  • Report:  #882062

Complaint Review: FORT LAUDERDALE WWW.SOFLORIDAHOMES.COM - Live Oak Internet Florida

Reported By:
FORT LAUDERDALE FLORIDA - WEST PALM BEACH, Florida, United States of America

13307 C.R 252 Live Oak Florida 32060 Live Oak Internet, 32060 Florida, United States of America
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I have asked LINDA K. RISDEN  to reframe from using my last name after her Bigamy Marriage to some Hill-Billy in LIVE OAK FLORIDA and her embezzelment from our client and IRS Fraud and abusing other investers funds, But she still wants to use my Sir Name even after her crimes and Bigamy as she has no shame...and any time a life time cathlic like Linda K. Risden becomes a " Born Again " in a town like LIVE OAK FLORIDA....you know it is from guilty...or is being controled most likely from her Hill-Billy trailer trash boy friend whom was reported to have shot his last girl friend to death with a gun... good luck there...

As to statements made by my wife ( LINDA K. RISDEN ) and our company FLORIDA FIVE STAR REALTY  / WWW.SOFLORIDAHOMES.COM  all came about after it was learned and she confessed to me in late 2008 that she did embezzel over $37,000.00 from a home owners assoc in Deerfield Beach Florida, a client we had serviced since we married in 1988. But after the audits and after future review and then finding out she also opened a half dozen credit cards in the same Home Owners Assoc,s names  with out htere knowlege, the total of the embezzelment is well over $90,000.00.  It was then and after her confession to me her husband and partner, I demanded she repay those embezzeled funds to the 88 home owners and step down from the company due to her fraud and embezzelment in my companies name and assure no other clients would be damaged....so I thought ....

After being serviced with notice from the Home Owners Assoc after there audit MY Still Married wife to date went missing....???? for several weeks... after her Daughter from her first marriage  Bridget Lynn Massey  was arrested for embezzeling Yet Another home owners assoc for another $40,000.00 and her Daughter pled Guitly to Felony Grand Thief in Broward County Florida and my wife told me me she feared her own arrest. But before My "still married wife to date"...told me several weeks after we found out where she was hiding...that she was not coming back to 3001 NW 106th Ave in Coral Springs Florida where our office is located because she feared her arrest and I think she feared her Daughter that was in jail was going to get her mother arrested.

About a month after my wife LINDA K. RISDEN was still missing but living in LIVE OAK FLORIDA, I later received a phone call from family members that " My Still Married Wife still to this Day " had Re-Married to a man named ( Craig Marvin Beaver ) records show there is a Mr Craig Marvin Beaver the does reside in LIVE OAK FLORIDA at 13307 County Road 252,  later My wife was found living and hiding at that same address, How Could this be...as We is still Married...Locals told us in this very small town that     in-fact they did have a marriage at a plywood shack called the ( Big Oak Bar ) in LIVE OAK FLORIDA.

I later find out after review my companies records that My Still Married Wife Linda K. Risden - Beaver had also obtained a Car Loan at Lipton Toyota in Fort Lauderdale and when I contacted World Omni Finance in Deerfield Beach Florida, that in fact she submitted false W/2s and False pay-stubs in a false employees name that was working for our company for a car loan ... but there was No Such employee.

WWW.SOFLORIDAHOMES.COM is for sale as I move for sell off all our assets and be ride of her and froce to to re-frame from using my last Sir Name but she has refused Even after her Bigamy Marriage to her new husband (Craig Mavin Beaver ). My wife claims she will sue me....for what...and I would love such an action in court...with over 200 documents of her crimes and her her own perjury before the courts....the action would just expose her crimes and the truth... and that Just want she does Not Want.

I filed a Police report for her  Bigamy / Adultery / and Marriage, about July of 2010 the Live Oak Sheriffs department show up at the Trailer in the woods at 13307 County Road 252 in Live Oak Florida 32060 and investigated the report where Both  Mrs Linda K. Risden and Craig Marvin Beaver were in fact found living together...and admitted to the fact of living together ....and the next day ...My Wife..was so up set she was found out..of her Bigamy and Adultery...she filed a Stalking charge....what a Joke...she then write on her filing before the clerk of court that in-fact she does reside and Live with Craig Marvin Beaver...how stupid could any body be....she goes into details as to her relationship with her and Mr Beaver...and signed the document uder oath....again too stupid to discuss. her actions is nothingg more than to put a Lid on her Garbage Can of Crimes.

 My Still married Wife has No remorse for her actions...her crimes...or from those she embezzeled and to this date Still want to use my last name...so shameful....she married me she was fleing from yet another marriage and was broke and in debt... I started this company and brought my wife into the company so she would have a sence of the american dream....Not as an outlet the Rip-Off our clients

LINDA K, RISDEN thu her actions has destoryed our company...shamed my Sir Name..and  damaged over 90 of our clients ... she also bankrupt our family and all our holdings and credit and real estate holdings... she now wants to remain in the real estate business... and ...and look for her next check-book she can scam.... since her actions and damge to our clients I have refused to use our comapny name FLORIDA FIVE STAR REALTY  OR WWW.SOFLORIDAHOMES.COM  / [email protected]  

since her actions in late 2008 I only asked for Three things   

1. repay the embezzeld funds that she admitted she took and she did agree to repay it "But Flead"
2. grant me a divorce and split our assets.
3. step down from FLORIDA FIVE STAR REALTY.

She did at the time fearing her arrest but she still is using the company name and using my last name as she hides in a Trailer in the woods praying on the next client and she bounces for Bar to Bar in Live Oak Florida and lives on Food-Stampes with her looming $500,000.00 of Debt

So you be the Judge..this statement is backed with facts, the truth, police reports filed by the home owners assoc and Document found in My Wife office desk and on her station computer and her files.
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