. When presented with all the official documents that say you're wrong you claim its a conspiracy and accuse everybody of commiting fraud. Give it up man. I doubt you even have a lawsuit, you don't act like you're very concerned about it and freely give out info that could be used against you. You may have signed your name to a class action but that's about it. Like I said before, don't respond to me and claim facts without REFERENCING the source of those facts. I've asked you directly multiple times and you just respond with insults and more made-up numbers with no references. That pretty much proves to me that you are full of it. My first post was respectful and intended to help you, you respond like a child full of rage, hysterical and spitting insults at anyone who disagrees. No wonder you can't make it in college. "Never argue with an idiot. They will only drag you down to their level and beat you with experience."


Whoa there FMU employee or lawyer!?

#6Consumer Comment

Fri, June 23, 2006

Russ: HA! You expect me to expulge my legal evidence which is being presented in a court of law. I don't think so, I did not wake up yesterday, nor did I just fall out of a turnip wagon. If I expulge my specific evidence then it will give away my identity that you and your lawyer friends will then exploit. I decided to go this road so that my comments could be shared publicly with out alerting the FMU legal team as to which claimant Iam. You see like many other FMU claimants I had a legal team before I joined the current class action suit. I had this team for 1-2 years, and we gathered tons of evidence via some PI's that the Class Action folks did not have. FMU's attornies know which Class Action claimants had cases and were preparing for lititagtion prior to joining the Class Action suit. So you see if I start quoting evidence verbatim then I will literally be sending up a red flag to FMU whom may exploit the situation. As it stands now I'm completly unidentifable and can not be traced back to this case, hell for all you all know I'm just some wacko sitting at home with nothing better to do, and it will stay that way. I'm not going to ruin my own case, it has been going very well, thanks for asking, FMU is close to collapsing and should be paying out of the noise soon. In closing my evidence is not items that are listed on the inter-net; my stuff has hard to come by and took a lot of time to finagle away from various groups connected with CC, Inc. Do you really think CC, Inc. is going to place on the web for all to see how it spends its money, they are not dumb. This evidence can be retrieved via a simple FOIA through the US Department of Education. So you can't just throw your arms up in the air and quote some non-sence about the "vanilla" story of how CHEA came to be. It is really convienant how they left out why the previous accreditation boards kept imploading upon themselves. This "Horse's Mouth" explanation as you call it is so dumbed down and void of whom funds them, why they kept going out of business, etc., its ridiclous, its all a bunch of fuzzy math. It is also convenient how they left out the fact that CC Inc., and their predecessor company gave them tons of cash to stay afloat b/c no one had a use for such a agency when SACS had control of everything as far as legit post secondary schools went. Nice try but no cigar, the burden of proof I'm afraid is not on my shoulders unless you are a rep of FMU or are representing them in court, and if you are an attorney then I have to say talk to mine, no further comment. I don't have to prove anything to the public, I stated my case, and provided as much info as I could with out tipping my hand and ruining my legal case. Also don't you all worry we have FMU and CC Inc.,'s number they were not too careful with theei records. I also believe that there has been numerous FMU / CC Inc employees that back up my claims as well, In fact one of them posted a comment on here.


How's the Lawsuit coming?

#7Consumer Suggestion

Thu, June 22, 2006

Told myself I wouldn't argue this anymore but I couldn't resist. "Kev" here is a direct copy/paste from the Dept of Ed's website explaining the formation of CHEA: "Non-governmental Coordinating Agency For more than 50 years, there has been some type of nongovernmental coordinating agency for accreditation. This body, whatever its form, has existed primarily for the purpose of coordinating and improving the practice of accreditation. For example, the Council on Postsecondary Accreditation (COPA), which was established in 1974 and existed until December 1993, served as a nongovernmental organization whose purpose was to foster and facilitate the role of accrediting agencies in promoting and ensuring the quality and diversity of American postsecondary education. Through its Committee on Recognition, COPA recognized, coordinated, and periodically reviewed the work of its member accrediting agencies and the appropriateness of existing or proposed accrediting agencies and their activities, through its granting of recognition and performance of other related functions. COPA itself was created through the merger of two organizations: the National Commission on Accreditation, founded in 1949 as the first national organization to develop criteria and recognize accrediting agencies; and the Federation of Regional Accrediting Commission of Higher Education. After COPA voted to dissolve in December 1993, a new entity, the Commission on Recognition of Postsecondary Accreditation (CORPA) was established in January 1994 to continue the recognition of accrediting agencies previously carried out by COPA until such time as a new national organization for accreditation could be established. CORPA was dissolved in April 1997 after the Council on Higher Education Accreditation (CHEA) was created. CHEA is currently the entity that carries out a recognition function in the private, nongovernmental sector. Information about CHEA may be found on the agency's website, chea.org." ( ed.gov/admins/finaid/accred/accreditation_pg2.html ) That's from the horse's mouth. Now any response to this from you should quote an identifiable source that can be checked(like the dept of ed). If your response doesn't reference its source of facts then you are either unwilling/unable to do the research or you're lying. Don't claim something is a fact without referencing your source of information. You claim Corinthian owns and pay 98% of CHEA's expenses. Quote the source of this information. Where did you get it from? Do you have access to CHEA's financial records? If so the please reference it. Same thing with your accusation against ACICS. Reference the source of your info so others can check it. If you don't reference sources of claimed facts then they won't be considered facts and ignored. I'll check back later to see what sources you reference so I can check them, if you don't intend on referencing your sources then don't bother replying to this post. Feel free to argue with other folks though. And by the way, how's the lawsuit coming? Have you gotten a court date yet or has your legal team talked to you about 3rd party arbitration yet? Just curious. Russ


You are mistaken allow me to clear your mind...

#8Consumer Comment

Thu, June 22, 2006

Dear Sam: You seem to be in the fog a bit on these issues allow me to help you find your way out of it and into the light. of truth. Allow me to summarize your allegations, 1) It is my fault that I failed classes, and not FMU's despite their contract violation 2) CHEA has nothing to do with Corinthian Colleges Inc., 3) ACICS is not owned nor operated by Corinthian Colleges Inc., 4) The 50 SACS schools have nothing to do, nor are connected in anyway to Corinthain Colleges Inc.,... 1) It is not my fault I failed repeaditly while attending classes at FMU; every semester I took the issue of my grades because of my tardiness before the Dean or Head Academic Advisor. They both stated that I should not worry and that the issues would be resolved shortly. They blamed these grading issues on new faculty that were not familar with FMU rules, a "glitch" in the system, or said that there was an error and these issues would be fixed. They basically stonewalled me into the false belief that everything would be corrected. I assue you all that I'm not an idiot. I have proof of this in fact, towards the end of my enrollement with FMU as a student I took this matter before the Dean with the threat of a law suit. He immediatly changed all of my grades in front of me to A's & B's, and gave me a copy of the form for my records. 2 semesters later I discovered that these grade adjustments were not real and merly a ploy to get my to stay there longer. I did not want to mention this evidence until I had it in my poession. I thought that I had lost it; yesterday while going through some personal junk I found it. I have cold hard proof of how FMU lied to me to make me think I was making passing grades, while showing up late; when in actuallity I was failing horribly. I'm also sending this to my current attorney to be added to my case evidence. I'm not an idiot, I was tricked into thinking I was passing. 2.)You claim that CHEA & the USDOE has nothing to do with Corinthian Colleges Inc.? My friend you are only half right. Also I do not remember ever stating that the US Department Of Education was owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc. Well if you check CHEA's articles of formation then you will see what and whom had a hand in its creation and why it was created. If you look into this you will find that Corintian Colleges Inc., funded this organization when it was created, and still does so to this day. Corinthian Colleges Inc., facing numerous law suits in California and Florida (Tampa College) threw this agency together as an attempt to skip future legal liability. Turns out the only created more by giving students a false sence of their accreditation. 3.) You claim that Corninthian Colleges Inc., does not own any ACICS schools? I assure you that all of the ACICS schools, all 675 are owned completely or in part by Corinthian Colleges Inc., and the one's that are not 100% owned by CC Inc., share ownership with various other "College Mill" corporations, that practice the same deceptive practices. Look it up. 4.) As for the last statement I will admit to making a typo with this fact. Marymount, Troy, St. Leo, and Barry are in fact independant schools that have nothing to do with CC Inc., and are legit. However these schools only signed into this agreement because CC Inc., gave them tons of "donation" money for new improvements (Tampa Tribune) on their campuses. CC Inc., has been throwing tons of money at every SAC school hoping to get as many of them into this CHEA agreement with the sole hope of winning their lawsuits, which they are loosing currently. I assue you that I'm checking my facts as I place them in here, and they are not coming from my hinny.


Poor Kevin......

#9Consumer Suggestion

Sat, June 17, 2006

Kevin, Let me summarize some of your allegations. 1) It is not your fault you failed dozens of courses because you relied on bad info provided by FMU advisors. 2) CHEA is owned, run, and funded by Corinthian. 3) ACICS is owned, run, and funded by Corinthian. 4) The 50 SACS schools listed above are fake and/or owned, run, and funded by Corinthian. I'll address these arguments one by one. 1) You stated that you failed over a dozen courses! Didn't you catch on after the first failure or three that your constant lateness would not be tolerated??? If you continued to attend after FMU repeatedly broke some sort of alleged promise, then you only have yourself to blame. 2) CHEA and the United States Department of Education are the agencies that recognize accreditors. BOTH the Department of Education and CHEA recognize ACICS as being a valid institutional accreditor. Like it or not, ACICS is 100% legit, and the United States government agrees. I don't know where you got your information, but CHEA is not owned by Corinthian Colleges. And Corinthian does not pay 98% of CHEA's operating costs and bills as you've stated. At this point, I think you are just making stuff up and pulling random numbers out of your hind-end, but if you have any evidence to the contrary, please reveal it and prove me wrong. 3) As for Corinthian Colleges owning all ACICS schools: Again what proof do you have? Here is what I know: CHEA lists ACICS as accrediting 675 different school locations. These include all of the Art Institutes, ITT Technical Institutes, Gibbs Colleges, Jones College, Westwood College, Mountain State College, and MANY others. Are you really alleging that Corinthian owns every single ACICS school, including the ones I just listed? 4) Finally, you said that the 50 schools listed above are not real SACS schools. You're not serious, are you? If you want people to believe that Elon, Marymount, Regent, Saint Leo, Barry, and Troy, etc. are all fake schools owned by Corinthian, then you must not be playing with a full deck (no offense). Those 50 SACS schools are most certainly real, and most, if not all, are in no way affiliated with Corinthian. Likewise, they voluntarily signed onto the HETA agreement, and accept ACICS credits of their own volition. Most are well respected institutions, and a few (Regent, Barry, and soon Elon) are home to ABA approved JD programs.


Sir you have your facts wrong, allow me to re-clarify this argument!

#10Consumer Comment

Fri, June 16, 2006

Dear Jeb & Peanut Gallery: First off please re-read the chain of back and fourth comments that have been listed above. If you do this you will notice that your suggestions were made regardless of the facts. Thus while they are hopefully based on good intentions (I'm giving you bennifit of the doubt here) they are irrelavent, and in my personal opinon are a "back door" attempt to support FMU and their criminal activity in the State of Florida. Allow me to educate you as to what the facts of this case are; you seem to be confused here. (1) You stated that I should visit chea.org to look at the HETA transfer alliance, which shows what SACS schools will accept ACICS credits. I have visted this website many times hoping to see something worth while, turns out every time I visit this site I only find more lies. Allow me to explain this to everyone once and for all, it seems you all have a problem with understanding this primary simple fact. The Chea organization is virtually owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc., they pay 98% of Chea's operating costs / bills. Corinthian Colleges also owns the ACICS and was the main party who founded it. Under the control of ACICS falls Florida Metro University, Rhodes Colleges, etc. The ACICS was soley created to provide "false" accreditation for Cornithian owned schools through the United States and Canada. Cornithian had to do this because SACS refused entry to almost all of their schools, minus 50 of them which appear on the Chea website. So you see the 50 SACS schools you copy and pasted in your comment are not true SACS schools, they are and have been since going bankrupt been Corinthian owned and only accept ACICS credits because Cornthian Colleges tells them to do so, with the hopes of bailing out the other 300 or so ACICS schools that are all in lititagtion at this moment. You see Corinthian Colleges Inc., makes its money by going around the nation and buying out bankrupt private colleges, tech schools, and virtually reserecting dead colleges. For example here in Tampa Bay where I attended FMU, Corninthian purchased the rights to the old Tampa College which was founded in 1899 when the city was founded, and was wiped off the face of the Earth in 1931 following the Great Labor Day Hurricane. Cornithian in 1981 reserected Tampa College under its original name; in 1989 the school was sued by its students for the exact same thing I'm suing for today. The court battle lasted 8 years and ended when Tampa College settled out of court with 274 of its members for an undisclosed amount of money. All records of this case were then sealed as part of the settlement, and have been very hard to dig up. Tampa College then went bankrupt and Corinthian was forced to change their name to FMU and then began again in 1995 under the new name doing the same thing once again. (2)About my attendance issues, you are forgetting that FMU as part of its contract states that all students that are working full time, don't have to show up on time to class. This was advertised on TV, Radio, and pushed by advisors, there is clear proof that this was a term of the contract that FMU presented to its students. So again read, use that thing between your ears and understand what I'm saying. Special Treatment is not realevent in this situation since FMU stated that working students did not have to show up on time, and would NOT be penalized for it, thus the faculty as an FMU employee had to follow the guidelines set by the college. In addition the faculty, if you can call them that, were not real faculty as described by the regulations stated by Florida. None of them had anything higher then a BA degree, in Florida they require all institutions of higher education to employee faculty if they have a masters or higher. FMU and Corinthian violated this state guideline. (3) About Miami, I was accepted there, it clearly said this above in my original and subsequent e-mails. They only stated that they will not nor will ever accept credits from the fake school (i.e. FMU), and told me that I would have to begin again as a freshman if I wanted to attend their school. The Universities of Florida, USF, FSU, Georgia, and Mississippi also stated this too. All real SACS schools know that FMU and other Cornithian schools are fake, thus the term fake is 100% correct since it has been repeaditly used by major Universities. They use this term b/c FMU and their commrades hire faculty that only have a BA or AA degree, they call them fake b/c they do state that students can miss classes do to work and still pass classes; as you mentioned this would not fly in a real school; they also call them fake b/c they do not require SAT or ACT test scores as a stipulation for admission; they also call them fake b/c their credits are bascially fiat credits and have no real value outside an Corinthian campus. I appreciate your advise sir, but do not like your tone and your attempts to make me look stupid and by doing so discredit or debunk my status as a victim. I assure you all if you read the facts, understand them, and see for yourself what is going on then you understand what is going on here. Thank you,


You cannot transfer an F, but even if you could...

#11Consumer Suggestion

Fri, June 09, 2006

Kevin, You may want to visit www.chea.org, and click on ?databases and directories' link. Then, choose the HETA transfer alliance database. Search for schools ?by accreditor', and click on SACS in the drop down box. You will see that 50 SACS schools have officially signed on to the CHEA-HETA transfer of credit alliance (read the actual agreement!). This means that several dozen SACS schools are on the record saying that they will in fact accept credits from ACICS and other nationally accredited schools. There are also schools not on the list (eg Liberty) that will still consider ACICS credits, but 50 should be plenty. Pick one and transfer! On second thought, you stated above that you refused to appear in class on time, and failed several courses as a result. If I were a professor, I would fail you in a heartbeat for your habitual lateness and/or absence. Trying to attend school, while holding down a job, is in no way unique to your situation. If law and medical students can do it, an AA student can! You do not deserve of special treatment simply because you have a job. Anyway, my point is: If I were a college employee evaluating your transfer application and transcripts, I would immediately put you in the rejection pile, regardless of your previous school. Why? I would not feel comfortable accepting a student who has proven to be a repeated failure at another institution. Can you really blame University of Miami? My advice (for what it's worth) is: try to transfer any non failing grades to one of the schools on the HETA list. If they won't accept you in transfer (again, with repeated Fs, could you really blame them?), start over. And, this time, show up for class. If your scheduling conflict is that bad, you may want to consider distance education. For the record, I don't like FMU at all. Not even a little bit! For what they offer, their tuition is absolutely outrageous!! Nevertheless, they are in no way a ?not real or 100% fake school?. If they were fake, you would not have been able to take out Title IV federal loans. Do your research, kiddo! Here is CHEA's list of SACS schools that have signed onto the HETA transfer of credit alliance: 50 results found. Click on institution name for more information. See www.chea.org to verify. Agnes Scott College (Decatur, GA) American Intercontinental University (Los Angeles, CA) Asbury Theological Seminary (Wilmore, KY) Barry University (Miami Shores, FL)Brevard College (Brevard, NC)Bryan College (Dayton, TN)Cabarrus College of Health Sciences (Concord, NC)Carolinas College of Health Sciences (Charlotte, NC) Central Florida Community College (Ocala, FL)Clear Creek Baptist Bible College (Pineville , KY) College of the Mainland (Texas City, TX Community College of the Air Force (Maxwell AFB, AL) Delta State University (Cleveland, MS) East Tennessee State University (Johnson City, TN) Elon University (Elon, NC) Florida Christian College (Kissimmee, FL) Florida National College (Hialeah, FL) Haywood Community College (Clyde, NC) Hiwassee College (Madisonvile, TN) Lamar University (Beaumont, TX) Lee College (Baytown, TX) Life University (Marietta, GA) Lincoln Memorial University (Harrogate, TN) Magnolia Bible College (Kosciusko, MS) Marymount University (Arlington, VA) Miami Dade College (Miami, FL) Mississippi Gulf Coast Community College (Perkinston, MS) Motlow State Community College (Lynchburg, TN) New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary (New Orleans, LA) North Harris Montgomery Community College District (The Woodlands, TX) Northeast Texas Community College (Mt. Pleasant, TX) Parker College of Chiropractic (Dallas, TX) Pellissippi State Technical Community College (Knoxville, TN) Pensacola Junior College (Pensacola, FL) Regent University (Virginia Beach, VA) Saint Leo University (Saint Leo, FL) South College (Knoxville, TN) Southwest Georgia Technical College (Thomasville, GA) St. Andrews Presbyterian College (Laurinburg, NC) Sul Ross State University (Alpine, TX) Sullivan University (Louisville, KY) Technical College of the Lowcountry (Beaufort, SC) Thomas University (Thomasville, GA) Troy University (Troy, AL) Virginia Commonwealth University (Richmond, VA) Virginia Highlands Community College (Abingdon, VA) Walters State Community College (Morristown, TN) Warner Southern College (Warner Southern College, FL) Wayland Baptist University (Plainview , TX) Wilkes Community College (Wilkesboro, NC)


UPDATE !? Do not attend FMU they are fake, don't believe the lies!!!

#12Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 11, 2006

Dear Russ: I have been reading your comments and posts, however just because you keep posting items does not make it right. You keep refering to groups & organizations that upon confrontation contradict your stories not mine. Also I would highly doubt that someone would waste as much time as you have de-bunking every person on this website with issues against FMU if you were not infact associated with them as either an hired Attorney, Paralegal, Advsior, or other Employee on their payroll, or maybe you have a huge hard on for FMU. Either way I have a right to be upset with them for the aforementioned reasons, which I will not waste my time repeating yet again. Also I do have facts to back up my claims, I have hard ones unlike your vague internet searches that can not be substanseated. I have as I stated before personally addressed letters from the DOE, SACS, and yes even the fake ACICS that collabaorate my stories and reinforce my claims thus making them facts unlike your half-assed internet searches that do not retain any water. Lastly I do not, and should not have to look up the background on a college that is backed by the DOE and the State of Florida. FMU lied to me and to thousands of other students as to the degree of education I would be recieving, and to where my credits would then transfer. Pure and simple FMUn committed fraud, there is no doubt of this. Miami did nothing wrong, it was all FMU's fault. You see you have a problem with facts, not me. You continously fail to understand that SACS does not accept any of FMU's credits, prior to this legal case of course, nor have you understood that SACS will only accept Legal and Law related credits. Potential Students Attention!!! Do not attend FMU they are fake, don't believe the lies!!!



#13Consumer Suggestion

Sat, April 08, 2006

Well so much for trying to help. Again Kevin you obviously aren't reading my posts or have difficulty with reading comprehension. READ my first post, never said my mom transfered to USF from FMU, not going to repeat myself a 3rd time if you still can't understand or haven't read the first 2 posts. I'm not a "legal advisor" nor could I give a sh** about your lawsuit, honestly I doubt you have a lawsuit in the works, or you aren't listening to your lawyers when they tell you not to discuss your legal cases with people. I have quoted and referenced the official government sources that contradict what you're saying but you refuse to read them, or have a reading comprehension problem. I have refered you to previous posts that go over all this stuff in great detail but I guess they don't say what you want them to say. I have no inside information as all my info is coming from google, DOE, CHEA, ACICS websites AND..(drumroll please). THIS WEBSITE. Again please reference all the other posts that have been here for over 2 years and you'll see where I'm getting my info from but that would require you to actually read them. I continually cite sources and ask for your's and you continually make unsupported statements that are obviously opinion. Otherwise reference your sources like a good little college student does, like I had to do in college when I presented an arguement. The difference here is that I did my research about this school before my mom enrolled. I found this website and read all those posts I keep telling you about. The fact that you think I have inside info proves your aren't reading or aren't comprehending the info I'm refering you to as, if you did, you'd see I'm just repeating info that is on the many other threads on this website. Don't know anything about the actions of Tampa College, but I doubt anyone can remove newspaper articles or internet sites because they settled a lawsuit, doesn't happen, otherwise you wouldn't see so many blatantly false statements/stories on the net, they'd all be removed somehow. The most they can get is a written retraction from the newspaper(like exists on the newspaper articles I've found about Satz vs. Corinthian Coll.). Kev when did you sit down with a Department of Ed rep that told you all this stuff that directly contradicts their official publications that I keep refering you to? Did you somehow do this in the last couple days and did you refer them to their official written statements and then call them a liar? You get hostile and keep spouting crap with no support documentation(like the idiotic NATO comment). Learn how to argue before you actually take classes at USF or you're gonna learn the hard way, support your assertation of facts with references to where you found these facts, so others can check your facts and see if they really are facts. Doesn't work if you don't read these references though. Not going to bother arguing with you anymore Kev, no point to it, you obviously don't want to hear anything that doesn't support your opinion. To the FMU employee who says his employers blatantly tell him to lie to people, I ask you this: Why do you work for people that ask you to do unethical stuff? Why do you do it then come onto a public forum and b***h about the unethical things you do and keep cashing your paychecks? Not very credible man. And sorry to point this out about ACICS, I pointed it out in my last post (there's that d**n reading comprehension problem you guys have again) but ITT is an ACICS accredited school and isn't affliated with Corinthian. Isn't google useful. So your statement about Corinthian owning/controlling ACICS is wrong. Again please reference your sources as the ones I've found don't agree. Stop talking out of your a*s, your profess to have secret information but don't even know what the official info says. Good luck with your unethical job and I hope your employers don't read this for your sake cause I imagine you'll be fired and then sued. Good luck man, sorry I tried to get you to read all the other stuff that has been posted about FMU on this site, I thought it would help you like it helped me. Later.


Any Town,
RUSS is wrong, Kevin is right! Don't listen to the Lies - Avoid FMU!

#14UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

To Ripoff Report: I'm a current employee of FMU's Brandon campus I have been working at this campus for only 2 years. However I did previously work at the FMU Tampa campus for 10 years prior to transfering to the Brandon campus. Anyway this RUSS guy is not telling the truth and is mistaken on the facts surrounding the FMU legal case entirely. He seems like he is very intelligent thus excludes him from the possibility of just being dumb. It is clear that he knows what FMU has done and he just tap dances around the hard facts, and in doing so "sugar coats" the real issues with the intent of painting FMU in a decent light, thus casting doubt in the minds of people that are on the fence about joining FMU as a student. He is clearly a "Legal Advisor" that has been hired by FMU to run interferance on the web and through local news, i.e. talk radio, news papers, and news channels. You see FMU has 19 attornies working the class action suits against them regarding intentional fraud, falsification of acreditdation as a SACS school, misuse of federal student loan funds, false advertising, failure to uphold a contract obligation (i.e. failing students for showing up late to classes as described by Kevin), and there is considerable consern regarding the educational backgrounds of faculty members. I can personally vouch for Kevins claims that FMU employ's teachers that do not meet the minimum Florida standards for educators. They have always done this, and always will do it. The ACICS is run entirely by Corinthian Colleges, and the only colleges that are ACICS members are either owned, funded, or a division of Corinthian Colleges Incorporated. They do have DOE certification and have had it since they were bought by Corinthian back in the early 1990's. Prior to the 90's they went by the name of Tampa College, whom was barred from ever holding SACS acreditation ever again for doing the same thing back in the 1980's, and they did pay about 9 million in loans out of court, and did have the records sealed and news of it expunged per terms of the out of court settlement. Also as an employee I have been personally told to tell the prospective students anything they want to hear so as long as they register for classes and take out loans. Colleages of mine have told students that they could transfer every credit the earn at FMU to schools like Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, Duke, Florida, USC, Oxford University, and yes the University of Miami. This is a bold faced lie, none of these schools have ever, nor will ever accept ACICS credits, b/c our school is inferior to SACS schools, bottom line. SACS schools are not violating any laws, it has been proven by the DOE itself that SACS is well within its rights to deny entry by ACICS transfer students and transfer credits due to the low standards used by ACICS schools. I have the memo in my desk that states this. Russ you need to get your facts straight, you are wrong on all accounts, and do not know what you are talking about. However you do seem to know a afull lot about the case as Kevin had said and also makes me wonder if you are indeed a Legal Advisor, or FMU Attorney. Kevin; I must appologize for my employers illegal tactics that have ruined your life, and I hope you sue the bastards out of business. Any one that stands up for FMU is a slime ball and does not believe in accountability something this country has lacked for years. Again I'm sorry for your troubles and pain thanks to FMU's fraud.


Any Town,
RUSS is wrong, Kevin is right! Don't listen to the Lies - Avoid FMU!

#15UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

To Ripoff Report: I'm a current employee of FMU's Brandon campus I have been working at this campus for only 2 years. However I did previously work at the FMU Tampa campus for 10 years prior to transfering to the Brandon campus. Anyway this RUSS guy is not telling the truth and is mistaken on the facts surrounding the FMU legal case entirely. He seems like he is very intelligent thus excludes him from the possibility of just being dumb. It is clear that he knows what FMU has done and he just tap dances around the hard facts, and in doing so "sugar coats" the real issues with the intent of painting FMU in a decent light, thus casting doubt in the minds of people that are on the fence about joining FMU as a student. He is clearly a "Legal Advisor" that has been hired by FMU to run interferance on the web and through local news, i.e. talk radio, news papers, and news channels. You see FMU has 19 attornies working the class action suits against them regarding intentional fraud, falsification of acreditdation as a SACS school, misuse of federal student loan funds, false advertising, failure to uphold a contract obligation (i.e. failing students for showing up late to classes as described by Kevin), and there is considerable consern regarding the educational backgrounds of faculty members. I can personally vouch for Kevins claims that FMU employ's teachers that do not meet the minimum Florida standards for educators. They have always done this, and always will do it. The ACICS is run entirely by Corinthian Colleges, and the only colleges that are ACICS members are either owned, funded, or a division of Corinthian Colleges Incorporated. They do have DOE certification and have had it since they were bought by Corinthian back in the early 1990's. Prior to the 90's they went by the name of Tampa College, whom was barred from ever holding SACS acreditation ever again for doing the same thing back in the 1980's, and they did pay about 9 million in loans out of court, and did have the records sealed and news of it expunged per terms of the out of court settlement. Also as an employee I have been personally told to tell the prospective students anything they want to hear so as long as they register for classes and take out loans. Colleages of mine have told students that they could transfer every credit the earn at FMU to schools like Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, Duke, Florida, USC, Oxford University, and yes the University of Miami. This is a bold faced lie, none of these schools have ever, nor will ever accept ACICS credits, b/c our school is inferior to SACS schools, bottom line. SACS schools are not violating any laws, it has been proven by the DOE itself that SACS is well within its rights to deny entry by ACICS transfer students and transfer credits due to the low standards used by ACICS schools. I have the memo in my desk that states this. Russ you need to get your facts straight, you are wrong on all accounts, and do not know what you are talking about. However you do seem to know a afull lot about the case as Kevin had said and also makes me wonder if you are indeed a Legal Advisor, or FMU Attorney. Kevin; I must appologize for my employers illegal tactics that have ruined your life, and I hope you sue the bastards out of business. Any one that stands up for FMU is a slime ball and does not believe in accountability something this country has lacked for years. Again I'm sorry for your troubles and pain thanks to FMU's fraud.


Any Town,
RUSS is wrong, Kevin is right! Don't listen to the Lies - Avoid FMU!

#16UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

To Ripoff Report: I'm a current employee of FMU's Brandon campus I have been working at this campus for only 2 years. However I did previously work at the FMU Tampa campus for 10 years prior to transfering to the Brandon campus. Anyway this RUSS guy is not telling the truth and is mistaken on the facts surrounding the FMU legal case entirely. He seems like he is very intelligent thus excludes him from the possibility of just being dumb. It is clear that he knows what FMU has done and he just tap dances around the hard facts, and in doing so "sugar coats" the real issues with the intent of painting FMU in a decent light, thus casting doubt in the minds of people that are on the fence about joining FMU as a student. He is clearly a "Legal Advisor" that has been hired by FMU to run interferance on the web and through local news, i.e. talk radio, news papers, and news channels. You see FMU has 19 attornies working the class action suits against them regarding intentional fraud, falsification of acreditdation as a SACS school, misuse of federal student loan funds, false advertising, failure to uphold a contract obligation (i.e. failing students for showing up late to classes as described by Kevin), and there is considerable consern regarding the educational backgrounds of faculty members. I can personally vouch for Kevins claims that FMU employ's teachers that do not meet the minimum Florida standards for educators. They have always done this, and always will do it. The ACICS is run entirely by Corinthian Colleges, and the only colleges that are ACICS members are either owned, funded, or a division of Corinthian Colleges Incorporated. They do have DOE certification and have had it since they were bought by Corinthian back in the early 1990's. Prior to the 90's they went by the name of Tampa College, whom was barred from ever holding SACS acreditation ever again for doing the same thing back in the 1980's, and they did pay about 9 million in loans out of court, and did have the records sealed and news of it expunged per terms of the out of court settlement. Also as an employee I have been personally told to tell the prospective students anything they want to hear so as long as they register for classes and take out loans. Colleages of mine have told students that they could transfer every credit the earn at FMU to schools like Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, Duke, Florida, USC, Oxford University, and yes the University of Miami. This is a bold faced lie, none of these schools have ever, nor will ever accept ACICS credits, b/c our school is inferior to SACS schools, bottom line. SACS schools are not violating any laws, it has been proven by the DOE itself that SACS is well within its rights to deny entry by ACICS transfer students and transfer credits due to the low standards used by ACICS schools. I have the memo in my desk that states this. Russ you need to get your facts straight, you are wrong on all accounts, and do not know what you are talking about. However you do seem to know a afull lot about the case as Kevin had said and also makes me wonder if you are indeed a Legal Advisor, or FMU Attorney. Kevin; I must appologize for my employers illegal tactics that have ruined your life, and I hope you sue the bastards out of business. Any one that stands up for FMU is a slime ball and does not believe in accountability something this country has lacked for years. Again I'm sorry for your troubles and pain thanks to FMU's fraud.


Any Town,
RUSS is wrong, Kevin is right! Don't listen to the Lies - Avoid FMU!

#17UPDATE Employee

Thu, April 06, 2006

To Ripoff Report: I'm a current employee of FMU's Brandon campus I have been working at this campus for only 2 years. However I did previously work at the FMU Tampa campus for 10 years prior to transfering to the Brandon campus. Anyway this RUSS guy is not telling the truth and is mistaken on the facts surrounding the FMU legal case entirely. He seems like he is very intelligent thus excludes him from the possibility of just being dumb. It is clear that he knows what FMU has done and he just tap dances around the hard facts, and in doing so "sugar coats" the real issues with the intent of painting FMU in a decent light, thus casting doubt in the minds of people that are on the fence about joining FMU as a student. He is clearly a "Legal Advisor" that has been hired by FMU to run interferance on the web and through local news, i.e. talk radio, news papers, and news channels. You see FMU has 19 attornies working the class action suits against them regarding intentional fraud, falsification of acreditdation as a SACS school, misuse of federal student loan funds, false advertising, failure to uphold a contract obligation (i.e. failing students for showing up late to classes as described by Kevin), and there is considerable consern regarding the educational backgrounds of faculty members. I can personally vouch for Kevins claims that FMU employ's teachers that do not meet the minimum Florida standards for educators. They have always done this, and always will do it. The ACICS is run entirely by Corinthian Colleges, and the only colleges that are ACICS members are either owned, funded, or a division of Corinthian Colleges Incorporated. They do have DOE certification and have had it since they were bought by Corinthian back in the early 1990's. Prior to the 90's they went by the name of Tampa College, whom was barred from ever holding SACS acreditation ever again for doing the same thing back in the 1980's, and they did pay about 9 million in loans out of court, and did have the records sealed and news of it expunged per terms of the out of court settlement. Also as an employee I have been personally told to tell the prospective students anything they want to hear so as long as they register for classes and take out loans. Colleages of mine have told students that they could transfer every credit the earn at FMU to schools like Notre Dame, Harvard, Yale, Duke, Florida, USC, Oxford University, and yes the University of Miami. This is a bold faced lie, none of these schools have ever, nor will ever accept ACICS credits, b/c our school is inferior to SACS schools, bottom line. SACS schools are not violating any laws, it has been proven by the DOE itself that SACS is well within its rights to deny entry by ACICS transfer students and transfer credits due to the low standards used by ACICS schools. I have the memo in my desk that states this. Russ you need to get your facts straight, you are wrong on all accounts, and do not know what you are talking about. However you do seem to know a afull lot about the case as Kevin had said and also makes me wonder if you are indeed a Legal Advisor, or FMU Attorney. Kevin; I must appologize for my employers illegal tactics that have ruined your life, and I hope you sue the bastards out of business. Any one that stands up for FMU is a slime ball and does not believe in accountability something this country has lacked for years. Again I'm sorry for your troubles and pain thanks to FMU's fraud.


FMU Attorney needs to stick to the courts!

#18Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

Well you obviosuly are an attorney or somehow connetcted financally to FMU in some way, shape or from, you know far more inside knowledge then is humanly possible if you were not connected to the case in some way. In addition you are attempting to push arguments that has been brought up in a court of law by FMU attornies, and has been struck down time and time again by the judical system. Just because you state something does not make it correct. The ONLY FMU credits that are allowed to transfer from FMU to a real University i.e. SACS institution are credits toward a degree in Law Enforcement, or Paralegal related courses. No other credits will transfer, I will repeat this once again, NO other FMU credits outside of Law Enforcement & Paralegal related courses will transfer. Currently there is only 5 SACS Universities that will accept these credits. They are: (1). Stetson Law School (2). Florida A&M - School of Law (3). USF - School of Law (4). FSU - School of Law (5). UCF - School of Law I have personally sat down with an actual rep from the Department of Education and went down the list of credits that could be transfered from FMU to any SACS University or College. I was told to my face that only Law Enforcement and Paralegal related courses will transfer to the above Universities and Colleges. I have this in writing, so you are either not telling the truth about your FMU - USF transfer, or you never attended FMU and are an FMU attorney or FMu employee running interferance on the net. All of my previous statements about: (1). FMU's faculty not having legal educational degree requirements - TRUE. (2). FMU credits not being able to transfer from FMU to a SACS institution (minus Law Enforcement & Paralegal courses) - TRUE. (3). FMU committing fraud against its students by fraudulently telling them that thier credits will infact transfer in full, regardless of major, to any SACS College or University in the United States and or abroad - TRUE. (4). FMU ignoring students that discover that they are being taken - TRUE. Regardless of your affiliation with FMU you will not succed in further perpetuation of this lie. The people will get thier justice and schools like FMU will be put out of business, this is my life long goal, and I will do everything in power to bring those SOB's down. Currently I'm hiring a 3rd attorney to attack the Department of Education and force an revocation of ACICS acreditation. I have evidence to support my claims, unlike you who just have fancy words, and dodge the facts. As I said before just because you write something down does not make it true, why not go over to the American Artihmatic Association and post on thier site that 2+2=5 while you are at it.


Sorry bro but.....

#19Consumer Suggestion

Thu, April 06, 2006

Dear "kevin" "I did read your response, and just because you write it down does not make it true; nor does it make it true if CHEA or ACICS writes down some phony statements on their website." Wrong. CHEA is the organization that maintains the accreditation standards for ALL accreditating agencies, meaning they oversee all accredited schools in the US. They ARE the official source. The "phony" statements you refer to are backed by the US Department of Ed and the US Government disagrees with you. "The FACT is schools like FMU are acredited by ACICS because they are below average institutions that could not gain proper SACS acreditadtion because they lack faculty members that are approved by the Department of Education; which states that in order to be a College or University professor (i.e. Faculty) you must possess 18 graduate semester hours towards your Masters Degree." Wrong. FMU was never denied SACS accreditation. They applied for SACS accreditation but withdrew their app after they were told that they couldn't start any new degree programs while the app was pending(a process that takes years). reference another similar lawsuit Satz vs. Corinthian Colleges. "This standard was set into law by all 50 state governments and Congress, which was then ratified by all NATO affiliated countries back in the early 20th century, this was done to ensure the quality of education throughout the civilized world, and raise the bar for 2nd, 3rd, and Communist countries around the world." Kind of true. While the North Atlantic Treaty Organization has absolutely nothing to do with education as its a defense pact not a governing organization, most European countries did adopt similar standards on their own accords over the last 60 years, they are by no means standardized. If they were then foreign students wouldnt need to pay private companies to evaluate their education credentials for US equivalence....but they do. "None of the faculty members that have ever been employed by FMU has ever held a degree higher then that of a BA, and in most cases they don't even have that which makes your local High School or Elemntary teacher more qualified in most cases then the core of FMU's faculty throughout the state of Florida." Wrong. Please reference something that supports that statement. FMU's professors' education credentials are available publicly for anyone to review, they are reviewed periodically by ACICS and CHEA, which are in turn regulated by the US Dept of Ed. The US Government disagrees with you again and they are the ones that made the rules. Again you are making a blanket generalization with no references to prove it, where are you getting your information from? "Another FACT is that if you have unqualified people posing as qualified professors teaching courses at FMU then the quality of education that FMU offers is so much lower then any other college ,University, High School, or Elementary School in existance. Thus the reason why FMU and schools like FMU were denied SACS acreditation and why SAC schools like the University of Miami, FSU, USF, Harvard, and HCC refuse to take FMU credits. This is not because of some "Good Old Boy" network it is because of State, Federal, and International governce laws that seek to uphold a standard for higher insitutions of education." Wrong. Again, please, go to CHEA, they oversee both ACICS and SACS and list the accrediting standards required for both and they are EXACTLY the same in terms of teacher quality. Its printed there in black and white on a website approved by the US govt....again that is the official information. FYI Harvard isn't accredited by SACS and the only "international governance laws" that are applicable to US courts are mutually ratified treaties between US and foreign governments.....and NATO isn't concerned with education, maybe the UN is but "resolutions" aren't treaty and therefore aren't US law. "Another FACT about the ACICS; whom ironically is almost entirley comprised of Universities and Collges that are either owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc., or is finaced by them in some shape or manner. Not one school that holds ACICS acreditation standards is indpendent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., thus makes them either a entity, investment, partner, or holding of said company. Which reinforces my case that they are in deed "FAKE" or "PHONY", because 99% of the ACICS schools have some major ties to Corinthian Colleges Inc, which reinforces my stated FACT that the ACICS is 100% phony because it was founded by Corinthian Colleges Inc., and is currently maintained by Corinthian Colleges Inc, at no time has it ever been indepenedent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., and nor will it ever. Basically to putit bluntly if you remove Corinthian Colleges Inc., from the ACICS then you will not have members left, no ACICS member schools are indpendent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., thus the entire ACICS was created as a form of deception to lure in students for the purposes of sucking them dry of funds, and then spitting them back out." Couldn't prove or disprove that, but all the schools under ACICS are listed here: and I know ITT isn't afiliated with Corinthian. Again, please reference the source that gave you this info as its not provided on the official documents that I've found and I'm curious myself. "Another FACT is that you claim that your mother attended FMU then transfered to USF with either credits earned or with her AA Degree that was earned at FMU. This is eronious on all accounts." Wrong. Read my post again. I graduated from USF with a BA....I never said my mother transfered there, she's not done with her AS yet and plans on using the degree for employment.She does however possess a BA from USF as well...in Education. What I said was that she has had no more problems with FMU than I did with your fine University.....and USF denied me transfer creds from HCC that had "B" grades and the SAME course numbers as USF. I currently work at USF and will be attending classes this upcoming fall 2006. I myself hold a AA Degree from FMU and was denied to take BA courses b/c the University of South Florida, SACS, the Department of Education, nor the State of Florida recongnize FMU nor the ACICS as a valid institution or accreditation board of higher learning/education. Because most of all FMU faculty in most cases do not even have a BA, in some cases FMU's teachers have only credits towards an AA Degree, this would even disqualify them from teaching as a High School teacher, or Day Care worker." Wrong. Department of Ed recognizes FMU as legit every single year when they audit ACICS and give them their stamp of approval. SACS schools may not, but they don't accredit anything, and they are violating the rules of their accreditor's oversite entity(CHEA) by doing so. Again, please cite your sources on FMU professor's teaching credentials, because I, and the Department of Education don't seem to get that. Please reference that info so that I can check it. You never would have gotten a dime of Pell or Stafford Loans if FMU wasn't accredited...the US Gov thinks they have the credentials and think they are worth giving their money to. "You obvioulsy know plenty about this legal case, which means that you are some how connected with FMU as either an employee or legal rep. Maybe you are an Paralegal or Law Clerk working for FMU and have been told to run interferance on the net about this issue. Either way your case is hollow and you have no point. You and FMU continue to skirt the facts of this case and continue to throw up false information in the hope of building an even large lie and luring in even more fresh high school graduates that have money troubles. I assure you that I will not stop until FMU and the ACICS pay for their crimes against the residents of Florida, and that Sallie Mae pays for its crime of collaboration nation wide." Wrong. My original post states who I am and why I know these things. FMU was the only local school that had a paralegal degree program so I did my own research to learn for myself, all the information is very easy to find on google. My case is hollow and I have no point huh? I point you to the official governemtn sources of information that contradict what you claim.......you provide nothing by opinions and present them in an insulting manner with no references to support them. I'm sorry that I disagree with you, I was actually trying to help you by directing you to a lot of information that you apparently hadn't read. I guess its true, you can lead a horse to water but you can't make him drink. And good luck getting out of all the contracts you signed with Sallie Mae, the spoken word carries very little weight next to signed documents....why do you think they make you sign them. I wish you luck man, I really do, sorry you took a differing opinion as an attack but you aren't the only one that has had this problem and many people have done a lot more research on the subject, I was pointing you to all that information as it could help you, believe it or not. And before your lawsuit goes to court please reference Satz vs. Corinthian Colleges. You "lawyers" should know about it, it was that last lawsuit against FMU for the exact same thing. Satz lost and was ordered to pay FMU's legal expenses as he violated an arbitration agreement he signed by filing a suit against them without first attempting to resolve it in civil arbitration. The lawsuit was rejected by the courts and refered back to a civil arbitrator because of that agreement, the arbitrator found in favor of FMU. I'll bet you that they have a similar signed arb agreement with you, its standard practice nowadays, just read the details of your credit card contract, insurance policy, university enrollemt agreement(including USF) or pretty much any contract you enter into. Just do this even if you ignore everything else- Ask your "lawyers" about the Satz case. Ask them what the difference between that one and yours is. Ask them what strategy they have to overcome that precedent case. And ask them about the arbitration agreements you signed and how your lawyer intends to protect you from the consequences of violating it by suing FMU. And when he gives you the answer remember that Satz was ordered to pay FMU's legal bills, his lawyers didn't have to pay a dime, they walk away to the next case, the plantiff(Satz) is the one that's on the hook for his student loans and FMU's substantial legal bills, the guy pretty much destroyed his financial well being being by doing what he did. Good luck man. CLICK here to see why Rip-off Report, as a matter of policy, deleted either a phone number, link or e-mail address from this Report.


Not correct...

#20Consumer Comment

Wed, April 05, 2006

Dear "Russ": I did read your response, and just because you write it down does not make it true; nor does it make it true if CHEA or ACICS writes down some phony statements on their website. The FACT is schools like FMU are acredited by ACICS because they are below average institutions that could not gain proper SACS acreditadtion because they lack faculty members that are approved by the Department of Education; which states that in order to be a College or University professor (i.e. Faculty) you must possess 18 graduate semester hours towards your Masters Degree. This standard was set into law by all 50 state governments and Congress, which was then ratified by all NATO affiliated countries back in the early 20th century, this was done to ensure the quality of education throughout the civilized world, and raise the bar for 2nd, 3rd, and Communist countries around the world. None of the faculty members that have ever been employed by FMU has ever held a degree higher then that of a BA, and in most cases they don't even have that which makes your local High School or Elemntary teacher more qualified in most cases then the core of FMU's faculty throughout the state of Florida. Another FACT is that if you have unqualified people posing as qualified professors teaching courses at FMU then the quality of education that FMU offers is so much lower then any other college ,University, High School, or Elementary School in existance. Thus the reason why FMU and schools like FMU were denied SACS acreditation and why SAC schools like the University of Miami, FSU, USF, Harvard, and HCC refuse to take FMU credits. This is not because of some "Good Old Boy" network it is because of State, Federal, and International governce laws that seek to uphold a standard for higher insitutions of education. Another FACT about the ACICS; whom ironically is almost entirley comprised of Universities and Collges that are either owned by Corinthian Colleges Inc., or is finaced by them in some shape or manner. Not one school that holds ACICS acreditation standards is indpendent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., thus makes them either a entity, investment, partner, or holding of said company. Which reinforces my case that they are in deed "FAKE" or "PHONY", because 99% of the ACICS schools have some major ties to Corinthian Colleges Inc, which reinforces my stated FACT that the ACICS is 100% phony because it was founded by Corinthian Colleges Inc., and is currently maintained by Corinthian Colleges Inc, at no time has it ever been indepenedent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., and nor will it ever. Basically to putit bluntly if you remove Corinthian Colleges Inc., from the ACICS then you will not have members left, no ACICS member schools are indpendent of Corinthian Colleges Inc., thus the entire ACICS was created as a form of deception to lure in students for the purposes of sucking them dry of funds, and then spitting them back out. Another FACT is that you claim that your mother attended FMU then transfered to USF with either credits earned or with her AA Degree that was earned at FMU. This is eronious on all accounts. I currently work at USF and will be attending classes this upcoming fall 2006. I myself hold a AA Degree from FMU and was denied to take BA courses b/c the University of South Florida, SACS, the Department of Education, nor the State of Florida recongnize FMU nor the ACICS as a valid institution or accreditation board of higher learning/education. Because most of all FMU faculty in most cases do not even have a BA, in some cases FMU's teachers have only credits towards an AA Degree, this would even disqualify them from teaching as a High School teacher, or Day Care worker. You obvioulsy know plenty about this legal case, which means that you are some how connected with FMU as either an employee or legal rep. Maybe you are an Paralegal or Law Clerk working for FMU and have been told to run interferance on the net about this issue. Either way your case is hollow and you have no point. You and FMU continue to skirt the facts of this case and continue to throw up false information in the hope of building an even large lie and luring in even more fresh high school graduates that have money troubles. I assure you that I will not stop until FMU and the ACICS pay for their crimes against the residents of Florida, and that Sallie Mae pays for its crime of collaboration nation wide.


Have you read the other threads on this subject?

#21Consumer Suggestion

Tue, April 04, 2006

Kevin, Don't work for them but my mom is a student at FMU and she has had no more problems than I did getting my BA from USF. You have definately had some problems it looks like but did you read the posts I refered you to? They clearly explain the accreditation process and give you the information directly for the US Department of Education. They were very helpful to me in helping my mom research the school, just thought they could help you in your various lawsuits, of course your attorneys should already know about it all. Please read them because you'll realize that the school is accreditated by ACICS and recognized by the appropriate agencies needed for Uncle Sam to give them money. Ask your attorneys about CHEA and the CHEA transfer credit guidelines and public information statements they provide to schools reminding them of these guidelines. You are a victim of SACS schools, not FMU. If FMU claimed to be SACS accredited or "promised" you that "all" your credits would transfer "anywhere" then that's unfortunate, the problem you have is proving that considering they have all these signed documents from you saying you understand they cant guarantee transfer credits, a job or a 4.0 GPA. Again, read the other posts on this, they are very long and informative, your problem isn't new, Congress is even attempting to pass laws to prevent schools from discriminating on the basis of accreditation, the guidelines are already spelled out, SACS schools aren't supposed to deny ACICS ceds, its just isnt illegal yet. There are always two sides to every story, my mom has had no problems at all outside of the normal stuff you have with any school. Your claiming that people were bribed is weak, what proof do you have and why aren't you pointing it out to the FBI? You are pissed because this has happened to you and nothing anyone can tell you, even the cold facts printed on the Department of Education's Site, that can make you believe it until you get past your anger. I doubt anyone literally laughed you out of an admissions office when you said you went to FMU. I would be curious what they would say you took them to CHEA's website and actually showed them the rules that they are supposed to be following and then asked them to tell you "WHY" they aren't taking your credits. Seriously man, do your research, it'll help you. It will help you much more than the lawyers that are using you in the same lawsuit that FMU has successfully defended in the past. FMU found grads that had transfered credits to SACS schools without problems, that's what won the suits for them. Just yelling "FAKE!" holds no water considering all the information available that says they are legit. Sorry you had these problems, sounds like you got taken by an unethical admissions rep, but you are being taken by ignorant admissions reps at the other schools you mentioned, as well as your team of lawyers who gather as many pissed off people into a class-action lawsuit as possible in order to scare a company/school into settling out of court. Stop getting taken man. Get your own information from the horses mouth, from the actual official printed sources, not from all these people that say they know what they are talking about....including me. Good luck man.


Your statements are false, and you must work for FMU...

#22Consumer Suggestion

Mon, April 03, 2006

Dear "RUSS": I have read your statements and you are incorrect on all accounts. Everything you have stated was pure BS, you must either work for FMU, attend classes at FMU, or maybe you are one of 12 "rat fink" attorneys FMU has hired to stall my case in the courts hoping that I will run out of money and back off. None the less, FMU is not a real school and is 100% fake. They claimed to be SACS acredited and claimed that thier credits can be transfered from FMU to any major college or State University in the United States and abroad. This is not true! I know all to well that no major University outside of Stetson Law School (whom was bribed by FMU to take thier credts) currently or has ever acepted thier credits. I checked with the U. of Miami whom laughed at me and told me to get an attorney. I also checked with the U. of Florida, FSU, USF, UCF, Hillsborough Community College, U. of Alabama, U. of Mississippi, and U. of Georgia, all of them said the same thing, and half of them including FSU and UF did not know what FMU was and upon personal inspection told me that they would never accept any of thier credits b/c they are no SACS accredited. I just applied and was accpeted to USF whom denied any credit transfer b/c FMU is not a real college or university, I have this in writing from USF, UF, UM, and FSU. Thus you are wrong and need to get your facts straight or you need to stop kissing FMU's butt. Also FMU was falling over themselves to get me signed up for classes, told me what ever I wanted to hear, and then when I found out how they lied to me I was ignored and basically thrown out on my a**. I don't knwo how FMU was able to rope Sallie Mae into this con, but rest assured a law suit against Sallie Mae is also pending and is in the works, I have a complaint with the Dept. of Education against Sallie Mae that should turn up some dirty stuff about both FMU and Sallie Mae. Another fact is I'm 25 years old, soon to be 26 and I'm making far less then I should be making given the amount of fake credits I currently retain. I wasted 3 1/2 years of my life at FMU not 5+, that I will never get back. I did apply to Miami and was denied back in 1998 b/c I did not have enough college prep courses and was told to go to a community college or local University to gain some experiance before I moved to Miami and took classes there. Another fact you also left out was how FMU (formally Tampa College) got busted for this same thing back in the 1980's and had to pay back a couple of million in loans after a 9 year court battle. As terms of the settlement Tampa College (FMU) had the court documents sealed and all records expunged. They changed there name and started right back at doing what they got busted for before. Another fact is I will win my court case against FMU, and Sallie Mae had better back off or they will get a taste of law suit as well.


Check out the other posts on FMU

#23Consumer Suggestion

Fri, March 31, 2006

Kevin, You should check out the other posts about FMU, there is alot of information listed that could help you. But most of the information you've listed isn't exactly correct: "I'm pretty sure you are well aware of the current law suit against FMU by former and current students regarding their falsification of accreditation status, and corruption regarding grading." FMU is nationally accredited and recognized by the Department of Education, otherwise you couldn't have gotten financial aid "In the spring of 2003 I attempted to transfer my credits to the University of Miami, which was a life time goal of mine to attend." Never a god idea to transfer credits even between state schools, you always lose some. Also why were you attending FMU for 5+ years if your dream was to attend U of Miami? Did you apply to Miami before going to FMU? "The University of Miami reps basically laughed at me when I told them I wanted to transfer my credits, and informed me that FMU was screwing me over and that "They are not a real college"." Then the U of Miami employees are ignorant or lying. Got ot www.chea.org or read the other posts on FMU. You'll eventually realize that Miami was violating the guidelines of CHEA and the Dept. of Education by denying transfer credits based on a another CHEA member school's accreditation. "In addition to fraud FMU is guilty of rigging grades, and not following through with thier promises as a insitution for working adults. Upon entering FMU I notified them that I can not attend day time classes and have to attend night courses. I also let them know that I do not get off of work until 6:00 PM, when classes were set to begin. FMU said that this was okay and that I would recieve special status because of this. I.E. my grades would not be impacted by showing up late. I was told this by at least a dozen advisors. Well turns out that the faculty did not get the memo, I failed dozens of courses thanks to the fact that I was not allowed to take some tests b/c I had arrived late. Heck some courses even failed me b/c I had showed up 30 minutes late b/c of work." Your going to need to be able to prove that people told you these things. The biggest problem you'll have is that every college/university requires you to show up to class at the stated class start time. If you look in your college cataloge you'l find this listed under the college rules or accepted practices, its the same at any college. You likely signed an enrollment agreement as well that says you have read the rules/cataloge and understand them. Why did you sign up for classes that you knew you couldnt attend on time, and didn't the professor tell you this the first time you showed up an hour late? I can't see a professor allowing you to consistently arrive seriously late to class and never mention it. "Around the spring of 2003 I began to seek out legal representation, and came across the on going FMU Class Action suit being handled by Clark & Martino, P.A. out of Tampa. I contacted them immediately explained what had happened and shortly there after joined the mile long list of former & current FMU students. At the moment we are still in the process of taking this matter before a court of law, as can be expected FMU is throwing every legal trick they can at us, including the kitchen sink. This is delaying any settlement I may get, and has caused me to run through my allotted different time with Sallie Mae Servicing. The company handling my loans. I refuse to pay for these loans in anyway, shape or form. This stance of mine has begun to severely impact my credit score and quality of life." So far according to my research FMU has been sued a few times regarding the same transfer credits issue. They have not lost a lawsuit yet it seems. I'll refer you to the other posts on this subject because they explain the accreditation issue and why it's actually the school refusing you that you should be suing because they are violating guidelines set down by agency that oversees them (CHEA) by refusing transfer creds. There is even pending legislation in congress that, if passed, will make it illegal for schools to refuse your transfer credits. You've basically become a victim of the Good Old Boys Club of state funded schools. Also please be aware that your student loans are backed by the U.S. Government and they are the ones that will eventually come after you after Sallie Mae gives up. Please talk to a Lawyer about that before you go into "default" status as you face much worse problems than bad credit scores, ie: IRS freezing your tax return, liens placed on your property, holds placed on your bank account and direct garnishments to your paychecks. Uncle Sam is the one that loaned you the money, and he'll destroy your life if you don't pay him back. It may take a long time but it'll happen if you simply refuse to pay. "I will also be submitting a similar complaint against FMU - Tampa Campus, and a separate complaint against Sallie Mae Servicing. The BBB can expect these complaints filed by today." I wish you luck with those, again the problem is that all the documents you signed spell out the financial aid programs and your responsibilities and most of the previous lawsuits have been decided in favor of the schools and are therefore precedents. This has become so big of an issue that Congress is trying to pass laws to protect students like you from discrimination by other schools. My whole point is, while you do have customer service issue with FMU, they aren't the ones screwing you on transfer credits...U of Miami is, you should be suing them. Actually if you wait a year or two for these laws to pass you probably won't need to. The rest of the stuff about your schedule and student loans isn't very strong and won't get you very far in a lawsuit. Personally, I would read the other posts that have lists of schools that DO abide by the CHEA guidelines and accept FMU credits and transfer to one of them and finish a degree. Thank you,

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