  • Report:  #474316

Complaint Review: Fortune 5 Inc - Phoenix Arizona

Reported By:
- Somewhere, Arizona,

Fortune 5 Inc
2375 E. Camelback Rd. Phoenix, 85016 Arizona, U.S.A.
Tell us has your experience with this business or person been good? What's this?
Fortune 5 Inc is a company headed by a lying, swindeling b*****d named Nimit Vidlayankar. They will pump you up and brainwash you to believe there is a big oppurtunity for you within their company. They use the 4s, 5s, and 8s, to teach you how to be successful in the business world and if you work hard now you can play hard later, but what they don't tell you is that in order to succeed within the company you must lie and cheat your way to the top. Only people who have no morals and no conscience are the people who make it to the top.

Upon starting with the company, we were told that we will get full benefits like health insurance, 401K, and stock options. We were also told that we could make between 900-1400 per week, and some could make upto 2000 per week if we worked hard. So when you start this job for "Account Manager" it is an entry-level position and everyone starts at this position, for the first week they tell you that for every $200 in comissions you make they will give you a $100 bonus, but they dont tell you that you must have a sales code to even make any comission money. And it takes 1.5 weeks to get a sales code. Also for your 1st week its a training week and you are supposed to recieve half of the comissions your trainer makes, so if your trainer makes $600 you get $300, at least thats what i was told, but thats not how that works either. You only get half of the comissions upto $200, so the most you can make per day of training is $100, and thats the money that you get your bonuses on. So if you and your trainer dont make any money and you work the full 10hour shift, guess what you dont get paid...which is a bunch of bull.

When I started with Fortune 5, we were doing door-to-door sales for Qwest, going business to business and my first weeks paycheck was a whooping $300, because 3 of the 5 days my trainer didnt make any sales, so i didnt get paid. Thats 30 hours of work, and gas, and cell phone minutes, that i wasted and wasnt re-imbursed for. Which by the way you must use your own car and gas, your own cell phone (you must have a plan with unlimited minutes to avoid over charges) minutes, and you will never be re-imbursed for that. After my first week i finally got to go out on my own and did get to make some money, but no where near what they assured me i could make. The most money i racked up was $1000 in 1 week.

After 2 weeks of working there, Nimit told us we had a new client opportunity and that we will be changing to that campaign in 2 weeks. Nimit also said that since this next campaign is a new pilot, we will be paid on per diem. Our per diem was gonna be based on the last two weeks of work on our daily business to business comissions and that everyone's per diem will be different according to their averages. So with this in mind I worked extra hard to make sure my daily average was huge so I could get a huge per diem. After the 2 weeks I racked up my daily average to $212 per day, so thats what my per diem was supposed to be.

So when the next paycheck came out it was only $500 for working 6 days, when it should have been $1272 for the 6 days. They have screwed us all over yet again.

Nimit told us that it would have been too much work for him to have everyone get paid on a different scale so he made 2 different pay categories. According to Nimit our office average for the past 2 weeks was only $97/day and if your average was more than $97 you would get $150/day and if your average was less that $97 you would get $50/day. Nimit claimed that most of the people in our office [we had about 50 people in our office] were averaging $20/day and this would give them a raise. As for the high rollers like me, we would be getting a pay cut.

That also didnt go over well with us because its not fair, and thats not what we worked so hard to recieve. So after many days, almost 2 weeks of working without knowing what our pay was gonna be, Nimit finally came to the conclusion that we would all recieve $100/day and those who were making more than the average were gonna recieve a lil extra bonus money.

So for the first week my check $600+$100 bonus, so i got an extra $12 woohoo...not! Some bonus. Then since Nimit is a shisty boss, he got rid of the bonuses the following week and just paid everyone the same $100/day. Then the following week he lowered it again to $75/day, which it was at this rate for 3 weeks. Mind you we are all working between 12pm and 9pm in scortching hot Phoenix, AZ in June/July where its between 105-116 degrees outside, going house to house, for only $75/day.

That is a horrible way to treat your employees. Nimit said the reason he kept lowering our wages is because we weren't performing to his standards (meaning we were getting any closes for him to profit on), because Nimit gets an "owner's stroke" he gets paid double for each application/sale we close. So if we dont close any apps, Nimit doesnt make any money. Now we are in the 4th week and the scandalous boss has lowered our per diem again down to $50/day which is less than minimum wage. I couldnt take this crap anymore, so I finally quit. Something needs to happen to this person Nimit, he cares not for his employees and the people he strives to hire. His best targets are: College Grads, Experienced business men, non-experienced, and young people early 20s that dont no better. He will pump you up to get you excited about the "opportunity" and try to brainwash you, so you can help brainwash others. The more foot soilders he has, the more money he can make for himself. This is a warning to all, dont fall victim to his lies, like we all did. Most of us have realized we were working for a shady company, but it was too late, we had spent lots of our time and hard earned money paying for gas and phone bills. They will pay you just enough money to keep you around long enough for them to profit from you. When i started working with Fortune5 there was 50 people and when i left there was only 10, most of us smartened up, but there are some people left who are so drunk on the Koolaid that they cant see how they are being screwed and how they are screwing the customers. Nimit will prey on the week minded and string them along with big hopes and dreams, which they will never get to.

Other bad business practices include:

-Being paid on Mondays instead of Fridays, which 7 out of the 9 weeks i worked there the checks were late, or we didnt recieve them til Tuesday, or early Wednesday.

-There is no structure as to who you request days off from, or how to get your benefits

-The promise of full benefits is a lie. We never recieved any health benefits and some people have been with Fortune5 for 1 year and still havent gotten their benefit...probably because they dont exist.

-Nimit is an alcoholic and is currently in an Alcohol Rehab Clinic, he has been there for about 3 weeks now. So who is running the company then you ask, well its his assistant manager Mallory, who has slept with several people in the office including Nimit himself. So thats how you get to the top ladies.

-There is many other bad business practices but im running out of room here and the list would be incredibly long, so ill stop here.

Please dont join this bogus company for your own good. If you google Cydcor, you will find many other testimonies of others who were screwed over by the brother and sister companies under this big pyramid conglomerant. If you work for any company under Cydcor, get out now before its too late.


Somewhere, Arizona


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2 Updates & Rebuttals


United States of America
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#2REBUTTAL Owner of company

Sun, December 13, 2009

Loyalty above all else, except Honor Bruce Willis in Striking Distance

I will start off by telling you that I am not going to justify nor disagree with any persons opinion on what has been written about me or Fortune 5, Inc. I respect people opinions but also look at facts before I base my own opinions. After spending 8 years in Corporate America, I did progress and get promoted in this model, based strictly on my work ethic and passion to succeed. I will also tell you that I started in the described positions as well, personally, so obviously I have a different opinion.

In saying that, I thought I would write a response to the negative press that is out about me and my company. Not because it is hurting my business, but because it is hurting the chance, for people reading an emotional response, from getting an opportunity for themselves in which I received.

I know my Values and Character. I have always and will always continue to run my business with these values. I will succeed based strictly on how many other people succeed in my company. If you are looking for a get rich quick type position, this is not one. If you start, expecting success to be easy then you too will probably have an emotional reaction and blame me for your shortcomings. The Clients I do work with are also big on their Branding and Image. These Clients would probably not do work with my company, especially if I would tarnish their reputation.

I have employed and interviewed thousands of people in my career and to have 2 people (whom were dating at the time) feel mislead or misinformed then I would say that the numbers speak for them self. I have helped many people succeed and will continue to do so. I will also apologize if I did mislead anyone into thinking that success easy in my company. My intent was not to provide an employment opportunity by misleading or tricking someone to be employed.

I urge you to gather your own facts and ask many questions before you even entertain the thought of accepting any position with my company. Companies are only a vehicle to get you from point A to point B, so please make sure your vehicle is solid before you even get in.


Nimit Vidyalankar


Fortune 5, Inc.


Cydcor AKA Fortuen5 Inc -- Stay away from these lying bastards!


Sat, September 05, 2009

what ever u do stay far away from this company. all they will do is use you to make money for themselves and when you dont preform to the standards ie: make money for them they will fire you. so dont even waste your time or money and believe all the lies that come out of their mouths. they promised us full health beneifits after 30 days, but even after 90 days no benefits even came. they prey of the weak minded and try to pump you up to believe that one day you can make it to management and won your own piece of the pie and make a 6 figure income, which is such bullshit. they say u can make upto 1200 a week if you try hard, but its all garbage. they will use u to make money for themselves. the more sales u make the more money u put into their pockets, and the more money that somes out of yours. you have to use your own car, your own cell phone, and all the time u put in, bring u nothing but more bills and more debt. the only people who actually make money are the owner and the assistant managers of the subisector of 

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